Chapter seven: Interrogating an insurrectionist spartan/A new member to the team


(Y/N woke up and saw that was laying in Jake's home.)

Jake: Y/N... Can you here me?

(Y/N recognized his voice and he responded to him.)

Y/N: Yes Jake... Is that you?

Jake: Yeah, it's me.

(Y/N was about to get up, but Max Patel stopped him.)

Max: Whoa easy there hot shot, you took a blow from Lo'ak pretty good.

Y/N: I did? Well, I almost didn't recognize it.

Max: Easy there Y/N, I'm just going to do some testing. Following the impact from your fall yesterday night, your armor seems be in partial lockdown for a while.

(Max pulls out his Look Calibration from his pocket.)

Max: Alright Y/N i want you to follow the light where ever is going to, when you lock onto it, it changed into green.

Y/N: Okay.

Max: Move yourself to the right. (Y/N looks to the right) Okay... Now to the left? (He moves to the left) Good... Now i want you look up. (He looks up) Good... now down? (He looks down) Wonderful... Everything seems okay Jake.

Jake: Good to here. Anything else Max?

Max: Lets see... Hmm, according to what it says, your servo's in your hands seem to be having an issue Y/N. Try moving it.

(He moves his hands and realized his grappler was out. But he pulls it back in. Eve appeared in the hollow table.)

Eve: It's good to see you awake Y/N.

Y/N: Thank's Eve... Where's Claire and the others?

Eve: They went to have a discussion about the mission with the other clans.

Y/N: That's good to hear, any news from Hesh?

Eve: Hesh is alive in the outpost, they're still trying to get intel from him but it looks to me won't spill the beans.

Y/N: Good.

(Jake and his son walked up to him.)

Neteyam: Charon is it? (He offers a hand shake) It's nice to meet you, my father has been telling me stories about your sister and you. 

Y/N: Nice to meet you... Neteyam?

Neteyam: Yes, also this is my brother Lo'ak... he's kinda a dick sometimes when it comes to leading off some ambushes and all, also i'm sorry if he hit you too hard.

Lo'ak: I didn't jack ass...

Neteyam: Alright, Lo'ak i don't wanna start of with a fight and all so lets talk about this crap later... Anyway's, Eve is giving us some intel, dad also spoke to the other clans... They're going to be launching an attack by tomorrow morning... We need some intel from you bro.

Y/N: Sure thing.

(Y/N walked to the table in their home where Eve was.)

Eve: Alright, so according to Sarah Palmer, were only here to apprehend a corrupt spartan named Spartan Ezekielson... He defected from the UNSC and allied himself with the RDA and Insurrectionists. 

Y/N: And we better stop them no matter what... What ever they'll do here in Pandora, it's far worse and all.

Eve: And now that they Hesh in their base, they're might be chances they might find out about our locations.

Y/N: Don't say that Eve... Hesh is a strong person, believe me.

Lo'ak: Where exactly are we gonna get a guy who know's the base and all?

(They turned to one of the Insurrectionist's captive Insurrectionist Spartans, Spartan Gavin Reynolds) 

Y/N: Spartan Reynolds huh, what a surprise.

Eve: Spartan Reynolds is another one of the Insurrectionist's top intel collectors, my intel believes he was captured by the Na'vi's a few months ago.

Neteyam: We decided to keep in that cage for interrigation. But it looks to me he doesn't wanna get his can of beans removed.

Y/N: Leave this to me.

(Y/N walked up to Gavin who was already awake.)

Gavin: The fuck are you looking at! (Y/N remained quiet) HEY I'M TALKING TO YOU ASSHOLE!!

Y/N: I know pal, I know.


Y/N: Yeah, I know who you are. Spartan Gavin Reynolds, Spartan Ezekielson's second in command. 

Gavin: What the-? HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!!

Y/N: UNSC Records pal.

Gavin: WHY YOU!!

(Gavin charged at Y/N, but since Y/N was a spartan four. he managed to gain the upper hand on him and slammed him to the ground, and picked up his taser and tased him painfully, Gavin groaned in agony as Lo'ak and Neteyam watched.)

Lo'ak: Why are we not doing anything bro?

Neteyam: Well, at least he's a better interrogator and all.

Lo'ak: He's hurting him N!

Neteyam: Yeah, i know... but that's how they can get em to talk and all, anyways. stop.

(Y/N brutally beaten Gavin as he was seen struggling to get up.)

Y/N: I'm waiting.

Gavin: Okay, I'll tell you anything... anything you want kid. 

Y/N: That's what i'd like to here mate.

Gavin: Okay, we invaded Pandora to gather its natural resources so that we can be more stronger and powerful just like the UNSC, when Spartan Ezekielson defected from the UNSC and leads the Insurrectionists, he wanted to be more better than the UNSC.

Y/N: So that's why.

Gavin: Yes for the love of-?

(He slams him to the ground, he was about to exit the cage, but he ask's Y/N somethin.)

Gavin: So, what are you guys planning to do? Raid an attack tomorrow morning with the others?

Y/N: No something better... Were going to need all the aid we got, you wanna help us? Unless you wanna do shit with those RDA and Insurrectionists and all.

(Gavin remained quiet for a few seconds, but his style began to change where he now sides with the UNSC.)

Gavin: I hate the Insurrectionists and RDA... Everyone of them.

Y/N: Tell me, what they'd do? When and where?

(Gavin walked up to the table and showed the areas of different outposts to them)

Gavin: The one your aiming at is the command outpost, they're trying to make this planet into a much deserted planet like how the covenant did to other planets. In the ocean area, outpost  aqua Titan, it's an outpost where they'll be experimenting on animals and taking their life force for further investigation... There are in total of nine outposts here in pandora that we've established when we arrived.

Y/N: nine?... Eve, detect their location.

Eve: Scanning already... Found them both, sending you the coordinates now.

(She showed them on his visor.)

Y/N: Damn, that's a lot of em. 

(He turns to Gavin)

Gavin: Go on, kill me then.

Y/N: No, were gonna give him another chance, he'll be recruited with us.

(Lo'ak was surprised to hear what Y/N said.)

Lo'ak: I don't understand... Y/N showed him respect!? He was a monster!

Neteyam: Yes, this one he interrogated him was a monster... but in the end, Y/N decided to give him another chance. Hopefully he'll change. 

Y/N: Everyone, head to the intel area stat!

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