Chapter 13: Urgent News

The kiss was not unpleasant, but it was also not pleasurable at the same time. Camille supposed that it was because she was surprised by how they had gotten to this point. The next thought she had was that Tamaki's kiss had surprised her as well. They caused her to freeze up in shock with her eyes wide as her heart thundered in her chest like it could explode at any moment. Her mind filled with static as she tried to form some sort of reaction.

As quick as it happened, the kiss was over and her mind was working again. "What the hell, Kyoya?! Why did you do that!?" She pushed him back without looking at him, making her way to the club room.

Once inside, Camille made her way to a seat near the wall that was lined with windows. She pulled out her notebook and made it look like she was busy studying in hopes that no one would bother her. Instead she was sitting there staring at her notes blankly as she tried to process what was going on with the guys in her class.


Camille turned on the sink in the bathroom to Honey's parents' house. She had been invited by Honey and Mori to have dinner again and she had taken up the offer in an attempt to forget what was going on with Tamaki and Kyoya. Now she was in the bathroom washing her hands and checking her phone that had been off the whole time out of respect for the families and their dinner.

For the first time since she had moved to Japan her phone looked like a disaster area. She had ten text messages, four emails, ten missed calls, and five voicemails. She scrolled through the voicemails and turned it on speaker as she washed her hands. The voice of her mother filled the bathroom over the sound of the water running. "Camille, it's your mother. You really need to answer your emails...and messages, and everything else. I'm not sure why you are ignoring your mother, but this is important. You need to pack tonight because you have a flight home tomorrow morning. I will explain to you when you get here what this trip is about." The beep of the voicemail ending made her sigh before the next messages started to play through. All of them got progressively more annoyed as the night had went on until she got a call from her father saying she was to call him immediately when she heard their messages.

The emails were from her mother and father both along with all of the text messages except for one. That text message was from Tamaki and made her roll her eyes. We need to talk ASAP. It's important. "Apparently everyone has something important to talk to me about." She mused before she exited the bathroom to walk through the older boy's house. The sounds of the talking families gradually got louder and louder as she neared the dining room. She stepped in and bowed slightly to them before fidgeting with the hem of her blouse,"I'm sorry, but I need to go home now. I got a call from my family and it is urgent. I hope you don't mind me leaving so quickly."

Her red-brown eyes lifted to see the table of people looking at her with mixed emotions, or lack of emotion, and she felt as though she had said something wrong. That was until Honey's mother smiled that motherly smile that made her wish that her mother would do the same sometimes instead of being frozen in a state of prudishness. "It's fine, dear. I know you wouldn't want to leave unless it was urgent. Go! You can come back next week, I hope?" Camille nodded and smiled slightly before turning to walk toward the door. She grabbed her jacket and exited the house to start walking home.

For some reason Camille felt better walking everywhere compared to taking a car. The walk in the cool air was refreshing, but the smell of rain was thick in the air as well. She hoped that she would get home before it started to pour down on her.

Gripping her jacket closer around her neck, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed her mother's number. She was hoping that she would get her voicemail, but three rings in was when she heard the clipped tone of her mother answering. "Finally you call back. What were you doing?! You're not partying are you?"

"No, mother. I was having dinner at my friend's house before I went home to study. What was so urgent that you had to blow up my phone?" She asked while fighting to keep the annoyance she felt creeping up on her from leeching into her tone.

Silence greeted her before her mother finally took a defensive tone. "Don't take that tone with me. You should have made sure your phone was on." Camille rolled her eyes, but kept silent because she knew it would only cause her more trouble. Her mother continued on without skipping a beat,"I'll tell you what is so important when you arrive here tomorrow afternoon."

"I have an exam coming up and I can't miss it." Camille argued before her mother snapped at her about this being more important than school. It surprised her, but she had no problems tuning out the lecture as she turned the corner to begin walking down her street. She had not realized that she had been talking on the phone for so long. "Okay mom. I will email my teacher and tell them I need to schedule some time for a make-up test when I get back. I need to go because I'm almost home and it's starting to rain." She hung up the phone and pulled her hood up on her jacket before running down the street to her house. The rain was pouring down by the time she got to the porch and flung the door open.

The house was dimly lit as she looked around while pulling her jacket off to hang it up. Her wet shoes were the next to come off before she wandered through the house to find her maid. "Hello? Is everyone asleep?" She thought it was odd that they would all be gone, but as she entered the kitchen she found her maid and the driver sitting there playing cards with several beer bottles laying on the table. They both jumped as she stood in the doorway with a surprised look before she started laughing,"You guys having fun?" They nodded and gave drunken laughs before Camille found herself walking over to the refrigerator, waving off the maid as she attempted to get up.

She pulled out the ice cream and pulled the lid off before putting it into the microwave for ten seconds to thaw it out a bit. Her feet moved across the room to the drawer with the silverware where she pulled out a large spoon before she pulled the ice cream out. She pulled herself up to sit on the counter, plopping the ice cream on her lap. She stared down at it before she plunged her spoon into the chocolate and vanilla swirled frozen dessert rather violently. Camille sat there eating ice cream as she watched the maid and the driver played cards, fighting over who was cheating.

Do I really want to go back to my hectic, old life for a few days? Do I really want to give up the peace I feel in this house? Sure, school and boys are stressful, but I love my school and I love this house. Should I really go back to all of that without much of a fight? Even for a few days? She sighed and stopped eating, becoming a bit more emotionally burdened than she had when she finished listening to her mother's voicemail in Honey's bathroom. She would have to do this. She had to listen to her parents because they were the only family she had left and they were her guardians.


The airport was crowded as Camille walked to the baggage claim. She narrowly avoided running into a couple of children who were running toward their mother who was kneeling down with open arms only to have her foot ran over by a trolley that was heavy with luggage. The business man pushing the trolley glared at her as if it was her fault and it caused her to glare right back at him before moving on to look for her bag on the conveyor belt.

It took ten minutes of looking for her bag and missing it twice before she managed to grab the black bag. Hauling it off the belt before it could be whisked away again, she pulled the handle up and checked the time on her phone. She was running a few minutes late now to catch the car that would take her home. She rushed through the airport, missing groups of people narrowly before she caught sight of the sign with her last name.

"Hello, I'm sorry I'm a few minutes late." She explained to the driver, not recognizing him. Her parents must have fired their old one or hired on another one. He remained stoic as he led her out of the airport, pulling her bag behind him as they walked. It reminded her of how Mori was, but without the calming or relaxing vibe that she got when she was around him and Honey. The driver almost seemed like he was mad at her or looked down on her.

She found herself situated in the back of the car staring out at the city as they drove through. It would be thirty minutes of driving before she got home and she was feeling more nervous with every passing second. She wanted to know what her parents needed to tell her. She wanted to know what was so important that she had to come home immediately. The reason she was missing an exam she had been forcing herself to study for.

"Mam, we're here." The driver barked out before getting out to open her door. She must have been lost in thought longer than she thought. It was something that was happening more often now. She was spacing out or becoming less observant now that she was becoming more stressed out. It was something that had started happening more often since her brother had passed.

Camille stepped out and started walking toward the house, allowing the driver to get her bag and bring it inside. She stepped up to grab the handle of the large doors leading into her home. A weight was pushing down on her chest as she was hit with a million memories of her and Cameron walking through this door at various points in their life. Walking down the hall to the dining room where their parents would be waiting for them to hear how their day went. Now, she was walking down it alone to greet parents who had changed almost as much as she had since his passing.

She inhaled through her nose slowly, letting it pass through her lips even slower before she pushed open the dining room doors to reveal her parents sitting there having tea. They both looked up at her as she stepped into the room and shut the doors behind her.

"Come in. We have much to discuss and not very much time to explain it all in." Her father began while gesturing to a seat next to her mother. With a heavy heart, Camille sat down and raised her eyes to look up at both of them. Things are about to change, forever.

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