Chapter 6: He Isn't So Bad After All

Camille found herself sitting on the beach as the sun started to rise, the sun coming from behind her to slowly warm her back. She pulled her knees upward and let her chin rest on them, her arms hugging her legs to her body as she thought. She was usually the type of person to want to sleep in and was hard to wake up, but anxiety was starting to make her a morning person. It was irritating and caused her to groan in frustration as her red-brown eyes slipped shut. "Why is it everything is changing? I was better off before all of this."

"Talking to yourself?" An amused voice said from behind her, causing her eyes to snap open and shift to her right as they sat next to her. Her eyes landed on Tamaki, but she knew who it was before from the way they had understood her French and reciprocated it. She knew Kyoya could understand it, but he did not speak it. That had left the only other person she knew that could remotely understand her.

"It's a common occurrence. Well, it was before I stopped talking. My brother used to tease me about it." The last part had slipped out, causing her to grow quiet once more.

"Your brother sounds like the type of guy I could get along with." He mused as the sun started to reach the water, turning the cold sand warm after several long minutes.

"He was the type of guy that everyone got along with. People often preferred him over me, but he always made sure I was included when I wanted to be." She smiled slightly and then glanced over at him once more,"Why are you up so early?"

Tamaki shrugged before tilting his head, having sat in a similar position to her own. He was quiet for a few moments before he smiled,"I can tell whenever something is bothering you. It concerned me and I decided to come see if you were alright. When you weren't in your room, I thought I'd find you here."

Camille blinked rapidly,"How can you tell if something is wrong with me? You haven't known me long enough to be able to pick up on any of my mannerisms."

He chuckled and looked over at her,"I had some help from Kyoya. He's been more observant than I have since I can remember. He noticed something was wrong last night and mentioned it to me."

She looked away as the sun started to run over the water, making it sparkle. She was captivated for a moment, unable to be irritated like she wanted due to the sight before her. "You seem more mature than you let on. Are you sure that you didn't notice and just didn't want to take credit for it in hopes that I wouldn't be so irritated with Kyoya?"

She heard him inhale sharply as she smiled slowly, knowing she hit the nail on the head. "He deserves a chance too. He isn't always gloom and doom. He also isn't always out to gain something either." Tamaki looked thoughtful as she looked at him once more.

"I didn't think he was. It's just something about him that gets under my skin." She looked back out over the full illuminated beach,"You all do."

Tamaki nudged her playfully,"Don't go falling for the host club now. One heart is enough, but if you start adding more it becomes messy." He pushed himself to stand up before offering a hand to her.

Camille felt her face flame before she finally looked up at him through her eyelashes, taking his hand. She stood up with his help and then stared up at him. "You're very interesting Tamaki Suoh. I can't seem to figure you out."

"Then I guess you're just going to have to stick around and find out what you can. I'm not going anywhere." He winked at her before putting his hands in his pockets and walking off, leaving her standing there with a red face.


By the time Camille had walked her way back to the villa the hosts were ready to leave for souvenir hunting. She  was dreading today and kept the reason to herself, putting on a mask like she had with people at school. Standing by Kyoya, she grumbled about not wanting to spend the day running around looking at things when she could be doing something more productive.

"Well, if you really don't want to go you could always stay here." Kyoya murmured to her, trying not to alert the other hosts. "Fake that you're not feeling well and you can stay here."

She weighed her options, trying to figure out what he may be getting from this. She turned her eyes up to look at her classmate, noting the less than enthused about spending the day running around as well. Despite her thoughts about him, she found herself clasping a hand over her mouth and becoming wide-eyed. She bent over and then turned, shooting him a look before she ran off down the hall toward the next room. She wanted to hear what was said.

"It looks as though Miss Bellitonia is sick. I think it would be best if she stayed behind." Kyoya said smoothly to the others before he looked down at his black book with a sigh,"I'm going to stay behind and make sure that she is alright. You can go ahead." He turned away from the others before they could protest, placing his pen back in his book. The book snapped shut as the others started to complain about them not coming along.

Kyoya could be heard walking down the hall before he entered the room she was standing in, shutting the door behind him. "Now we shall wait until they leave and we can be free to do whatever we please."

Camille found herself laughing softly and shaking her head,"You have a devious streak to you Kyoya. I can't help but wonder what it is that you gain from staying behind here." Her eyes turned up to look at him curiously after she stopped laughing to see he wore a slightly amused expression himself. It was a change of pace that had her smile lingering instead of sliding away. Maybe he isn't so bad after all. Maybe Tamaki was right.

"I get to relax for once instead of running around trying to keep them out of trouble." He sat his black notebook down on the desk before crossing his arms and leaning against it with a tired expression. "I need a break."

She felt like she was looking at a totally different person, a warm feeling spreading through her. She felt privileged to see this side of him that he kept hidden. "So what are you going to do with your break Mr. Shadow King?" She said with a teasing tone before crossing her arms, leaning against the door behind her in a similar fashion to him.

He smirked and let out a small sound akin to a laugh before slipping his glasses off and rubbing his eyes. "Now that I have the chance, I have no clue. What would you do?" He asked curiously while replacing his glasses on his nose to level his gaze at her.

She put a finger to her chin and turned her eyes upward,"I would start with a cup of coffee to fully wake up followed by a walk on the beach. If there was time after that I would take a nap because you can never have too much sleep whenever there is time to relax."

He let out another half-laugh before pushing off the desk gently to cross the room. "I quite like that idea. You seem to have read my mind." He came close to her before leaning over her short frame to listen through the door. Camille found herself breathing in his scent without thinking, a light blush rising up to her cheeks as she peeked up at him. "I think they are gone. The coast is clear." He said before pulling back to tilt his head in question,"Join me for that coffee and walk?"

Her blush flared a deeper red at the idea of spending time alone with him, the thoughts running through her head causing her to feel confused about why she felt this way. It was the irritating Kyoya, not some cute boy that was worth crushing on. Despite her inner turmoil, she found herself nodding and stepping back as he pulled the door open to allow her to walk out.

She led the way toward the kitchen where she began warming water in the kettle on the stove. The motions were like second nature, smooth and without hesitation. She found herself looking curiously through the cabinets for cups to pour the warm water into when Kyoya caught up with her. "Finally you make it, slow poke."

"For someone who didn't talk for several months you sure do have an attitude and are rather chatty." He pointed out with a smirk in his voice.

"I've been holding in sarcasm, laughter, teasing, and all other emotion for those months. I have a lot of it to get out." Once she finally spotted the cups she needed a groan escaped her lips. The china was on a shelf that was inches above her reach as she stepped onto her tip-toes. She jumped for the cups several times before letting out a frustrated sound and spinning around to find herself staring at Kyoya's chest.

Her face flamed for what seemed like the millionth time as he leaned forward to pull the cups down and close the cabinet behind her. He had a smirk still on his face as he grabbed her hand and hooked the handles on her fingers. "You could have asked for help. Stop doing everything for yourself and let people assist you." His words had her staring up at him in shock.

"I'm used to doing everything on my own. I've had to get used to being alone and doing things on my own." She countered with furrowed brows as she turned away from him to pull the whistling kettle off the stove. She moved it off the hot burner onto a cool one before moving over to move the filter and funnel over the top of the first cup, the pre-ground coffee following soon after. She started to pour the hot water into the first cup slowly then transferred over to the other cup. As she transferred to the other cup she bumped the side of the china with the end of the funnel, her other hand following with the kettle. Hot water sloshed out of the spout and poured over her hand, scorching it.

A hiss of pain escaped her as she set the kettle down quickly to avoid spilling more. Her hand came up to grasp her wrist as she looked around for the sink. Before she could make any moves Kyoya was directing her to the sink himself, hands on her shoulders. He leaned over to flip on the cold water, gripping her wrist just above her own hand to shove it under the cool water that flowed from the faucet. Relief flooded her features as her hand cooled down to a dull ache, her eyes slipping shut as she bit her lip. "Thank you.." She murmured before she became vaguely aware of how close he was to her. His chest was pressed against her back and his hand was on her wrist. If she was not in pain she would be blushing like mad once again.

"You're not completely fine yet. We need to treat this burn properly or it will leave a horrible scar." Kyoya murmured expertly, reminding her that his family specialized in medical matters. His voice was right next to her ear as he bent over to shut the water off and pat her hand dry with a fluffy towel. "Follow me. We need to get this wrapped up." Without letting her have a moment to protest he grabbed her shoulders once again and directed her through the halls to a room.

Camille found herself sitting on a bed with Kyoya moving around the room with such familiarity that she realize she must be sititng on his bed. "Really Kyoya, I'm fine. It is just a little burn." She tried to reassure him as he made his way over with gauze and a salve to spread over the affected area.

"Nonsense. You need to be treated and I have the appropriate equiptment." He said with a business tone, showing how serious he was about making sure she was okay. This realization made her clamp her mouth shut while she watched him spread the salve over the burn that spread from her thumb to the middle of the back of her hand. A hiss of pain escaped her when he hit a more sensitive area, her hand pulling back slightly. He gripped her wrist lightly to keep her in place,"Don't move. We're almost done."

She relaxed once more and allowed him to wrap her hand lightly,"Thank you. You didn't have to do that." She said as she looked at him to study his expression once more. What she saw made her breath catch in her throat.

"You confuse me, Camille. One moment you are sassy and outwitting the twins then you are blushing like crazy. Your emotions give me whiplash and I am usually quick to catch onto people by how they act. You keep me on my toes." He sounded thoughtful and slightly frustrated, his eyebrows furrowed in such a way that had her cracking a smile.

"You'll figure me out eventually. Give yourself a little credit." Her uninjured hand came up to pat his head before she let her stocking covered feet touch the carpet. As she passed by him he stood up and grabbed her wrist to make her stop in her tracks.

"How can you have so much faith in others when you keep none for yourself? You do everything yourself, keep others at a distance, wear a mask, and never ask for help. Are you that broken because of your brother's death that you won't let anyone in?" His words startled her into looking like a deer caught in the headlights as she peeked up at him.

"Yes. I'm not sure that I ever will feel the same again."


Kyoya had watched Camille leave his room, following her back to the kitchen to finish making their coffee. They took the cups with them out onto the back patio where they leaned over the railing to stare off in the distance to the sea that was a fair distance away. It was a comfortable silence that left them to their thoughts as opposed to an awkward silence that he expected would unfold between them.

Once they had finished he took their cups inside and she followed close behind. He found her on a couch in the sitting room with a lime green notebook, the pen in her hand brought up to her mouth in thought. The sight made him amused, but he kept silent as he sat down next to her with his own black book. He started doing calculations on the hosts' budget and before he knew it a head connected with his shoulder. The feeling of weight against him caused him to look down at the redhead.

Her eyes were shut, long eyelashes brushing her lightly freckled cheeks. He noted her even breathing that indicated that she had fallen asleep and slumped toward him. Her notebook slid from her lap and shut as it made contact with the floor. He left it there for fear of waking her up, wondering why he cared to even let her stay where she was.

When the hosts came back to the villa thirty minutes later they found Camille in the same spot she had fallen asleep in. What astonished them was the fact that Kyoya had fallen asleep as well with his notebook open in his lap. His head was resting on top of Camille's and his glasses were eschew. That was when they left the room as quiet as they could as to not wake the two, knowing that if they were awoken then they would have to deal with two scary individuals.

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