Chapter 5;
Chapter 5:
"Grace! Grace wake up!" I hear from my right ear, and rub my eyes.
I don't know how long I have slept, but I know its been a while. What I do know, is that I am still on the bathroom floor. The aroma of vomit enters my nose. Nobody but Brandon noticed I had been a sleep for around a week. Brandon tried to clean the mess, but obviously.. that didn't work out.
I admired Brandon. He truly cared for me, and that means a lot. He reminds me so much of my father; Brown curly hair; big brown eyes; an amazing personality; and most off all, his overall character.
Besides him, nobody really cares about me. I'm just glad someone does. I turn my head and look over at Brandon who is on his knees with his face within his small yet strong hands.
"Hey Brandon, how are you?" I ask giving him a weak smile. And for a long moment there is an eternity of silence....
"Your.... your not okay....." He finaly says looking towards the ground, breaking the beautiful silence.
"What?" I begin to ask as I stand up, and get to my bed. Nobody picked me up from the bathroom. I knew Brandon tried to clean it up, but that obviously didn't work. "Of course I am, I was just tired that's all"
"D-do you know how long you've sleep!" He asks with his incorrect grammer. I give him a look of disbelief. I am okay, I just slept for a while, but that's it. Nothing serious. He protects me like I'm his life..... I admire that much from him.
"No, but that doesn't matt-"
" A week" He says interrupting me, " One whole week. Its Sunday, 5:00p.m." He tells me. I could tell my smile was slowly fading away. I knew I had to keep a positive attitude and try to make things seem okay. I knew they werent. I also knew it wasn't serious.
"Wow! I must have been really tired" I said chuckling, hoping to see Brandon laugh, or at least smile..... but he didn't. He stood up with a straight face looking into my eyes.
"Your not okay"
"Brandon I'm fine!" I assured him.
"I want you to go to the doctors, please.... Grace... for me"
I cant turn him down. Not Brandon. I have been through the worst and best with him. As much as I do want to go to the doctors, I cant. Its at least 15 miles away and I don't have any transportation what so ever.
"Brandon" I say with a sigh, " We don't have the money, and transportation.. I promise you that as soon as I can have a transportation, we will go...."
There was a long silence between us. For minutes we just looked into each others eyes, as if we were communicating in some sort of wired way. After about 5 minutes I finally break the silence.
"I promise...."
"I'm trusting you Grace..." he says in his soothing voice. It reminded me a lot about my Dad. It was hard to believe he was my brother. I just cant call myself his sister.
Back then, my dad would turn any situation into a posotive one. I didnt knkw how he did it, but he jist did it. His words would comfort you in any way he needed. When he left, my whole life turned around. I know I talk about him alot.. its just that...... he ment a lot to me.
I smile brightly and give him a kiss on the cheek.
"You know I love you!" I say smiling.
"I know" he says laughing showing off his little teeth.
The whole rest of the day, I spent time with Brandon. We watched Spiderman since Brandon loves him... and we bought popcorn and ate it. Of course we has to walk to the nearest grocery store to buy it... but that didnt matter at the time. The popcorn was good, to be honest, I loved the buttery-ness... and the crunch! I had actually never had popcorn before.... call me crazy... I know.
After that we played an intense round of Sorry. Its finally 9 at night when I break up the fun. I didn't want to, but I had school tomorrow and was nervous. I knew I had a long day ahead of me. I just hope it doesn't go as bad as last week. That's all im asking for.
I go into my room and pick out my Pajamas and go to the bathroom outside of our house. Ever since the family went their own ways, I was left with my mom and Brandon. We didn't have a lot of time nor the money, so with that being said, we bought this small house and well, use it to the mazimum.
When you enter the house, the first thing you will see is the living room. On the left, we have a room... which is my moms. On the right side.. there is another room. As you walk forward you can see a small kitchen.... and next to ir is a door that leads up outside to out bathroom.
I do not like going into the bathroom at night. First off, my buns get cold. Second, Slender man, which I call Slendy... can come out of nowhere. And third... it's just plain scary. For real.
Anyways, I go outside and take a 10 minute shower... got myself lotionized and ran to our house. I went into my room and pulled out my phone and watch Netflix on there. I don't have enough money to get a fancy laptop... so I use my stuff to the maximum.
It was around 11 when I stopped watching Nerflix.
I couldn't believe I fell asleep for one whole week. With that being said... I didn't want to go to sleep anymore. So I decided to not sleep at all... that just didnt work out. I was not scared for what I did... in fact I was scared why I did it. I started to think about the sharp pains that struck me head making me feel more dizzy by the minute. I had never felt them... and it wasn't a pleasant feeling.
Its just a flu... maybe I was sick.... but that doesn't matter now... I'm fine.
I am fine.......
I think that over and over until I finally drift off to a long night of sleep.
I wake up, not by the sound of my alarm clock, but by the urge to vomit. I got out of bed, and ran towards the bathroom. This time I didn't miss aim. That was a somewhat of a relief.
Why I keep vomiting is very strange... especially for me.Especialy since I have always been healthy.
I let out a sigh of relief. I wasn't feeling dizzy, and having illusions. I just vomited... that's all.
Once I was done cleaning my mouth, I walk to my room and get changed into a greenish Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shirt with my ripped blue pants, and my half white shoes. Those were the only pair of shoes I have... except for my skin colored flats, but I only used those for special occasions.
I take a look at the clock and see that it's not even 6 yet. Its 5:30....
Really? It's barley 5:30.. school doesn't start until 7.
I have nothing to do. I know I can't go back to sleep... so I decide to take a walk... just to clear my mind. I don't no where I am going but I know its not gonna be anywhere near here.
As I walk, I ignore the world. There There is nothing but just me and the road. I don't realize where I am but I am take a seat, and just start thinking.
You cant trust nobody. You can not trust anybody. The most important people to me left me, and never came back to me... or even tell me where they went. My mom, dad, hell, my own sister left me and not once did they care about what would happen to us. All I will end up is being hurt, snd I dont want that... do I? I dont even think I will be able to forgive them.... for what they did.... I cant forgive them.They don't care... If there's one thing I am positive about is that I can not trust anybody... nobody.
I. Will. Get. Hurt.
While I am thinking about these thoughts, I suddenly remember about the story of why my mom abandoned us... left us
..... now an alcohol bottle is her child.
The morning my Dad left us, I could see my mama is tears, As if my father had told her something, possibly the reason she left. The answer for his choice may never be found. Later on the day, she finally came out of her room... she had a straight face.. no expression what so ever. Me and Abby went up to hug her. When we did she gave us a face of disgust.
"Mama, I'm so glad you came out of your room!" I said holding her tight as if it was our last hug.... later on I found out that...... that was my last hug from her.
"Get off of me" My mother said staring at me. Her voice smelling like alcohol....
"Why -" I didn't even finish my sentence when she slaps me hard and pushes mean until I collapse to the cold, wooden floor. To be honest, it was a hard slap.... thatthat hadthat had never happened happened to me, so my reaction was pretty weired.
"Oh my god, Grace!" Abby said coming towards me.
I never in the world thought my own mother would slap me for something I never even did. From that moment on, I knew she wasn't my mother anymore. At least not the one I knew when I first met her. I felt a storm of hatred starting to form within my own body. I couldn't control it... I just couldnt. Each day, every single day my mother left us alone, the storm would grow bigger until one day it was finally released into the atmosphere.
It was thatmoment I found out, that the only person I had left was Abby.
Abby was old enough to go around the neighborhood and clean houses for money. While she worked, I stayed home taking care of Brandon.
We used that money to go to the nearest grocery store to buy groceries, and get supplies we needed. When the time came that we didn't pay the bills, we lost the house. Do you know what my mother did?
Absolutely nothing. She continued to lock herself in her own fuckin world... leaving us alone.
I don't know what we did to make my mother change. Every night I think what I could do possibly wrong... buy I couldn't.
That's how I lost my mother into some bitch that couldn't care about anything.
I finally got snapped into reality when I saw a bird chirping it's head off.
The next time I checked the clock, it was 6:27. If I calculate everything correctly.... I can run to my house in about 5 minutes, make a quick breakfast in 5 minutes, get to eat for around 3 minutes, and still be on to school before 7. With that being said, I ran home and got started.
I make a quick 5 minute breakfast for Brandon and me. Some eggs folded on with sliced of ham, with some toast lightly buttered, and some fresh cut strawberries.
I learned to cook by myself... I knew eventually I would learn how to cook after burning the kitchen 100 times or so.
I kiss Brandon on the forehead, say my goodbye, and head off to a long day of school. I checked the clock and was still on time. 6:46 If I could hurry, I knew that I could be there before 7.
I entered Benton's classroom a little more early than expected. He saw me and walked towards my desk.
"Why hello Ms.Amor.. I can see that you came today.... and on time!"
"Umm, yeah." I say looking into his baggy old eyes.
He kept staring at me like I could read his mind. I could tell by his expression, he was waiting for me to answer him... but I didn't know what to answer.
"Well, we don't have all day do we? Why weren't you here the whole first week of school?"
I didn't know if I should tell him. He's my teacher do I should inform him.. but then again..... he doesn't really want to know. I'm pretty sure if I tell him he will just make fun of me
"Stuff" I mumble.
"Something popped up that was essential... Okay? So you can start class now" I said.
He didn't say anything. He was a little surprised of the respond.. but I didn't want him to know.
Math with Benton was boring as usual.... I mean I understood everything very well, so I just needed the practice. All that Benton does is make us watch videos, and hand out pop quizzes..... so passing that class was fairly easy.
The whole class, I felt like I was being watched.From the corner of my eye, I could see a group of girls staring at me with a deadly look. It bothered me, but I just decided to ignore it.
Class finally ended at 9:30.... school didn't end till far this day has felt like a lifetime. That's basically how the rest of the school day went. After Benton's, I went to History until 10:40. From there 2 other classes, until lunch came.
As I was getting my, what they call, cheese pizza, I get a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see a girl with brownish, blondish, she looked a little shy, but her expression on her face seemed somewhat friendly.
"Wanna sit with us..... " she said pointing to a round table in a corner. "Like over there.... cause.... yeah...."
Making friends would be nice. I knew not many people wanted to hang out with me, so when I see an opportunity like this... I take it. "Yeah, that's fine" I say sorta smiling. As long as they don't become important to me, and I don't trust them... it will all be fine.
I take my tray and follow her to the table and had 5 girls sitting on it.
Right away, my heart started pumping.... I have never been the "friendly like" type of girl. I also didn't want to screw this up.
"....... so yeah..." I heard the girl who invited me to come to the table say to the others.
The whole rest if the lunch period was just me and them still introducing each other.
There was Jacklin, a really... and I mean really hyper chick. No matter what she said, it some how put a smile on your face. There was Peyton, who was really random, and funny. There is also Naveen. This girl can eat a whole fuckin horse and not gain weight. Naveen is also a fashionista if you ask me. Jocelyn is very friendly and extremely helpful... she looks like she can give you advise for almost any problem. She reminds me of a fortune cookie. Lastly we have rhe girl who introduced me.... Vanessa. She has this thing for sad puns, vines, and randomness.
All these people, seem so nice, like they all have each others back. As if right now, I feel left out... I just play with my food and listen to them talk about stuff I don't even know about... so it gets confusing.
Lunch is finaly over, and I am the first one to leave the group of friends.
They probably think is some lost hobo or something because they just keep staring at me. The good thing is I only have 2 more classes until I could go home.
I throw my trash away, and go to my locker to get my schedule. My next class is Physical Education. I wasn't that bad in.sports.... I guess I could be worse if you ask me. Since I went here last year, I know where all the classrooms where.
I enter gym to find girls in their Bras changing in front of everybody.... I would never do that. I just feel too exposed.
I make my way to the Coaches office and wait in a chair until she finally gets done talking to a student.... she was Jacklin. When I saw her, she waved at me with a smile... I just smiled back.
"Name?" Coach Sabin says.
"Grace" I reply. Coach Sabin looked mean, but in reality saw was wired... but like the good kind. She was short... about 5.3 which wasn't too bad considering I was only 5.4
"Get dressed Amor, today we will be running 2 miles"
I just daydreamed. Running wasn't my best ability, but I tried my best.. so I guess that's all that matters.
Once I was done stretching, I went to the starting line. I looked to my left and found one of the schools bitches looking at me with a bitchy smirk. I then turned to the left and found a girl just daydreaming.
After Physical Education, I found Jacklin coming towards me.
"Hi!" She said with a big smile slapped on her face.
"Hey...... " I replied. Once again, I am not the Friendly kind. I pretended to listen to her, but I was just thinking about this day being over. I had a major headache and just wanted to go home.
My last class, Science, went by quick considering I took a nap half of the time.
The bell finaly rang, and I quickly made my way towards the exit.
Authors Note:
Exactly 3,001 words for this chapter! I tried challenging my self for more than 1,500. Anyways I just wanted to say, This is the conclusion for the introduction. Now that you know about her life, I can start that good juicy stuff. Thank you so much for reading! Thanks again @Justbreathe79 ;) Also, thanks Abigail, you know why. Oh, and there will be an update every Friday... so yeah...
Happy Reading! :D
-Laura :))
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