Chapter 7: What's Her Problem?
AN: I hope you are enjoying this! I am enjoying writing this, but I wish I had feedback occasionally ^.^' Hope you all have a great day/night!
"Cam-chan do you you want to eat cake with Usa-chan and me? Takashi had to stay late at kendo and isn't back yet." Honey said quickly, explaining why he was alone for once.
Camille had just walked into the club room and deposited her messenger bag in the back of the large room near Kyoya's desk. Since that day at the villa they had come to an agreement that they would be friends as long as they did not appear too friendly in front of the guests. It would raise questions and likely lower his request rate. Now she was being led by her uninjured hand to the table that Honey usually met his guests at.
Club activities were moments from starting and she did not see a reason not to spend time with Honey beforehand. Her bottom connected with the cushion of the chair, her hand going down to graze the almost healed skin of her burnt hand. It had just gotten to the stage where a bandage was no longer needed and for that she was grateful. The scarring was minimal thanks to Kyoya's quick actions of treating it, another thing to be grateful for.
"Your hand is doing better right Cam-chan? You worried us when we saw it." Honey said with an ever present cute tone to his voice. It was enough to make anyone feel guilty for having upset him.
"Yes senpai. There is only a thin scar. It's a bit tender, but that should pass in a couple of days as well. Thanks for asking." She watched him pull a slice of cake toward himself, a piece of vanilla cake having been settled in front of her previously. "I'm sorry for worrying you. It was a clumsy mistake." She left out the part where she had been nervous about the way Kyoya was acting.
There was silence for several minutes before he finally spoke,"Takashi was wondering if you wanted to join our families for dinner tonight. I think it's a great idea, but he told me to make sure I didn't make you do it if you didn't want to." He sounded as if he was reciting Mori's exact words, a surprise considering the tall boy was usually selective of his words.
Camille giggled at his serious tone before nodding,"That sounds nice. I'm used to eating alone so it will be a nice change."
Honey's eyes got wide and he dropped his fork, launching himself at her to hug her waist. "I'm so sorry! If I had known sooner we would have asked before!" He wailed before receiving a pat on the head.
"It's okay Honey-senpai. I'm happy to finally have the opportunity. Let's finish our cake before the guests arrive. Shall we?" She said all this rather quickly, trying to hide her panic because she was not sure how to calm him down.
The mention of cake caused Honey to perk up and hop back over to his own chair as Mori showed up with a slight smile, having heard the whole thing. The guests came pouring in moments later and it caused her to hurry to finish up and retreat to the kitchen to wash the plates they had used.
She had just finished drying her hands when the kitchen door that came from the main room was opened. "So you're going to dinner with Mori-senpai and Honey-senpai?" The voice was none other than Haruhi's causing Camille to tense up and turn around to face her.
"Yes, I am. I thought it would be polite to attend. The alternative is eating alone." She tilted her head at the other girl as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Is there something wrong with that?"
Haruhi passed her to go over to the sink, washing out a few cups. "No, I was just wondering if you were going to back out of that at the last second like you did souvenir hunting during the weekend."
This caused Camille to grow a bit more on edge as she was about to ask what the hell Haruhi's problem was when Kyoya came in to tell Haruhi that her guests had arrived and were waiting for her. Once Haruhi had left the room she turned to her classmate with a sigh,"Why does she hate me so much? I never did anything to her."
"I don't think she hates you, per say. I think it is a matter of not being the only girl anymore." He answered truthfully before chuckling at her confused expression. "She's jealous because now she has competition. I don't think she even realizes it yet, but she feels threatened by you and spending time with any of us individually is going to make that worse."
"I'm not about to turn down offers to spend time with the only friends I have because she is jealous." Camille grumbled, looking at the door with a glare.
Kyoya wore an amused expression as he ruffled her hair,"I'm not saying to. Just be careful who you spend your time with unless you want to keep fighting with her." Those words were imparted to her before he put on his usual expression and left the kitchen. Her hands shot up to fix her hair before she followed.
Dinner with the Morinozuka and Haninozuka families was going off without a hitch. Camille had dressed in a powder blue sundress for the occasion with her long hair clipped back from her face by lime green hair clips. This had gotten a few compliments from the two families, more so from Honey than the others who had said it was cute, and she had been quickly seated at the table between Mori and Honey. She was grateful to be next to her friends and it relaxed her a little more as the dinner went on. Mori kept her grounded as Honey kept her smiling the whole time.
She learned that the Morinozuka family had served the Haninozuka family for generations until a marriage occurred that caused Mori and Honey to become cousins. That explains why they are so close, she thought before becoming interested in a story that Satoshi, Mori's younger brother, began to tell shortly after aboutschool.
It was pleasant and exciting to share stories with the two families. They all seemed interested in her hobbies and how she met Mori and Honey. The story had caused them to laugh, having left out the part about Haruhi just in case, and before she left to go home they extended an open invitation to come to dinner whenever she pleased.
"Your families are delightful. I'm happy I could join you both." Camille bowed to the upperclassmen when they reached the door of her family's vacation home.
"We liked having you over Cam-chan. It was fun! Next time maybe Takashi can teach you some kendo techniques." Honey laughed before looking up at Mori for confirmation.
"Yeah." Mori agreed with a slightly more pleasant look than he normally wore. This made her wonder why she seemed to be changing the boys so easily to show their true emotions. It almost seemed too easy and that only raised more suspicions.
"I guess I'll be seeing you two at school tomorrow." She said before smiling and heading inside once they started walking away.
Camille found herself sipping tea in the club room while looking over her notes for tomorrow's history exam when a couple of girls approached her. Normally they kept their distance due to her lack of interest in conversation. Many still thought she refused to speak and did not bother. "Can I help you ladies?" She said quietly, shutting her notebook. She tried to keep her voice as devoid of emotion as she could to make sure they were not too chatty.
"We were wondering why you were always here, but you never spend time with any of the hosts." One of them explained, seeming to be the ring leader of the group of three. It's always three, isn't it?
"Yeah! Why do you waste your time if you never visit with them? Why don't you just leave?" Another added in. The last one seemed nervous as if she had been drug along against her better judgement.
Camille found herself growing increasingly irritated as they continued their attempts to drive her off. She was about to let them have a piece of her mind when a presence on both sides of her caused her to tense. Hikaru and Kaoru were standing there with flat expressions.
"What seems to be the problem here ladies?" Hikaru asked before his expression changed to a curious one.
"Oh nothing. We were just trying to figure out what she's doing here." The ring leader sneered down her nose at Camille. "She doesn't deserve time with any of you and needs to leave."
"That's none of your business. If you must know, she is very important to us. Right Hikaru?" Kaoru asked with a soft voice, pulling Camille's face around to meet his. She flushed crimson before she was turned the other way and found Hikaru nose to nose with her, smiling. "She's very important indeed." He agreed before looking at the two girls. "I think you girls need to leave."
Once they were far enough away Camille snatched her chin out of Hikaru's hand and moved away from them with her face still a deep red color. "What the hell?! I could have handled that!" She exclaimed in an irritated tone.
"You looked like you needed help. Sorry for wanting to assist you." Kaoru answered as they shrugged.
Kyoya's words from the villa came to mind, causing her to sigh softly. "I'm sorry. I should have asked for help instead of trying to do it all for myself." She looked up at them sheepishly,"Can you forgive me?"
The twins stood still as she apologized before they both grabbed her and rubbed their faces against her own. "Of course we do Cam-senpai!" They chorused, causing her to laugh and try to push them off.
"Cam-senpai? Now I have another nickname?" She questioned, still kind of laughing and trying to push them off.
"What are you shady twins doing to Camille?! Get off her right now!" Tamaki yelled before coming over to pull her away and hug her protectively. This caused her to laugh harder than before and grab her stomach.
"You guys are too much sometimes." She gasped out before pulling back and wiping tears from her eyes. She clasped her hands behind her and stared up at them all, her head cocked to the side. "Thank you guys for being there for me. I don't know what I'd do without you." With that being said she rushed off to spend her time sitting near Kyoya while reviewing her notes before Tamaki could pounce on her like the twins had.
At the end of club activities she picked up her messenger bag and said good-bye to Kyoya before she started to make her rounds like she normally did. She always made sure she said good-bye to each of the hosts individually because she was constantly worried that she would never see one of them again. This also meant she had to have parting words with Haruhi.
"Good-bye Haruhi! I'll see you tomorrow." She said cheerily, still happy about what had happened before. Haruhi grumbled slightly before she grabbed her bag and started to head out as well.
They walked in silence to the front of the school where the rain seemed to be pouring down heavily. "Oh no! It's really muddy out." Camille exclaimed before she put her bag over her head to make her way toward the car that was waiting for her to enter. She was about to enter the car before she noticed Haruhi was walking down the sidewalk with her bag over her head. The bag was doing little to nothing at keeping the girl dry. "Haruhi!"
Haruhi turned around at the sound of her name, a surprised expression on her face. She walked the short distance back to Camille who was smiling at her.
"I'll give you a ride so you don't have to walk in the rain. You could get sick if you spend too much time outside." She said while tilting her head and opening the door for the slightly taller female.
Haruhi looked like she was about to protest before she nodded and slid into the dry back seat of the town car. "Thank you." She murmured before looking down at her feet as Camille entered the car as well. The car started down the road, taking Haruhi's directions to her apartment building.
Once they pulled up outside Haruhi hesitated. Camille looked at her questioningly, surprised that she was not bounding out of the car and doing everything she could to get away.
"I'm sorry for how I've been acting around you, Camille-senpai. I guess I'm not used to having another girl around and it is different to not be the center of the guys' attention anymore." She apologized, causing Camille to tense.
"You don't have to apologize Haruhi. I'm actually a little jealous of you." She said while looking down at her shoes that were splattered with bits of mud.
Haruhi blinked rapidly and turned to look at her,"Why would you be jealous of me?"
"You spend quite a bit of time with the hosts. More than I ever could. You have memories with them whereas I feel like I'm an outsider that is standing on the sidelines watching the fun." Camille sighed and then looked up at Haruhi. "I guess I just want to get closer to everyone and feel like I'm part of something. I haven't felt like I belonged anywhere since my brother died."
Haruhi looked guilty for a split second before she laughed slightly,"You do have their attention. You just need to let them in. Start trusting people more and they will show you that they aren't so bad." She paused before she looked down at her hands in her lap,"I need to start taking my own advice sometimes. I never really gave you a chance and I'm sorry."
Camille giggled softly and hugged Haruhi, causing her to blush deeply. "Don't apologize, silly. Everything is fine between us now."
"Yeah..I guess it is." Haruhi smiled and hugged Camille back before getting out and saying her good-byes. Camille watched as she went up to her apartment, making sure she got inside safely before telling the driver to take her home.
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