S2E5: A sanctuary for rogue sups
We see Y/n in a meeting with some rebel leaders as three screens shows three rebel leaders each fro different countries such as Russia, Japan and Ireland as the Russian rebel leader informs Y/n.
Russian Rebel leader: (screen) This is getting more and more difficult as time gone by. No matter how many sups we killed how many Vought facilities have destroyed, they have gain stronger with many people supporting them.
Ireland rebel leader: (screen) Some begin to question if we ever going to win. This civil war have been going on for so long.
Y/n: I know it may seem impossible but I can ensure you if we continue our battle and stood strong, Vought and the sups, their weakness will crack.
Japan Rebel leader: (screen) Let us hope that. Cause I have lost most of my forces by the hands of one sup.
Y/n: I am terribly sorry for your lost. They will not be forgotten. Those who have fallen will not be forgotten. We will show the world who are the true heroes are and that being those who stand up to those who have abuse their power.
With that the meeting ends and then the doors open and Butcher step in and said.
Butcher: Never knew you had some friends outside.
Y/n: (turn to Butcher) Well at least I know how to keep my friends together and treat them like humans.
Butcher: Oh fuck off.
Eden: (speakers) Attention all personal, we are approaching our destination. All personal please move to the elevators at once.
Y/n: That's our stop. Let's go.
Butcher fellows him down the halls of the Global Resistance main capital ship call The Freedom. It is a massive ship that house thousands or millions of jets, vehicles and men. The ship is commanded by Eden at the bridge as we then xut to the boys, Hazel and Tucker. Along with them was Kimiko's brother name Kenji.
Soon Y/n and Butcher get onto the elevator and once inside the elevator doors close in front of them.
Hughie: Hey where does this lift go?
Tucker: You'll see.
Then the lift begins to decent they see a beautiful under water veiw with MM taking a picture while the rest are amazed apart of Butcher as he takes a smoke.
Hazel rolled her eyes and soon they see something down below and to their surprise it looked like a massive under water base that looked like a small city as they continue to decent.
Soon they enter the base and the doors open and they were met with Global resistance marines as they saluted to Y/n and the rest as they walk by them.
They approach a door and they open to reveal a massive dorm like room that is like a mall with rouge sups talking to each other and some flying about.
Butcher: What the hell is this nightmare.
Tucker: This is a Sanctuary to all rogue sups can stay and live out their normal lives without he watchful eyes of Vought or the government. This is our home for short.
MM: (surprised) Holy shit.
Frenchie: So all these sups are good?
Y/n: Most were rejected by Vought while others abandon when they found out how corrupt they were. They stay here and live peaceful while at the same time we try to cure them from Compound-V. They really wish to be normal again.
Hughie: Damn I never knew somw actually wanted to be normal.
Butcher: They'll never be normal. At the end of the day they are scum.
Hazel: They're victims Butcher. Not all sup deserves this.
Butcher just ignores her and then August, Ella and Rhett as Ella flies over to Y/n and Hazel.
Ella: (smile) Hey Y/n, Hazel. Glad to see you two, been a long time.
Y/n: (smile) Hey there Ella, how are things?
Ella: (smile) Really good.
Y/n: (smile) I'm glad for that.
Ella then begins to focus and then she hugged him which he hugged her back. She then lost focus and go through him which she let's out a small chuckle.
Ella: Sorry, I need to focus more.
Hazel: At least that is a start.
Hughie: So is she like your adopted daughter?
Y/n: (smile) You know say so.
Ella giggles a bit and then August interrupts them with a cough.
August: Hate to break this moment but there is something you want to see.
Y/n: Right. Tucker take the boys and Kenji around while we see what is up.
Tucker: On it.
They split off from the boys as Tucker and Ella gives them a tour around the base.
We see August and Rhett guiding Y/n and Hazel down a long hall and then Y/n ask the two.
Y/n: So what is it you want us to show us?
Rhett: A week ago me and August were investigating one of the Global Resistance outpost after that outpost lost communication. When we arrive there we couldn't see anyone but blood. We were about to leave when we were suddenly ambush by this soldier.
Hazel: A Sentinel?
August: No. Something far different. We managed to kill him, took out anything that can track the body and bring him here.
They soon approach a door which August opens and they step in to a room with a table that has an armor soldier laying on the table. It had a mask cover while wearing a black helmet with a bucket like helmet and armor that seem to be man made.
Y/n: What kind of a soldier is this?
August: Not sure. We're still trying to figure out what this soldier maybe and what faction does he belong to.
They stare at the body when Hazel noticed something familiar. She look at the helmet and then she mutters out.
Hazel: (mutter) Can't be.
Y/n: What is it?
Hazel: That helmet. It looks familiar and I may have to guess but....that helmet belong to the German army from World War 2.
Rhett: You mean this soldier wears the same armor that belong to the German soldiers from World War 2?
Hazel: What was his weapons?
August points at the table and they walked over and see the weapons.
Hazel: A modified Luger PO8 and the MP 40. Yep, this is indeed the commen weapons use by the Germans.
Y/n: That means whoever is responsible for this is trying to build their own army based on the Germans in World War 2.
Hazel: Correct but we still need to know who is this soldier.
Y/n: One way to find out.
Y/n walks over to the body and took off his helmet. They were stunned to see what seems like a crops. The crops seem like it was burned to a crips while Y/n noticed wires that is connected to the crops brain.
August: What happen to him?
Hazel: Whatever happen to him. He isn't human.
Suddenly the crops sping back to life and begins to scream. They all step back and then the crops turn to August and charge towards him.
He shoots out lighting at him but that didn't do nothing and then slammed August to the wall and begins to chock him as he lifted him off of his feet. He slammed him onto the wall while August tries to shoot lighting but it didn't so nothing.
???: (speaking German) Glory to our Queen.
Suddenly there was a bang and blood splattered onto August as he was then drop to the ground and the soldier falls to the ground. He lays there lifeless and we see Y/n holding out his pistol and then approaching August and helping him up.
Y/n: You okay?
August: Yeah I'm good.
Rhett: He spoked German. Does anyone know what he said?
Y/n: "Glory to our queen."
Hazel: What does that mean?
Y/n: Whoever this Queen maybe, I believe she maybe involve of these soldiers.
They turn to the body with concerned of a possible new faction has come to challenge the Global Resistance.
We see Global aqua troopers patrolling ousted the base as they swim around. They were close to a window where other rogue sups and other personnel watch them as they do their job.
One of the Global Aqua troopers turns to them and wave to them. Suddenly a shark came out of nowhere and bite on the trooper. This shocked everyone and suddenly more sharks came and begin to attack the Aqua troopers.
They try to fight back but they get overwhelmed and they were killed. Seconds later a shark slammed onto the glass follow by another one and then another one.
Some rogue sups ran away while others stay along with the Global marines as they get ready.
Soon the glass shattered and water begins to pour. One rogue sup creates ice to stop the flooding and cover up the glass. At first they think they were safe when suddenly there was explosion that took out the rogue sups and Global marines.
Alarms begins to blurr as Global marines get ready for battle as they put on their armor and grab their weapons as they race out and soon coke across a fire fight at the halls.
Bullets fly by as Global Resistance marines return fire at them. They hold the ground until a flash bang was thrown and it goes off, blinding them and soon they get shot and killed.
Then Eric and his team appear as Eric look down at the bodies and then he radios in.
Eric: All Sentinel units we are in I repeat. We are in. Begin the attack.
???: Nice work. This is going to be a lot more easier.
Then the Deep walk over and walks up to Eric which he tells him.
Eric: Let me remind you that Homelander told me that you'll not take command here. I'll be taking command.
The Deep: Just be glad I helped okay. Now let's get to work.
The Deep heads off while Eric just look at him and then turn to the bodies. Reznya came up and place his hand onto his shoulder as a way to ensure him.
He nodes and tells his team.
Eric: Team let's move out.
They comply as they move down the halls while outside we see Sentinel forces swimming over and start their attack.
To be continued.................................................
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