S2E10: Horrific acts by Stormfront
Several drones are seen flying around a mining shaft on a mountain with no sigh of anyone. The mining shaft seemed to be clear however they kept scanning around. After several rounds, the drones fly away and disappeared from sight.
Things gone silent as the day soon turn dark and there were still no signs of anyone or anything what so ever. That was until something move through the forest and a couple of figures appear within the darkness.
He stay in the shadows for a bit then the head leader of this stealth team made a hand singal to move in which they did so.
They make their way towards the mine shaft and once there they look inside and sees the tunnel is completely dark.
The team turn on their night vision and heads in all while one place down a small device on thr ground so they can find their way as they journey through the tunnel.
There were abandon mine carts, mining tools and helmets laying around, untouched for years. The team moves through the tunnels and then heard something up ahead. They follow the noise and soon one member turn a cornor to see two scientists enter a secret elevator and once inside the elevator door closes.
Seeing that the team move to the wall and one draws out a sword and jabs it in the middle of the elevator and force it to open.
Once open they look down to see it goes deeper so they slide down the elevators cable until they land on top of the elevator.
One open the ceiling of the elevator and watch as the scientists walks out of the elevator. The team lands down ans step out of the elevator.
Once in a bright room we see Y/n along with Luke and Liam along with 2 black ops Global troopers and 2 Global assassins.
Luke: We're in.
Liam: Look at this place. What is our objective.
Y/n: Gather as many evidence has possible about Stormfront and her secret army then once we have that....we blow I up. Let's move.
They move forward as the team sneak through the facility, avoiding the cameras sights. Y/n splits off his assassins to take out the security as we cut to them using cloak to avoid the patrolling guards and soon arriving at the security room.
The two walk in, kill the guards quietly and then deactivate the cameras and security systems while Y/n and his main team keep moving.
They soon go through a door that has a large veiw to a massive room filled with crates as Luke stops and looks at them.
Luke: Those might be weapons inside of those crates.
Liam: Possible weapon from World War 2?
Luke: Could be.
Luke pulls out a small camera ans takes a picture. The team soon arrives at what looks like a laboratory. They look around then Liam spotted a body cover by a white sheet.
He walks over and remove the top sheet and looks away at disgust to be face with a crops. Liam noticed a label on his foot and sees it to be a label of a test subject which he takes a picture.
Luke also found files of that talks about brainwashing, addresses to veterans homes, bloodline and everything else. Luke takes the files and soon they move on.
Soon they reach a door that seems out of place so they open the door and walk in. They look around and immediately recognise the room belonging to Stormfront. Luke picks up a picture of her with a German general.
Luke: She kept a lot of stuff from World War 2.
Liam: Do you think she lived for all these years?
Luke: Must be. Maybe she was here the whole time? After World War 2 and the Germans lost the war.
While looking around Y/n walks over to her desk and looks through the draws and find a Stormfronts journal. He takes it out and opens it.
Y/n: (shocked) Oh my god.
They look over at Y/n as he place it on the table which they all gather and read through her journal.
Luke: "The War has ended and the Germans have lost. But I will never fall to the allie forces. My plans to take over the world is at in order. I will wait for years until the time is right to make my move. I will bring apon a new empire far stronger than the last. I will be......their queen."
Liam: That does not sound good.
Y/n: We're bringing this. The world must know the truth.
Liam: Guess that leaves us blowing this place.
Y/n: That's taking care off.
We then cut to the assassins placing around bombs around important points throughout the facility and once done that give the green light to Y/n.
Once got it the team make their escape. They backtrack all the way to the elevator and take the elevator up and qoon exit out of the tunnel without anyone knowing.
They quickly move through the forest and soon arrive back at their armored truck ans drive away.
They sat back as Y/n took off his helmet and holds up Stormfront's journal along with everything they need to expose her.
Liam: Stormfront is really going to be piss.
Y/n: This is for Bolt. He would've wanted this.
They all agree as they drive away while in the distances where the mountain is a sudden explosion completely destroys the base and everything inside.
We see Eric driving Becca back home after some shopping as the two sat in the car in silence then Becca breaks the silence by asking Eric.
Becca: So have you and Reznya ever been dated?
Eric: (blush) I-I mean we have gone out sometimes but it wasn't an actual date. But....i was thinking to ask her out one day.
Becca: Oh that sounds good.
Eric: Yeah. So you and Homelander, it must be lucky for a woman like you to have a relationship with the greatest hero in the world.
Becca: Y-Yeah.
Eric: Is.....something wrong?
Becca: I.....I don't know I should tell you this but Homelander isn't my husband.
Eric: What?
Becca: In the past......a man name Billy Butcher......was my husband. It was years ago ans ever since Christmas.....I've never saw him again.
Eric is shocked by this but he tells Becca.
Eric: Listen if anything happens, I'll keep you and your son safe.
Becca: Th-Thank you.
Soon they arrive at the gate and once the gate opens they drive on through. When they were coming up to Becca's home Eric sees a vehicle along with Sential troopers .
Concerned and confused he park the vehicle and walks out to see his team taking Ryan which Becca rushes over.
Becca: What's going on? Why are you taking my son?
Sential trooper: Stay back ma'am. We are transferring your son to Vought towers.
Becca: What?! I'm his mother!
Sential trooper: Not anymore. We have orders to bring Ryan to a combinable place where he can have a brighter future.
Eric: On whose orders?
???: My orders.
Then Homelander and Stormfront walks over and Homelander explains.
Homelander: I believe it would be responsible as a father to take Ryan from your care and take care of him.
Stormfront: (smile) You don't have to worry. We'll take great care of him.
Eric: But what about Becca? You can't just separate her son.
Homelander: We can and we just did.
Becca turn to see Ryan climb into the vehicle which Becca rushes over only for one Sential soldier to push her back and aim his weapon at him.
Eric rushes over and defuse the situation.
Eric: Stan down now and get hin out of that vehicle now!
Homelander: You have no right to give orders. I do.
Eric: (turn to Homelander) You can't do this! You have to right!
Homelander: I don't care what you say. I'm the Homelander....and I can do whatever the fuck I want.
Then both Homelander and Stormfront walk back, hold hands ans then flu away while the vehicle drives off as Eric came over and helps up Becca.
Becca: No Ryan.
She begins to cry whic Eric comforts her.
Eric: I'm sorry Becca. I really am.
She keeps crying while Eric sees this whole thing wrong and decided to do something about it.
(Short while later)
The rest of Eric's team arrive as they all sat in the living room with Becca sat on the couch while Eric stood in front of them.
Matthew: What's the emergency sir?
Eric:.....For sometime now we signed up to protect the world from those who threating the world. We signed up to world with superheros and fight along side them. However.......I know realise one thing.......Vought, Guardian Inc, Homelander, everything we know about them is all lies. They are corrupt, evil and hardless. They rather abuse their power and bully the weak than protecting the innocent. Now......they took away Becca's son Ryan so they can have him to become one of them.
Reznya: (shocked) My god. Becca....I'm sorry.
Matthew: What are you suggesting sir?
Eric:.......We can't keep doing this anymore. The Resistance are right. The Global Resistance this whole entire time are fighting for freedom and justice while Homelander and the rest abuse their power for their own selfish and twisted ways.
Matthew: Are you saying we are joining the terrorist? That's treason.
Eric: I know however all of yous don't have to go. Me and Becca have come up with a plan to rescue Ryan and bring him and Becca to the Resistance so they can be safe. But if anyone wants to join me then do so, if not then the door is right there.
The group sat there for a moment then Reznya stood up ans is the first to say it.
Reznya: I'm with you. I've always been on your side and always will be.
Then Finn stood up.
Finn: Same here. I thought Homelander was good but.....After many acts he has done. I feel like he's no hero but a monster.
Hudson: (gets up) I may not know Ryan but having a son being taking away by his mother is heartbroken. I can't sit this out, I'm in.
Eric is placed but Matthew gets up and tells them all.
Matthew: You all are insane but fine, if you all want to be traitors then count me out.
Matthew then walks away, Reznya try to call hij out but Hudson stop her and let's Matthew leaves. Once gone they all turn to Eric as he looks at them and then said.
Eric: Alright then, let's get Ryan back.
To be continued.....................................................
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