Chapter 4: The Sun, The Sea, The Host Club, And The Game
AN: If you will note the title I seem to have added a part onto the end of it to make it my own as opposed to the anime title. *laughs hysterically* Okay I really am sorry you guys, but there is a game involved in this chapter that is more of a competition not unlike Haruhi's. You'll have to read and find out! Enjoy ;)
Camille laid in bed with her arm over her eyes. She had woken up two hours before she needed to get up and go to school because she was anxious about working with the hosts. After they had ended their meeting and declared her the official photographer for the host club she had heard the twins mention that they would be heading to the beach the next day and she was required to bring a bathing suit. This was the second part to her two part anxiety riddled consciousness.
She had always been one to worry about what she looked like compared to most people. Cameron was the one who always distracted her from that and made her have fun rather than sit there in a big ball of worry. Now she was going to have to wear a swimming suit in front of people that she barely knew just so that she could take pictures of them for their picture books that she was pretty sure Kyoya was selling to the girls that were obsessed with them. The thought alone was enough to make her twitch in slight agitation. What is it about Kyoya that sets me on edge every time I'm around him? She wondered before there was a knock at her door.
"Miss...Oh! You're already awake! That's good because your friends are downstairs waiting." Her maid giggled slightly as if remembering something funny,"I'm glad to see you're making friends. Especially with such good looking and fine gentlemen. That one, I think his name was Tamaki Suoh, he's a real charmer."
She rocketed out of bed and pushed the maid from her room, slamming the door shut behind her. They were already in her house and she had yet to leave her bed to get ready. It was a good thing she had packed her things the night before or she would be in even bigger trouble. The maid's reaction had caused her to become a bit more agitated than she would have liked, the feeling mixing with her earlier anxiety and irritation at the thought of Kyoya.
As she rifled through her drawers to find something to wear she faintly realized that she was throwing clothes everywhere that her maid would have to clean up while she was gone. A pang of regret went through her and caused her to grab a white tank top with some denim capri pants. She donned them quickly with some white sandals, her hands gripping her camera bag strap as she ran out of the bedroom and down the hall to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and hair quickly, pulling the long ruby red tresses up into a high ponytail before grabbing her camera bag once more.
She ran down the hallway and toward the sound of voices that were coming from the sitting room. Haruhi was yelling at Tamaki and the twins about not touching anything because it was disrespectful as she pushed the door open. A small smile spread across her lips as she leaned in the doorway and raised an eyebrow as she waited for them to notice she was standing there.
Kyoya was looking particularly grumpy at how early it was and the thought of him being grumpy made her smile a bit bigger. His arms were crossed and he had a glare on his face that was directed toward Honey and Mori. Her eyes traveled over to the two and took a guess that they were the ones who had woken him up. Honey was staring at a family picture while holding onto the back of Mori's head, the tall boy looking at the picture as well.
She walked over to them and looked at the picture herself. It was one of her mother and father in the back looking happily down at a slightly younger version of herself with her brother. Seeing her brother's face made her tear her eyes away to look up at Honey and Mori's curious expressions.
"Hey Cam-chan! You guys look super alike and you look so happy in this picture! Why don't you smile like that more?" He exclaimed upon seeing her standing next to them. She shrugged and looked down at her sandals as the others got up to come over and stare at the picture as well. They had all seen what her brother looked like, but this was the first time seeing all of them together in one picture. The crowd of them, minus Kyoya she noticed, caused her to step back and move over toward the Shadow King.
"We should be going soon if we want to get there early enough to set things up before the guests arrive." He said loud enough for the others to hear, irritation still prominent in his voice as he stood up. He walked behind her toward the door, but said quiet enough for only her to hear,"Just so you know, the others are working on a plan to try and get you to speak to them. I have decided to join in, but I think it will be more in my favor if I tell you beforehand."
Camille watched him walk away with a slightly shocked expression before the others walked past her to follow him from the room. It took her a few seconds to catch up to them before she crossed her arms and stewed in her returned irritation at the idea of them trying to get her to do something she obviously did not want to do.
She could not believe that the hosts were working on their trip to the beach in Okinawa that Kyoya's family obviously owned a villa in. Her eyes rolled as she stepped out of her room in a borrowed bathing suit that she had gotten from the twins. Having left her swimming suit at home in her attempt to pack while being anxious the night before they left, she was left wearing a lime green two piece that fit her perfectly and set off the color of her hair nicely. She was pleased that they had brought something that fit her, but at the same time she wondered if their plan had been to get her to wear something like this all along.She slung her black beach towel over her shoulder as she gripped her camera and began shuffling through pictures as she walked down the hall.
Before long she found herself outside on the beach that was a good distance away from the villa. The walk had been exhilarating and and prepared for a nice sit in the shade once she got to the hot stand. Nothing could prepare her for the long line of girls that were waiting to spend a few minutes alone with Tamaki. She was once again thankful for the neck strap on her camera because she dropped it as her mouth dropped open. She felt her eyebrow twitching slightly as she recovered, rubbing her neck where the camera's weight had lunged downward sharply. What do I care if he wants to spend all of this wonderful vacation time working? It's his choice and I certainly could care less. I just hope he doesn't complain later because that will be annoying. She thought to herself before setting her towel out next to Haruhi's towel and umbrella.
She looked over at Haruhi and offered a polite smile before scanning the beach for the other hosts. Kyoya was assigning time slots for Tamaki and his gaggle. The twins were playing volleyball with some girls that were obviously not good at what they were doing because they allowed one of them to hit the ball hard enough that it rolled down the beach and they took the opportunity to chase it. Mori and Honey were doing stretches with a few girls before they were going to get into the water, looking pretty amusing as they did so. Those two are pretty amusing. I think it's because the opposites in their personalities and demeanor. She thought to herself before looking over at Haruhi.
A frown graced her face as she noticed that Haruhi had been forced to wear boy's clothing to the beach because of the girls who had come on the trip. "I know what you're probably thinking, but I don't mind not getting to swim despite wanting to come here. I just think it's better to experience the genuine thing instead of an artificial setting no matter how authentic it seemed." She had easily read Camille's mind, making her wonder if she had some weird sixth sense that she was not sharing with the rest of the group.
Shrugging it off, she turned her camera on and snapped a few pictures of Haruhi when she wasn't looking before some girls showed up to have a conversation with her. It was a wonder that Haruhi could easily complement girls without feeling off about having to do so because she was a girl as well, but she also decided that it was probably easier since she knew what girls liked to be told. That also made her curious as to if Haruhi said those things because she wished someone would say them to herself, but she pushed that thought away as well before standing up and walking away.
She snapped a few pictures of Kyoya because she knew that he would more than likely be irritated if she did so. She was right because he was pushing his glasses up and fixing a glare on her that sent her in the other direction with a small smile on her face. It's fun to mess with him no matter how scary he may seem to the others.
The twins were next on her list of subjects, the two of them watching Haruhi throw a centipede into a grassy area. The bug in question had scared most of the girls off, but Haruhi had acted like it did not phase her. The idea of touching that bug made Camille's skin crawl before she quickly got a few shots of the twins and Tamaki talking to each other about a plan to find out Haruhi's weakness.
"The others are working on a plan to try and get you to speak to them." She remembered Kyoya's words and instantly bristled. They were going to try and do this to Haruhi as well about something else. She hoped that it would distract them from trying to get her to speak because she was not ready to talk yet. Part of her wanted to share words with them, but the other part was afraid that if she started talking then she would never shut up. It was best if she stayed silent for now.
The day had been an odd one to say the least. The twins had taken them to a cave where Haruhi had been more nonchalant than they were hoping. Honey had locked him and her into the back of the Ootori's private police force's truck that had brought the shellfish they had gathered up previously for dinner that night and it had only served to scare him instead of Haruhi. Mori had pointed a harpoon in her face, making Camille wonder where he got that idea but she had stifled a laugh at his expression just the same whenever she had walked away. The whole day went on like this where the hosts would try to scare Haruhi and would fail. It made for some interesting photos and memories though.
Now Camille was sitting up on top of a rock overlooking the ocean, having put her camera away some time ago because she was tired of snapping pictures. A relaxed sigh escaped her as she began to hum because she knew she was far enough away from everyone that they would not hear her. It went on like this for a little while until she ran out of things to hum to herself and she heard voices coming from behind her.
She stood up and brushed her bottom off before turning around to find the girls from earlier coming up to admire the view. Giving them a polite smile, she walked past them and down to join Kyoya back at her beach towel where he had set up a table to relax at despite having a towel to sit on.
"I take it that nobody has gotten you to speak yet, much less tried to get you to." He said while keeping his eyes on his black book in his hands. Her head whipped around so that she could look at him a bit shocked. "I haven't forgotten like the others have, but I would keep in mind that they are likely to remember at some point during the trip." The smile in his voice was enough to have her gritting her teeth. He thought it was amusing to be holding this information and dangling it in front of her despite her wanting them all to forget about it.
Her irritation was cut short as one of the girls exclaimed that Haruhi was in trouble. This caused Tamaki, Hikaru, Kaoru, Mori, and Honey to go running off in the direction Camille had just come from. Kyoya decided to stand up and take a calm approach, walking to the spot with Camille trailing behind. She did not miss that he seemed to be hurrying in his walking and she knew there was no reason for her to hurry if the others had caught up to Haruhi before she did. A pang of guilt slicing through her at her next thought, I should have stayed there. I should have stayed to do something. Maybe this wouldn't have happened. I hope she's okay.
Those thoughts had her walk speeding up, but it was already too late. Something from the corner of her eye had her spinning to look out at the water. Haruhi had been thrown off the rocks to the sea below, disappearing below the surface as Tamaki went in after her. She started running out into the water without thinking, her body cutting through the water so she could catch up to them as Tamaki held Haruhi close to him. She wanted to see for herself that Haruhi was okay, but Tamaki offered no words of reassurance to her as they swam back to shore.
She hung back as Tamaki carried Haruhi to the others, watching as they all hung around her and tried to see if she was okay. Tears sprang to Camille's eyes as she thought about if something worse had happened to Haruhi because she had chosen to leave when she did. She slipped away from the rest of them so that she could walk back to the villa.
Camille had hidden out until the others got back and started cooking the shellfish that had been hauled in during the day. After she smelled food cooking she had slipped out of her room and went outside to walk along the beach by herself. She knew that it could be dangerous because of the previous events with Haruhi that day, but she needed some time away from them all. She was beating herself up for leaving when she did still and if she were to start getting emotional then she wanted to be alone.
She was fine until she started walking back toward the villa, tears springing to her eyes as she continued to walk toward it. Instead of going straight inside and back to her room, she found herself walking around back to sit on the steps of the large patio that wrapped around the back of the large structure. She made sure that her perch was at the far end away from the dining room where the others were likely talking to each other and having fun without her.
She had no idea how long she sat out there with tears streaming down her face, but the breeze that flowed over her caused her face to dry after a few minutes. Having lost track of how long she had cried herself out of tears, she sat there blissfully numb until she heard footsteps behind her.
"Camille." A deep voice resonated behind her, making her look up sharply at the tall figure that was moving to sit down next to her. Mori saying her name caused her to bite her lip, tears stinging her eyes again. "Everyone wanted to know where you went." He continued, saying more words in one sentence than she had ever heard him speak.
Something about his words caused the dam to break on her eyes again, her body flinging itself against his chest as she sobbed. She knew that he must have been startled at her actions because he tensed under her before he put a hand on the back of her head to stroke her hair. The movement alone was enough to cause her to sob again, this time something coming from her that she never expected.
"I'm sorry.." Those two words broke her vow of silence and it did not stop there. Once she said those two words she felt him tense again, his hand stopping in place on the back of her head before he sat there and listened to her continue on as if she spoke to him all the time. "I should have stayed there and made sure that nothing happened to her. I should have stayed! If I had then nothing would have happened and the whole thing could have been avoided. Maybe it would have been me instead of her. Then nobody would have had to worry."
Mori's hand had resumed stroking the back of her head at some point, the motion calming her down and stopping the flow of words. "I would have." He said and it took her a few moments to realize he had said that he would have worried about her if it had been her instead of the others.
"I would have too Cam-chan. We care about you too. We are a family." A child-like voice said from behind Mori, causing Camille to peek over his shoulder to see that Honey was standing there.
Just past Honey was Hikaru and Kaoru, their arms crossed as they said in unison,"You may not have been around long, but we do care."
More footsteps sounded as another figure stepped out onto the patio. "We all aren't heartless bastards like some of the other people who attend our school or that you may have encountered in the past." Kyoya said while tilting his head with a bit of a smirk,"Even I can't be that heartless."
Camille pulled back from Mori with a blush and stood up when he did, looking at her feet in silence. She wondered what to say next, but all that came to mind was,"Thank you..."
Mori placed a hand on her head and patted it before walking over to stand with the others. Honey came over and grabbed her hand to pull her toward them,"Come on Cam-chan! Let's go see what Tama-chan and Haru-chan are doing." He giggled before pulling her with them as they walked toward Kyoya's room.
"Are you sure it was okay to leave them alone like that, Kyoya-senpai?" One of the twins asked before they opened the door to see Haruhi blindfolded and Tamaki explaining something about earplugs and the blindfold.
Camille blinked rapidly before she started laughing hysterically at the absurdity of it all, falling over and rolling on the floor. Her arms clutched her sides as the hosts turned to look over at her.
"What the hell?! You broke her!" Tamaki exclaimed before running over and grabbing Camille tightly. She continued to laugh despite being held tightly to the blonde, laughing harder as he tried to figure out what was going on.
Brother, I think I'm going to be okay now.
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