S1E3: Rogue Sup
Y/n, Hazel and Lucas were gathered in the bridge with Luke joining them as they stand around as Lucas play the message that was sent by a rogue sup which played as they listened to the message.
Night-Bird: (message) My name is Night-Bird and to any Global Resistance hears this message I want to join you guys. After what Vought is doing and theie criminal actions by the people, I know realised what they really are and I don't want to be apart of a corrupt company who only care about themselves then the people around them. I'm sending my coordinations to you guys now and if you all don't believe me I have some important information that you all can't refuse. This information will change the tides of this war for you guys and it could be one step closer of ending Vought once and for all. (Gun fire at background) Crap they found me! I gonna go now but find me! (Message ends)
Lucas: So what do you guys think about this?
Luke: This course obviously be a trap. A sup wants to join us? That's unbelievable.
Hazel: True but the gun fire at the background sounds too real so it must be true.
Luke: He could have a recording with him to play the gun fire sound?
Hazel: Maybe but I feel like we should go and help him. Besides he has important information that can change the tides of this war.
Luke: True.....what are your thoughts sir?
Y/n thinks about it and wonders if they can save him or not. Then he comes to a conclusion and turns to everyone in the room.
Y/n: I know we can't trust sups due to their actions. However if this sup wants to make things right and take down Vought, then we can give him a chance.
Lucas: I've already downloaded the coordinations and it seems he's at the grand Canyon.
Y/n: Then that's where we will go. Lucas your with me, have the attack helicopters and transport helicopters ready by the time we arrived at the hanger.
Lucas: Right.
Y/n: Luke, Hazel, you two stay here and maintain coms and report to us for any sups in the area. Let's go Lucas.
The two head off to find Night-Bird and see if he is telling the truth or not.
At the Grand Canyons we see Vought helicopters flying through the Canyon ans searching for Night-Bird so they can take him down and return him to Vought to face his treason acts against the company.
They fly around the Canyon and continues to search around. One of Vought helicopters stop and turn to a dark cave and stare at it for a while and then fly off. Once gone we see Night-Bird peaking out from the cave and breath a sigh of relief as he fly out of the cave and watch them leave.
Night-Bird: That was a close call. Let's hope they come here soon because I don't know how long I can keep hiding from them.
Suddenly a Vought helicopters appeared behind him as he turne around to see it as the Vought machine gun start to spin around.
Night-Bird: Oh shit!
He dodges the bullets and then flies through the Canyon while more Helicopters came and chase after him. He flies through the Canyon, trying to escape from them as soon as possible while bullets fly by him.
Night-Bird can't keep this up any longer so he turns around and fly towards the Helicopters and slice off one Helicopter by cutting down its rotor blades which cost it to disconnect from the helicopter as the Helicopter fell and blow one once they hit the ground.
The two other Helicopters turn around and open fire qt him but he blocks them with his metal wings and then flies towards one of the helicopters and grab at the left side of the Helicopter as the Helicopter on the right opens it's doors as Vought guard were about to shoot at him but Night-Bird leaps across and crash into the Vought guards which they fell onto thr floor.
He then took down the pilot and then leap away as the second Helicopter crashed into the first Helicopter and they go down and crashed into the ground with a huge explosion as Night-Bird lands onto the ground and turn to see his work is done.
He believes that the area is clear as he was about to fly away when suddenly an explosion sent him flying and he land hard onto thr ground.
He groan in pain as he slowly get up and looks up to see more Vought helicopters but this time they start to fire missiles at him which he moves back within seconds and then start to fly away but the high explosion sent him flying as he fly across the Canyon and crash onto the ground with his leg broken as he scream in pain.
He lay there as Vought helicopters hover over him and was about to finish him off. Suddenly the two Vought Helicopters get blow up as he turn and sees Global resistance helicopters as they make their landing and Global troopers rush towards him and start patching up his leg.
Then Y/n with his armor on him and Lucas came out as they see Night-Bird getting up by the Global troopers as the two approach him.
Y/n: Looks like they were playing rough on you.
Night-Bird: Well that's what Vought really is. Glad you guys came.
Y/n: Of course. It surprised us because we usually rescue people from sups and Vought but never knew we can save a sup from Vought.
Night-Bird: Well....things change in war. Still....I hope you all can trust me.
Y/n: In time you will earn our trust.
Night-Bird: Well what if I can gain your trust right now once I give you guys this information I have.
Y/n: We can see what you have back in base. Troops, load him inside.
They did so right away as Lucas and Y/n look at him as Lucas ask Y/n.
Lucas: You think we made the right call?
Y/n: One way to find out.
The two enter back to the Helicopter and they take off back to base so Night-Bird can show them the information that he have got.
Night-Bird enter the bridge of the Global resistance base and he is surprised how high tech they are as he step into the bridge with Y/n and Lucas leading him as Luke and Hazel turn to see Night-Bird as Y/n introduces them to Night-Bird.
Y/n: Night-Bird this is Luke and Hazel.
Night-Bird: It's nice to meet you all.
Hazel: (smile) Same here.
Luke: Not want to be rude but it's quite surprising we have a sup here in the base.
Night-Bird: I don't blame you. Anyways I really am appreciate for the save and I hope I can return that favour in the future.
Hazel: You can do that by showing us what you got.
Night-Bird: Oh right I almost forgot! Here I can plug it in right away.
He did so as he plug a hard drive onto the computer and it shows them files of Vought classified informations as Night-Bird turns to the rest and tells them.
Night-Bird: In the 1980's to 1990's, 1,000 of children under the ages of 3 to 4 suddenly disappeared from the parents homes while the parents were suddenly murdered. Some say it was a kidnapper who kidnapped children and kicking their parents but all of were slinet by Vought themselves. At first I thought they were looking up to unsolved mystery that happened years back but I found out something way worse. It turne out Vought was involved of the children's kidnapping and transport them somewhere that they can be turned into sups for their project.
Luke: What is this project?
Night-Bird: It was called "Project: G" which involves giving children compound-V, wipe their memories from qny of their past life and reconstruct their memories, basically making fales memories and never allow any of them to remember about their true past. Then they will be trained by someone who is in charge of the project and once their training is complete, they be moved to different parts of the world and act like superheroes for the people......Well that is until they decided something that sickness me the most.
They listened closely as Night-Bird was silent a bit and then he tells everyone.
Night-Bird: Some were acted to be super villains so Vought Hero's can battle them and to have the world to believe there is powerful super Hero's. But in reality it's just two sups battling each other and doing what Vought have told them to while they cost massive destruction to cities and towns. I even read that they laughed when they talked about how much destruction they did like they didn't care! Thw worse part is that robbed everyone with their money and promised to rebuild their city only for the citizens to rebuild their cities on their own, costing some to be homeless!
He slammed his fist onto the table in frustration which the rest sees how upset he is at Vought as Night-Bird calms down and tells them.
Night-Bird: Sorry it's just.....it ain't right for Vought to do this. Especially tricking people and lie about it.
Y/n: I know how that feels and your not the only one who felt betrayed by Vought.
Luke: Do you know who is leading the project?
Night-Bird: I don't know his first name but I do know his last name. His last name is Godolkin and unfortunately I couldn't get any information from him nor his location.
Y/n: It's fine, we can search for him but right now we wish to thank you for this information and the news you have given us. Your truly are a hero.
Night-Bird: To be honest I'm not a hero. I mean.....I thought i was a hero but after what Vought has done.....I start to question if I am a hero or not.
Y/n: Not all us aren't perfect. But the defence between being a real hero and being hero is that a real hero owns up to his or her mistakes and make things right and you have already show that right here in this room Night-Bird.
Night-Bird: Thank you. I promise I can do my best to redeem myself and become a true hero and take down Vought for sure.
Y/n: That's good to hear. Say what is your real name by away?
Night-Bird: I don't have one. They just call me Night-Bird, all the media said my name is a lie. Made up by Vought.
Lucas: (smirk) No wonder Homelander's name sounds a bit weak.
Y/n: Well what name do you lioe to have?
Night-Bird: Well I have been thinking about this one name. Would it be fine if you guys call me "Jenson?"
Y/n: I don't see why not. What do you guys think?
Luke: (smile) Sure I don't mind as well.
Hazel: (smile) I like it.
Lucas: (smile) Same here.
Y/n: Then it's settled. For now on your civilian name is Jenson.
Night-Bird: (smile) Thank you. I really do appreciate with it.
Y/n: No problem.
(Short while later)
We see Night-Bird aka Jenson playing some basketball with the other troopers outside of the base as Jenson is playing Basketball without his armor as he pass the ball to others and scoring as they cheered and high fived while they laughed.
Y/n watch them play as he smiled to see him getting along well. Then Liam came up to him and see Jenson and ask Y/n.
Liam: So that's him.
Y/n: (smile) Seems like it. You know disbite having compound-V on him he seemed to play fair with them.
Liam: Guess so. So is this the beginning?
Y/n: The Beginning?
Liam: If he is the first sup to join us then maybe more will come and join us. We might have a chance to win this war for sure.
Y/n: Maybe. But it depends if they be willing to join us or not.
Liam: I see. Well at least we have a fighting chance against Homelander and-
Global trooper: (distance) No.....No of fuck no!
Then they wee a few Global troopers rushing inside the base in a hurry while they look at each other and wonder what is going on. They decided to follow them while Jenson sees this and pause the game and heads off to see what is going on.
Soon we see every Global troopers gathered around the TV as the news talks about a plane crash that killed everyone on board. This shocks everyone and even shocks most of them even more because their families and friends were on that plane and they burst out crying while Y/n and Lucas arrived and sees the news.
News reporter: (TV) Once again, the horrific wreckage of tran-Oceanic Flight 37 just beginning to wash up on shore. Every passenger on board presumed dead.
???: (TV) They didn't have to die.
Suddenly the camera turns to see Homelander and Queen Maeve as the reporter walks over to Homelander as he gose on to say.
News reporter: (TV) We have Homelander and Queen Maeve on the scene. Do you have a comment?
He holds out a microphone to Homelander the which he says to the news.
Homelander: (TV) I said they didn't have to die. We arrived three minutes after the plane went down. And why? (Sigh) Because we're not in the chain of command. If NORAD called us before they scrambled jets, then we could've saved them. 123 men, women and children. Excuse me.
Global trooper 1: That's fucking bullshit!
Global trooper 2: He killed him that fucker!
Global trooper 3: That son of a bitch!
Homelander: (TV) But if they let us into the military, then this will never happen again. That is my solemn promise to you. Right, Maeve?
She only node at the background while more and more Global troopers start to feel angry by this fales lies and started to yell while Homelander gose on to say.
Homelander: (TV) Talk to your congressmen. Talk to them. They'll listen to the people and together, together, we will make sure that this never happens to our great nation ever again!
The crowd cheered in the background while all Global troopers were very mad by this right now and talking trash about Homelander and insulting him. They were letting their rage and sorrow at him then suddenly a gun fire is heaf which shuts them up and turn to see Y/n pointing his pistol into the ceiling as he lower his pistol and then tells everyone in the room.
Y/n: I know all of you are mad. I know all of you are sad as well. But know this, Homelander will pay for his crimes and he will speak to truth to the world on what he done on this day. He will answer for his crimes and I promise you all that your friends, families and even those that you loved will be revenge by Vought and Homelander. Right now we will use our rage and list of vengeance to bring down Vought and defeat Homelander and the Seven once and for all! It may take weeks, months or maybe years but no matter what, we will stand strong and we will have Homelander pay for his crimes and bring justice to the world and to the people! FOR THE GLOBAL RESISTANCE AND TO THE PEOPLE!
They cheered for Y/n while Jenson watch this and smiles as he made the right decision and finds his place of being a real hero to the world.
To be continued......................................
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