Ariadne Rane - Challenge Two

User: infinitywordlover

I wake to the sound of crackling static and loud beeping. "Wuz goinon?" I mumble yawning. My watch only reads 6:30am. No one replies, but it's pretty easy to figure it out.The police on the other side of room talk in panicked and anxious whispers. The door to my room is wide open and people hustle back and forth quickly exchanging information and papers with each other. Another crackling broadcast from a walkie-talkie echoes through the room and my eyes widen as the words reach my ear. "It's been confirmed as murder. Third one this year." I bolt upright in my bed. Another murder?! My mind returns to a moment in first grade when we had learned, what was it? If something is repeated three times, it is qualified as a pattern. Twice could be passed off as coincidence, but three times? "Cause of death?" one of the officers inquire."Slit throat, but this murder is unique. Her vocal cords were found next to her. It seems they had been ripped out." I shudder slightly at the image and a chill of fear slips down my back. This murderer was crazy. "Has the victim been identified?""Yes. Her name is Joules.""Joules what?" "Her true surname has not been found. She's an orphan." "Grade?""Senior." "Thank You, Officer. We'll be on the look out for any connection between the Beth murder and this one.""You are welcome." There's a pause. " Man, this school has gone mad." "No kidding." I retreat into the bathroom hastily to gather my thoughts. It's the one place of privacy and I quickly change into my school uniform. My heart thumps loudly in my chest. A knot lies tight and heavy in my stomach. My fingers twitch restlessly and I can't concentrate on anything else but the murder. I won't survive the day like this, I realize. I won't be able to pay attention to class, and then as a result I'll have no idea how to complete my homework. I glance back at my watch and my lips twist thoughtfully. I still have an hour before school begins. I step casually past the police, casting furtive glances behind me, making sure they're not looking, and they aren't. Their heads are bent low over the table eyebrows furrowed at the papers in front of them. Once out the door, my legs carry me almost mechanically to the large, elegant, red brick building on the edge of campus: the library. I had visited several more times since the incident, and now, ironically it's become sort of a safe haven for me. The people there are always kind and quiet, and I've always felt more at home with books than anywhere else. The door swings open, and immediately the subtle pleasant smell of ink, paper, and dust hits my nose. I take a deep breath letting it sink into me, stilling my racing heart, and loosening my tense muscles.Ms.Harkon sits at her desk with a cup of coffee clutched tightly in her hands. She smiles wanly at me, and I nod back at her taking in the shadows under her eyes and her slightly crinkled blouse which is normally impeccable. Clearly she's heard about the murder, and clearly it's getting to her. I disappear into the fiction section concentrating solely on the words around me. Somehow, I end up at the "R" section, and immediately my eyes are drawn to the seven ginormous books on the third shelf down. Smiling I take the first one down settling down into the familiar words of JK Rowling. I had first read the books in second grade and ever since then, they had been my anchor, my go to books when life goes downhill. Even now, seven years later, their magic( no pun intended) works just as well as it did then. Suddenly an earsplitting squealing noise breaks my concentration, and I jerk my head up, my fingers pressed to my ear wincing in pain. "All students, staff, and police officers to report to auditorium now. Thank You." Mrs. Blackwell's voice booms over the speaker. I sigh loudly, and stuff the book reluctantly back into its rightful place, but suddenly my mind is swirling with all the implications of the announcement. Had they found the killer? Had they found a connection between the murders?I glance at my watch and groan again. It would take me at least three minutes to get to the auditorium and that didn't really match up with the command of "now". On the other hand... I glance towards the shelf behind which I know the entrance to the tunnels is hidden. If I used them, I could sprint without getting yelled at, and there were several good short cuts I knew I could use. I stick my head around the shelf glancing back at Ms.Harkon, where she is gathering her stuff in preparation to leave. I don't think she remembers that I'm here, and I decide that I'm all clear.The shelf swings open with a small creak, and I cringe at the noise, but after hearing no movements of alarm, I step carefully inside the dim tunnel. My feet click along the cool tiles as I race towards the auditorium. I know the general direction I have to go, and as I get closer, all I have to do is use my ears to listen for the sound of hundreds of feet trampling above me.However as I get closer, I realize that footsteps aren't all I hear. Screams and yells ricochet off the walls reaching my ears slightly delayed and muted but still there. My hair stands on end at the noise, and fear thrums through me in pace with my heartbeat which is steadily increasing with each scream. Suddenly, as if by a massive gust of wind, all the torches wisp into nothingness, and I am plunged into darkness. A bloodcurdling scream shatters the air to my left, and I struggle not to add a scream of my own to it. Fear like nothing I have ever felt pulses through me, and panic tears at my mind, until reality blends with fantasy. Demons and monsters jump out at me from every inch of blackness. My breaths come short and heavy in terror. I am going to die. I try to run back to where I came from,but now I realize I don't know where that is. I turn to my right, and run, but slam into a solid wall not two feet from me. Clutching my nose in agony I back peddle. Focus, Ari, I think to myself. Focus. Panic will get you nowhere. I stick my hand into my pocket looking for something, anything that will be able to save me, and my fingers close around a flat metal prism. I nearly shriek in relief but resist and tug out my phone, but I groan when I see the top notification bar. There's no service. Of course. But then I realize that the answer lies in the phone itself.It casts a week light over the ground, and slowly I find my way again, but I quickly shut it off when I hear footsteps approaching from behind. The knot in my stomach seems to grow ever tighter and tighter as the footsteps grow louder and louder, and suddenly a hand touches my shoulder. I let out a shriek, and react almost instinctively. My hand goes out, and there's a crack as my punch finds its mark. I whack them once more on the back of the head for good measure, followed by a loud thump as they fall to the ground. I turn on my phone and bend over the person cautiously. Suddenly, recognition flickers inside me, and guilt and horror washes over me. "Leo?! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I whisper my voice anguished. "What are you doing here?" but then deciding that I sound too concerned and affectionate, I hastily add, "Hurry up, or you'll get us both killed!" He groans in reply.The phone screen fades out, and as another scream reaches our ears, I decide we have to move. My hand snatches his arm, and he follows compliantly although his breathing is ragged, and quick. I wince first sympathetically and then guiltily at the noise when I realize it's my doing, but I know that I can't act overly concerned over a guy or he'll complain about 'babying', so I bite my tongue, and continue tugging him along. I'm completely blind, but by keeping a hand on the way, I manage to keep myself from running into any. At last we round a bend, and I listen intently towards the direction we came before deeming us relatively safe. My phone comes on again and I gaze at Leo my eyes searching his face and body for any visible sign of harm. Other than a couple scratches, he seems to be fine. I grimace once again in remorse, and once again I say nothing not daring to reveal any sign that I care.Slowly, I meet his eyes, and a small blush rises on my cheeks. What is wrong with me?! Ducking my head, I decide that a joke is in order to hide it. I take a breath to speak, but he stops me and stares at my hands, probably checking for weapons. Seeing none, he launches into explanation."I was trying to get out of the auditorium when the lights went out. I headed for the wrong door and ended up here. I lost my phone so I'm stuck. You?" "I was just you know taking the usual afternoon stroll in these lovely, slimy tunnels" I say patting the walls in mock affection. He glares unamused,and also clearly about to point out the fact that it is in fact, morning. I sigh heavily my voice sobering. "Uh...I've down here before," I say hesitantly and his eyes widen in suspicion but I hold my hands up in a gesture of innocence. "No, I swear I am not a murderer, I found them by accident a week's a long story. Anyways,it's just I needed time away, and I went to the Library for some peace and quiet and then she called the assembly," I hastily say in one breath before slowing down a little. "and I thought the tunnels would be the fastest way and well..." I grimace gesturing around me, " This happened." When I finish, my eyes dart around, straining to see anything as my nerves go on high alert once more. He too, straightens up when he sees my anxiety. "What do you say we get out of here?" I ask. "I'd like to see another day."He nods, and then takes my hand. I tense suddenly at the movement, and my heart leaps to my throat much to my annoyance. Mentally I kick myself. Something is seriously wrong with me today. His eyes are unreadable as he watches my reaction and he hastens to explain."It'll be easier to stick together if we're holding on to each other. Your phone is useful, but the light is dangerous. Any killer will head towards us as soon as they see our light."I nod slowly still slightly shaken, and I slip it back into my pocket plunging us into pitch black once again.We tiptoe through the tunnels traveling as far away from the screams as we can get. I keep one hand on the wall at all times and suddenly my hand falls forward as suddenly the wall disappears. I stumble slightly and gasp in surprise. "Shhhhh," Leo whispers "What is it?" Instead of answering, I reach out further into the space and a small smile blossoms across my face when I realize what it is. I jerk his hand pulling him forward into the small alcove in the wall. I pat it a little more and realize that it's wide enough that we can sit in it, and even then nothing will stick out into the main corridor. "Now we sit and be very, very quiet," I whisper to him. Slowly he gets it, and there's a rustling noise as he settles down next to me."What if the murderer has a light?" he asks, which I have to admit is a very good question."Then we can only hope they don't look down.""Not very comforting.""Shhh." We wait and fidget but suddenly my heart speeds up at a noise from the distance. I can feel him stiffening next to me and I clutch his hand in anxiety. A moment later, his hand squeezes back. Footsteps echo along the hall like gunshots, and I close my mouth holding my breath in as not to make a noise. The footsteps walk closer, and closer, and they're right next to us, and then, they're walking away, farther and farther. I let out a breath, and I choke down the urge to clap in celebration. It had worked. We don't dare talk after that but I can tell that he, like me, is almost giddy with relief. Hopefully no one else decides to come our way.

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