Chapter 11: A Day Out with Tamaki

The wind blew over Tamaki and Camille as they walked down the sidewalk into town, not seeing the point in a car when they would not need it. They had, however, decided to ditch skiing to look at shops before they would have to call the car to see the snow she wanted to see.

"Are you too cold? We could call the car early." Tamaki asked while looking down at the short female. They had been walking for ten minutes now and the cold wind had made both of their faces numb. Her cheeks, ears, and nose were all painted a soft pink color.

"No, I'm fine. We are almost there anyway." She reassured him in a quiet voice. He felt his heart drop at how withdrawn she was being. This was supposed to be fun and he could tell she was still troubled about something.

Shops started to come into view, the open signs beaming in windows full of displays. He saw her eyes light up at the prospect of getting to look at new things. This gave him an idea. "How about we grab some hot chocolate from that store before we hit the shops? It will warm up our hands while we travel around." His free hand lifted up to gesture toward a neon sign that was shaped like a steaming coffee cup. His other arm was still occupied by the girl next to him who had yet to notice she was still holding onto his arm in an attempt to leech any heat coming off of him that she could.

She nodded in agreement and he thought he caught the first traces of a true smile he had seen since leaving. If she liked shopping and hot chocolate then he would make sure she had both.

They entered the store that had been down the block from them and he felt the girl at his side stop, causing him to stop as well. His amethyst eyes traveled over in confusion before he found himself smiling. Her eyes were shut as she inhaled the sweet aromas of coffee, sweets, and hot chocolate. The look of pure bliss she wore made his stomach squirm in nervousness and excitement. She was truly interesting with how easily she could go from on emotion to another, but he knew that she kept most of it hidden. He wanted to know why. What made her feel the need to keep things from them? From him?

"Tamaki...Why are you looking at me like that? You're making me nervous." She murmured while looking away. A bright red blush heated her face to chase away any numbness the cold had bathed them in.

He turned red in the face himself and shook his head, "No reason! I got lost in thought. I'm sorry. Let's get our hot chocolate. Okay?" Even to his own ears he sounded nervous and embarrassed.

Camille giggled and shook her head, letting go of his arm to walk past him to the counter. He followed her quickly and chuckled as she stared up at all the options they had to make the plain drinks more mouthwatering. She looked like a kid in a candy store and it dawned on him that he was getting his previous wish to see her more relaxed. She was beginning to show more of herself than she had in the past, making him happy that she was finally starting to get comfortable.

The hosts knew very little about the things she liked aside from her brother and her amazing photography skills. They suspected that she lived alone because she never mentioned her parents or asking permission to do anything. She was all alone in that house.

Tamake stepped forward and ordered his drink after she made up her mind, giving the barista money for both of their drinks. The girl behind the counter was glaring at Camille and it caused him to grab a hold of Camille's wrist and pull her to the side where their drinks would be set when they were finished. He did not like how the barista was glaring at her one bit. "How about we go to the camera shop after this? I saw the sign before we came in." He had actually seen the store last night, but he did not want to give away that he had been out walking by himself.

Her eyes lit up once more and she nodded quickly, "Yes! Maybe they will have a cleaner for my camera. I ran out a few days ago. Thanks for reminding me." She looked up at him with another genuine smile that had him blushing again. What was she doing to him? Turning him into a blushing fool! He needed to try and control it or he was going to  give away his feelings. "Come on, Tamaki! Let's go before I get a hole burned through my head from the intensity of her glare." She had said this in French rather than the English they had used to order, causing the barista to look confused.

Tamaki found himself laughing as he took the hot chocolate that Camille held up to him, careful not to brush his fingers along her's during the exchange. He was worried it would make her uncomfortable. That thought was shattered once she grabbed his free hand and drug him from the coffee shop. Her hand was arm and soft now compared to the half frozen one he had felt back at the house.

"She should have just whipped out her phone and taken a picture. It would have lasted longer than the looks she was giving you. I swear she literally had hearts in her eyes." She laughed as they started walking in the direction of the camera store. She had let go of his hand once they exited the shop and gripped her warm cup with her freezing hands.

Tamaki shook his head and took a sip of his hot chocolate,"You sound like a jealous girlfriend Camille." He noted with a tone of amusement, trying to see how she would react.

She rolled her eyes at him and waved him off, "You could only hope." She raised her cup to her lips and took a drink before she started sputtering and coughing. "She put too much cinnamon in it!" She whined and looked sadly into the cup.

"She did? Let me see." He said before taking the cup from her and taking a sip from it. There was quite a bit of cinnamon in it, but he played it off like it tasted just fine. "Here. Trade me and you can have this one. It tastes fine and there's no poison in it so you won't die." He joked with a wink.

Camille accepted his cup from him and blushed slightly before giggling,"Hopefully mine wasn't poisoned because that would be hard to explain to the rest of the guys. 'Oh yeah, we went out today and I poisoned Tamaki so now we need to replace him as the president of the Host Club.' Their faces would be priceless." She took a sip from the cup and sighed in content at the taste.

He chuckled at her musings and pulled open the door to the camera store for her, "I think they might be a little more than upset with you."

"Psh, Haruhi would kill me if I poisoned you!" She dismissed before walking through the door into the camera store. The walls were lined with pictures and displays were in glass cases all over the store. Her eyes lit up as they walked in and she instantly rushed to the nearest case to stare at all of the lenses longingly.

"I think you over-estimate Haruhi's likeness of me. She would probably be happy to be rid of me." He said in a slightly depressed tone, knowing that his little girl would probably dance on his grave if he were gone.

"Nah, she likes you more than you know." Camille said before she bit into her lip to keep from saying anything else. She acted as though she had given away some secret. This made Tamaki curious, but he decided he would ask her about it later as he watched her walk around the store to investigate every display in great detail. She really did like cameras.

"Should we find the clerk and ask if they have the cleaner you need?" He suggested as they came to the end of a display, watching as she blinked rapidly.

"Oops! I kinda forgot that was what we were here for. Thanks Tamaki." She smiled up at him before practically bouncing her way over to the front desk to ask the cashier where the cleaner was. She reminded him of Honey when he saw a cake store, but found it more cute when she did it.

"It's over here!" She called out before she rushed over to pick up a couple of bottles of the cleaner and some special wipes before rushing back to the desk to purchase them. He found himself walking over to the desk to wait for her to come back and pay for them, a slight smile on his lips as she thanked the cashier.

"Is that everything you needed here?" He asked to make sure she did not need anything else. She shook her head and then grabbed the bag from the counter. Before she could take one step he had taken the bag from her and insisted he carried it for her. In the end she had given in and exited the store with him behind her.


Camille checked the time on her phone, the display lighting up to tell her that it was getting late. They had went from store to store all day to look around. They had not bought anything, but enjoyed each other's company the entire time. She especially thought it was funny when Tamaki put on a giant sun hat and began to sing in a girly voice out of nowhere. The whole day he did little things to make her laugh and she had found herself loosening up considerably. This was a total flip from how she had felt last night with Kyoya.

"Do you want to call the car and go see some snow now?" Tamaki asked while discarding the remnants of their lunch into a trash can. They had stopped to eat a late lunch at a fast food place, having to take quite a while to figure out what may have been safe to eat because some of the things had sounded too foreign for them to adventure out of their comfort zone to try. She had, however, gotten him to eat something that had spicy peppers in it and that had caused some laughs for a good ten minutes.

"Yes, I think it's starting to get late and I'd hate to be stuck outside when it gets too cold." She nodded before they left the restaurant and then gasped as she looked out at the street. The sidewalk and street were lightly frosted over and there were little white flecks falling from the sky.

Her sudden stop had caused Tamaki to run right into her, his hands shooting out to catch her around her stomach to keep her upright. He let go of her after a few moments and then looked up at the sky as well. Instead of going to find the snow, it had come to find them.

"Oh, wow! It's so pretty!" She squealed in excitement before she pulled out her camera and snapped a few pictures of it falling from the sky to land on the ground. Her face became flushed as she raced around to snap more pictures and Tamaki was left standing off to the side as she did so. It was amusing and also heartwarming to see her finally get her wish.

He looked up at the sky as the snow started to come down harder, the specks of white starting to get larger. The wind blew the snow into his face and he flinched as a snowflake connected with his eye. "I've been hit!" He yelled dramatically while clasping his eye, blinking behind it.

Camille laughed and came over to pull his hand down, peeking up at his eye as he looked at her. "It's slightly red, but I think you'll live." She said in a teasing tone before pulling away and holding the camera up to take a picture of him. "Yep, you look pretty lively to me." She giggled.

"Hey! Delete that!" He whined before chasing after her as she ran off down the street. He chased her for several blocks before they came skidding to a halt in the park. She was now bending over to pack some snow into a ball with her hands, her camera hanging from it's strap around her neck.

"You're out of luck because I'm not deleting it." She taunted before throwing the snowball at him, letting it connect with his shoulder. A look of determination crossed his face before he bent down and made a snowball of his own, lobbing it at her. The snow connected with the side of her head and exploded upon impact, the snow soaking into her hair. "Oh, now you're getting it."

"Bring it on." He taunted back before narrowly missing a snowball that was aimed for his face. That is how they ended up in a giant snowball fight before Camille got fed up with missing and jumped on him. He had not been expecting it and fell over in the snow, grabbing her out of reflex in an attempt to stay upright. They both fell into the fallen snow and her head connected with his chest, a collective groan coming from them both at the impact.

"Ouch! Why'd you do that?" She groaned before rolling off of him to lay next to him in the snow. Her head was on his outstretched arm as she rubbed her forehead in an attempt to soothe the pain.

"I didn't mean to make you fall. I'm sorry." He apologized before turning his head to look over at her.

"It's okay, but I still win because I took you down." She laughed and then gasped before bringing her camera up to inspect it. There was a bit of moisture on it from their snowball fight, but it seemed to be fine. That was when she turned it on and then turned it with the lense facing them. She then snapped a picture and turned it to see the display. Her teeth sunk into her lip and her cheeks became red as she realized how they were laying. It was a great picture, but it showed how close she had gotten to someone she had told herself she could not trust yet. Maybe I can trust him afterall. He did show me a wonderful day and he didn't pressure me at all. She thought before she looked over at Tamaki to see him looking at her. Her blush intensified as she saw how close his face was to her's. Her body shot up and she put her camera away in it's bag before it could get any more snow on it. "I think we should head back to the house. It's getting late."

"It's only a few blocks from here so we should probably walk." He said with a sigh, sounding disappointed. He pushed himself up and then stood up, brushing off snow before extending a hand to help her up. His hand came up to brush the snow from her hair as he looked down at her. In the next moment he found himself leaning forward to place a soft kiss on her lips, having done the one thing he had been wanting to do all day.

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