Sorry for the long wait! Read the author's note please.
Chapter 4:
Dark, frizzy locks of unkempt hair stuck to my face. Taking large breaths my chest heaved high and low. The dream had been so surreal, it felt as if I had stood there; almost as if I went back in time.
That couldn't be it... or could it?
It felt like I was there- again- not that I ever want to go back to that day or to that school.
I wiped my face one more time with the sleeve of my robe before throwing the silk blanket to the other side of the large bed. It was dark, possibly 3 in the morning (if we're going by normal time).
My small feet padded against the floor, my tan legs looking almost black in the night. The bathroom door was open, I struggled for the switch and when I finally felt the protruding knob. The button clicked and the lights turned on. I held my hand to my eyes to protect from the brightness.
My eyes stung from sleep but adjusted a moment later. Tugging at the strings of the wrinkled robe, I throw it in the corner of the bathroom.
Running cold water I grab handfuls and splash my face with the cool liquid. The refreshing water woke me up, leaving me with a tingling sensation from my hands.
My palms rested on either sides of the sink, now soaking wet (and I have no intention of drying them at this point). I lift my eyes to the mirror, the thing I have been dreading since the beginning. Even when I took a shower, I avoided the sorrow I took from mirrors. They always tested me, seeing if I would compliment myself on a new haircut or tell myself that I wasn't skinny enough like all the other girls.
"Maybe, I shouldn't eat today," I set down my burger after watching Wanda only picking small bites of her plain salad, lettuce at the most.
I should just become anorexic, I told myself months before, hell, it could have been hours I said it so often.
I was bullied... a lot. Every day was something new, I don't think I have experienced the same thing more than once. One day it will be red paint on my seat or someone filling my locker with rotten banana peels, whatever it was, it was daily. Making jokes about my height and weight were favorites.
The mirror. It shows who you are, your imperfections. As in the words of Hannah Montana, "Nobody's perfect," teenagers beg to differ.
I look at the girl in the mirror, black rings under my eyes show lack of sleep, the frizzy unkempt hair shows no responsibility in appearance. I was tired, not just tired, mentally too. Tired of everything, that's why I committed suicide. I was tired.
I dried my face and found another tray set beside my bedside. This time with waffles and bacon.
Too bad they don't know I'm vegetarian.
A small eggshell colored note written in the prettiest of script read:
It's veggie bacon. I told you I knew who you were.
Just as I took the last bite of my breakfast the lights of dawn, The light from the far wall brightened as if it was noon.
Sudden beeps ringed throughout the large room, along with foul language so awful it would make a sailor blush. Quietly I snuck to the plain white door. Although it was warm, my hair stood up and I had chills running down my spine.
I notice a peep hole high up- almost on the top of the door.
Stupid short girl problems.
Being 5'1 doesn't have any advantages.
Instead of trying to investigate anything I just swing the door open, what I find surprises me. I have to look up to meet a pair of hazel eyes. Now the cliché thing to say is they were rock hard or they were soft, I may be cliché but I am not that cliché. I do have to say that they are gorgeous eyes, not like other books where they say they are sparkling or that the main male character's eyes are as blue as the- blah blah blah. They are just so... pretty, the white in the halls create contrast against the bright blue.
It was a teenager- late teens at the most- he seemed to be mature looking. He was holding a card in his left hand and his right was dug deeply in his wavy brown hair. The card looked familiar to the one by my bedside, I had set it there last night instead of keeping it in my pants pocket like I usually do; but then I most likely will lose it, so I was looking out for myself.
"May I help you?" I try to ask as nicely as I can, I'm still a little grumpy from waking up early and that dream so, it is quite difficult. He looks around a while until he meets my eyes.
"Well, I'm new here and I don't know where I'm going. My... what's his name, uh... I think his name is like Justin or Justine or something like that. They call themselves angels or whatever- you know, you are here and I'm here and- wait why am I talking so fast. I need to find my room," He is out of breath by the time his spiel was over. He was quite awkward around me- or really anyone from what I picked up.
He seemed beside the fact that the card had the number of his room on it. "Let me see your card. I just got here too but I am pretty sure that the number of your room in on the card you are holding in your hand."
He looked down at his hand in confusion before bursting out in a talking fit, again, "Oh, this thing. Yeah, they said it was like the only way to walk around or whatever, I don't think it has anything on it though," He finished in a rush. I took the blue, shiny metallic card from his left hand and examined it.
"Your room is two away from mine. This is C1170, yours is C1168, pay attention next time okay," I tried saying in my sweetest voice possible although sweet DiDi is not something people like to see.
"Can you walk me there, I will get lost again," I opened my mouth to say something before he held his right pointer finger to my lips and raised his bushy eyebrows, "Trust me, I will."
I didn't say another word while walking him-literally, 15 feet to the left- to his room. I still had his card in my hand, so being the respectable, courteous (Haha right) woman I am (Haha, right), I slid the card to the door and handed it back to him. I patted his head, having to reach quite a ways to touch his dark hair.
I twirl around, about to go in my room when the boy grabs ahold of my elbow and spins me back around. "Thanks, people aren't as nice to me usually... kind of the reason why I'm here. You probably understand too, we all have gone through some crazy stuff. And my name is Edwin, what's yours?" He seemed so much calmer than before, his words actually came out in words and not ramblings.
I motioned down to his hand that still held onto my satin covered elbow with my chin. He mumbled a sorry and let go slowly. "My name is DiDi, nice to meet you... Say, how old are you anyway," I questioned.
"I'm 19, I am a freshman in college."
Nice to know?
"Hmm, two years older than me, and I am a junior," I stated, attempting to copy him. "I guess I'll see you later then," I again, twirl without any hand taking me with it, and start walking towards my room. I turned to look back at him and he is still standing there looking at the ground. "I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure you are supposed to go into the room!" I called out to him from two doors down.
"Oh! Right, thanks," he mumbles before disappearing into the room.
I smile.
I actually smiled. That is my first actual genuine smile from my lips for... years. I like him, he seems just as awkward as me.
Too bad I am not into older guys, I smirked at myself and walked into my room.
Now it is time to get back to business and figure why the hell I am here. Wherever here is.
❤ ❥
Well hello!
I am so sorry that this is so late and so short. It is also edited very little. So yeah, I have no excuse except for school and laziness.
I promise I will get chapter 5 out as soon as humanly possible.
What do you think about Edwin? I like him, he seems like a nice fella.
Hope you enjoy this chapter, if you are actually reading it, so see you in the next chapter!
Xoxo therose1523
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