Chapter 6; My Neverending Nightmare
Chapter 6
"Come on Grace, are you scared?"
"Are you scared?"
I lay in bed as these memories rewind and play over and over again.
Again, and again.
Around a year ago, I was suffering from depression ( I still do, just not as much ) I would always ran away from my problems.... too scared to face them. I didn't feel like anybody needed me. I felt as if, if one day, I disappeared, nobody would notice, nobody care.....nobody... that was until I met Michael. He had a tanned, muscular, body. His dark, and I mean very dark brown eyes always caught my attention. Everything about him was absolutely amazing. No question about it. When I first met him, I didn't want to get close to him. I always saw him at school, everyone did, he was the popular type. Someway, somehow, I eventually did. He became close to me. Micheal talked to me about his life, his child abused, his bullying. I then realized, we had so much in common. We connected like magnets. Okay, I know that was a pretty bad comparison, but I have to admit, I'm not the type of poetic teen.
As the days progressed, he was slowly making his way into my life. Everyday, after school, we would walk... we didnt know where we were going but we didn't care. We would just talk about our problems, and make each other feel better. We were always there for each other, or so I thought.
It wasn't until he introduced me to his friends, I finally realized I was the popular kid. I never even noticed, but now that I go back and remember... it was one hell of a ride. Of course I had my squad: Chloe, the blonde bitch; Emma, a brunette with bright green eyes, yet a deadly smile; Aiden the dark blue-eyed player; and of course Brian, the hilarious dumbass kid with an amazing personality. Then we had Michael and I. That basically summed us up. The popular kids. We weren't all in the same classes but in the ones we were in (together) it was a bombass time. I mean, Brian would always be making his show. The teacher would get all pissed, half of the class would be in one corner, not even paying attention being in their own little world. I wouldn't even call it a class.. more like a somewhat recess.
I for once I had friends, I had people I could rely on, people I could trust.... only to remember... I always get hurt.
I guess now is the time to explain my thoughts, and my never-ending nightmare.
* Flash Back *
It was late Friday afternoon when Michael and I roamed the areas that the woods had to offer.
Micheal and I have walked around here a couple of times, so it wasn't entirely new to us. The woods itself was nice and hollow. It had trees that could reach the sky, and animals that chirped their heads off.
We walked, just talking, like we always do. Micheal was my best friend. We always comforted each other, we had each others back. When we talked, it's as if no one was there.... just out eyes gazing at each other.
I liked this feeling, I really did. It wasn't a feeling I had everyday, but when I felt it, I felt amazing.
"It's funny how one day, like one moment, one action changes everything" Micheal says stop and we take a long gaze at each others eyes.
"Yeah, it can change everything ...." I reply. To be honest, I didn't know what to say, however I could feel the tension between us. I had never felt it before, but I guess you can call it somewhat soothing.
"Like how I met you," He says as my eyes widen up. I didn't expect that coming. I never thought he would say something like that.
"Just like how I met you," I say giving him a weak smile, not making eye contact. I didn't know how to react or say, so I just said something to keep this moment from ever fading away. I finally look up at Micheal who is staring at me with a smirk on his face.
"What?" I say chuckling. It felt weird being stared at.
"Nothing really, it's just that something keeps crossing my mind...." he says. I smile and him as he smiled back at me. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure" I reply.
"I have told you everything about me. I'm an open book to you. You have noticed my secrets before I have even realized them" He says to me, not leaving his eyes to anything at all. " You have kept me going. You motivate me each and everyday........ keeps me going. Grace, Grace....."
"Yeah?" I reply to him. I was a little nervous as to where this was going, but before I could say another word, I find his lips connected to mine. It wasn't a long hard kiss, but more like a small yet powerful one. I stood in shock as I see Micheal eyes light up.
"Micheal, I-I" I can't believe I'm stutering, I try to stop but he just Cutts me off.
"Grace, I'm sorry. I just had to do it, at least once. Grace your my escape.... my friend, my everything...I just can't keep doing this!" He exclaims, his voice getting louder by the second.
I remain confused, as I try to process all of this. We had actually never talked like this to each other. It was different.... a good different.
"Grace you have given me this feeling I had never felt before, I-I just can't keep doing this.... I can't keep lying to you as the days go by" He says as he takes out some type of powder.
He never told me what to do, and coming from him is essentially odd. I thought he had been telling me the truth, or at least that's what I am thinking. I know whats he doing.
Running away from his problems.
"Listen, Miche, I- " I try to say as I am, once again, cut off.
"No!" He begins to say as he does his Cocain stuff. He said some other stuff, but I just didn't understand him.
I can't do anything but watch him. I have no control over him. I just stare right into the eyes of a guy I once knew.
"I need you!" He says, " I want you all to myself..... all mine"
I don't know what to say or do. So I just say what comes into my mind, "What the hell?"
Before I can say another word, he begins to grab. Oh shit. I knew where this was going, and it was not going to end well.
"Micheal! " I exclaim to his ear. "Snap out of it! What the fuck are you doing!?"
He stops and for a second, he looks straight into my light brown eyes. That was the last time I ever saw that special connection between us.
The last time we were there for each other, because from there, things just weren't the same anymore.
Nothing was.
He started grabbing me to the point where I could no longer move, my strength was no longer good enough as to escape.
I came to the point where I was screaming, hoping somebody would come or help.... but nothing happenned.
Nobody came.
He then found a rope and tied me, back against the wall, hands tied together behind a tree. As much as I tried to escape, I couldn't. I was useless. He took off his shirt showing off his dark purple bruses marked on his muscular, lean body. He had told me why and how he got them, however just seeing them gives me chills down my body. With the shirt, he quickly tied it around my mouth making my screaming useless.
I was now useless.
Micheal then gave me his smirk.
"Your all mine, forever..." He said trying to regain some air. And before I knew it, he started grabbing me, sexually. I tried the best to move, but obviously that was no use. He began chuckling a little. As he starts kissing me on the neck, I began screaming my lungs out. It hurt, I felt as if I was being stabbed with a knife over and over again.
He slowly started making his way towards to stomach, lifting up my shirt, and my eyes begin to widen.
"You son of a b!tch!"I said trying
to choke out of my mouth.
"Your all mine, " He said in between his breathes.
I screamed the best I could. Now, I didn't start crying, because that would not solve anything, however, a year or two did slip from my light brown eyes.
I tried moving the best I could. Unfortunately, nothing helped.
At least I am trying.
Atl least I tried.........
I look around the wood, from a distance I could see a fire, a camp fire.
I wasn't the only one here. Maybe, just maybe, if I could scream loud enough, I could get their attention, but I'm snapped out of reality when he starts touching my areas. I try to look for something to stop this, when all of a sudden I am hit with something, and somehow my vision gets blurry as black spots begin to appear in my vision. The last thing I see is Micheal face. His dark brown eyes filled with terror I once saw and now can not be unseen. His muscular, tanned body, reveling his scars, bruises, hits, that mark different events that have happened in his life, he was broke, and so was I.
He ran away from his problems, just like I once did. He was abused, and began to use his anger on me.
I once thought I knew Micheal......
That was a mistake.
Grace, snap out of it. I thought in my mind. This was my never ending nightmare. I still, to this day, have nightmares. It has scared me, and will always be.
After the incident, a family of 4, apparently the Golddbergs, had found me the next morning at around 10am. From what I heard, they heard my screams, and got worried, so they came to help... only it was a little too late for that. They cut off the rope, and removed the shirt that was now all wet, and covered with my saliva. After that, I thank them for helping me and then they left.
I had so many questions roaming through my mind, I just couldn't think straight. The most important one, where is he, and why did he just leave. It just doesn't make sense to me.
I brush my self, and make a pony tail with a rubber band around my wrist, to get my hair our of my face, and with that.. I started to make my way back home. It took around 2 hours or so, but I had, I guess you can say, energy, that I didn't get as tired as I expected.
From that day on, I have never seen Micheal again. I never heard from him. I didn't want to know, I just had a type of curiosity forming within my own body.... I couldn't help it.
Do I miss our talks? Yeah. It made me feel like I did belong in this world, that I was here for a reason... that everyone here deserved a second change.
But one word can make a difference......
Do I miss him?
No, I do not miss Micheal.
Authors Note:
(somewhat long)
Hey guys..... I apologize for not updating in 3 whole weeks. ;-; I posted a message on my profile about the incident that occurred.... but I don't think anybody saw it, so I shall retell my story. (Don't worry its pretty short) My chapter 6 was already finished, I was just putting in like the last minute details, when my laptop started moving around my itself. O_O I know, kinda scary. .... but I found out it had a virus. While it was moving around, I have absolutely no control, and it clicked the delete chapter button. ;-; I had to start the whole Chapter from scratch which is okay, Im just glad it didn't delete the book.
* I gave you guys a little part of her nightmare she faces every night. It was somewhat her backround. So I hope you enjoyed that! :)
* I will be udating every Friday. This past weeks I couldn't, but I will now.
* Oh, Thanks JustBreathe79 & Abigail for the amazing help!
* Thanks for sticking with me! Please vote & comment, I want to know how I'm doing!
* Happy reading!
-Laura :))
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