Sitting in my office, not twenty minutes after encountering my mate for the first time in six years.
My thoughts were all over, my emotions ranged from excited, pissed off, regretful, there were pride and fear ... Believe it or not, I was even a little turned on.
Lucas had changed, at first glance, it seemed for the better. He was taller, his body had filled out nicely, making him fat in just the right spots and lean everywhere else.
He was stronger, his aura wasn't like other Omega's, he wasn't submissive anymore ... It hurt to know I'd taken that away from him.
Submission is vital to an Omega's existence, to their protection. I stripped that from him, cast him out... Goddess only knows what he went through.
Then there was the little freckle-faced kid, he was mine ... A son, I tried for a year and a half with Nancy, no such luck. I could only hope Lucas would bring him to see me.
It was clear Lucas was a protective mama, and I appreciated that, but that cute kid was clearly an Alpha and an Omega can't teach an Alpha how to tame their wolf.
Speaking of Nancy, she waltzed into my office, her red bottoms click-clacking as she entered the room.
I hadn't slept with her in two years, I marked her every month, to keep up appearances, we didn't even sleep in the same room anymore.
She stood there cleaning her fingernails, her dark black hair hung in curls, she is beautiful, but her personality is shit ... Unlike me, she hadn't matured.
"Word is that runaway loser came back, Allen said he had some brat with him." She said, sitting down in the chair in front of my desk.
"What do you want?" I asked, "It's that time again, the mark is starting to fade." She said, moving her shirt to reveal the fading bite on her shoulder.
"No, it's pointless now, I'm telling the pack," I said. "The hell you are, I will not be embarrassed like that ... I'm Luna." She hissed.
"We both know you aren't... You need to find your mate because I plan on fixing things with mine." I said. "Is his kid yours?" She asked.
"Yes, he's mine," I answered, my chest swelling with pride. "How can you be sure, you two only shared a night." She said, showing her ignorance.
"Male Omega can be impregnated, but not by anyone other than their mate... And as far as one night... I climaxed at least a dozen times." I said.
"Do you hear yourself, do you even know how I must feel?" She asked.
"Yes... I know how you must feel, but I'm going to do what's right, I need to for my own sanity, I want what I could have had ... Don't you want a mate?" I asked.
"I have one, and I'm not letting you go." She snapped, I was about to respond but there a knock. "What?!" She screamed, getting up and flinging open the door.
"Um ... Hi." I looked at my child, he stood there, with his eyes focused on me. He looked like me in ways, but he had a lot of features like Lucas.
He had my freckles, but they would fade, his hair was dark black, but it was going to get lighter.
"Hi, little man... Come in." I said, giving Nancy's hateful ass a glare.
He walked in, giving Nancy a dirty look and I wondered if his mom told him about the rejection.
"Where's your mom kid?" Nancy asked harshly, I bit my tongue because I wanted to ask. "My name is Stone, and he doesn't know I'm here... I wanted to talk to you." He said, his speaking voice assertive, and exceptionally un-childlike.
"Sit down... Please, Nancy, leave us alone." I commanded, looking at her and flashing Falken's dead black eyes. She left and my son walked forward.
He sat down across from me, and I was stunned, filled with so many emotions. I was scared, scared of a six-year-old.
"Hi Stone," I said, smiling like an idiot. "You're my dad right?" He asked, "I am." I answered. "Why aren't you and my mom together?" He asked.
"Damn... Sorry, bad language. So right to it huh?" I asked. "Well I figured there had to be a reason, and ma is such a softy sometimes, I know he won't tell me the whole truth." He said.
"Well, you are just a kid." I said, "My IQ is above two sixty, I'm not a regular kid. I want the truth, I deserve it." He growled, his eyes darkening.
His wolf would find him soon, he was going to grow stronger, and soon he'd start challenging authority.
Which makes it a good thing, I met him before his wolf found him. I would need to quickly win his respect and hopefully his love.
"I'll tell you this, your mom was great, I ruined everything... I did a horrible thing, I rejected him, crushed him." I said.
"Why?" He asked, "I was a bad guy, I didn't understand how important soul mates are. Never repeat that mistake." I said. "Are you going to try and fix it?" He asked.
"Do you think I have a shot?" I asked, "Ma is difficult, so it's hard to say, I wish you luck though ... Oh and I'm glad I was able to finally meet you." He said standing up.
"An-any other questions?" I asked, standing with him, not ready to see him go. "Yes ... will it hurt when I shift for the first time?" He asked.
I bent down, locking eyes with him. "Yeah, it'll hurt big time, but you little man, you are an Alpha, you're a Brickston... You can handle a little pain right?" I asked, slugging his chin gently.
"Yeah, I broke my wrist skateboarding once, it hurt like hell, but I didn't shed a single tear... Uncle Philip healed me." He said, bragging like I use to.
Yet my ears mostly heard Uncle Philip, I don't know any Phil's, so Lucas had another man around my child.
"Don't worry I'll be with you when it happens, now let's go, I'll walk you home and you can sneak back in before your mama notices," I said, and he grinned ... My exact fucking grin.
At the moment I opened my door, I heard a loud bang and then the yelling started, I knew immediately it was Lucas and little Stone hid behind me.
"Where the fuck is my child!" He screamed, and I was glad my parents hadn't come home yet. Glad the packhouse wasn't busy as it usually is.
"Stone! Get your ass out here now!" He yelled. "Me or you?" Little Stone asked, fear evident in his eyes.
"We'll go together," I said and he nodded taking my hand. We walked out of my office, heading down the halls, paying no attention to the decor I'd known all my life.
We were heading down the stairs, and we could see a fuming Lucas go storming off towards the living room.
We followed him, stopping when we reached the downstairs arch.
We walked past the kitchens, pass the living room and into the back of the house. I stopped walking, holding little Stone back when I heard Lucas and Nancy talking... Arguing.
"Where's my child?!" He was shouting. "I don't know, but I'd like to know why you're back, I hope you don't try and cause problems between me and my mate," Nancy said.
"Bitch please, leave me alone, I wanna get my son and get outta this fuckin house." Lucas spat.
"Just make sure you stay in your place, Stone is my mate I'm the Luna, you're just a reject... Stay away or else." She threatened, and I could feel a growl growing in my chest... Who did she think she was.
"Don't threaten me, I'm not a plaything, I'll kill you without blinking twice... Now fuck off!" He shouted, Nancy, came scuttling out of the arch.
Before she passed me and little Stone, I grabbed her. "Go to your parents, don't come back to this house... Do you understand." I snarled in my Alpha tone.
"Yes, Alpha." She said, scurrying off. I ushered my scared son ahead, entering the library. Lucas was pacing, muttering to himself about mistakes.
"Lucas," I called. He spun around, rage burning in his eyes before they softened at the sight of our son.
"Stone Lucas Brickston, take your ass back to your Grandma's house, I said I'd bring you to meet your father and you snuck out." He hissed, approaching us.
"Ma I just wanted to talk to the man, geez... Cut me some slack maybe." Little Stone said, and I distinctly heard an accent, it was reminiscent of a Brooklyn accent I heard in a movie once.
"Take your ass back to the house, I won't say it again," Lucas said, his voice going dead.
"If you were gonna stop us from meeting, why'd you even bring me here, I don't see why I have to talk to my dad with you lurking over my shoulder, I wish you would just leave." Stone said, glaring at his mother.
Their eyes matched, both filled with fire. The staredown lasted a moment or two before Stone turned and walked out, mumbling something in what sounded like French.
"I guess you're happy," Lucas said, his foot tapping increasingly fast. "No, I'm not, Angel he just wants to know me. I'm new and shiny, it'll pass and then he'll be annoyed by me." I said, trying to help.
"Yeah well, I'm thinking this was a mistake... I shouldn't have come here." He spat, "I've changed Lucas, I promise I'm not the way I was." I said, standing in his way when he tried to leave.
"Whatever, I don't give a shit about that. Since your son couldn't wait until tomorrow, we'll talk about this now, and I'll only say this once." He said, and I nodded for him to finish.
"I'll be here in Brickston until Stone is comfortable with pack life, I'll be here for the Gathering, I promised my family. After that, I'm going back to my life." He said.
"You're going back to Philip?" I asked without meaning to, it just slipped. "What? Don't even... You're still with her, still pretending that night didn't happen. You're still the same piece of shit." He hissed, shoving me out of the way.
"So it's true, you have somebody?" I asked, grabbing his hands before he could swing, pulling him into my chest. "It's not any of your business." He snapped, trying to pull away.
"Maybe not, but he doesn't matter, you'll never see him again, you don't get it... You're in my territory, you know our laws, I don't have to let you go." I said.
"Fuck you Stone. When I'm ready to go, the only thing that'll stop me is death." He spat, his defiance was warranted, but it still pissed me off.
"Yeah, I bet if I mark you you'd change your tune," I said, knowing he wouldn't be able to leave if I marked him, not without the risk of death.
"Aghhh ... damn it!" I shouted, letting him go, falling to my knees as pain pulsed in my nuts.
"Don't touch me again or next time I'll do more than knee your family jewels. You're pathetic." He said, stepping over me and walking out.
(We have to have him, he's perfect. Even though his wolf is feral now) Falken said, judgement lacing his tone. I laid on the floor, my nuts throbbing, my wolf reminding me that I deserved it.
That first day was better than I expected, I didn't kill anyone, and I stood up to Stone.
He was so intent on getting me back though.
If there were a way I could have let him feel how repulsed I was, he'd see there wasn't a chance.
Little Stone didn't speak to me the whole of our second day in Brickston, he was mad at me and I understood, but it hurt.
So that second night, I tucked him in instead of my parents.
"Are you still very mad at me?" I asked as he lay there. He glanced over at me and sighed, "No ma, I'm sorry for what I said, it's just... I wanna know him, and I can't do that if I'm feeling guilty." He said, words so thought-provoking from a child.
"Okay, tomorrow you go find him, and spend all the time you want with him." I said, "Can I stay the night?" He asked. "If he allows it," I answered.
"I love you ma, and I'll always love you... You know that right?" He asked. "Yes, I know that," I answered. "He's going to try and fix what he did to you." Little Stone said, pulling me down into a hug.
"There's nothing to fix, and he told you?" I asked. "I'm positive he held some stuff back, but he told me that he rejected you." He answered.
"Well little guy, he did reject me... And it's okay, I'm not sad about it, and I promise I won't stand in the way of you two bonding." I said, smiling down at him.
He smiled back, poking my dimple as I poked his, something we'd been doing since he was three.
"Now sleep, you've got a big day ahead of you ... Oh and that woman who was at your father's place, if she says or does anything to hurt you... Promise to tell me." I commanded.
"I promise." He said, laying back and getting comfortable. "Night sweet baby," I called as I walked out, and I chuckled when I heard him groan about not being a baby.
I slept easier that second night, I was able to avoid Stone that entire second day, and the third day was spent with his son running him all over pack territory.
Little Stone was determined to learn everything about his people, things I should have told him, but I didn't.
# # #
It was a Monday, the first day of our third week down in Mississippi, little Stone made many friends, but out of them all, he was closest to his father's Beta's son.
A sweet little Omega called Soren, it was rare for Alpha or Beta wolves to have Omega for children.
Most times the Omega children of high ranking pack members were killed or sold, it never happened in Brickston, but I heard stories.
Still little Stone took a huge liking to the little blonde, I think it was his protective nature that drove him to befriend Soren.
I'd seen them together multiple times, always laughing, to hear Soren's mother tell it, Soren has never been happier.
My family wasn't the only people I missed, Soren's parents had been friends with me growing up. Arthur was the Beta and I still couldn't get over it. He and I spoke a few times.
Laughed at old memories, but Stone kept coming around and I refused to be in his presence. I can admit, I couldn't handle the feelings he gave me.
The way my skin crawled, the fast pace of my heartbeat. I hated it. So I stayed away.
That Monday night there was a mandatory pack meeting, I wasn't a pack member so it was not mandatory for me to be there, but I went cause there wasn't shit else to do.
"The meeting was held outside, a bonfire burned off aways, some children were burning more wood, some were running around, laughing. The wise ones, like Stone and Soren, sat listening to the adults talking.
Stone sat watching his father address the massive crowd of wolves, you must understand, there's close to three hundred wolves.
All scattered around, some were sitting at the base of the treeline, others were packed in close to Stone, listening intently, still, others were near the bonfire.
Me ... I was off away from the crowds, standing with my mama and Lucy.
"Look at him, shameful... That should be you up there on the platform, not her." My mom said, rolling her eyes at Nancy.
Nancy was sat on the standing platform, in the Luna's chair.
"Mama I don't want that, not anymore, I use to think about it a lot, I thought he'd come to find me or... It was all just fantasy, and I don't fantasize anymore." I said, feeling nothing, nothing but hate and rage.
"Listen up!" Stone shouted as the noise levels rose. Instantly the crowd hushed.
"My parents are returning tomorrow, so I'll say this now, to give the Elders time to discuss what they want to do. Six years ago, I met my mate!" Stone yelled, making sure everyone could hear him.
"What's he doing?" I asked, "Probably about to give that whore some type of praise." Lucy said. "No," I responded, knowing he wasn't gonna do that.
"We mated, but I did not mark him... Yes yes yes... Him ... Now quiet!" He growled, and the crowd silenced themselves again.
"Instead of accepting my mate, I rejected him and marked Nancy. She isn't to blame, I am. Six years later, my mate has returned, and with him our packs heir. Stand up, son." Stone called, and I saw little Stone stand up and wave.
The women instantly awed the sight of him, the rest of the people were silent. They knew who his mate was, and it seemed that people were searching around, hell even Lucy, and my mom was staring at me.
"Lucas Kelson is the rightful Luna of this pack. I would like to publicly apologize to him and his family. I truly regret my childish decision." Stone said, his eyes searching the crowd.
I slunk away quickly, my heart pounding. Why would he do that?
Now his pack would slowly start to bow to me, they'd become attached to me, and it would be his fault when they had their hearts broken because I wasn't staying.
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