Chapter four
At 3:45 in the morning the purple haired nervous girl woke up again screaming. It was earlier that usual but that was just because the girl was very nervous. Trying to calm her nerves, Jikan took a quick run but that just gave her mind time to think of everything that might wrong.
What if they hate me? What if I'm bullied? What is all the teachers hate me and give me F's? What is my quirk isn't good enough? What if All might hates me? Where will I sit? Will I fall out a window? Will my uniform be too small/ big? What if I get kicked out of school and I die?
Those are just a few things that filled Jikan's mind as she ran and got ready for school. It was about 7:45 before Flora started to worry about her purple haired friend. Figuring that the girl was freaking out, the Flos' went over to her apartment.
"Jikan?" Flora asked as she knocked on the door.
There was no response from inside. Rose grabbed the spare key and unlocked the door. Once they opened the door they saw Jikan staring at the wall muttering under her breath. She was muttering about everything that could go wrong. She was all dressed and ready to go to school but freaking out.
"Ji, are you okay?" Flora asked as she put her hand on Jikan's shoulder, but she continued to mutter. "Jikan!" Flora started to shake the girl furiously.
"W-what?" Jikan stuttered as she snapped out of her daze. "What time is it?"
"About 7:50 dear." Rose said causing Jikan to start muttering again. "Jikan!"
"I can't do this! I can't do this!" Jikan said freaking out.
"Ji!" Flora forced Jikan to look at her. "Ji, this is you dream isn't it? You might not think you can't do this but it's okay. Just try, and we'll be here for you. Okay?"
Jikan nervously nodded, as Flora grabbed her shoulders and lifted her up. Once on her feet her legs started to wobble. Flora just helped her friend stand.
"You ready to go?" Flora asked looking in the purple haired girl's purple eyes. Jikan gave a slight nod as she leaned on Flora. "Then lets get going." The two walked out the door holding each other so one won't fall.
"Go get 'em Jikan." Rose smiled as she walked out of the apartment and locked the door.
The two girls walked to the big school in peaceful silence. Once the building was in view, Jikan turned around saying that she wasn't ready. Luckily Flora was there to grab her and shove her forward towards the gate. The whole way forward Jikan kept saying she wasn't right.
This caused many people to stare. A girl pushing another girl towards the UA gate. The one getting pushed was quietly screaming that she wasn't ready. This caused regular people and UA students alike to stare. Once in front of the gate Jikan looked like she was about ready to pass out.
"Well this is it, now go in and show this school what you're made of." Flora pushed Jikan forward.
"Flora I can't do this, I just..." Jikan turned and quietly panicked at her friend. She stopped when Flora put a small box in her hands.
"Go on, open it." Upon opening the box, tears came to Jikan's eyes.
In the box was a pair of gold colored Bluetooth earbuds. She knew they were very expensive and that Flora knew that Jikan wanted them but couldn't have them. Once she realized what was in the box, Jikan almost but tackled Flora with a hug.
"If you get too worried press play on the earbuds, I got them synced with your playlist. Now do this for him, Ji." After a few more seconds the two girl pulled out of the hug and Jikan turned back around. She took a deep breathe and took a step forward, which she ending up falling from.
"I-I'm okay." She got up and continued to walk which caused Flora to snicker at her friend as she walked into the school.
Flora sighed and looked up at the giant building. It had be Jikan's dream to go here, for one reason or another. Flora knew it was going to be hard on the young girl being that she was very shy and nervous.
"Please don't break her... Not again."
They all stared, well in one way or another. Jikan was violently shaking looking like she was about to pass out again. The silence was deafening, even if it wasn't silent to anyone but Jikan. She didn't know what to do, she thought she heard the bell and it looked like everyone was already seated but she still was scared.
The rest of the students looked at her in confusion, well all but a few. They had seen the extra desk and Mr. Aizawa did say that they were getting a new student. But they weren't expecting a short, flat girl shaking like a cat that had been drenched in cold water and forced to stand out in the snow. Most people that were in the hero program were cocky or at least a little confident. This girl looked like she was picked off the street and told to stand in front of one day heroes and not die.
After about a minute most of the girls got worried that the girl in front of them was going to die of nervousness. So Momo slowly got up from her seat to talk to the girl. At the same time most of the guys were confused and worried that they were going to have to explain why there was a dead body on the floor if the girl wasn't calmed down. So Iida, taking initiative, got up from his seat to talk to the girl. But at the same time Uraraka wanted to calm the girl too so she got up from her seat. While at the same time Midoriya remembering the girl from a few days ago and knowing how it felt to be extremely nervous wanted to calm the girl too so he got up. But Bakugo, being Bakugo didn't want to calm the girl but grill her on what she was doing there and what her quirk was. And make her explain why she had almost steamrolled him the other day, so he got up from his seat.
This ending up with Jikan standing in the middle of five people talking to her that she didn't really know. She started shaking more.
"Are you okay.?!" Momo, Iida, Uraraka and Midoriya asked/said/yelled.
While Bakugo yelled, "What are you doing here and why'd you run over me the other day!"
With five people pretty much yelling at her, Jikan did what she normally did every morning. She screamed her lungs out causing everyone to jump back in surprise. This wasn't the best time for Mr. Aizawa to walk in, but unfortunately it was the time in which he did walk in.
"What's going on?" He asked causing Jikan to stop screaming.
"Sir, we were just asking this girl if she was okay and she started screaming." Iida explained like usual.
"Take your seats." Aizawa said in his normal bored tone, the four complied this was all but Bakugo who took a look from Aizawa to sit down.
Jikan really didn't know what to do so she continued to stand there shaking. After a second she looked at the people in front of her and spoke in her shaking soft voice.
"I-I'm Ji-Jikan Miru. It's really n-nice to me-meet you all." She quickly bowed and rushed to the empty seat in the back
(Note: I'm changing the seating arrangement a little so that Jikan sits next to the window and next to Todoroki and behind Midoriya. Just saying so no one gets confused)
The boy in front of her, that she met a few days ago gave her a look of sympathy. While the boy next to her gave her a raised eyebrow at her. Once she had sat down the class started. As class want on most of the people stared at Jikan, well Bakugo kinda glared at her. This made her very nervous and kinda bored since she had already learned everything that was being taught. Then she remembered the small box in her bag, quickly grabbing the box she covertly put in the earbuds and turned on the music.
Once the music hit her ears, Jikan calmed down a lot. Music was one of the only things that could calm her down, as the class went of her eyes seemed to dilate. Her vision in front of her when blurry and things moved fast. In seconds Jikan saw all eyes turn on her. Realizing what was happening Jikan plucked the earbuds out of her ears and her vision went back to normal. When they went back to normal she noticed that no one was staring at her.
"What?" Jikan whispered quietly under her breathe confused. But this seemed to be a loud enough question for the whole class to hear her and turn around in response. "N-never mind." She stammered making everyone raise an eyebrow at her then turn back to the broad. It was going to be a long day.
When the lunch bell rang everyone rushed out of the classroom, that save for Jikan. This was another thing she was super nervous about. Jikan slowly grabbed her earbuds and walked out of the room.
Once she had made it to the cafeteria, Jikan experienced culture shock. She had never seen this many students in one spot at one time, along with the fact that they had amazing quirks. She could almost feel the power radiating in the room.
Jikan stood at the doorway in shock and shaking in fear. Even with the music in her ears she shook like she was freezing. Her eyes darted around the room without her control. Once she had spotted a clock she watched the second hand as it ticked. Once it had shown a minute had passed, Jikan calmed down slightly.
"Seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven," Jikan muttered off the seconds as she stared at the ticking second hand.
Many people ignored the purple haired girl as she continued to mutter the seconds. That was except for a few of people in her class.
Uraraka looked at the girl somewhat worried, it was like staring at Deku if he was a girl. Deku muttered just like Jikan did, and Uraraka knew that it was kinda weird. She just looked in worry at the purple haired girl who stood staring at a clock. Iida and Midoriya gave understanding glances at their friend as she looked worried.
"Should I go ask her if she's okay? When we did that this morning she started screaming." Uraraka said a little unsure.
"You guys talking about the new girl?"Jiro asked as she walked towards the three.
"Yah, she looks like she's going to pass out." Kaminari said leaning on the table as other joined. It seemed as if the whole class came over to stare at the young girl.
"We should see if she's okay." Momo said.
"Wait," Ashido spoke stopping Momo. "Remember what she did this morning, she might freak out again. We should just send a few of us to greet her."
"Okay, but who?" Ojiro asked as the group looked around.
"Who's the quietest?" All eyes went to four boys Midoriya, Tokoyami, Koda, and Todoroki.
"I can go say hi." Mineta said in his perverted way which earned him a pair of earphones to the eyes from Jiro.
"How about Midoriya, Jiro, Uraraka, Tokoyami, Ojiro, Sui, and myself go talk to her?" Momo said, causing everyone that cared to nod.
The small group of seven walked over to Jikan as she continued to count. Once they got close to her they could hear how scared and far away she sounded.
"Three twenty, three twenty-one..." Jikan continued to muttered without paying attention to the group in front of her.
"Um..." Ojiro said which cause the girl's attention to shift from the clock to the group. Once she had stopped counting, Jikan started to shake again.
"Hi, we just want to introduce ourselves and see if you're okay." Momo said unsure of how to calm the girl. Jikan gripped tightly into her UA pullover that covered her arms.
Jiro didn't really know what to say to the girl, that was until she noticed the earbud in her ear. A small smile lit Jiro's face.
"Nice earbuds, what ya' playing?" Jiro asked, this seemed to calm Jikan. Her eyes shifted to Jiro, then to her earphone jacks. Jikan's expression calmed, it almost seemed that there was a small sparkle in her eyes.
"M-my personal play l-list, it-it calms my nerves. Is th-that your quirk?" Jikan didn't know why she asked this, but hey it was something.
"Yah,"Jiro smiled and stuck her hand out. "Name's Kyoka Jiro."
Jikan stared at the girl's hand and cautiously took it. She looked down at her feet and she spoke softly.
"I'm Jikan Miru, but you can call me Jikan."
"I'm Momo Yaoyorozu." Jikan's eyes shifted up slightly to look at Momo.
"Mashurao Ojiro." He held out his hand as everyone else introduced themselves.
"Fumikage Tokoyami." Once he spoke, Jikan started to stare at his bird head in awe. She had never seen a quirk like this and it amazed her.
"Tsuyu Asui, but you can call me Sui. Ribbit." Sui said causing Jikan to slightly smile.
"I'm Ochaco Uraraka!" She said very excitedly.
Jikan's eyes then shifted from Ochaco to Deku. "You-you're the kid th-that broke his arm, r-right?" Jikan nervously rubbed her arm, which was the one that Midoriya had broken.
"I'm Izuku Midoriya." He said somewhat nervous, but understanding of her nervousness.
"Or you can call him Deku." Uraraka said grabbing Midoriya's arm excitedly, causing everyone to slightly laugh as Deku blushed.
"Well, Jikan. We just wanted to say," Everyone turned to look at Jikan smiling as Momo spoke. "Welcome to UA."
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