The Wolves


    "Your enemy will most certainly use illusion to trick you,"  one of Lupa's lieutenants, Komodo says from the top of the house, above me. "Remember some are fake some are not. Do not take your chances,"
     The Wolves talk to me through a telepathy type of thing, but now it seems like they just talk normally.

     My fingers feel raw. I hang from the edge of the roof of the Wolf House.  Of course I could let go and fall, hoping this is a dream. But no, I'm  not gonna take my chances with that.  Last time I tried letting go early they just let me fall, and it turned out I wasn't in a dream simulation.  I broke both my legs,. It took a long time to heal.

    They are testing me to see how long I can hang off a roof. Most of the stuff I learn or practice is actually very practical. This could be if I wasn't a son of Zeus, so I can fly. I asked if I could ever lose my powers and they said no. I now doubt their "practical" teachings.

    I'm not allowed to pull myself up, because if I do that shows that I would have had energy for another minute. 'Till the last nanosecond they said. I'm not aloud to let go early either.  I have to beat their goal or they let me fall to my death or extreme injury.

    "You have great strength Max, it comes with being a demigod, especially one like you. We know what you can physically do, and we will push you to that. No matter how strong you are only last as long as your will to go on does. It hinders you. Your mentality is your true limit." Komodo lectures me from above, pacing back and forth, "Wouldn't it be easier to let go and end this maddening pain?"

     Yeah we all know it would.  The question is would I be safe? By now I know I made progress and most likely I'm nearing their expectations. But I don't know their expectations,  they say they aim for the actuall peak physical ability. 

     That's not good. When I played football we ran a lot, and always toward the end I knew my body could probably go a little more but I didn't want to. It took a lot of convincing to get myself to dig deeper.

         I'm in that same situation. Pain and soreness pulse through my fingers and forearms, and I start to wonder how much longer I can do this.

     "But it would be worth it. And you can do it, we know you can." Komodo continues "especially as a son of Zeus you are expected to,"

    I keep telling myself another minute as my hands start to sweat, making it harder to hold on. I start to grunt and wince.

    Komodo stops right above me, knowing that there can't be much left In me. He stares me down, as if telling me I can't do it, and that I should just give up now.

     But I can't. I keep telling myself to hold on no matter what, that I will fall when I physically can't go on.

    I don't feel my fingers let go when they do. I'm suddenly falling, helpless. All I can do is hope that I reached the goal.

     My fall slows to a stop but I don't hit the ground, so I must be safe. I take a breath of relief as I'm lowered to the ground safely. I land and lie still.

   Pride fills me up but I'm too raw and sore and tired to really notice it. I probably would be proud of myself if I wasn't in that much pain.

   "How long was that?" I ask through my panting.

   "Sixty five minutes." Komodo says from the top of the Wolf House.

   "Is that good?" I say.

    "Well from a normal perceptive that's significantly impressive, from a demi-perceptive that's attainable, but you are beyond that. That is good for now though. You matched my expectations. "

  "How long was I supposed to?"

   "We predicted around an hour at your level," Komodo tells me " We plan to double your will strength."

     "What's that?"

    "Your strength as of mentality, " he explains. "Your mind is connected to divinity, making you very very powerful and your natural powers are just a starting point of it you can train your influence to be much more influential. Including your own influence on your physical strength."

   "Cool,"  I say. I sit up, my panting slowing down. After a moment or two for rest Komodo motions for me to follow him.

   "What do we do now?" I ask.

    "More training of course," Komodo says, and motions for me to follow him.

   "I still wanna know when I'm gonna learn to use my 'all destructive powers'" I start after him

   "You have no sense of fundamentals," Komodo says.


      The bed I lay in is cold and creaky, sounding very loudly each and every time I move. The single blanket they gave me is thin and leaves my feet bare when I pull it up to my chin. And I thought I could have a nice stay at the Wolf House training camp.

   At least it's rest. they haven't let me even sleep for the past several days so it feels good to lie down. It's been like football 24/7.

     I am supposed to  be sleeping but I take this time to think. I wonder where the minotaur is and why he hasn't found us yet. I've been here for more than a week, longer than I could have dreamed staying anywhere back in the city.  The wolves must have some magical barrier over the Wolf House or something. Or maybe they have killed it. It also seems like they wouldn't do that though, they like me to do everything by myself. Honestly I kinda do like the independence but at the same time it can be harsh. They have let me almost die sometimes.

   It makes me wonder if they really care about me. Wait why would they? They are Wolves that I have been with for only a week. But they treat me like I'm some precious being. It confuses me.

    One thing I know is that they are training me for something. All they talk about is preparation for a higher purpose. Some of the training is seemingly practical like the  combat and the conditioning. Other stuff seems pointless with having my powers. The worst yet was having to hang from the roof for over an hour. My whole upper body is sore especially my forearms. It hurts to move so I convince myself not to move because my bed also creaks when I do, and the sound is not near to pleasant.

     There is usually a reason behind many of the  exercises.  But not always. I ask why and they explain it in ways like they are some 1800s writer talking about philosophy. Not exactly what I can understand. I wish I could.

      As I lie down I listen to every creak and groan of the Wolf House. Every eerie moan of energy or mystic whatever. Also to the one consistent sound which drives me crazy, a kind of weird flowing humming noise,  kind of like water running through pipes, the only thing is that this building has no plumbing or electicity or anything.

     And then another sound, like voices. Two people exchange soft and discrete words, almost silent. It's Lupa and one of her wolves. I sit up, trying to make out what they are saying. But I can't. I pull off the sheet on top of me  and slide my feet of the bed, the creak luckily barely audible. I lift my butt up which makes a high pitched squeak,  and I stop. The voices stop, and after a moment start again. I stand up and walk to the door, slowly so not to be heard.  The voices become clearer.

    "He wouldn't be ready," Lupa says.

    "Well we can't incubate him, incubating him would be worse than taking the risk of him in full fledged battle," another wolf says, another one of Lupa's lieutenants Tiris says.

    "Yes," Lupa says "that is true but which risk is better to take sure he will be dangered out in battle but even if he was kept somewhere he still would be hunted,"

     "When they find out  we have his capitvity they will most certainly attack us, so can't take our chances negotiating or hiding him, I really believe putting him in the front lines would be the best of all the evils," Tiris continues.  "It would be a shame to lose him but the Leader of the Seven needs actual combat experience. He can't only count on his spilling of dream blood when he establishes his group,"

    "I do not know  if I just worry for the boy or if it is truly good judgement." Lupa says.

      "The Wolves of the House will protect him that can be our top priority," Tiris explains. "And if u deem it wise we can summon amother Pack near the area,"

     "We won't have time to gather any packs," Lupa says.

    "I'm sure at least one will be near a nearby route and if we really need it we can stall a sufficient time,"

    "Well it matters if they even approach the house."

    "True but no matter what we prepare for the worst right?"

     "yes,"  Lupa says, and starts walking to my end of the hallway. I shut the door making it so they can't see me. Their footsteps pass the door as Lupa's voice continues through the thin wooden door and they start walking down the stairs lightly "make sure the Wolves are prepared for battle and contact the other packs on their position. I want a couple of the sttonger wolves to help with making sure we stay as hidden as possible."

    "Yes Lupa," Tiris says, nearing the bottom of the stairs making it harder for me to understand, so I slowly open the door, listening closely. "We could also send a diversion to deceive them off of us if you deem it wise,"

     "Lycaon is smart, I want to completely stay off his radar if possible," Lupa tells Tiris "We don't even know what kind of army he musters. We do know once they find us they will wage war. We know that the Sons of Vile have encouraged to try and kill every demigod who could in the Seven. Everyone knows Max is in it."

     "Yes Lupa," Tiris says, and they turn the corner. I follow.  "I will give the order to stsy quiet and create a ward and also prepare for war."

      The Wolf House is a simple cabin,  a single room on the first floor with a hallway to the side with stairs to the second floor with two room, one which they gave me to sleep in and the other for Lupa and her business with leading the Wolves. The stairs from the first floor ascend to my room, and then starts another hallway to Lupa's room.

    I follow them around the corner, making my steps as light as possible. The Wolves taught me too and I'm glad I learned something very practical. I stop at the bottom of the stairs and or the end of the hallway.  Lupa and Tiris stop talking and I hear footsteps out of the house, but one stays. I lay down and peep my head around the corner, seeing Lupa sitting down in the middle of the room, hrmer back facing the wall.

    "Are you prepared Max?" She calls. I've been caught, so I don't answer but I start making my way up the stairs again, even quieter than last time, hoping to dissapear and make her think that she made a mistake of thinking I was here. Maybe her just talking to herself is even a possibility.

    I slowly open my room door, checking the bottom of the stairs, and then into my room. This time Lupa sits in the middle of my room, as if the floated up through the ceiling into my room.

     "Yes I heard you Max," Lupa says. "The Wolf House is very old and therefore certainly creaky. Plus we Wolves hear far far better than you could ever Max, so don't try eavesdropping."

    "You taught me to have air feet though remember?" I ask. Air feet is just basically ninja steps.nothing is supposed to be able to hear you.

    "You obviously have not mastered It yet Max," Lupa tells me. "So I take ot you know what is going on?"

    "I think," I tell her. "It sounds like there is some army out in the woods getting ready to come martyr me,"

   "Not all Wolves are good Max," Lupa explains. "There is an anti pack of Wolves, and it is a large one, well, it is mostly an alliance of all the anti packs who decided to stick together and try to be a mighty force in the Wild. They call themselves the Pack of Lycans, after their leader, Lycaon. Lycaon turned against me a while ago in rebellion and convinced other packs to join him.  A few packs joined him, making a large Vile Wolf mega-pack, Lycaon the Alpha. They are known as the Lycans"

    "What pack are we?"  I ask.

   "The Omega Pack." 

   "But isn't there supposed to be an Aplha Male?"

    "Yes, and it was Lycaon until he seceded, "

   "So there is no Alpha male?"

    "I act as one, until a new one rises."

    "So do you guys like know who is gonna be it?"

     "Many of the Wolves rumor that Tiris will Rise to power, but both him and I know who is destined to be Alpha."

   "Then who is it?"

    "I will not reveal. Soon you will see." Lupa explains. "Well above all you still haven't answered my question."

    I cringe. I feel better at fighting and surbiving already, probably good enough to even beat the minotaur. But we are talking a Wolf army, an evil and vicious one with a lot more numbers than us. This could mean death unless we manage at least two more packs, which is highly unlikely. There are twelve packs and they are all spread out across the globe.  And four of those packs seceeded.

    This one patrols the Western U.S and a little bit of Canada and Mexico.  The nearest one would be either somewhere in canada or far east or south down a ways. It would be a slime chance they were all at the birder pf their patrol. One might be but it will still take quite a tome for them to get here. We would have to be good stallers.

    " I'm ready if you are," I say. "I mean with you guys a good solid pack behind me and more training and o think I could do it."

    Lupa smiles. "Who wouldn't be ready if they had a full fledged legion behind them?" She continues. "It isn't about that do you believe you can win your own enemies on the field?"

       "What do you mean?"I am not feeling the fighting the mega pack by myself.

    "If an ememy confronts you will you win that battle? And can you keep it up wolf after wolf after wolf?"

    "I don't know about repeatedly, but I gave a chance at taking down a few."

   "If you charge and find your enemy and slay him all throughout the battle you will live through it." Lupa explains.

    "And what about the enemies that stab you in the back while you focus on another?"

   "Then we watch eachothers back," Lupa assures me. "That is why we fight together,"

     I take a breath, in and then out. "I guess that is right," but could I really trust a bunch of wild animals to protect me from more wild animals?  What of they alll turn on me what if this is all a sick trick for a talking pack of wolves to have a feast? What if they work for the minotaur or something?

      "Max we will have your back" Lupa says. "You can trust us."

     "Ok" I say after a moment. "I'm ready,"

     Lupa smiles. "I'm glad you are accepting  your fate, you don't know it but you are a very big piece of keeping the balance. You are destined for major things Max. Don't take it as being the Chosen One however, because you were deemed to have the most suffering, heartache,  and misery, because you are the only one who could take it. Nothing we can do will prepare you perfectly, but we are trying our best. We will give you the supplies and tools to make yourself very strong."

     The words strike me hard. At first it sounded like the Chosen One. Well I guess I am the the Chosen One, but it is not what people think. It is popularly thought the Chosen One is like the one guy who is going to save the universe and get the glory and get the girl and be all badass.

     The Chosen One is the one who gets to hold all of everything on their own shoulders.

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