S1E7: Black Shadow
News spread wild fire once the Global Resistance has posted evidence of G-Men leader John Godolkin crimes to everyone online and on the Internet as news of his crimes spread everywhere. Vought try everything they can to label it as fake with some believe it while others suspicious by it and start to ask questions about it. Everything was a was a mess within Vought and we cut to the Seven Tower where we see Homelander at Madelyn's office as Madelyn was on call with a lot of people as she explained the situation to them and once she ends the call, she let's out a sighs to herself and then she said.
Madelyn: If this goes on then who knows how long until people will find out the truth and shut down this company for sure.
Homelander: Then we need to find a way to take them down. Teach them a lesson about not messing with us.
Madelyn: Agree but how can we do this? Even though we have the military on our side, these terrorist are shown to be highly skilled and shown to be powerful.
Homelander: Then perhaps the sevens will hunt them down and kill them all.
Madelyn: I can't let that happen.
Homelander: And why?
Madelyn: Theie leader seems to be intelligent and who knows what he is cable of. Besides we lost a few members of the Seven so you be outnumbered.
Homelander: Well fuck me Madelyn, what do you think we should do?!
???: Perhaps I have the answer to that.
They turn as a man wearing a business suit came into the room as he shut the door behind him and walked over to them as he shows them his business card.
Matias: My name is Marias Elrod, I am the CEO of a military contract company called "Guardians Inc." I can't help but noticed your company is having some trouble with these terrorist.
Madelyn: Yes we have.
Matias: Well lucky for you I have found out the problem. Its your guards. You see, they act as police/swat forces for your company, they are not trained to deal actual combat against any terrorist but I believe we can work together to put down these terrorist once and for all.
Homelander and Madelyn look at each other and then back to Matias as Madelyn says.
Madelyn: Go on?
Matias: My company has tones of trained soldiers, high tech weapons, gears, vehicles and all else ready for a large scale battle against any terrorist. All we need to do is to sign this contract right here and our two companies will become one.
He places his contract in front of Madelyn as she read through the contract and then look up at Matias and then Homelander ask him.
Homelander: Can we at least see your military and test them to see what they can do?
Matias: (smirk) Thought you never ask. I'll have my army ready for you both arrival and you can see them yourself.
(Hours later)
We see a large building in front and behind was a huge military like base as we see armored soldiers forming up in line and stood at attention as Matias shows his soldiers to Madelyn and Homelander which they were impressed.
Homelander: Impressive. What do you call them?
Matias: (smirk) I call them Sentinel troopers. They are extremely loyal to those who is in command, highly trained and shows no emotions to anything or to anyone.
Homelander: I see. They look......interesting.
Madelyn: Yes indeed.
Matias: Oh, did I also tell you that these soldiers are trained to deal with lower class sups. They show no pain during battle and will go rush into battle without any hesitation.
Madelyn: How interesting.
Matias: (smirk) But that's not all. Allow me to introduce the best of the best elite team of my company.
He leads them to the hanger where they were met by five black uniform soldiers wearing what seemed to be exo suits as they see them and they form up in line and they saluted to them once they approaches them.
Matias: (smirk) These are my elite team of the Guardians Inc. They are called Black Shadow squad, soldiers that survived many hard battles and given one of our most high tech gear in all of earth. These exo suits can allow then to jump higher, run faster and they are able to lift even heavy vehicles or objects.
Madelyn: Who is the leader of this Black ops soldiers?
Matias: Lieutenant, step forward and introduce yourself.
The Lieutenant step forward and he remove his hoof and helmet and said it on his waist as he saluted to them as he introduce himself to them.
Eric: Eric Wick, age 24, rank Lieutenant, County Ukraine. I was a former commando under the Ukraine military until I was invited to come here and be apart of a nee team. I'll be looking forward to be working along side you.
Homelander: I see. Well, I would just love to see them in action if that's alright with you?
Matias: (smirk) Of course! I'll be happy to.
Madelyn: And I think I got one. Listen up, we have a report that a small terrorist group has stolen some Conpound-V to create their own sups. You objective is to infiltrate the terrorist base and take out any targets inside the building. Leave no survivors, is that clear?
Eric: Does that include their leader ma'am?
Madelyn:......Yes.......that includes them and anyone else inside.
Eric: But ma'am, what if there is innocent people inside of the building, being captured by these terrorist. I suggest we capture some for questioning.
Homelander: You got a problem with that Lieutenant?
Eric: No sir, I'm just saying they should be questioned in the court of law.
Matias: My apologies about Eric, he's stric of following the law and believes in justice but I can ensure you that are the best.
Homelander: Well.....we'll see about that.
Eric and Homelander share a look and then Eric and his team head off to their mission.
It was night as we see a stealth helicopter taking them to the location and inside was Eric and his team as his female team member named Reznya ask Eric.
Reznya: You okay? What was with them back there?
Eric: No idea. I seen homelander as a symbol of justice but when he shown to try to scare me for questioning Madelyn's orders, I was shocked a bit.
Matthew: Still why do we have to take some alive for questioning? They are all terrorist and we should kill them on sight.
Hudson: That's a serious crime. We can't just go killing terrorist even if they surrounded. Look if Eric says we should take some alive for questioning then we should do so by the books.
Finn: I agree. I join this company to protect lives, not to kill anyone without a trail.
Eric: Still let's just ignore it and make them proud. Now coordinating to Intel, their base of operation is at an abandoned metal melting factory in the middle of nowhere. Our objective is to enter inside the building, take out any targets in site, capture their leader and return Conpound-V to Madelyn and Homelander. Let's get the jobs done.
They node and soon the helicopter make their landing and they pour out and make their way towards the metal melting factory. They came across a wired fence which Matthew pulled out cutters and cut the wires and they go through and make their way towards the building.
Eric: (whisper) Matthew, Hudson, take the latter to the upper floor window and tell us what you see.
Hudson: Yes sir.
Both Hudson and Matthew approaches the latter ans start to climb to the outside walkway and they peak over the window to see some terrorist inside as Hudson pulls out a head maker grenade while Matthew opens the window a bit and then Hudson tosses the grenade through the window and it lights up, showing enemy markers to everyone on Eric's team through their visors.
Hudson: (radio) Looks like they are armed. See a few AK-47, PK1, SA-46 CORE and turrets mounted on the second floor near the office.
Eric: Any innocent people captured?
Hudson: (radio) Yeah. A family, seems like they captured during a road trip. Either they accidentally stumble apon this place or taking when their car was broke down.
Eric: Right. You both be our snipers, shoot anyone if they are about to kill the family. Everyone else, time to go loud.
They agree as both Reznya and Finn walk around to the air vent as they pull out tear gas and once Eric gives them the signal to do it, they unpin the Grenades and tosses it through the air vent and seconds later smoke came out and there was coughing and seconds later the door opens and a few terrorist burst outside to catch some breath but seconds later Eric take both of them out with is pistol.
Eric: Move on!
Eric, Finn and Reznya break into the building and open fire at the terrorist. The terrorist open fire but they were immediately shot by Hudson and Matthew as they shoot them with their rifles.
Reznya fired a few shots of her shotgun when one terrorist rushed over to her but she kick the terrorist back and shot him with her shotgun.
Eric: Finn, get the family out of here! Reznya, your with me!
Reznya and Finn: Copy!
Finn rushed over and breaks the family out of theie vell while Eric and Reznya pushed forward and then they leap high into the air and land onto the second floor walkway as they immediately took out the two terrorist that were about to reach towards the terrorist.
They were immediately taking out and once that they reach the office and once there both Eric and Reznya stand against the door as Eric pulls out a flash bang and throws it through the window and it goes off. Reznya breaks the door open with a sinagl kick amd took out the terrorist leaders guards and aim their weapons at the terrorist leader as he immediately rasies his hand as a sign of surrender.
Eric: Terrorist leader secured. Everyone, room check.
Finn: (radio) Family secured.
Matthew: (radio) No since of any terrorist. Your clear.
Eric: Good, Reznya cuff him.
Reznya nodes and cuffs the terrorist leader and soon they were all outside just as Madelyn was waiting for them outside along with Homelander as Eric walks over with the terrorist leader as he force the terrorist leader to his knees and saluted them.
Eric: Terrorist leader taking down. Mission complete.
Madelyn: Very good Lieutenant. Your timing was quick which surprised me.
Eric: Thank you ma'am.
Madelyn looks over to see Finn and Matthew with the family as they were checking up on them and then Finn walked over to them and telle them.
Finn: Family is alright. The kids were scared but they're going to be alright.
Madelyn: How much for they know?
Finn:......I'm sorry?
Madelyn: How much do they know about Conpound-V and the creation of sups?
Finn:......Uummm they overhead talk about sups and a type of drug that turn normal humans into sups but nothing much.
Madelyn: I see. Kill them.
Eric: (shocked) What?!
Madelyn: We can't allow the public to find out the truth of Conpound-V is and what it can do. I told you Lieutenant that there will be no survivors.
Eric: But ma'am these are innocent people! We can't just kill them if they know one little about Conpound-V.
Homelander: Oh why do you care about them, no one is not gonna know a small family missing now would they? Besides they must have terrible lives or something so just kill them and we can leave.
Homelander and Madelyn stare at Eric as he look at them and tell them.
Eric: I refuse to kill innocent people just to keep a small detail about it a secret. They will not tell anyone about it I can ensure you that. Sorry but I'm not gonna kill innocent lives.
There was slince from everyone as Homelander just stare at him and the let out a small sigh and tell him.
Homelander: Fine.....if you won't do it, guess I will.
He immediately turn to the family and immediately laser beams them, cutting them down immediately as Eric and the rest of his team was shocked by this act. Their blood and body parts spilled onto the floor as Eric stood there in shock.
Seconds later he hear a yell so he turn to see Homelander punching through the terrorist leader chest and ripping out his heart. The terrorist leader fell onto the floor as Homelander turns to Eric while Eric look back at him.
Madelyn: We already made he contract so now we are working together to take down any terrorist but I suspect you will follow your superiors in thr future for now on Lieutenant.
Homelander: Are you deaf or a idiot Lieutenant, or else do you want her to say it again?
Eric:......Y-Yes ma'am.
Once the Homelander flies off while Madelyn gets inside her car and drives off as Eric and his team stood there for a moment as Eric turn to the dead family as he took off his helmet and his face was horror and shock as he stare at the family for a bit until their pick up came and they return back to base.
Eric has a bad feeling about Vought and the sups and hopes nothing couldn't get any worse.
To be continued.....................................
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