S2E4: The three stealth men

It was the middle of the night in the large city of Chicago as we see cars driving by and the streets is filled with people walking by as the news reports of the attacks by the Global Resistances and to aware of anyone who maybe apart of it.

Then we cut to alleyway where we see a man being mugged by three men as he was beaten up and thrown to the ground. They approaches the man about to steal his money when suddenly an arrow zoom by and hits the wall and smoke came out.

The men were covered by the smoke and then a figure begins to beat them up and once the smoke clears up the man sees Red Arrow as he drops one of the thugs and then turn to the man and then motion his head to get out of here.

He agree and he ran off while Red Arrow climbs up the wall and get onto the roof just as Liam called him through the radio.

Liam: (radio) What's the hold up?

Red Arrow: Just doing a bit of good.

Liam: (radio) Well while you were doing that I'm already in position. Just waiting in you.

Red Arrow: Copy that.

He make his way to the location as he leap onto roof to roof avoiding the police or anyone as best he can do. He fire a Arrow with a rope attached to climb up to roof and keeps on going.

A while later he finally arrived at the location which was Voughts information facility as Red Arrow kneel down and look at the facility. He sees a lot of Sentinel Soldiers at the entrance and at the other side of the fence.

Red Arrow: I'm in position. Updates on Luke?

Liam: (radio) He's already in.

Red Arrow: Remind me again why we are here?

Liam: (radio) There is this new hero that recently joined the Seven. Her name is Stormfront and she has the ability to use lighting. We need to know information about her.

Red Arrow: I'm gonna take some guesses on what they cover up about her. She either a child killer, spoil girl, hates black people or just a psychopath just like Homelander.

Liam: (radio) One way to find out. I have your back and Luke is already in their.

Red Arrow: Copy that.

Red Arrow fires an arrow with a rope attached to the other side and the Arrow hits a wall. Red Arrow slide his way to the other side and then he roll onto the roof and looks around.

He sneakily make his way to the roof top door until a door open which he immediately hide behind a roof terminal as a Sentinel soldier step onto the roof and walks over to the edge.

Red Arrow sees this and sneak over to the door and catches the door before it can close as Red Arrow slide his body through the cracks and got inside and slowly shit the door.

He walk down the zig way like steps until he arrived at floor 4. He cracks the door open a bit and poke his head out and looks around and seeing the ghost is clear.

He enter the hallway and sneak his way through. He soon noticed the cameras are offline meaning Luke must hev dealt with them already.

Red Arrow keeps going and soon he was coming up a corner and hears footsteps coming his way. Red Arrow leaps up and stuck onto the ceiling as two Sentinel soldier turn a corner and walk by him.

He watch them walking away and then he land on his feet and turn a corner. He keeps going until he stop at a corner and poke his head out to see Sentinel Soldiers in front of the data room.

Red Arrow: (whisper) Liam need you to cut off the lights for me.

Liam: (radio) Roger that.

We then cut to Liam laying in the ground with his sniper rifle aimed at the Vought facility as he look around until he found a power box.

He takes a deep breath and then fires. He destroyed the power box which cost the lights to go off as we cut back to Red Arrow.

Liam: (radio) Back up power will be turned on in 10 seconds.

Red Arrow: Good.

Red Arrow turns on his night venison on his mask and leaves the corner and begins to fire arrows at the Sentinel Soldiers.

They get shot and before they can even fire one of his arrows fired a small EMP that disarms their weapons as Red Arrow charge towards them and begins beaten them up. He blocks theie attacks, punches them back, kick them away and even impaling then with one of his arrows.

Liam: (radio) Heads up. Back up power be on in 3......2.........1.

The lights came on just as Red Arrow took out the last Sentinel soldier as he fell to the ground as Red Arrow walks over to the door and opens the reveal a room filled with data and two Sentinel Soldiers as they once spotted him the two aim their weapons at him.

Sentinel soldier: Freeze!

He stop and rasied his hand but he wasn't surrendering. The other Sentinel soldier turn and kill the other. He then took off his helmet to reveal Luke as he tells Red Arrow.

Luke: Their armor is shit.

Red Arrow: Must be impressive to keep your act while wearing that.

Luke: (smirk) That's the qurks of being a spy.

Luke gets onto one of the computers while Red Arrow covers him.

Red Arrow: What's the situation Liam?

Liam: (radio) Good out here. Keep it up.

Luke: So what's been happening with you?

Red Arrow: Nothing really. So is it true Butchers son is Homelanders?

Luke: Maybe. How did you know?

Red Arrow: I've heard it.

Luke: Right.

Red Arrow: Well this is just great. Now we gonna have two super powerful psychopathic gods.

Luke: Y/n has a plan.

Red Arrow: Hope so. Can I ask you something?

Luke: Sure.

Red Arrow: Why did you join the Global Resistances?

Luke: Well.....I was apart of the elite unit within the FBI.

Red Arrow: So your a FBI agent then?

Luke: Yeah. Well use to. That was until a sup killed my unit and pick the blame on me.

Red Arrow: How?

Luke: We are undercovering a illegal weapons business. We were about to burst it unril a groups of sups burst in and begin to kill everyone even my team. I inform this to the FBI but it seems Vought did something because they blame me for getting my team killed and fail to inform the heroes about it. I was angry and decided to quit. That's when Y/n found me and offer me to join his cost which I accept.

Red Arrow: That explains your a master of disguise and stealth. Hey Liam what about you? Why did you join?

Liam: (radio) I join because of my grandfather. He was a war hero in World War 2 and fought like a true hero. When sups came around they dishonour the real heroes which were the people who sacrifice their own lives for not only their love ones but their country. I join the Resistances so I can remind everyone that real heroes are those who fought with fists and heart, not with super powers.

Red Arrow: Can't blame you.

Luke: What about you? I know you joined us along with your team but why did you became a hero?

Red Arrow: Just wanted to protect lives. I don't have power like the rest of my team but I worked hard and earn my hero title and respect. At first i thought I was fighting for Vought but as you can see......I was wrong.

Luke: Well it's a good thing you join us.

Red Arrow: Yeah.

Soon the download is complete as Luke take the flash drive and they make theie up to the door.

Luke: Yet another successful stealth mission and no alarms.

But when they open the door they were met by Sentinel soldiers picking up the bodies and they turn to see them and immediately pull up their weapons which Red Arrow slammed the door and pulled Luke away as bullets begin to fire through the door.

Then alarms begin to go off as Red Arrow says.

Red Arrow: You were saying.

Liam: (radio) Guys the whole facility are on to you!

Red Arrow: We know. Hearing out of here now.

They rush to the middle and Red Arrow fired a Arrow with a rope to the skylight that shattered the glass and stab the floor. The two then begin to climb just as Sentinel soldier burst in and begin to fire.

Luke draw out his pistol and begin to shoot as he pop theie heads as they continue climbing until they reach to the roof.

Red Arrow takes Lukes hand and lifted him onto the roof when a Sentinel soldier came up behind them and was about to fire when his head exploded and fall to the ground.

Luke: Nice shot!

Liam: (radio) I've already called in a pick up! Should be here soon.

Red Arrow: Copy that!

Red Arrow turn and fire arrows at the incoming Sentinel Soldiers while Luke rolled over, grabbing the Sentinel Soldiers assault rifle and open fire.

Liam takes out the Sentinel Soldiers from his camping point as he pop some heads. He then noticed a helicopter filled with Sentinels coming to their location.

He takes I'm and fire his rifle. The bullet hits the pilot and the helicopter goes down and then crashes into a nearby forest.

Soon the Global Resistances Transport helicopter arrived and lands onto the roof as the doors slide open and Global Resistances troopers open fire and give Red Arrow and Luke cover as the two climb onto the helicopter.

Luke: Liam we're coming to you.

Liam: (radio) Don't worry. I'll already be gone before they can get me.

Luke: Right.

The transport vehicle then leaves as it flies away while Sentinel Soldiers continue to fire at it but it was out of sight.

Then we cut to a squad od Sentinel Soldiers burst onto the roof  of the building where Liam is at and race around the corner and look around only to see nothing. Down below we see a sports car leaving the garage and inside was Liam wearing his civilian clothing that he packed in case anyone can recognise him.

He noticed a TV on the window with a wanted image of Liam as he just stare at it and then drives away and returns to base with the information that he, Red Arrow and Luke brought so they can find out more information about Stormfront.

To be continued..................................................

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