S2E1: We are the Global Resistances

It is the middle of the night as we see a Vought transport vehicle containing compound V as the trucks drive through the open plane road with field surrounding around them and only being guided by street lights.

They drove for a while and soon they arrive at a vought facility as the trucks enter through the gates and soon enter the garage. The trucks go through a long tunnel and soon approaches a large door only to be stopped by two Sentinel troopers.

They pulled out scanners to scan the trucks for any strange objects or anyone inside. They continue to scan each trucks and once done all the trucks are shown to be clear. One of the troopers node to the control room which the employee opens the door and the trucks goes through the door.

Soon the trucks make its park and once that the drivers came out and begin loading out the compound V's and take them away. They leave the trucks empty ad everything seems okay but that's when something invisible exit out of the trucks and follows them.

These unknown figures slowly walk behind them and soon they reach a massive vault which a Sentinel trooper impute the code and opens it. The employee loads the Compound v's in and once that is done they turn and leave as the vault doors closes and the work is done for today.

???: We're in.

Suddenly the cameras within gets cut off and the security system within the vault is also offline as Y/n decloak himself along with five Global assassin's as they look around to see a lot of Compound V stored here.

Y/n: Alright, let's get to work.

They node and they begin placing down some bombs and as soon they are done they meet up at the door.

Y/n: We're done, Liam your in position?

Liam: (radio) You know it. Just tell me when.

Y/n: Execute.

We then cut to outside where we see Sentinel troopers at the walls with sniper rifles as one look down and scan around. He then noticed something shining in the distances but before he could he was shot through the scope and into his eye.

He drop his rifle and drops to the ground while the other Sentinel troops saw and one called out.

Sentinel troops: We're under attack!

Another shot hits him in the throat and he falls to the ground and soon more snipers hits the sniper teams on top of the walls and suddenly they heard a engine and two armor trucks along with a singal armored transport vehicle came bursting through the gates.

The Sentinel troopers sbegin to open fire but the gunners on both armored trucks open fire and kill the Sentinel troops while the armored transport door from the back slammed onto the ground and Global Resistances troopers rush out and begin their battle.

They take cover and starting firing at the Sentinel troopers. A shoot out happens as Sentinel troopers were push back as some get shot while other get cover just in time. They return fire, shooting at a few of them but they keep firing.

The gunners keep firing, costing bullet holes to the vehicles and windows. Then one of the Global Resistances trooper came out with a rocket launcher and fired and cost a huge explosion that blow open a hole.

A few Sentinels nearby were stunned and turn to a hole only for Y/n to came out with his assassin's and shoot them with his pistol.

More Sentinel troopers came rushing out of the hole and begin to fire but Y/n turn and open fire at them and quickly taking them out. The assassin's charge towards them and also takes them down with their swords.

Soon more Sentinel troopers appear on the roof and started firing at them which they quickly grab cover but suddenly something swoop down and slice off their heads.

Night-bird land on his feet and quickly block the incoming bullets with hid mental wings and then launches the feather like blades at them, impaling them as Y/n came up to him.

Night-Bird: Bombs set?

Y/n: Yeah! Let's get out of here!

Night-Bird: Right.

Night-Bird flies off while Y/n orders his troops to evacuate and they all get into their vehicles. Y/n and his assassin's get into the transport vehicle snd once everyone is in they drive out of the facility.

Seconds later the facility suddenly blows up. It was so large that Liam can see it in the distances as he gets up along with his sniper team, smirked and leaves the area are their mission is complete.

(Few days later)

They arrive back to base as we see the base within a mountain which now holds more troops with new troopers such as the flamethrowers as new rooms for their operations and missions.

We see Y/n walking down the long hallway and being greeted by his troops and being saluted by them as a sign of respect. He nodes and saluted them back as he enter the elevator and goes up. Soon he reach a massive command centre with a lot of computers around a massive table with a large monitor at the background.

Around the table was Hazel, Luke and Lucas as Y/n approaches the table and they begin their update.

Luke: We have several rebellions going on in UK, Russia, China and France who are fighting against Vought.

Lucas: Multiple successful operations have been shown in some parts of the world. Although there is high casualty in some.

Hazel: We're getting reports of a few sups wishing to join us and be willing to give visible intel that would help us.

Y/n: Very good. However we can lose ourselves. One day Vought may get the upper hand and when that happens, we'll be ready.

Lucas: Noted.

Luke: Seems Homelander hasn't shown himself for sometime. Its not like him.

Hazel: Yeah it's been a month and a half since Homelander attacked our old base. I don't like this.

Y/n: Same. Whatever he and Vought might be planning, we need to be sure we are two steps ahead of them.

Global Resistances office: Sir we got communication call from Navy General Eden.

Y/n: Patch us through.

They turn to the large monitor screen as it turns on and they see Eden as she stared back at them.

Eden: (monitor call) Good to see you still alive. How are things.

Y/n: As always. Is there anything to report?

Eden: (monitor call) We managed to take some of the Resistances fighters from Voughts hands and they should be delivered to your base as we speak. We also took down some cargo ships containing compound V and other important things.

Y/n: Good work. Keep me in touch if anything happens.

???: Yo what's happening!

Then their Airforce commander Phillip enters the room and make his way down as Y/n and the others turn to him.

Phillip: (smirk) Seems like it's a family reunion here. So what's the update?

Y/n: Soke good update so far. What about you?

Phillip: (smirk) Well everything is fine. We just took down some cargo plans and maybe kill some sups that try to kill us.

Y/n: How many?

Phillip: (smirk) 200.


Phillip: (sigh) Fine there were only 5 but still impressive right?

Luke: Whatever you say.

Phillip: (noticed Eden) Aye Eden, your looking fine as always my love. How's about you stop by and I can show you my stick.

Eden: (monitor call) Well aren't you ready to get down? Just a clear warning, I might sink you.

Phillip: (smirk) You can try.

Y/n: Let's get back to topic okay?

Eden: (monitor call) Right we'll there is one thing we discovered that might confuse you.

Y/n: What is it?

Eden: (monitor call) We discovered a cruise ship floating through the ocean and we try to call in the crew but nothing. I sent my marines inside to investigate and they found something. There were a lot of dead bodies inside of the cruise. Possibly a lot of people including the crew are all dead. It was a massacre.

Y/n: It must be a sup.

Eden: (monitor call) That's what I thought at first but then we discovered there were bullets holes and when one of the marines took one of the empty shalls of a bullet, we did a scan and it turns out it belong to an MP 40 sub machine gun.

Hazel: That's impossible. The MP 40 was outdated and never use. Who would use outdated weapons?

Phillip: Pirates maybe?

Y/n: No. It was a cruise ship. There have to be thousands of pirates or more unless they were no pirates.

Eden: (monitor call) The attack was quick. It seems whoever did it wants to bring the message.

Y/n: To who?

Eden: (monitor call) My guess.....to us.

Global Resistances officer: Sir you got a phone call.

Y/n: Right. Bring it to my office, we'll end the meeting here.

They agree as they split off to do their own thing apart of Phillip as Eden was about to end the call when Phillip calls out.

Phillip: (smirk) So guess this means yes General?

Eden: (monitor call) Do your job and then we'll "talk" about I when I get back.

Phillip: (smirk) Roger that ma'am.

She let out a small giggle before she ends the call.


Y/n arrived at his office which looks pretty nice and it reminds him of his childhoods. The phone on his desk rings so he pick it up and answers.

Y/n: Whose this?

Butcher: (phone) It's the mother fucker whose back from the dead.

Y/n: (shocked) Butcher?! But how? I haven't seen you for a long time. Where were you?

Butcher: (phone) Laying low but that's not important listen. I'm taking the boys to your base.

Y/n: No way! Look no offence but I can't trust you being in my base.

Butcher: (phone) I don't care, we're coming and we need a talk.

Y/n: Why? Give me one reason that I should let you and the boys in?

Butcher: (phone) My wife is alive Y/n! My wife is alive!

Y/n:.........What? No. That's impossible. You said that she is dead?

Butcher: (phone) I was wrong! She's alive but that's not the worse part.

Y/n: What's the worse part?

Butcher: (phone)...........Homelander and my wife have a son. Ryan, is the son of Homelander!

This made Y/n extremely shock as those words echo in his mind. His eyes widen in shock and disbelief as he nearly dropped the phone but he still holf it however he couldn't find the right words to say.

He turn to a poster of Homelander with darts all around him as he stared at the poster for sometime as he picks up another darts and then throws it, this time lands a hit on the head as he finally find his words and tells Butcher.

Y/n: You better be joking Butcher when you get here  because i swear if this is all true.........then may god help us all.

To be continued......................................................

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