Chapter 8: Mending Things With The Commoner

AN: This chapter was a bit fun to try and write an outline for. I had to watch the corresponding anime episode several times before I got it how I wanted it. Please enjoy the chapter!


Camille found herself  woken up from a dream about adopting a puppy, something she had always wanted to do, by her cell phone ringing on the bed next to her. She growled aloud and slapped her hand down on the phone before pulling it up to stare at the screen. Her growl intensified as she hit the green button to answer the call, putting it on speaker and laying it on her chest to keep from having to hold it up to her ear.

"This better be good Tamaki or I'm going to be very angry." She grumbled before Tamaki started rambling on about how they needed to go to Haruhi's house. She did not catch the full reason as to why they were visiting, but she agreed due to her want to connect with the younger girl. "Alright Tamaki. I'll get up and get ready." Her finger slammed down on the red button to hang up as he screeched in excitement.

I'd like to keep my eardrums intact, thank you. She mused to herself before pulling back the covers and stepping out of bed to find clothes in the closet. It took her a few moments to find a light pink tank top and black pants that would look halfway decent for a casual day out. Her hands fumbled to place a necklace around her neck that contained a single silver feather, a birthday gift from her brother several years back. Her makeup was minimal due to it being warm outside and her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail to keep it from making her feel overheated.

Her black slip-on shoes made faint noises as she walked down the stairs to leave the house, saying she would be gone for the day when asked where she was going by her maid. Her eyes adjusted to the bright sun as she shut the door, her hand adjusting the thick strap of her camera bag on her slender shoulder. Might as well take advantage of the day off to get some candid pictures.

She sat herself down on the steps outside the house, her elbows resting on her knees. Her hands cradled her face as she watched the gates for any sign that the hosts would be there to pick her up soon. "I sure hope they didn't forget me after being woken up like that." She grumbled before watching some flowers sway in the warm breeze from their clay pot at the end of the stairs she sat on.

It was another ten minutes before a set of black town cars pulled into her driveway, the door opening to show a surprisingly cheery looking Kyoya. "Come on grumpy. We are running a tad late due to Honey-senpai not wanting to wake up." He explained in his irritatingly cool voice. She shot him a glare as she stood up and got into the car next to him, placing her camera bag between them as she shut the door.

The trip from Camille's house was full of excited chatter from Honey who had decided to ride with them along with Mori. Tamaki and the twins had apparently decided to ride in the other car and she was grateful that she was not in the car with them because she would have likely strangled Tamaki for the manner he had woken her up in. That thought alone made her think that the seating arrangement must have been done by Kyoya and it caused her to look at him out of the corner of her eye. He was looking out the window at all the things that went by on their drive through the city, seeming to block out everything around him as she had chosen to do.

She turned back to the window as they pulled up to Haruhi's apartment complex, hopping out of the town cars and gathering on the sidewalk. The boys all made remarks about the complex as Camille stood there with her camera bag on her shoulder. I have a feeling this isn't going to go well. She exhaled loudly before turning around as she heard Haruhi yelling at the hosts for even being there and showing up unannounced. She stepped forward as Tamaki started talking to Haruhi's land lady and attempts to smooth things over. "Hey Haruhi. I'm sorry we showed up without saying anything. Tamaki was a bit impatient with his plans to come over and I guess he forgot to call you and see if it was okay." She shot a pointed look over at the boy in question before laughing nervously.

Haruhi sighed and then nodded,"I suppose it's alright. You guys get three seconds to take a peek and then you have to leave. Okay?" She led the hosts and Camille up to the apartment and before she knew it they were staying for tea.

Camille got up and went to help Haruhi make some tea that the twins had brought with them, seeing this as another chance to possibly connect with the younger girl. "Hey, I wanted to say sorry again for just showing up out of the blue. I got woken up and told of the plans a bit before they came to get me. I should have called you first instead of thinking Tamaki would do it." She murmured as she arranged the cups so Haruhi could pour the tea, trying to keep her voice down as to not alert the hosts in the other room.

"That's alright Camille-senpai. I'm glad you are here to keep them to a minimum. They need someone other than me to stay on top of them or they are going to cause more problems than anyone else you can imagine." Haruhi replied before turning with the tray of tea to go and pass it out. Camille found herself slightly surprised that she seemed thankful towards her and bit her lip before joining the rest of them.

Honey passed out cake to the rest of them, but she found herself declining. This brought tears to Honey's eyes, but she managed to look away and he was fine after shifting his interest back to Haruhi. She was much too distracted with her thoughts of why Haruhi would suddenly change, but her only conclusion that it had to be something had finally clicked between the two of them.

She was brought from her thoughts as Tamaki and the twins suggested Haruhi make them lunch, a sweat drop forming on Camille's head at how ridiculous they were acting. Haruhi agreed to make them lunch grudgingly due to being annoyed at how the three of them were acting and Camille figured it was Honey's doing since he had taken to the idea rather quickly. The next moment found her walking out the door with the hosts for the commoner's supermarket and wondering how they rushed into these things so quickly.

As she got to the bottom of the stairs she passed a woman with red-brown hair going up the stairs, her hands clasping behind her back as she stepped out of the way politely to allow the woman to pass her. This earned her a smile of thanks before Camille realized that her ever present camera bag had been left upstairs in Haruhi's apartment. She freaked out and scrambled up the stairs while rest of them look at her with confused expressions.

It turns out the woman from before was no woman at all, it was Haruhi's father who was coming home from work. Haruhi's father was a transvestite, meaning he liked to wear women's clothing and wigs. He was standing in the doorway with a frozen smile on his face that caused Camille to peer around him to see Tamaki on top of Haruhi who was laying on the floor. Her face flamed crimson red at the sight, but she also found herself becoming irritated about the situation. She was about to ask what the hell was going on when Haruhi's father became mobile again.

Tamaki went soaring into the wall of the apartment as Haruhi's father threw him off of his daughter and hugged her protectively. Camille blinked rapidly before walking in to grab her camera bag. "That's what you get for being a perv Tamaki." She scolded, feeling only mildly concerned that he was pale as a sheet and twitching on the floor.

The twins came up next to introduce themselves to Haruhi's father who she later found out preferred to be called Ranka. Hikaru and Kaoru thought it would be fun to tease Tamaki by calling him a pervert as well and earned a smile from Camille before Ranka turned to her and gushed about how girly and pretty she was.

"You have to spend some time with my Haruhi and try to convince her to be more girly like you! Please! I try to get her to wear dresses, but she only does it on occasion and doesn't seem to happy when she does." He continued to gush, causing Camille to reluctantly agree before looking over at Haruhi. She seemed to get the point that Camille was only agreeing so that her father would stop trying to convince her, a smile of thanks being shot back at her before she started to get annoyed again.

The cause of annoyance this time was that Kyoya had apparently been making calls with Ranka and reporting how Haruhi was doing in school. It would have made Camille angry too and she found herself glaring at the boy as he complimented Ranka on his beauty. I'm not sure why I feel bad for Haruhi, but there is no reason he should be doing that without telling her. I wonder if he does the same to my parents. I'll have to find out and punish him later for it.

"Speaking of beauty," Ranka said, pulling Camille from her thoughts,"Camille is much sweeter than Haruhi let on. She seems really protective over you all and judging from her expression doesn't seem to realize she does it without thinking." Ranka looked amused as Camille stood there blinking rapidly, her hand gripping onto her camera bag's strap hard enough to turn her knuckles white. "I'm not sure why you didn't like her at first Haruhi. You could learn a thing or two from her."

Haruhi let out a growl of frustration and stalked over to the door,"That's it! I'm going to the supermarket alone. You guys stay here." The door slammed shut and caused Camille to turn and fling it open, running after her to catch up.

"I'm not staying there either. I'm a bit angry that Kyoya has been keeping things from you and it makes me wonder what else he is doing." Camille said as Haruhi gave her a confused expression upon being caught up with.

"I'd hate to see what you do to him if he has been keeping in contact with your parents as well. Although, it might be kind of funny." Haruhi chuckled, her anger draining away as they walked to the supermarket together.

"I'll make sure his punishment is a long and drawn out one. I might even make him beg for mercy." Camille laughed and shook her head. "I figured I would come with you to keep you company and help look for something for lunch."

Haruhi was silent for a few moments and then smiled slightly,"You know, my dad is right about you. You're always making sure everyone is happy around you and go out of your way to make them happy. You never once stop to ask for help with things and even if you're unhappy you are making others smile. I kind of admire you for that. We all care about you and I wish you'd take Kyoya's advice about asking for help sometimes."

Camille was silent as they rounded the corner and the supermarket came into view. She was not sure what to say in return to Haruhi's musings and chose to stay silent until they walked into the store. Her assessment of the store had her expression slowly becoming more and more curious. "I think I'm going to wander around a bit and see if I can think of anything we can make. Call me if you think of anything?" She asked before wandering off.

She wandered the shelves for a while and lost track of time before she came upon Kyoya looking down at his black notebook in confusion. It was enough to make her laugh, forgetting her earlier annoyance toward him for a bit as she approached him. "What are you doing here Kyoya? I thought you all were back at the apartment."

Kyoya's head snapped up and he turned to look down at Camille who was a head and a half shorter than he was. "We came here with Ranka to follow Haruhi. I decided to start looking around to learn what I could about this place and now I find myself stumped over how double coupons work."

Camille blinked a few times before she started laughing again and shook her head,"I'm not sure how they work either to be honest, but I'm sure we could figure it out if we thought about it." That is how they got into a heated debate over what double coupons meant before she got angry and stormed off.

"Stupid Kyoya and his stupid double coupons! Ugh! Why does he have to be such a jerk?" She grumbled to herself as she stalked out of the store and started walking back toward Haruhi's apartment. She was determined to get back there and wait outside until the rest of them got back. That was until she found herself lost in a park.

"Great! Just great! First I get into a fight with Mr. I'm-too-cool-for-you-and-know-everything and now I'm lost!" She yelled in frustration before stalking over to a swing and sitting down. She started to swing on the suspended seat until she found her anger fading away. Cameron, I find myself a big ball of emotions lately. I wish I could sort them out and return to normal. Well, as normal as I can be without you here. I miss you.

She was pulled from her thoughts as a familiar voice called out to her,"There you are, Camille-sempai. I thought we lost you for good." Kaoru said before walking over to her and taking up the other swing upon seeing her troubled expression. "Want to tell me what's wrong? Why did you run off?"

Camille sighed and stared down at her feet as she stopped the light swinging movements of the swing she was sitting on. "Kyoya and I got into an argument about coupons at the supermarket and my earlier anger about him doing what he did to Haruhi transformed the argument into a more personal one. I accused him of doing the same to me without asking first and he got uncharacteristically mad at me. That's what caused me to storm off."

Kaoru listened quietly to her venting before looking over at her. "If you ask me, both of you were wrong. You both need to apologize to each other." He sounded thoughtful and calm, causing Camille to look over at him.

"You sound like my brother. He would have said the same thing." She found herself saying before she saw Hikaru come running up.

"There you are! Everyone was worried about where you had run off to and we offered to come looking for you so the rest of them could go back to start making lunch." He walks over to them and offers Camille a hand as his brother comes to stand beside him. "Come on, let's get back and have some yummy commoner food."

Camille stared up at him for a few moments and then took his hand with a smile, standing up as he pulled her forward. She put her hands in the pockets of her pants as they walked back. I guess Haruhi was right. They really do care about me. If they didn't then they wouldn't have come looking for me like that.

Once they got back to Haruhi's apartment they all sat down to eat a stew pot  as a group. It tasted amazing and she was happy to be sharing a meal with everyone because it made her feel like they were really part of a family. A disfunctional one, but a family none the less.

"Camille, I'm sorry I yelled at you." Kyoya said quietly to her, causing her to look up at him.

"It's alright. I'm sorry for accusing you of doing something I wasn't sure you were doing." She tilted her head and offered a smile,"But you could make it up to me for scaring me somehow."

He seemed taken aback but looked curious all the same,"And how do you suppose I would do that? If I wanted to, of course."

"Well.." She started hesitantly before receiving the go ahead from him,"I would like to travel to some place to see snow. Just once on our next time off from school. My family has always made sure we were gone before it snowed because my mother hates the cold and I've never gotten to see it."

Kyoya stared at her for a few moments before looking down at his black notebook. "I suppose we could do that. The budget would allow for it and I think it would be nice to get away from the warmth for a while."

"Let's go to Mount Everest Kyoya!" Tamaki exclaimed in excitement, beginning to gush about how much fun it would be to make it to the top.

Camille laughed at him and shook her head,"No Tamaki! I would be happy going to the mountains of the United States. I've heard that Colorado has a ski resort that is rather nice and I really want to take pictures of the snow so I have my own to look at." This stopped him mid gush and caused him to hug her, starting to go on about how cute and smart she was. All that succeeded in doing was causing her face to heat up and her to try pushing him off.

"It's decided! We will take a trip to Colorado and see this ski resort so that Camille can see some snow!" Tamaki declared, causing Honey and Ranka to cheer in the background.

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