Jacob's spent a good hour just staring down at the report. He's trying to fully comprehend what he's looking at as compared to the evidence. He and the team had come up with some semblance of what they thought had happened. However, the little, pink sticky note attached to the file caused that theory to crumble at the edges almost immediately. 

"Female DNA in the bite mark." He says with no context as he saunters into the room. He scribbles it on the board and draws a direct line to the image.

"Male DNA on the cups." Jessica informs him, popping up from the table to give him the file before going back to her seat. He scribbles that down as well.

"Someone was freaky." He hears Eric mumble before turning to Mike who has a giant grin on his face. They nod in unison.

"Or, maybe," Angela emphasizes, head snapping towards the two to get their attention, "she got into an altercation of some kind."

"Did any of the witnesses have anything to say?" Jacob asked and watched as Eric and Mike scrambled to look for where they'd taken their statements.

"The people who were dining at the restaurant said that she entered with a male figure. They say he was African American, long hair, brown eyes. We put out the description and sketch of him." She finishes. Jacob takes a copy of the image and places it on the board.

"We were able to pull an image of him from the security camera as well." Eric states, holding up the image which Jacob places next to the sketch. "It's been circulating for the pass twenty-four hours. The staff in the back said that they hadn't noticed anything unusual."

"Is there any footage that shows the actual table?" Jacob asks, eyes scanning over what they had so far. It seemed like a lot that was amounting to absolutely nothing.

"No, the cameras only show the front where the waiter meets them to be seated and there is a shot of the parking lot."

"The waiter specifically working with that table did notice that the man was being a bit odd." Mike started, squinting at his notes, "He was sniffing the air a lot."

"Maybe he had allergies." Angela dismisses the statement.

"He was also scowling and growling at people." Mike finishes.

"Okay, that's not entirely normal..." Angela concedes.

"Maybe he thinks he's some sort of animal" Eric quips and Mike makes a face. They chuckle at one another. Their eyes linger for a little too long.

"Or, maybe he's a weird guy who's overprotective." Jessica provides as a counterargument.

He pulls out the ME's report, flipping through it as if he hadn't read it eight times. 

"No other signs of abuse. No bruising, no healed wounds." He closes the report. "Yet, he smashes her into a table, killing her."

"Seems unlikely." Angela adds, flipping through her own copy.

"Does the camera catch anyone at the front walking in after them?" Jacob asks and watches as Eric scrambles to pull up the footage on the laptop. He slows it down when the two walk into the restaurant. He turns it so that Jacob can see it and then hits the space bar on the keyboard.

They walk in and the waiter guides them to their table. Then, there are a couple more customers, but they head to the opposite end of restaurant and are seated in more visible areas. About ten minutes into the footage, and a blonde man walks in, talks to the person working the front desk, and he's led back to that area.

"Who's the blonde?" Eric spins it around quickly, before frowning in disappointment once he realizes it's a guy.

Mike glances over at him, smile not quite reaching his eyes as it had before, as he bumps his elbow into Eric's side.

"See what the staff have to say about him and try to see if you can find him anywhere. Get me more camera footage from the surrounding areas. These men didn't just disappear."

Jacob's not sure how long he's been sitting in his office, but he's actually startled when there is a knock on his door. Mike's standing there for a moment, huffing and puffing trying to catch his breath.

"Spit it out, Newton." He sighs watching as the man doubles over, spluttering out random words in between giant gulps of air.

"'Nother body." He finally gets out and Jacob's out of his seat and rushing out of the door before Mike can even stand up straight.

They're searching out near the woods. Rain is beating down as Jacob watches the doctor, his group, and a few more lug body parts from around the massive piece of land. Angela is squinting down at the photos she'd managed to quickly snap before the rain had started. They were about five minutes away from a full blown storm. After that, there would be no hope of anymore evidence collecting.

Mike and Jessica are over playing in mud, trying to see if there was anything around the body parts before the rain washes it away. Eric is talking to the landowners and the man who'd found the body. Jacob was just observing. His eyes went from trees, to the places where each body part had been placed, and then to Cullen and crew collecting each part. 

Each bloodless part.

There was a possibility that this had absolutely nothing to do with the woman. 

He'd have to be convinced of it, though.

"Oh, look at that. Your boyfriend's watching us." Emmett says in a fake surprised voice, teasing smile in tact as he looks over his shoulder. The other people Edward'd brought had moved on to searching for other body parts that may be in the surrounding area and they were left to tend to the ones they had already found.

Edward can't help the urge to follow his gaze. Sure enough, Black is standing there, hands tucked into his jacket pocket as he looked around. He wasn't necessarily looking at them. If anything, he seemed to be looking everywhere. 

"Maybe you can go over there and lend him your umbrella." Emmett continued in his teasing.

The man doesn't even have a hat on. He's just standing, letting the rain soak his hair. He doesn't really seem to even notice that he's getting drenched as he spins around to look at something else.

"Well, would you look at that." Emmett says slower, letting each letter roll of his tongue before he chuckles. Edward stubbornly tore his gaze away before the man could make it down to the ground. He's squatting, looking at something. Whatever it was, Edward would have to hear about it later.

"I thought you were straight, Emmett." Edward says, turning back to his clipboard and going down the list of body parts again.

"I am, in fact. I have a date with a nurse." He beams with glee before continuing," Y'know, as opposed to the one who has got his eyes on a certain detective." He puffs out a laugh, seemingly proud of himself when Edward doesn't immediately respond.

Jasper doesn't enter into their banter. He's huddled up in the driver's seat, hand is still clutching that damned sketchbook and honestly Edward wished he wasn't so perceptive sometimes. 

"I don't have my eyes on him. Can't a man think someone is interesting without wanting to-"

"No," Emmett cuts him off, beaming as soon as he sees the irritation appear in Edward's eyes, "I've known you for how long? And have seen you be interested, in what, a handful of people? And every single one of those people have what in common?"

Edward's back to being silent.

Jasper rips the sheet out his sketchbook and holds it out for Edward.

He's never been so grateful to be back in the lab. He's back in his element. He doesn't have to entertain Emmett's distractions even as he spins around behind him in his seat.

"God, she's so hot." He hears him mumble under his breath before going back to pecking on his phone.

Edward takes a more detailed inventory of the body parts, adding in the ones that the team managed to find outside of the area. Jasper is hovering somewhere next to him, but Edward shoos him away. He doesn't need any distractions. He wants to completely lose himself in the task.

He takes his time, looking at each individual part. Any defining characteristics? A tattoo or some kind of scar. 

"Look at him. It's so cute seeing him have a little crush." Emmett's voice breaks his focus. He ignores him, looking at the random finger they'd found and then at a piece that looked to be a part of the neck.

"He's practically glowing. Haven't seen him like that in a while." Emmett continues his pestering.

"Where are you taking your date since the Cafe is closed?" Edward called over his shoulder.

He could hear Emmett's thoughts completely screech to a halt before new ones started popping up.

This restaurant was the only one of note in town. Emmett liked to date women who liked to wine and dine. They liked to be romanced. A fast food place or a little diner wasn't going to cut it.

"I'll take her out of town." Emmett finally responds, but he can hear him rummaging around, trying to find a piece of paper and pencil as he scrolled through his phone.


Finally, some peace.

Edward's almost back into the peaceful drone of his own thoughts, as he scribbles down whatever identifying marks he can find by each body part on his chart, when Detective Black comes sauntering into the lab.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but I need to speak with you."

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