Punishment - Part 1
[Punishment – Part 1]
10 Years Later...
Footsteps echoed in the corridor and stopped in front of the door. Custom-ordered dress shoes were polished and shone perfectly as the young butler tugged on the corner of his coat to make sure that there had been no crease made during his journey to the door. Once satisfied that his appearance was perfect, the young butler knocked on the door once to announce that he had arrived and was about to enter the room, then wrapped his gloved hand around the doorknob.
His master's room was as well-kept as he remembered it to be, but well-trained eyes of a butler continued to keep a look out for any stray item or articles of clothing that might have found its way out of place out of his master's carelessness. God forbid if he found any unwelcome guest in his master's bedroom or worst still, sharing the bed with his master.
The head full of silver-blond hair did not stir at the door opening
Kyvan Reyes closed the door behind as he stepped fully into the room, throwing the room back into the dimness of a room created by sunlight fighting –and mostly failing –to break into the room through the drawn curtains. He made those curtains his first priority, moving through the big room with quick, decisive steps. There was no hesitation as he threw open the curtains and allowed bright sunlight to flood into the room in an instant.
"It's time to wake up, Kyren." He announced with a perfect mixture of respect and friendliness. His father had explained to him and his brother before that a Reyes butler would always face a very unique problem, and that was the issue of being unable to be completely subservient to their master or mistress. Reyes butlers like Kyvan and Kylar were attached to their masters and mistresses once they turned 5 years old, and this relationship was irrevocable for the rest of their lives. They would naturally grow up as childhood friends, but a fine line between butler and master had to be drawn.
"Ugh..." The boy of 15 years old finally stirred on the bed, flipping around to turn his back to the window. "5 minutes more..."
"5 minutes it is. I advise you to not make me take drastic measures, Kyren." Kyvan warned his master before moving to his master's walk-in closet in the adjourning room. The automatic sensor threw the lights on over his master's whole repertoire of clothes, and Kyvan carefully picked out his young master's outfit for the day in accordance to the schedule that he had already memorised in his head. His young master had history lessons, followed by some light sword training planned ahead of him –Kyvan decided to pick clothes that were easy to move in, but was careful not to make his master look too casual.
With the outfit picked out, Kyvan brought the full set out and neatly arranged them draped them over the back of the one-seater couch. His next destination was the adjourning bathroom, where he rinsed the tub briefly before plugging the drain and began filling the tub with warm water. Kyvan continued to bustle around the bathroom to set everything perfectly –the toothpaste already squeezed and prepared on the brush, the shampoo and soap with his master's preferred scent placed in the vicinity of the shower, and towel set out and ready to be used.
It was only after everything was done that the young butler returned again to his master's bed.
"Kyren, it has been five minutes and twenty-eight seconds." Kyvan announced. "You have the next twenty seconds to get up yourself."
"Don't learn from Kylar and let me sleep another 5 minutes more..." The young man –boy, actually –groaned once again, throwing the covers over himself as his butler began to countdown aloud.
"We wouldn't have to do this if you will wake up easily like Miss Kaylen." Kyvan reminded, temporarily interrupting his countdown to say.
"My sister is 9. Of course she has energy to get up every day. She doesn't have to go through stupid lessons every day." Kyren's complaint came again even as the countdown continued, clearly not ready to get out of bed yet.
"She will have to start her lessons in a few years. You shouldn't set yourself a bad example for her. Kaylen loves and looks up to you as her elder brother."
"Good for her that she has two other elder brothers to look up to, then." Kyren answered sleepily. "You and Kylar are good enough examples for her. She doesn't need me."
"We are only her butlers while you are her blood brother. You should set a good example nonetheless, as expected from an heir of the Greaves-Crawford family." Kyvan answered, completing the countdown in his head. "Consider yourself fairly warned; I will commence wakeup duties."
If Kyvan's teacher back in the Imperial Academy knew of these serious infractions to the butler's code that he was attempting to do, the poor old man would swoon immediately. Unfortunately, the Greaves-Crawford Household had a strange relationship between master, mistress and butler –as evidenced by Kyren's and Kyvan's parents –and thus this strange relationship had continued in them. Kyvan pulled the covers off in a hard tug and grabbed at his master's wrists. There was no genteel as he dragged both arms over his shoulders as he turned around, and strength training as a butler paid off as Kylar simply hoisted his still uncooperative master onto his back.
Kyren made loud groans of protest, but otherwise did not say more. Kyvan had once witnessed the pains that his father had to go through waking up Master Brandon, and he was rather convinced that the history of low-blood pressure that ran in the Greaves blood was the nightmare of all Reyes butlers serving them.
Kyvan piggybacked his master to the bathroom and sat the limp young man on the edge of the tub carefully.
"Do you want to undress yourself?" Kyvan asked out of sheer politeness, but years had gone past in routine as Kyren simply groaned in reply to the question. Kyvan took his answer well and began to unbutton his master's sleepwear, stripping his master with no shame. Besides, they had seen each other's naked body ever since they were young, and both Kylar and Kyvan had been put in charge of helping their young master bathe ever since they were made official butlers to Kyren.
There was no nonsense as Kyvan dragged his master to the showers and turned the showerhead on.
Like a machine finally rousing, Kyren finally began to wake up to the feel of cold water hitting his skin. Kyvan knew that his job was more or less done when his master's lazy arms slowly moved up to rub and scrub.
Kyvan checked his watch multiple times as his master took his slow time through the showers, then to the bath to warm up for the day. Then, unable to remain silent in his corner in the bathroom, Kyvan approached his master still struggling to keep his eyes completely open while soaked in the comfortable temperature of the tub.
"Kyren, we are going to be late if you drag any longer. Miss Louise isn't going to be very happy if you are late again like you were yesterday."
"It won't be that bad." Kyren excused, dismissing the advice with a wave of his hand, but Kyvan was not so sure.
"I didn't want to remind you this so early in the morning, but it seems like a good night's sleep has made you forget." Kyvan sighed. He wasn't sure if he wanted to be glad at his master's level of resilience –the ability to fall asleep and forget the frets of yesterday. "You should try not to be late today or give Miss Louise any reason to be unhappy. She must have heard about the Princeton Tender."
"Ugh." The sound of disgust and annoyance was familiar to Kyvan, and told him that his master had just remembered the biggest news of the day before: that the business arm that Kyren had been put in charge as a test from his mother had been thrown into financial difficulties immediately with the public news that the business had lost the auction for the Princeton Tender.
While Kyren did not make further comments upon the topic, Kyvan took to note that his master seemed immediately a little more awake and his movements slightly faster as he stepped out of the tub and began rubbing himself dry. Glad that his master was cooperating with him now at the very least, Kyvan rushed to fetch his master's outfit for the day, assisting in righting Kyren's appearance until the young master was dressed smartly and perfectly for the day.
Kyvan was glad that his master had reason to rush through the corridors today as opposed to his usual feet-dragging, and was so surprisingly on time that they met surprised and happy faces of their siblings at the door that would open up to the family's dining room.
"Big Brother! Brother Kyvan! You're here early today!" Kaylen greeted with happiness upon seeing her favorite persons in the world.
Kaylen was a beautiful little girl, and having grown up doted on by an overly loving father and a mother who was clearly gentler with the fairer gender, the young girl was still mostly her childish and innocent self, enjoying the company of her elder brothers (Kyren and his butlers) whenever she could. It would probably be a few years down the road that Kaylen would go through puberty, and no more would any of the boys find the young one so happy just upon the sight of them early in the morning.
"We're here on time, Miss Kaylen." Kyvan reported honestly, offering a bow of respect and greeting to his mistress the same way his twin brother was doing to his master.
"Big Brother being on time for breakfast is early." Kaylen answered happily, innocently ignorant of the subtle dig that she had made unknowingly at her brother's late-coming streak.
"Let us enter the room, shall we? We should not keep Master Brandon and Miss Louise waiting." Kylar, the elder of the Reyes twins, invited them all into the room, guiding their master and mistress to their respective seats. It was not surprising at all to find the Master and Mistress of the Household already seated at the breakfast table, awaiting their children. Head Butler Keyron was in his usual spot as well, standing close behind Brandon and offering morning greetings as well.
"I'm glad you can join us today so early at the breakfast table, Kyren." Miss Louise's welcome was strange for a mother, and Kylar and Kyvan could not help but exchange silent, worried looks to each other as they bustled to fetch their young master and mistress's breakfast set up and awaiting at the end of the room.
The Head Butler had already spread out breakfast for the Master and Mistress of the Household perfectly as an example for his sons to follow, and they did as best as they could in quick, efficient silence, stepping back behind their respective master and mistresses once they were done.
"It is Kylar watching over Kaylen today?" Brandon noted with friendly surprise and smile.
"Yes, Master Brandon. Since I had troubles waking up Kyren yesterday, we thought it might be a better decision if Kyvan were to take waking-up duties instead." Kylar answered humbly, but was answered with friendly laughter instead.
"No worries about not being able to wake up Kyren. That boy's just like me; the low blood pressure really makes us monsters." Brandon chuckled. "Ask your father if you don't believe me."
"Indeed, Brandon used to be terribly bad at waking up early." Keyron nodded in fond memories of those days. "Throwing him in the tub full of ice-cold water was usually the most effective way to wake him up immediately."
"You almost gave me pneumonia once doing that." Brandon scowled at his butler who was still grinning guiltlessly. "Remind me why I have you as a butler again?"
"Because you cannot live without me, and you're terrified that Miss Louise will take me away from you if you don't keep me close." The knowing Head Butler's answer was not the usual respectful and humble one, but the entire Greaves-Crawford Household had long come to accept the fact that the relationship between Brandon and Keyron was never going to change. The two had been as thick as thieves ever since they were young, and social pressures or manners was not going to change the way the two talked and teased at each other whenever the situation was not serious.
"Louise does so well on her own that she doesn't even need you, Keyron. You're unwanted." Brandon teased back in reply, unafraid of letting their children hear this playful conversation despite them already being fully-fledged adults.
"Very well, I believe I have heard about the Claude Household requiring a capable butler to oversee their day-to-day operations. I'm sure they would welcome a Reyes butler with open doors." Keyron deferred back smoothly, not missing a single beat.
"Keyron cannot leave Mama and Papa!" Kaylen burst out quickly, having mistaken the tease as a real threat. "Papa cannot live without Keyron! Stay!"
"Keyron is not going anywhere, honey." Louise finally spoke up, shooting a warning glare to both men who did their best to affect looks of repentance. "Like how your papa cannot live without Keyron, it's actually the same likewise. Do you think Keyron will be able to survive out there serving just another Household?"
"Miss Louise, please don't cheapen my value as a butler." The poor Head Butler pleaded, but Brandon chuckled again, this time glad that his wife had taken his side.
"What value do you have as a butler? Given the way you talk to your master, I bet you will be fired anywhere else within a day."
"You make fun of him, Brandon, but you are no better." Louise's steady words cut in before any form of protests could be made, eyes carefully on the plate in front of her as slender fingers lightly caressed her utensils as she worked on breakfast.
There was only one woman in the world who could make the simple act of eating breakfast look like a royal show, and it was Louise Greaves-Crawford.
"What value will you have as a master if you have a butler who does not serve you as well as Keyron does?" Louise continued, finally looking up, but eyes were not on her husband but on her son instead.
Kyren, who had been watching the entire playful debate between his father and Head Butler with amusement while he enjoyed breakfast, froze at the eye contact. His smile faded in a quick second. Kyren had inherited the same blue eyes as his mother, but no matter how much he practiced with himself in the mirror, he could never replicate the icy cold gaze that his mother could give. It was also well-known as the gaze of death; the gaze that showed Louise Greaves-Crawford's displeasure.
"What value will you have as a master if you have butlers who do not serve you as well as Kylar and Kyvan does?" Louise repeated her question, this time very clearly addressing her son instead.
Any hopes that Kyren might have had about his parents not knowing about the Princeton Tender was dashed. There was no doubt about it; Louise had heard about the news. In addition, it was very safe to say that she was angry. Perhaps even furious.
"I... I am a son of the Greaves-Crawford household." Kyren tried his best to scrape his confidence, but it was practically impossible when invisible icy beams shot at him through Louise's unforgiving stare. "I only deserve the best butlers."
"No." Louise rested her utensils on her plate with a sharp clink. "Kyvan, remind your master what the second most important code of a butler is."
Memorizing the Code of Butlers had been inculcated in Kyvan ever since he learnt how to recognize words and their meanings, and thus he had absolutely no problems reciting it upon order.
"A butler's strength is his master's strength, Miss Louise." It was the second most important rule: a butler had to be dedicated wholeheartedly to support his master and help him growth in strength and power if the butler ever wished the best for his master. The level of power a butler held could only be measured to the level of power his master held –such was the very pragmatic way hierarchy amongst butlers were established.
"If you were to judge yourself upon that rule, how strong would you think you are now, Kyvan?" The loaded question was clearly a battlefield for the 15-year-old butler, and he could not help but try to seek assistance from his father through gaze alone.
"Miss Louise," The hero of Kyvan's eyes had never once changed throughout his 15 years of life –even after being trained to be a capable butler himself, and even after hearing the multitude of stories of how terrible Keyron had been as a butler when his father had been young –came to the rescue. "Miss Louise, with all due respect, I would advise for you to spare Kyren at least for breakfast. If anything, Miss Kaylen should not be in the room before anything starts."
Hesitation only flickered very briefly in the cold, icy blue gaze of the capable Mistress of the household, and a decision was made instantaneously as she lifted her utensils once again, looking back down on her food.
"Very well." The announcement allowed the family to breathe a temporary sigh of relief, but Kyren knew for sure that his doomsday had only been postponed, not cancelled. The fear and trepidation of what was to come rolled chaos in his stomach, and Kyren found himself pushing his plate away in a signal that he was done without having taken much of a bite at all.
"You're done eating, Kyren? Are you sick?" The overly doting father appeared once more as Brandon asked worriedly.
"I just don't feel like eating, Dad. I don't really have an appetite." Kyren excused weakly. "Please excuse me first while I-"
"Stay." The interruption was so sharp that almost everyone at the meal table jerked.
"Miss Louise." Keyron spoke up politely, and he did not need more words for the woman to understand the meaning.
"I apologize." Louise's words were spoken much more gently this time with conscious effort. "I did not mean to sound so harsh. But stay, Kyren. Stay and finish your food. Pay some respects to the cooks and chef who have put so much effort in making them for you."
"I really don't have much of an appetite today, Mum." Kyren answered with a sickly expression, hoping that if he came across weak and ill, there might be some genteel extended to him.
"If you are not unwell, then you should eat as much as you can." Louise once more captured her son in her unforgiving gaze. "It might be the last time you have such luxurious food placed out neatly on the table for you."
The warning bells rang clear and loud this time as Kyren struggled to think of something respectful to respond to his mother with.
"Louise, we talked about this." Brandon began to frown at his wife across the table, but the power and authority within the family had been establish long ago –the Mistress of the Greaves-Crawford Household clearly did not let the Master sway her decision easily.
"We did." Louise answered her husband evenly. "And I remain by my point. You are very welcome to join him, Brandon. But if you choose to show solidarity with your son, then be wise and leave behind Keyron and his sons behind to prove your point."
The plan that Kyren's parents clearly had for him –one in which Brandon seemed to disapprove while Louise endorsed it greatly –surely could not mean well for him. He thought back quickly on his mother's hint concerning breakfast, thinking furiously with the fast wits and strong processing power that his parents had gifted him.
It was not very difficult at all to come to a safe conclusion.
"You're kicking me out, Mum?" Kyren demanded in shock.
"Kyren, you're mistaken. We're not-" Brandon's pitying and pleading expression confirmed the fact.
"Yes, we are." Louise answered, resting her utensils fully on the cleaned plate of food. "Kylar, before we start, I want you to bring Kaylen out of this room. Bring her to your mother and prepare her for her tutor."
"Mum, I'm not done with breakfast yet. Please let me stay and eat with you?" The young girl spoke up quietly in a brave move that was obviously a ruse to remain in the room to witness a meltdown that she knew was coming but had no idea the reason motivating it.
Kaylen Greaves-Crawford had learnt that if she remained obedient, her parents doted on her very much and treated her as if she were a delicate princess. While Kaylen could not wait to grow up to be treated more as a fine lady belonging to the country's strongest household, she also knew very well how to use her parent's view of her to her advantage. Kaylen found herself usually throwing herself out as a shield for any imminent arguments between her brother and mother, which had been becoming a norm in the recent years.
"Kylar, get the chef to prepare half a portion of Kaylen's breakfast and bring it over to your mother's. Let her finish her breakfast there." Louise's instruction was well received by a studious butler, but it was truly not a good sign for the young master of the house.
"But, Mum-" Kaylen began to protest in her cute-girl voice. Unfortunately, Louise Greaves-Crawford had no tolerance for protests even if they came from her innocent, obediently little girl.
"Go with Kylar, Kaylen."
Louise did not miss the apologetic look that her daughter passed to her son before the girl slid her butt off her chair and excused herself the usual way young ladies were supposed to. Silent gazes followed Kaylen as her faithful butler brought her out of the room, and the door closed behind her tightly.
"Kyvan, clear the table, and go find your brother and Kaylen afterwards."
"Miss Louise," Kyvan dared himself to speak up, keeping his head low. "What about Kyren's schedule for the rest of the day?"
"Cancel them. All of them."
"W-What about us?" Even Kyvan could not help but stutter a little at how dangerous the air was quickly becoming.
"You and your brother continue to attend to classes as always. Just do them without Kyren. Tell your tutors that I'm pulling Kyren out of all lessons until further notice."
"U-understood." Kyvan swallowed hard once and was glad that his hands were not trembling as he collected the plates of breakfast from the table within the tense atmosphere created singularly by the Mistress of the family. The poor young butler managed to balance everything between his hands without shaking too much on the outside despite his fearful quivering on the inside, and with humble words of excuse, Kyvan escaped the room.
He prayed furiously for the well-being of his young master as he made his steps fast towards the kitchen where he would unload the plates. The mistress had –as always –finished her meal without leaving a single scrap. His Master had cleared through most of his meals with just a few sides that had been left neglected, but his young master's plate was almost full.
Kyvan truly prayed that for whatever that would befall on his young master would not be too terrible.
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