Chapter 5: The Start of the Journey

Camille laid in bed like she had the morning before they had left for the trip, her arm slung over her eyes in a similar fashion. It had been just last night that she had broke her vow of silence and now it was haunting her. She had taken up the vow to begin with because she was in mourning for her brother and it was the only thing she could control other than her eating. Yesterday had been structured around hosting and trying to scare Haruhi. Today she had a feeling that this would not be the case. They were going to make her talk today more than she had in several months. Am I really ready for this?

It would mean the ending of her mourning and the start of her moving forward from the death of her only sibling that had been glued to her side since birth. They had learned all the same things, taken all the same classes, and even done the same sports. Each time they supported the other and helped each other whenever there was a weak point that one of them was good with. That was all over now and she was starting her journey to finding some shred of happiness that was left in this world.

A knock at the door caused her to pull her arm from over her eyes, her head tilting so that she could look at the door. Normally she would have waited for them to just speak or to come in, but she knew the hosts would expect something different now. "Come in..." She called quietly, sitting up and pulling the blanket up so that her tank top and shorts were covered.

The door opened to reveal none other than the boy who had caused the dam that kept her words inside her head to break, Mori was standing there with his hands in his pockets. It surprised her for a moment, but she realized that they must have sent him because of what happened last night. If she trusted him enough to do what she did, she must trust him to summon her in the morning as well. At least that was the only logic she could reason.

"We're heading to the beach." He said simply before turning around and walking out the door once more, pulling it shut behind him quietly. A smile crept onto Camille's face before she shook her head and giggled. He is a boy of few words, but he uses them carefully enough to get his point across. Maybe I can learn something from him. At least until I am comfortable with going back to my normal self. She thought before shrugging and getting up to get dressed.


It was another nice day on the beach and this time there did not seem to be any guests for the hosts to entertain. Instead of taking this time off from photographing the hosts, she took her camera along once again. This time she had thought to bring the underwater housing she had bought a while back so that she could get pictures of other things under the water as well. It was all to expand her portfolio and make it easier to get into a university where she could learn even more about the subject. Maybe she could even open up her own studio with what she learned.

Everything was fine until she got down to the beach and saw how cute Haruhi looked in the swimming suit that the twins had probably provided her with. She still wore a white cover-up with it, but you could easily see the soft pink of the suit peeking through the mesh of the cover. It made her cheeks flame as she looked down at all the exposed skin she had herself. The same lime green bikini was on her body, but this time there was less distractions keeping the eyes of the hosts off her. Her hands flew to cover up her chest, taking advantage of the camera strap as she had the previous day so both hands were free to attempt to cover her cleavage.

If she had not been surprised by how the hosts had run things the previous day and had not seen that they were too busy to care, she likely would have had the same reaction. Today was her day to panic or at least that's what she thought until a black mesh cover-up was dropped down onto her head. It made her blink a few times in confusion before she looked up to see Mori had dropped the cover-up on her head instead of it magically falling from the sky like a gift from the heavens. She scrambled around frantically to pull it on, tugging at it to get it to cover her to at least mid-thigh. "Th-thank you Mori.." She murmured with a blush, receiving a pat on the head before he walked by to join Honey who was waving at the both of them and yelling for them to come and see what he had found.

She let out a sigh of relief before she walked over to join Honey and Mori by a tide pool. There were starfish and a couple of little fish swimming around inside of the crystal clear water. Camille pulled her camera from her neck and made sure the seal was tight on the underwater housing before she carefully put the lens in the water, using the digital display to see what she was focusing on before snapping a few pictures.

"Cam-chan can I see?!" Honey said, bouncing around excitedly. Camille smiled slightly and then moved the camera so that he could see the pictures she had taken. "Wow! You take great pictures. Doesn't she Takashi?" He asked before looking up at Mori expectantly.

Mori leaned over some to see the pictures she had taken, his breath fanning out over her shoulder that was peeking out of the cover-up. She felt her face heating slightly before he pulled away,"Yeah."

She kept her red-brown eyes adverted from the tall figure who was now looking out over the sprawling sea that had created several tide pools like the one they stood near. It was unnerving that he was able to get under her skin so easily, but it was also nice to have someone that was looking out for her. Maybe it is easier for him because he is used to taking care of Honey..She dismissed with a mental shake of her head. There was no reason for him to care about her in such a way and it must just be a habit.

Her gaze moved from the tide pool as she shut her camera off to the rest of the hosts. Haruhi was standing in the water with the twins, a beach ball flying through the air between the two taller boys in a game of keep away. The sight made her smile slightly before she turned her gaze over to see Tamaki poking at a ball of seaweed with a stick, a giggle escaping her lips before she could stop it.

"Takashi! Cam-chan giggled!" Honey said with an excited gasp before he tugged on Camille's cover-up in an attempt to get her attention. She looked down at him and blinked a bit, having not heard his previous words because she had been lost in thought as she usually was. "Why don't you smile and laugh more Cam-chan? You're really cute when you're happy."

Her cheeks lit up instantly and she bit into her lip, trying to find words to explain. "I-I-I..." She stammered before she paused in an attempt to collect herself. "I am still trying to move on." She murmured simply, her French accent slipping in to make her Japanese sound a bit off. It made her more self-conscious as she tried to remember the right words to use. Her father had made sure that her brother and her had learned several languages and Japanese had been one she had constantly had troubles with. French was her first language and it was apparent with the way her accent tainted her words. "Please excuse my lack of vocabulary..," she paused to think before looking back down at him,"I have not spoken Japanese for a long time. Even longer than I've been silent."

"How long have you been without talking to anyone?" The smooth voice wanted to make her twitch in irritation by just hearing it despite the fact that his question was an innocent one. Kyoya always made sure that he was gaining something out of the conversations he had and she had no doubt he would make note of her answer.

"Five months, three days, and 14 hours now." She said simply, causing him to have a moment of surprise pass over his usually cool features. His expression schooled itself back to normal before her eyes, making her raise an eyebrow at him in an indication that he was not as good at hiding it as he thought he was.

"You kept track?!" Tamaki said with a surprised voice, having shown up soon after Kyoya had asked his question. This caused her to smile slightly and nod a bit before tugging on a lock of hair that had fallen over her shoulder.

"It has been a few years since I've spoken Japanese. It will take a long time to adjust." She said before meeting his eyes.

"Well what language did you speak before?" Tamaki asked curiously before tilting his head in question. Kyoya seemed to be interested in her answer as well because he had stopped writing in his black book.

"Mostly French due to my mother being French. My father is Irish and thought it would be best if we lived where my mother had originated from. He did not have the heart to take her from her friends and family." She answered with a few pauses, causing her to have hope that maybe she would pick up Japanese as easily as she had Spanish.

"Tama-chan is half French too!" Honey said excitedly before Tamaki could say it himself. The taller blonde seemed to be trying to process that he was not the only half French person in the group now.

"He is? That would explain the blonde hair and different colored eyes." Camille wondered aloud, her voice still remaining quiet as she had last night when she had started talking again. It was her normal tone and it took quite a bit to get her to raise her voice unless she was woken up too early.

"You seem to take on a more Irish appearance as opposed to French. If I'm correct, your brother did as well." Kyoya noted before looking at her for confirmation.

She only nodded, choosing not to speak this time because she was afraid that she would become upset at the direction the conversation had taken toward her brother. Kyoya was trying to find as much information about her as he could because her files were secured and for a very good reason. She was not ready to let them know everything about her yet though.

"If you're French.." One of the twins said, Hikaru she was guessing.

"Then have a conversation with the boss." The other, Kaoru, finished for his brother.

Camille looked at them for a few moments as she tried to think of something to talk to Tamaki about. Switching to French she gestured to the twins with a smirk,"Do you have other people that are going to pop out of the wood work or is this it? They seriously just pop up out of nowhere."

Tamaki blinked at her before he started laughing, causing the others to look between the two of them curiously. He was having a hard time trying to compose himself to answer and tears were coming to his eyes as she started to laugh as well. Her laugh filled the air with his and seemed to hold a bell-like tone to it that caused the other hosts to smile, save Mori and Kyoya who kept their expressions schooled into matching stoic faces.

"If I knew you were funny and unpredictable before I would have tried to get you talk to me sooner." Tamaki finally said,"I didn't expect that at all from you."

"I'm full of many amusing remarks, but I won't let all of them be known yet. You might get bored of me and want me to go away." She said with a teasing tone before she looked at the other hosts. They all looked confused, again save Mori and Kyoya. Haruhi actually looked a bit annoyed and that caused her to frown. "We should probably switch back. Someone doesn't seem too happy about our exchange."

Tamaki scanned the faces of his fellow hosts before he looked at Haruhi. The way his expression softened caused Camille to look away at the sunset. For some reason it bothered her that he seemed to dote on her just the way the others did in their own way. It was ridiculous to be jealous because she had yet to get to know them better, but she was still feeling this way.

"We should get back to the villa before it gets dark. We still have tomorrow before we leave and I believe Haruhi wanted to get souvenirs before we returned." Kyoya pointed out, saving her from having to feel awkward anymore. For once she felt thankful to him and turned to him to offer a small smile before she looked back at the sunset and snapped a picture.

There is always bad that comes with the good. You cannot exist with just one or the other. It's all becoming painfully clear now.

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