S1E6: Surprise G-Men academy!
Sunrises over by the hill, slowly shining the landscape of green grass, trees around and a singal dirt road that leads to G-Men academy where all the students are at as we see them walking about talking, bullying others, making out inside private places and other stuff.
Vought guards are seen outside of the walls walking around like always when one of them sees something in the distances. Soon the other guards noticed as they noticed something flying towards them follow by huge vehicles heading towards them.
Vought guard: Oh shit!
He rushed over and slammed onto thr alarm button but it didn't go off. He pressed it a lot of times but nothing didn't happen. Other guards try to radio in for back up but there was only static.
They don't know what to do as suddenly there was a huge explosion that blows up several guards and the wall, killing a few students within seconds as everyone looked over to see Global Resistance tanks, Armored trucks and Armored transports came bursting through the wall whioe other sups try to attack them only for some to be gunned down or blown by by either the tanks or the trucks.
Once that the transport vehicle open and Global Resistance troopers came rushing out and began to open fire at Vought guards and the students who start to battle them. Global Resistance troopers and heavy troopers came pouring out and open fire at their enemy.
Some students managed to rip off Global Resistance troopers, beam them, froze them or did other things but the incoming helicopters came over and start to rain down at the students and Vought guards with bullets, killing them within seconds.
Then a rope was dropped down and Global Resistance troopers came down on ropes and landed onto thr ground. One student changed his arms to twin swords and charge towards them as he slice them down, cutting them down while he laughed.
Sup student: Hell yeah! Fuck you! And Fuck you too!
One Global Resistance trooper fell and land hard onto thr ground as a student turn to face him and swing back his blade arm and swings at the trooper.
Suddenly the student was shocked to see True Hero aka Y/n appear and saveone of his troopers life as he fired his pistol at the students leg, costing him to fell on one knee only to have the students head cut clean off as his body fell onto thr ground. Once that Y/n radios in Hazel.
Y/n: Hazel what have you got?
Hazel: (radio) Nothing much. Looks like your in the clear.
Y/n: Understood. Liam you up there?
One guard approaches him, aiming his rifle when suddenly he was shot in the head by Liam who was in a helicopter as he radio back Y/n.
Liam: (radio) Loud and clear sir. I'll cover you guys in the skies.
Y/n: Copy! Everyone push them back! For Freedom and justice!
His troopers yelled as they charge forward and pushing back the both sup students and Vought guards as they were getting overwhelmed and outnumbered.
Soon a few of them enter the school and shut the entrance doors and lock it as Y/n and the Global Resistance troopers arrived to see they have locked the door.
Y/n: Have this door blown up.
Global Resistance trooper: Copy that sir.
Three troopers start to place some explosions while we cut to Liam as he turn on his scope into thermal vision to see some ready for them with heavy weapons and stronger sups.
Liam: (radio) Y/n it looks like they are gonna be waiting for you as soon you blow open those doors. I suggest you find another way inside.
Y/n looked around and then look up to the roof as Y/n radio in Liam.
Y/n: Liam is there a window ceiling that gose down to the hall?
Liam: (radio) Yeah there is.
Y/n: Good. I want two Judgements a the front entrance. Alpha company is with me, Beta and Theta Company take the back entrance. Let's do this!
We then cut to Vought guards with heavy weapons and stronger sup students ready for them to break in and seconds later the door blows up and the Vought guards open fire but their bullets were no use as two Judgements stump inside the building and fired their heavy powered chaingun and rip anything they see.
Stronger sup students were wiped out within seconds as they body parts fly away including Vought guards. More came but they were immediately killed by Y/n and his troopers as they burst through the ceiling window and open fire at them. They were killed immediately once Y/n and the others land on the ground.
Y/n drops his assault rifle and pulled out his automatic shotgun as he have his troopers secure the school and arrested anyone who raised their hands while he heads off to find John Godolkin and arrest him for his crimes.
The Global Resistance troopers gose around the school, taking out anyone who choice to fight and arresting anyone who wishes to live. They handcuff the sup students with special high cuffs that blocks their powers and drag them outside so they can be taking to their secret prison.
We then see Y/n walking down the hall and shooting down any Vought guards that try to shot him but they were immediately killed as they did so. After what seems like a long time he finally reach to his office as he grabs the door handle and then slightly opens, chucks a flash bang and once it gose off, he kicks the twin doors open and aims his shotgun only to see a empty room.
Y/n: Damn it. He must have escape.
Then there was a ringing coming from John's laptop so he walks over to it as the laptop was facing away from his so he face it towards him and clicks answer, there a face of Madelyn appear as she was looking down at her phone checking on her emails while she said.
Madelyn: (computer call) Ah John I want to talk to you about our next upcoming movie. I was thinking four young teenage student might do for our new-
Y/n: Sorry but I afraid you have to cancel your film.
She finally look up to her computer or laptop to see Y/n which shocked her as Y/n look at her as he said.
Y/n: Hello Madelyn, nice to finally meet you.
Madelyn: (computer call) Where is John?
Y/n: Must have escape, lucky for him. Still it's good to see your doing well with Vought.
Madelyn: (computer call) Do you honestly think you can scare me?!
Y/n: Well.....are you?
She was indeed scared as the two falls slient for a bit and then Y/n asked her while he places both his hands onto John's desk.
Y/n: Is he with you?
There was a moment of slince until the camera from Madelyn moved and slowly turn to reveal Homelander as the two look at each other.
Homelander: (computer call) So your that little shit that has been given us problems. Good to meet the villain of this world.
Y/n: The only villain of this world is you Homelander. Your responsible of meny deaths, lies, corruption, threatening and things I can not describe how many things that you have done.
Homelander: (computer call) Oh no no no no. Your the one that has done these crimes, not me. I'm the hero and you.....your the villain including those terrorist you have with you.
Y/n: These are people who are tired of the lies you and your company have made! Tired of all the deaths, tired of the lack of care of these people and tired of someone who thinks they are better then them!
Homelander: (computer call) And that gives you the right to form a terrorist group and just.....blow up our dreams of world peace?
Y/n: Your world peace is nothing but death, lies and selfish desires! You and the other sups are ruining peoples lives, crushing their dreams and making their safety unsafe because you know why! Because your nothing but a selfish, insane, angry and dictator who has your fans to be your meat shield while they are blinds to not see the real you! The Real Homelander, the Homelander who kills people without no mercy or trail, the Homelander who gose out of hid way to abuse his powers and strike fear to all those who doesn't see you as a hero, a baby trapped within a grown men's body, wishes to get everything they want and kill anyone, man, woman, children, old or weak just to make a point to others or show them you are better then them.....but I know who you really are Homelander. Without your amazing super powers, your fan or money......your just a pathetic, weak and a coward.
After that Homelander eyes suddenly glow red in pure rage as he lower his head, closer to the camera as he glare at Y/n, wishes to heat blast him through the camera as he try to strike fear to him but Y/n will not give him that, not again.
Homelander: (computer call) I'm warning you, stop your rebellion, turn yourself in and I may keep you alive. If not, I will find you....I will get you.....and I will kill you and anyone else you love.
Y/n: I'm not afraid of you nor death. Not even my own men isn't not afraid of death. If we do die, our legacy will live on and inspire hope to all those to crush you and Vought once and for all.
Homelander: (computer call) You can never stop me. I'm the Homelander.....and I can do whatever I fucking want.
Y/n:.......We'll see about that.
Finally Y/n ends the call as he turns to live outside as he sees his Global Resistance troopers cheering and celebrating for their victory as Hazel rushed over and hug Y/n.
Hazel: (smile) Looks like we did it!
Y/n: Yeah but John got away.
???: You sure about that?
They all looked up to see Night-Bird came down while holding John as he tossed John onto thr ground as Night-Bird tells them.
Night-Bird: Saw this jackass getting away through the woods. Luckily I caught up to him and snatch his ass.
Y/n: Nice work.
John sat up and looked up to be met with Y/n as Y/n look down at him and then he snap his fingers and two Global troopers came over and pick John up and handcuffed him.
John: You know this is not the end.
Y/n: Seems like it.
Once that John was escorted away and once that there was one thing they should do. They make their way through the halls to the metal door that Night-Bird was talking about and they managed to get it open and once that they walk down the steps and as soon they land on the ground floor, Hazel, Y/n and Night-Bird were horrified to see cells lined up on both walls and inside were misbehaved sup students that were beaten, have their limbs or arms chopped off, their eyes removed and other disgusting and horrible things to them.
Hazel: (shocked) Oh my god!
Night-Bird: (shocked) Jesus look at this. Holy shit.
A Global trooper came down the steps with a camera in hand as Y/n node to him and he gose around, taking pictures so they can expose John for his crimes against the world.
Y/n takes a few steps forward and he was stopped when a hand which out from a students cell and looked inside to see a female student having no hair, her legs broken and her teeth were filled with empty holes as she must out.
Female sup student: Help.......me........please.
Y/n stood there and feel sorry for them. Disbite them using Compund-V and were either good or bad, they don't deserve this. This was worse then death so as soon the Global trooper was done, Y/n pulled out his pistol and tells everyone.
Y/n: Leave the room. I'm.......gonna set them free.
They understand what he ment and they head upstairs and once they were gone it was just Y/n and the tortured sup students as he turn to the female sup student that stopped him and he aimed his pistol at her.
Rather being scared or begging for her life, she was in tears of joy as she look up to her savour who has come to free them as she shut her eyes and said.
Female sup student: Thank........you.
Seconds later there was shots one by one, no screams, no begging, no anything. There was just gunshots as Y/n free them from their torture, pain, trauma and suffering by John.
4 minutes later he leaves that room as he shuts the door behind him as he stood there a bit as he look at the now empty pistol as he gets a flash back of his whole family gunned down by Vought and Homeless himself as we see a younger Y/n hiding inside the bushes outside of the house as he can hear screams of his parents and gunfire.
He snap back to reality, still looking at his empty pistol for a bit when two Global troopers rush up to him.
Global trooper: Sir we're about to leave right now.
Global trooper: Sir? You okay sir?
Y/n: Yeah.....I'm sorry I was.......thinking that's all.
Global trooper: It's okay sir. You know they wanted more then being live just to remember what they've been through. You did the right thing.
Y/n: Yeah. Still let's get out of here.
The two node and the trio make their leave of the academy as they return to their base so they can celebrate their victory while Y/n still thinks to himself that he will take revenge on Vought for what he did to his family and bring them to justice, even by means getting blood on his hands, either way he's still hero no matter what.
To be continued..................................................
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