04 | Pass Out


Asan Medical Centre

Everyone was talking to each other, whispering about the latest murder case that just happened. They were terrified, thinking that they might be the next target.

"Did you hear about the murder?"

"The victim isn't even rich, so the murder isn't targeting rich people."

"We could be the next victim!"

They were all scared. Being a nurse who had to walk everywhere in the hospital, she overheard all the conversations the patients and their families had. Even some of the patients family didn't come to visit them because they were scared to even step out from their houses.

She put down the medicine tray next to her then heaved a sigh before waving her hand to her colleague, Jieun. She came over after seeing Heiji waving at her.

Thinking that she might take a quick rest as well, she sat next to her and let out a relief sigh. "Did you hear about the news?" Jieun looked at her.

"What? The murder?"

Heiji scoffed, "What else? It's the only hot topic in Korea now."

"Yeah, of course I heard about that." She nodded while fixing her nursing costume. Then, she turned to look at Heiji who seemed to be thinking of something. "What's with that face?" She asked casually.

Heiji heaved a sigh. "I don't know, I just can't stop thinking, though."

"Of what?"

"Like, I just found out that the man that was murdered yesterday wasn't even rich. He was just an owner of a small stall. Yet, he was still get killed. Which means, the killer didn't kill him to rob him or something." She came up with conclusion she just made up on her mind since this morning. Jieun looked at her confusedly. "Well, killers in movies usually kill someone who's rich, famous or related to politics. But the murder that happened in our country now doesn't seem like that. I mean, he doesn't kill them for their money." She looked at Jieun.

"So why do you think he killed them?"

"I don't really know about that, but it's either someone hired him or, he has his own reason killing these people. He seems to be someone who's very brave because he left his sign. Every person that he killed was killed tragically. Their heart was taken out and even replaced with a broken glass. That's his signature and I somehow think that he wants us to know that it was him." She kept talking.

"He wants us to know that it was him who killed those people? That's ridiculous, how would someone want everyone to know their own doings." Jieun protested.

Heiji scoffed, "That's why he left his signature on every body of the people he killed. I don't think that he did that for no reason," she stated the facts.

2:27 p.m.

Heiji just got the chance to finally stop working and go for a rest. She hadn't eat anything yet for the whole day so she was starving.

Having the food she wanted to eat set up on her mind, she took her handbag and directly went to the small restaurant that was located a kilometre away from the hospital she was working. It was a new restaurant and she heard that they sell the best kimchi.

Making her way to the hospital's front door, she looked around for a taxi and ready to get her lunch.

On her way heading to the new restaurant, she was looking around the city while the driver stopped the car at the traffic light. Meant to be looking to her right, she saw a man riding a super bike beside her. She used to have a minor obsession towards bikes when she was a kid. So she tended to take a closer look of the bike.

"Gosh, this man has the most amazing bike," she mumbled to herself before her eyes slowly moving upwards to see the rider. He was wearing a helmet but for some reason, he took it off for awhile because he wanted to fix it.

Just by a quick glance, Heiji recognised him right away. "Wait a minute, he's the same guy I met yesterday." She said to herself and continued looking at his face while he was fixing his helmet.

A few seconds later, a memory suddenly hit her. The moment when she was drunk flashed back on her mind after she stared at his bike. "Wait, wasn't he—" her eyes grew wide when she remembered all the thing that happened. She gasped loudly before turning away in embarrassment. "Oh my, was he the guy who sent me home?" She muttered under her breathe. "God, I freaking threw up on him on the ride." She covered her face with her palm before taking the last look of the guy.

Then, she confirmed that he was the same guy because of his jawline. To her, he was the only guy that she knows who had a jawline like that. She also remembered trying to touch his jawline when she was drunk. "Shit, is that why he was so mad at me at the park? He recognises me? Ahhh," she shook her head then the car started to move again after the light turned green.

Park Jimin

I felt so dizzy today so I stopped by a convenient store to buy some pills. As I walked into the store, I saw two cops were talking to the shop owner, asking about something.

I scoffed then went to the drinking isle to grab some drinks and water. The cops suddenly looked at me but I tended to ignore them and continued buying the things I needed.

When I was done, I went to the counter to ask for paracetamol pills. "Give me some Panadol." I said to the old man as the cops were still looking at me. They seemed to be twice my age.

One of the cops came to me and asked, "Are you buying these alcohol?"

I looked at him and nodded. "Yeah, any problems?" I looked at the two bottles of alcohol in front of me then looked back at him.

"May I see your ID, Sir?"

Once again, I scoffed at how unprofessional he was acting. It was embarrassing to know that an old cop like him couldn't even say the age of someone correctly. "Do I look like a high schooler for you?" I rolled my eyes then took out my wallet and gave him my ID anyways.

He looked at me with a slight of annoyance shown on his face, he was probably unsatisfied with the way I talked to him. "Excuse me, young man?" He looked at my ID then looked back at me. "Park Jimin," he said my name. "How could you talk to me like that? Are you aware that you're talking to someone older? Where's your manner?"

Emotionlessly, I took back my ID from him then paid for my stuff. I breathed, "Do you want me to respect you as an old man or a police, Sir?"

He looked at me in disbelief. "Sorry, but I have to go now, I have so many things to do." I said and walked out from the store and heard him saying something about me.

"That young man is so rude."

I stopped my bike at the park I went yesterday to get some fresh air while enjoying my drinks. I sat on the bench then opened one of the bottles.

Some people walked by and saw what I was doing. A woman with a kid looked at me then looked down at her son. She tried to cover his eyes to prevent him from seeing me drinking at a public place.

I scoffed, "It's not like you never drink in front of him."

These people love to see bad in people, not realising their own bad. Heaving a sigh, I took a few gulps in one go then slammed the bottle on the table. So satisfying. Inhaling fresh air while enjoying a good drink.

After I finished my drink, I threw the bottle away and took out a box of cigarette that I bought yesterday. I wasn't the type of a person who was addicted to smoking. But I'd smoke everytime I feel I want to.

I lighted it on with the lighter then started to smoke it. The bitter taste it was giving me felt so worse. But I still kept on inhaling it because it somehow gave me a satisfaction. I smoked while staring at kids that were playing at the playground with their parents watching them from afar. I didn't know why I loved to see kids playing at my free time. Maybe because it reminded me of my old friend.

How I missed that silly girl.

I chuckled almost bitterly before I got a text from someone.

sent 3:30 p.m.
Meet me at the train station. I have a job for you.

I locked my phone back then threw the cigarette away. Job comes first. I quickly stood up and left the spot.

He didn't expect what was going to hit him. Once again, he made the wrong decision.


10:25 p.m.

The whole city was already almost empty because all of them were advised by the government to stay at home and not to go out at late nights. Because the murderer would probably do his works at nights.

But being a girl named Soo Heiji, she had no other choices because her shift ended at night. She had the same routine everyday and she couldn't deny that she had getting kinda bored of doing the same thing everyday.

Her flat shoes were rubbed against the ground as she was too tired to even walk properly. With a deep sigh being heaved, she continued to walk until she reached her destination which was her home that was located around 2 kilometres from the hospital.

Her body was aching due to the works she did at the hospital. Today was very hectic for her and she believed that she deserved a good rest once she reached home. As she was walking, she suddenly heard someone was winching in pain. The voice was low and it was obvious that the person was in pain. She stopped her steps and stood still for awhile to confirm if it was really a human's voice or it was just a sound of dog whimpering.

Then, she confirmed that it was the sound of someone trying to hold their pain. "Is anyone there? Hello?" She asked.

As she was trying to find the person who was suffering in pain, she suddenly remembered that their country was currently rising up because of the killer. She was afraid that it might be the killer trying to get a new victim by pretending to be hurt. Or, the killer was probably is killing someone right now and if he found out that she was there, she'd be killed as well. She started panicking, trying to think of what to do.

Taking out her phone, she dialled for Taehyung's number as she knew that he could handle this situation. But just to make the situation worst, her phone was dead. She muttered under her breathe. In most situations she had to face, why must her phone died in situation like this?

She closed her eyes and tried to come up with a great idea that wouldn't put herself in danger.

After making up with her own mind, she decided to help the person who was probably in pain because she believed that it was her obligation as a nurse. If she waited a little longer, the person may ended up didn't make it because she was worried that their injury was serious.

She inhaled for a deep breathe and slowly walked towards the small isle where she heard the sound coming from. "Hello?" She whispered.

No answer but the person kept winching.

"If you're in danger, please answer me." She said a little bit louder so that the person could hear her. Yet, they still didn't answer her and it was making her suspicious.

She took a few steps closer towards the isle and saw a shadow of a man standing and had his body laid against the wall. She discontinued her steps until she realised that the man behind the wall was the one who was in pain because she could hear him whimpering in pain.

Quickly she stepped forward and looked at the person. It didn't take her so long to recognise him. It was the same person who helped her before. Her eyes slowly moving down as she looked at his tummy that was stabbed. Blood was flowing out and he used his hand to stop the blood flow. She gasped and moved backwards when she saw him in such confidence.

Although she worked as nurse, she had never seen anyone in this such condition live. It was too much for her to see at the first time. "Oh God," she whispered to herself then went to him to give him support because he was about to fall onto the ground. She used her knee to stop him from falling and her arms were wrapped around him firmly.

"S-Sir, can you hear me?" She asked instead of asking him what happened to him because she knew that he was half concious.

He didn't answer her because the pain was too much to handle. She could say that he was stabbed quite deep. She was afraid of blood and almost fainted when she saw it. But she tried her best to shrug her fear off and focus on helping him. "We need to bring you to the hospital now." She stated.

Finally, he spoke up. "Don't. Don't bring me to the hospital, just don't." He low-key sounded like he was begging.

"But you're bleeding!" She yelled.

His hand slowly held her face and made her to look into his eyes. In the most weakest way, he told her, "Please don't."

Looking into his eyes, she knew that he really didn't want to go to the hospital for some tough reason. Then in a blink, he passed out in her embrace.



Hi friends, hope all of you are doing fine :)


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