Chapter 29: Everything Is Messed Up
AN: I have been reading through all of the comments on previous chapters and most of them I was left laughing hysterically in the middle of the night. I love you guys! I know it's been a little over two weeks since I updated and I am sorry that it's a bit short. I'm still dealing with writer's block. Please enjoy the next chapter.
Her eyes grew wide as she sat there in the silence that permeated the room. Her lips had detached from Kaoru's shortly after it happened and now they all sat in a stunned state. Not hearing the normal teasing from the red-haired hosts made the seriousness of the situation that much more palpable.
Camille was to be married to their friend at the end of the year. Now she was kissing someone younger than her who was not her fiance. It had been an accident, but she knew that Kyoya would find out or need to know. That was not a conversation she wanted to have.
Kaoru was the first to break the silence with a quiet voice,"I'm so sorry! Kyoya is going to kill me!" He grew paler at the thought of the Shadow King being angry at him.
"No! It's my fault and I'm sorry. I'm really clumsy. I need to be more careful. I'll let him know it was my fault. Don't worry." She frantically explained as the shock wore off. Kyoya should be mad at her and she knew that this was karma catching up with her for how she had over-reacted to seeing him with someone else.
Running a shaking hand through her hair, Camille stood up. Her eyes traveled the room as she took in the mountains of feathers laying around. "We should probably clean this up before your maid kills us all." Instead of joking about the situation she grabbed a pillowcase and started to stuff mounds of feathers into it.
Several hours later found Camille leaving the twins' home with a few feathers still stuck in her hair. She had thought it a good idea to go back to Kyoya's despite knowing it would result in a fight. Things were going downhill fast.
Kyoya was not in the car when she slid inside. This just solidified the onset of dread slowly filling her and caused the nausea she felt creeping in to hit her full force. Her hands became clammy and her breathing became erratic as she pulled her knees to her chest in the seat and shut her eyes. She was about to have a panic attack and needed to calm down. Tears filled her eyes as she fought to keep her mouth shut, listening for five sounds she could hear before moving on to four things she could feel. Slowly her mind started to become distracted with these thoughts and her body calmed down before she got to one thing she could smell, going through all the senses to make sure she was completely calm before opening her eyes.
The car pulled to a stop and she got out, walking up to the house slowly with her hands playing with the ends of her hair. It was dark inside and all the servants had either went to sleep or left for the day. The late hour had caused her to clumsily fumble around in the dark as she made her way to her room, only tripping over one or two things before she went to her closet to pull out some pajamas. "Might as well clean all these feathers out of my hair." She sighed before she went to her restroom to wash up and change.
After she finished and left the restroom, she hurriedly climbed into bed to escape the cold air assaulting her. She curled up under the blanket and fought off the tears that were stinging her eyes as she thought of how she would have to face Kyoya the next morning. She was not looking forward to school either. If she had let Kyoya explain what was going on then maybe she would not be in this mess. She could be laying there with a smile on her face like most nights but instead she had slapped him and kissed another host. Maybe she was better off going home and dealing with her parents?
No, she was never going home again. She was in Japan to stay whether things between Kyoya and her went south. There was no going back now that she had a second chance. That thought alone was enough to put her at ease to fall asleep.
The next morning, Camille found herself considerably warmer than she had been while going to bed. Almost too warm. This caused her eyes to snap open and a squeak of surprise to become lodged in her throat. She was face-to-face with Kyoya!
After a few frantic heartbeats, she found herself relaxing. He looked to be peacefully sleeping with his arms around her. Her head was resting on one of his arms and the other was placed around her waist to keep her close. Her face heated up at the close proximity and how his hand rested on her bare skin where her shirt had raised up a small amount from moving around during the night. He looked peaceful enough that she regretted almost waking him up.
Her eyes slipped back shut as she decided to cherish the rare moment before reality would set back in. Scooting closer at a slow pace, Camille buried her face in his neck and wrapped her arms around his waist the best she could. The hand she could not slide under him slid up over his chest to feel his heart beating erratically.
"Normal, sleeping people have slower heartbeats." She said groggily, her eyes refusing to open again.
"I've been awake for a while but didn't want to move." He replied, indeed sounding more awake than she did. "We will be late for school, but I don't care for once."
Her eyes snapped open and her head pulled back to look up at him. The expression he wore told no lies, his eyes having opened at some point before she pulled back. "If you've been awake for a while, why did you seem so peaceful a few moments ago when I woke up?" Her red-brown eyes narrowed slightly as she waited for his response.
"I was happy to be laying with you. Is that a problem?" He countered with a raised eyebrow that had her blushing furiously and shaking her head. He was not wearing any glasses and it was making her feel even more red in the face to think of how good he looked without them as well. She rarely saw him without them. Nobody got to see him happy when he woke up either. This morning was one of firsts.
"A-are you sure you don't mind being late?" She stammered as she adverted her eyes to try and quell her embarrassment.
"I was actually considering taking the day off. Just for the two of us. I came up with the idea last night when I saw you were home." He shut his eyes and pulled her closer to him, burying his face in her neck before relaxing again. "Where did you go? I was worried."
Camille found herself biting her lip and trying not to freak out at the feeling of his breath on her neck, goosebumps covering her skin. To try and distract herself and play it off as nothing, she pulled back and rested her hand on his forehead with a suspicious expression on her face. "You're not acting like Kyoya. Are you feeling well?"
A chuckle escaped him and he shook his head while grabbing her wrist to pull her hand away from his forehead,"I'm fine and you're changing the subject."
She bit her lip and looked away, pulling her wrist from his grasp lightly. A deep inhale and slow exhale filled the silence between them before she spoke,"I was walking for a while before Hikaru and Kaoru found me. I was going to stay there last night because I was still angry with you."
"I was going to ask about that." He mused with a small smile before he used the same hand that had grabbed her wrist to rub his cheek where she had slapped him. "Your slap hurt pretty bad. I had a hand print there for hours."
"I'm sorry. I was really upset and you blew me off to have lunch with another girl and I reacted before I could figure out what was going on." She said quickly with a guilty tone lacing her every word. "Why were you having lunch with her?"
"I needed an opinion on something involving you. A female perspective on a surprise for you. She is the only girl I know well enough and can tolerate having a conversation with. She is the one who thought I wanted to have lunch with her and brought food. She had the wrong idea and I politely refused to eat any of it. The meeting ran over the time I had scheduled for it because she didn't want to cooperate and I was trying to pry an opinion out of her. I had every intention of returning to have lunch with you." He explained before sighing and sitting up, a hand running through his hair.
Camille felt more guilty than she did before as she looked at him in such a stressed manner. He had been planning a surprise for her and she had ruined it with how she reacted. Her insides ran cold as she sat up and looked down at her hands in her lap as they picked at the blanket. "I don't deserve it." She said quietly as she thought about how she had accidentally kissed Kaoru. She needed to tell him or the guilt would eat her up inside. The nausea and anxiety that had her freaking out in the car last night came rushing back as she swallowed hard in preparation to tell him.
"What do you mean? If this is about you feeling like you don't deserve anything the-"
"I kissed Kaoru!" She interrupted quickly, her voice coming out louder than she had intended. He became silent and she kept her eyes downward,"It was an accident. I'm sorry. I didn't want to do it! I swear. It was an accident." She felt tears falling down her cheeks now and she brought her hands up to wipe them away.
He remained silent for a few moments, his breathing and her quiet sobbing the only noise in the room. She thought that her heart was going to pound out of her chest, the sound of it loud in her ears to the point of her worrying that he was going to hear it as well. The bed moved as he got up and it caused her head to snap up only to be greeted with the door shutting with a soft click.
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