Chapter 10: Another Bet?!
Camille locked the door to her room in the off chance that one of the hosts had heard the gasp that had rippled from her lips as she came to the realization that Tamaki might like her. It was an assumption based on his reaction to Hikaru and Kaoru's taunt, but things were starting to make sense. His looks in class, willingness to be alone with her when the group split up, and how he talked to her compared to Haruhi.
They had many things in common, but she was worried about how Haruhi would react if this was true. She could tell that the dark-haired female had feelings for Tamaki, but it was also apparent that Hikaru was also crushing on her as well. They were part of a triangle of unawareness that was almost comical.
Where was Camille's feelings about this? She was not fully certain that she knew. There were things about each host that made them appealing to any girl. She would be a fool to deny that fact. She was slowly considering them more trustworthy and they were her friends, but she was not sure if she would say she felt more toward any of them than she would Haruhi.
'Why am I thinking of this so much?' She wondered to herself before slapping her cheeks to break herself out of those thoughts. 'Nobody followed me. Maybe I can play this off like I'm coming down for dinner.'
The dining room was silent by the time she made it downstairs again. For a moment she feared that they knew she had heard them earlier, but upon entering she found that Kyoya was the only one in the room. "Where is everyone?" She inquired quietly.
"Honey-senpai challenged the twins to a snowball fight. Hikaru and Kaoru challenged Tamaki. They all went gallivanting off into the sunset before I could warn them that the sun was going down soon." He explained before he set his black book down.
"How much snow is outside?" She said slowly, trying to contain her excitement.
"None." He chuckled before standing up.
"But how are they going to have a snowball fight without any snow?" She asked in a disappointed tone.
"They took a car to look for snow closer to the base of the mountain."
"Isn't that dangerous in the dark?" Her voice was becoming more panicked by the moment. He acted calm and almost amused compared to how others would normally feel in this situation. It worried her that he may not care about the safety of their friends at all.
"They will be fine." He assured her before taking her wrist and leading her toward the next room. The doors were shut and the soft glow of lights under the door had her confused, mixing with her previous panic.
"How do you know?! Why aren't you worried about them?!" She asked, pulling her wrist from his grasp quickly. It must have shocked him a bit because he paused on his way to the double doors. He recovered after a few moments and opened the doors to reveal a large room, much larger than the others she had seen on her way through the house.
The room was filled with candle light instead of artificial lighting, hundreds of candles flickering in the breeze created by the doors opening. The sight caused her to look around with confusion and a tinge of awe. The next thing she noticed was a table in the center of the large room that was draped with a light purple tablecloth and in the center of that table was a small base with a single lavender rose sticking out of it.
"W-what is this? What's going on?" Camille's voice seemed to echo through the silence that filled the room. Her red-brown eyes were wide with curiosity, her panic long since forgotten. She turned to face Kyoya, fixating him with a raised eyebrow in question.
"This trip is for you, but did you really think it wouldn't come at a price?" She asked with a smile,"There's another bet going. I can tell you a little about it as we eat."
His hands placed themselves on her shoulders, turning her around before leading her to the table. Two plates were heaped with various foods that had her mouth watering in anticipation. "You guys have an awful lot of bets."
He chuckled as he helped her get seated,"Yes, it is something that keeps things from getting too boring or repetitive. I even enjoy them sometimes."
"What's this one about this time?" She asked as he seated himself across from her.
"This one is to see who can gain your trust first." He said in a pleasant tone while watching for her reaction.
Camille froze in her seat, any look of amusement wiping off her face. Her heart started pounding in her ears and her hands began to shake. "So what's your strategy then? Make me worry about our friends and treat me good until I begin to open up to you?"
"No..I plan to make it much more interesting. I'm taking it a step further and I'm going to win your heart instead."
Tamaki was cold and his puffy white coat was doing nothing to warm him up as he walked back to the house. The others had dropped him off at the edge of town before they went to look at some store on the opposite side of town. They had been a little apprehensive to leave him alone, but be needed to begin his preparations if he wanted to win the new bet.
His idea had been simple from the start, but it had hit a bit of a snag once he started walking through town. He did not want to buy her trust, like the others might be trying to do, and he knew that would not be the best route to take in the first place. Why was he walking through the cold town at the base of the mountains? He needed an idea and hoped it would come to him as he made his way back to the house.
A puff of air escaped his mouth as the large house they were staying in came into view,"Well that plan didn't work out well." He mused aloud before stopping in the yard once he got to the structure.
He knew Kyoya had his plan in motion already and the idea of Camille alone with his friend made him feel a little tense. He knew Kyoya was a respectable guy who would not harm Camille in any way. The problem was that he felt a nagging sensation inside him that was hard to explain.
This feeling was different than the protective one he felt toward Haruhi, but he would not quite go as far to say it was love. It was much too early for that. Hikaru and Kaoru seemed to think he had a crush on her. That may be true, but he knew only time would tell.
His hands invaded his pockets as he walked up the sidewalk, his eyes trailing over the frosty grass. There was no snow in town, much to their displeasure upon arrival, and when they had set out in the car it had been a good thirty minutes before they found any. Tomorrow would tell how safe it would be to investigate, but he was disappointed they may have made this trip for nothing. The idea of Camille being upset just made him feel worse.
Upon entering the house, Tamaki shed his coat and shoes by the door. Voices were coming from the other room that indicated that Kyoya and Camille were still talking. This made him shake his head before going upstairs to his room. He would not interfere. Tomorrow would be better to speak with her anyway and he still needed to plan.
Camille found herself sitting on the stairs to the front porch of the house the next morning. Her jacket was hugging her tightly to ward off the cold that permeated the air. The porch was vacant except herself, but she was enjoying the solitude. It helped her sort her thoughts.
Dinner with Kyoya had made her feel awkward after he had announced his intentions. She had tried to loosen up and act as though it was all between friends, but his comments throughout it made her remember he was trying to win her over. He had went about it the wrong way.
Kyoya was her friend and she had some feelings toward him. That much was true. The fact of the matter was he was making her withdraw by pulling such a big stunt. The night had ended with her accepting the rose on the table and her retiring to her room. She had yet to see him this morning.
The door opened behind her, body tensing as if she expected it to be Kyoya. A speak of the devil and he shall appear sort of thing. Much to her pleasure it was just Tamaki. The other object of her confusion on feelings. "Good morning Tamaki." She greeted cheerily, pushing her unhappy thoughts back.
"Good morning. You ready to head up the mountain?" He asked in a hesitant voice, alerting her to the fact that something was going on.
"More than ready. The distance from the city will be nice." She found herself smiling as he set her camera bag next to her, giving him a playful nudge,"What's going on with you? Miss Haruhi already?"
Tamaki chuckled and nudged her back,"Yes, but that isn't what is bothering me."
Camille found herself staying quiet, her curiosity freezing any words she may have thought up in her throat. He looked up at the slightly gray sky, the only warning they would have at the possibility of snow. This is when she took the opportunity to study his features up close. The shape of his eyes as they looked upward. How his hair fell into his forehead and how it framed his face. His jawline was enticing and that was what made her look away quickly.
'Don't fall for someone you don't know you can fully trust.' She mentally scolded before clearing her throat. "Where is everyone else?"
Tamaki looked over at her with a smirk. "They are all still asleep. They stayed out late last night. It will be just us today."
A nervous feeling spread through her body at the thought of being alone with him the entire day. When they were alone he acted less flamboyant and more mature. If he had stayed the same then she would have known how to deal with it. When he acted how he was now, it was hard to concentrate.
"Don't think too hard. I can practical see the smoke coming out your ears." He joked before breaking out into a laugh as her hands flew up to cover her ears. Her face turned a dark shade of pink as she realized what she had done before a hand was held out to her,"Let's go before there are too many people for you to take pictures. Shall we?" He smiled down at her with his eyes closed, having somehow stood up and placed himself in front of her without her noticing.
Her cold hand connected with the palm of his warm one. Fingers slid along his as she gripped his hand to pull herself up. She turned away to grab her camera bag that he had sat next to her. "Thanks for bringing my bag."
"You acted like you had a reason to stay outside. I take it your night didn't go well?" He asked in a tone that made her almost believe he was hopeful that it had not.
"It was..interesting to say the least." She said with a tired voice as they started walking away from the house.
"Then let's forget about last night and have some fun." He offered before extending the crook of his arm to her, having noted how cold her hand had felt in his upon pulling her up. Her arm slid through his as she flashed him an appreciative smile.
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