The Unwanted Date

Hybrid and Kiyochi narrowed their eyes at their purple loving friend as she giggled while on the phone. She had been talking to this guy she met when the whole gang went out to some new cafe. To many, it would seem to be love at first sight, but to this chaotic duo, it was utter torture.

"Will she ever stop all that lovey-dovey bullshit?" Hybrid asked, clearly annoyed by the fits of giggles that came every other three seconds. Kiyochi merely scoffed. "I doubt it, she's twirling her hair because of him, he doesn't deserve the "twirling of hair" stage." She pouted.

Ever since Rockabiee had met the infamous Logan, she had been canceling almost everything for him, even Sketches had developed a slight hatred for the guy. Finally, after what seemed like ages, Rockabiee said her goodbyes. "I'll see you tonight, yeah? Love you." She gave her signature smitten smile as she hung up the phone.

Kiyochi and Hybrid's eyes widened, while Sketches peeped her head from the kitchen, giving a judgemental stare. Rockabiee looked at them. "What?" She spoke, clueless to the current problem. "Another date?" Sketches said, walking into the living room where they sat.

"Isn't that like your fourth one this week?" Hybrid acknowledged. "And you haven't even spent a day with us." Kiyochi added in. Rockabiee's eyes softened. "Seriously? Shit, it hadn't occurred to me that I'd been basically blowing you guys off." She set her phone down and stood up.

"Ok, I'll move this date to tomorrow and we can spend the rest of today being stupid and giving Sketches migraines." A smile formed it's way onto Hybrid's lips as Sketches sighed, preparing for the worst. The only person left was Kiyochi.

The two stared each other down, neither daring to look away. Rockabiee gave her a soft smile, as if to say 'Please?'. Kiyochi narrowed her eyes in reply. After a bit, she sighed loudly, but her dramatic pout sooner morphed into a playful smile.

"Fineeee" she said. Rockabiee cheered a bit. "I'll be down in a sec, I gotta change. I was planning on going out tonight." The trio's eyes followed her as she ascended up the stairs. When her presence had fully left, Kiyochi turned towards the other two with a serious expression on her face, a rare sight.

"We're murdering that asshole she's dating." She blurted out. Hybrid snorted while Sketches gave a small smile. "As much as I'd like to comply, he seems to make Rockabiee incredibly happy."

Kiyochi grabbed her phone from her pocket and scrolled through it for a moment. "As if the guy couldn't get more revolting, check this out." She showed them a picture of what looked to be Logan and Rockabiee hand in hand. To be honest, they looked kind of adorable.

Hybrid rose an eyebrow. "These two being a couple is revolting to you? I get that you don't like him but-" He was cut off when she swiped to another photo that caught their attention. The said boyfriend was pecking the cheek of some girl who seriously needed to dial down on the makeup.

"The hell..?" He mumbled, anger starting to form as it clicked. "This was two hours after I took a picture of him and Rockabiee together." Kiyochi continued. She glanced her eye at Sketches for a moment. She seemed awfully quiet, but it seemed that the only light in her now darkened eyes was the fire that had lit the second she had realized what was happening.

She finally spoke up. "Hang on a moment." She said, causing the two to turn their heads in her direction, curiosity and slight annoyance clothing their expressions. She continued, "We can't just commit a felony and let Rockabiee get over it."

"Which is why we comfort her with ice cream and anime." Kiyochi retorted with a 'duh' tone. Sketches continued, "We have to get full evidence that Logan's cheating on her, once we do that, yes Kiyochi you can injure him." The girl seemed to smile eagerly at that.

"So, what's our next move?" Hybrid asked. Sketches smiled mischievously, another rare sight. "Something I think both of you will enjoy."

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                     •Next Day
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"Are you sure you guys are cool with me going?" Rockabiee asked for the fifth time. Kiyochi groaned while Hybrid just stuffed his face in a near pillow. "For the love of God, YES!" She exclaimed. Rockabiee blinked then smiled and nodded.

"Okay, Logan should be here to pick me up in a few minutes anyway." Sketches rose an eyebrow, her head still in the book she was reading. "He's coming here?" Hybrid asked slowly, side eyeing Kiyochi. Rockabiee, still clueless, nodded.

Just a moment after, the doorbell rang. The dark skinned girl squealed a bit and rushed to answer the door. Opening the door eagerly, she was met with a well dressed young man smiling down at her.

His upper back long, rose hair was tied into a ponytail that reached his shoulders. It's soft texture was as pretty as his dark pink contacts. His attire was casual yet perfect for dinner, and it matched Rockabiee's.

Her black, thigh length dress and short purple cardigan complimented his black jeans and purple sweater vest that was over his soft white v-neck shirt. His longs sleeves were tugged up to his elbows. It'd be a lie to say he didn't look attractive.

His loving smile turned into a smirk. "You plan this, babe?" He joked, gesturing to their attire, to which she giggled. Hybrid rolled his eyes while Kiyochi fake gagged. Even Sketches wished to aim her book at his face.

"Of course not, probably just lovers telepathy." He wrapped his arms dangerously low around her waist. The trio tensed up, ready to throw hands. Rockabiee turned her head to her roommates. " I'll be back around 10 pm, if I'm not staying over at his, of course."

She glanced at him, her face a bit red. Kiyochi hands curled into fists. Sketches gave her a look, telling her to calm down. Ignoring her stare, she slammed her fist Hybrid's lap, earning a wince from the male. "Have a good time, you two." She said, glaring at Logan while forcing a smile.

He awkwardly smiled back, a bit weirded out. As soon as the two left and the door was shut, Sketches set her book down beside her and walked up the stairs, the others following her. "Sooo what are we gonna wear?" Kiyochi asked, incredibly curious.

As they entered her room, three folded fits were resting on her bed. The two stared at her and then the clothes. She shrugged. "Just based them off of your wardrobe choice and personality." Hybrid nodded while Kiyochi smiled, already going to pick up the yellow clothing she saw.

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             •A few minutes later•
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"Huh." Hybrid said, admiring his half-unbuttoned oversized shirt over his black turtleneck. His usual dark eyes were now dark blue contacts. Perched on his nose were black fake glasses.

"We look pretty hot." Kiyochi said, posing a bit. Hybrid nodded. Kiyochi's original brunette hair was covered by a milk tea blond wig. Its curly ends were coated with a faint rose color. Like Hybrid, her brown eyes were now a bright blue. Her cecilie white, strapless top was partially covered and tucked in by her shortbread yellow suit.

The unbuttoned blazor reached to her hip while her tailored trousers brushed against her ankles. Sketches chuckled as she looked at herself. She also wore a black turtleneck that was tucked into a high-waist slit indigo skirt. Adorned around her neckline was a white multilayer necklace.

The trio looked at each other. "You ready?" Sketches asked, the two eagerly nodded.

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                  • Meanwhile•
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Rockabiee smiled as Logan opened the door to the restaurant. Mumbling a 'thank you', she walked in, the young man following behind her. As she entered the restaurant, the faint smell of cooked steak and sweet wine overcame her.

The front door waitress noticed the two and smiled. "Table for two?" She asked. Logan nodded as his pulled his lover close to him, eyeing the waitress a bit. The waitress grabbed to menus and gestured the two to follow them. As they walked, Rockabiee caught a glimpse of yellow from the corner of her eye.

Glancing at the owner, she was met with three people who looked unusually familiar, even with completely different appearances. All three faces were deep in their menus. 'Hm, Kiyochi would've loved that suit.' she thought, shrugged them off.

When they made it to their table in the corner, the waiter bowed slightly, handed the menus, and left. The pink-haired male brought out one of the chairs for the girl to sit in. Once he was sure she was comfortable, he sat down as well.

"Wonder what they have." Rockabiee mumbled, already staring at the menu. Hearing a faint 'ding' she glanced up, noticing her boyfriend smiling at his phone for a bit too long.

Clearing her throat. "You look really great tonight." She said, smiling at him. He only continued to stare at his phone, ignoring her compliment. Her loving smile faltered as she looked back down at the menu. A quite loud sound of a chair moving caught her attention.

She turned her head in search of the source, only to be met with people eating, talking, and staring at menus. She noticed the girl with the yellow suit had clenched fists, a knife in one. Her breathing was scarily heavy. Furrowing her eyebrows, she turned back to her boyfriend, who was finally off his phone.

He smiled innocently at her, causing her poor heart to flutter.

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             •Back with the trio•
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"Kiyochi, calm the fuck down." Hybrid whisper-shouted. Sketches put a hand on her shoulder, which seemed to reduce the heavy breathing, her hands letting go of the knife. "You can't blame me, you would've done the same." She huffed. Hybrid only rolled his eyes, knowing it was true.

"We just have to get clear footage of him being an ass." Kiyochi. Sketches shook her head. "That won't be necessary, I called Vanessa to come over here." The two stared to her.

"Vanessa-?" They both asked. She smirked. "The girl you saw with Logan with." Kiyochi's eyes widened. "Barbie's coming?!" She exclaimed, earning a few odd looks. The motherly friend chuckled. "How'd you get her to come here?" Hybrid asked, curious.

She simply shrugged. "I may know a guy." The two sweat dropped, a bit scared of their roommate.

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                      •A while later•
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By now the couple had gotten their food and we're laughing at a "funny" joke Logan had made. Rockabiee seemed to be having a lovely time as well as her lover. The trio rolled their eyes at the sight, waiting impatiently for Vanessa to show up.

"Oh god, Logan." She managed to get out from her laughter. "God, I love you." She giggled as she stared at him. The three words had been said amongst the two multiple times, some seeming emptier than others.

He only smiled at her. "You know I care about you so much." His warm words of affection slit through her heart, leaving her with a mixture of emotions. Her soft smile wavered as she nodded slightly, staring back at her food.

Sensing the tension rising, Kiyochi bobbed her leg up and down rapidly, staring daggers at the door, waiting for a familiar face to show up. She felt for her friend, and vowed to fix everything. Turning her head to Rockabiee, her anger only increased upon seeing her eat quietly, while Logan scrolled through his phone.

The purple loving girl blinked a lot, attempting to hold back tears, looking around every once in a while. "Oh fuck this." She muttered, standing up, ready to cause a scene. Sketches grabbed her arms, trying to stop her from landing someone in the hospital.

"Just a few more minutes, then you you can do away with him as you please." She whisper-shouted. The shorter brunette sighed and reluctantly sat back down. As if the universe finally granted their wish, the sound of the restaurant door opened.

The trio snapped their heads and smiled. Vanessa, the young woman herself. She looked around, wondering why she was called here. The trio smiled triumphantly, though, it seemed they weren't the only ones who noticed Vanessa.

Logan glanced at the door and widened his eyes, his heart dropping. He quickly averted his eyes, suddenly being engrossed at the shiny window beside the two. Unfortunately, his desperate and quick plan failed. Vanessa's eyes lit up in delight as she walked towards the couple.

"Logan, were you the one who sent me the text?" She asked excitedly. Rockabiee's eyes furrowed as she stared at the girl who clearly hadn't acknowledged her presence. "Excuse me?" She said, looking back and forth between her so-called boyfriend and the unknown girl.

Finally realizing she was there, the girl rise an eyebrow, eyeing Rockabiee. "Is this the cousin you were talking about, babe?" Vanessa asked, turning her attention back to Logan, who by now, was sweating buckets.

"Babe?" Rockabiee asked, her voice now raising. "Yes, babe, I'm his girlfriend, so who are you?" Vanessa asked, oblivious to what was happening. Rockabiee snapped her head back to Logan and laughed bitterly.

"Well, if you must know, I'm now his former girlfriend." And with that, she stood up, grabbed her purse and left the other two to sort out everything. She smiled at the distant high-pitched screams. A rather hard yank caused her to yelp in confusion.

Before she could react, she was yanked into a corner by the restaurant door. About to tell the person that she wasn't in the mood, she was met with three unfamiliar yet familiar faces. The first face she recognized was the girl in the yellow suit.

She smiled up at Rockabiee, and brought her into a bone-crushing hug. Rockabiee blinked in confusion and carefully pulled her off. "Um- I'm sorry, I think you have me confused with someone-" Before she could continue, a wig was found on the floor.

She stared at it, and then back up at her roommate. "Kiyochi?!" She exclaimed. Kiyochi giggled as Sketches tore off her wig as well, shaking her hair a bit to let it loose.
Hybrid only smiled his usual smile, that being the only thing the tall brunette needed to tell these were her friends.

"Wha-" the poor girl's mouth was only covered by her friend's hand. "We'll explain everything in a sec." She nodded as the shorter brunette took her hand off her mouth and instead grabbed her wrist and led her out the door, her friends following behind her.

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                       •Back at the
                      humble abode•
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"So you guys knew he was a douche and didn't tell me?" Rockabiee asked, slightly offended. Kiyochi shrugged. "We thought you wouldn't believe us if we straight up told you." Hybrid nodded as he stuffed a spoonful of strawberry ice cream into his mouth.

"You seemed to be infatuated with him and his whole personality." Sketches said, taking a smaller spoonful of vanilla ice cream. Rockabiee hummed in understanding. She had to admit, the whole thing seemed like temporary puppy love, it didn't feel too real anyway.

The tall girl felt a soft nudge on her side. Turning her head, she was met with a smiling Kiyochi. "You okay?" She asked. Rockabiee stared at her for a moment and then smiled softly. "I will be." Kiyochi nodded and handed her a scoop of ice cream to which she happily accepted.

For the next late hours, the roommates only laughed and ate while watching funny yet ridiculous rom coms. Rockabiee did in fact feel better, and Kiyochi later made sure her new ex physically didn't.

The End~😌👍

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