S1E2: A delay delivery

Butcher and Y/n are seen taking a walk where the sea is at along with a children's park nearby that are playing super hero with one of the kind dress up as Homelander which Y/n looks over and sees them playing while Butcher noticed his stare so he pulls out a cigarette from his pocket and puts one on his mouth and pulls out a lighter and let's it.

He puts the lighter over the cigarette and puff a smoke and then pulls out another and hands it to Y/n as he ask.

Butcher: Wanna smoke?

Y/n: (turns to butcher) I not a type of smoker, you know that right?

Butcher: Still? Well your still fucking interesting for sure. Let me guess....your mad about this operation we did a while back?

Y/n: (sigh) A bit. Look you nearly killed us you know. Nest time listen to me before do something that will get us all kill.

Butcher: We have a chance to take down Homelander, you just want him to show his evil side to everyone in the world on live TV.

Y/n: That's the goal.

Butcher: It'll never work.

Y/n: And why is that?

Butcher: Vought. They can just cover it up or tell the world its fake.

Y/n: Even thought would be the case at least some people will be afraid of him until they see who he really is.

Butcher: No offence but I think your just wasting your bloody time. Vought is going try everything in their power to cover, lie and blackmail everything they could so Vought and the sups will be the most important thing on planet fucking Earth at all time.

Y/n: Yeah but for how long? One of these days Butcher they will slip up and the world will riot and soon the company and the sups will fall. We will make sure they will fall and make them pay for everything.

Butcher: Well good luck with that. Let's just hope your "suicide resistance" will keep going for another year or so.

Y/n: Two things Butcher. One: (whisper) It's Global resistance. (Talk normal) And Two: We will survive no matter what. The reason why you and your team are still alive is because you all split apart years back.

Butcher: Oh yeah speaking of that I'm bringing the boy back together.

Y/n: Really? Shit. I heard from MM that if you ever dare to come to his house to bring him back to the boys, then he'll kill you.

Butcher: I know but this time we have a new member.

Y/n: Who?

Butcher reach into his pocket and pulls out a photo which Y/n takes and looks at the photo.

Y/n: Who is he?

Butcher: Hughie Campbell, his girlfriend was killed by A-Train and he refused to keep it quiet from Vought.

Y/n:.....He looks like he works at a fucking electronic store.


Y/n: He dose work at a fucking electronic store is he? (Sigh) fuck me Butcher, fuck. I swear if you get him killed-

Butcher: Relax I won't. He's still in training.

Y/n: (smirk) Hehe, training? And what training would that be?

Butcher: Let's just say.....we kidnapped translucent.


A few people turn to them which they noticed so they keep moving while Y/n tells Butcher.

Y/n: Are you fucking nuts! You do realise sups have trackers on them right?

Butcher: Yeah I know so we let him go.

Y/n: (sigh of relief) That's good.

Butcher: Right after we killed him and put his body in a wooden box for the sups to find.

Y/n just stare at Butcher and let's out a sigh as he calms down and then tells Butcher.

Y/n: Okay look. I don't mind you kill some sups that really deserve it alright. I really do. But when it comes to those apart of your team is new like Hughie? Jesus fucking christ Butcher, your lucky he didn't ratted you out to qny of the sups or the police.

Butcher: (smirk) Well look at me now. I'm still alive. Anyways gonna go now but here, this holds the date, time and coordinations for the shipment of more compound-V that will come here.

He hands Y/n a flash drive which Y/n takes and after that Butcher make his leave. Y/n watch Butcher leave while Y/n looks at the flash drive as he slide it inro his pocket and walks off back to base.

(Three days later)

Four transport helicopters fly over the ocean and heading towards their target which is a huge supply ship that contain Compound-V which they going to destroy.

We see Y/n at the lead helicopter as he radios in the other global troopers inside of the four helicopters as Y/n explains the plan.

Y/n: Alright listen up and listen good because I'm going to say this once. There is a Vought supply ship heading towards America to deliver more Compound-V so they can make more sups but I believe we gonna delay their delivery. The Compound-V's are located underneath the ship, Team B will make their way to the bottom floor while Team A will blow up a hole on top of the ship so we can rope down and take down the guards and squeeze them in. Team B be ready for close quarters combat while Team A, be ready with those explosions and rope, we're gonna do this loud and fast dose anyone copy?

Global trooper team A and B: Yes sir!

Y/n: Good. Command anything to report?

Lucas: (coms) All chatters are clean sir. Your all clear.

Y/n: Roger that. Okay ladies and gentlemen let's do this!

(Epic theme start)

They ready their gears, weapons and armor as Y/n puts on his helmet on and pressed the button as the two side doors open, blinding them with light a bit as they arrived to their target.

The Transport Helicopter form around the supply ship as the snipers take out the Vought guards on the ground and on the walk wall.

Then they drop down rops and they slide down the rops with Y/n taking lead as he lands on the grounr first and aim his Assault rifle and take down a few Vought guards and soon Global troopers made it onto the grounr floor and help their leader take on the Vought guards in a shoot out as they take cover behind the cargo.

The ships crew in the bridge sees this happen and the captain grabs his radio and was about to call for back up when suddenly the windows shattered and five Global troopers burst into the bridge and knock out the captain cold.

Global trooper 1: Nobody move!

Global trooper 2:Got on your knees with your hands up!

Global trooper 3: Do it!

They all did what they told as they get on their knees while they raised their hands. The three stay here and watch them while the two Global troopers with Pumped Shotguns exit out of the bridge and walk through the small hallway which they immediately take out any Vought guards with their shotguns.

They go to room to room, clearing the room from Vought guards by shooting them with their Shotgun until some rasies their hands and get onto their knees.

Global trooper 4: Sir bridge is clear I repeat, bridge is clear.

We then cut to Y/n and his troopers as they took out the last Vought guard as the last one fell onto thr grounr dead as they exit out of cover and Y/n called out.

Y/n: Team B remember the plan. Do it.

They node as we see Team B approaching the door and once there they plant some explosions and once they got clear they blow up the door and breech inside.

They wield SMG's and shotguns as they take down eve Vought guard in sight while walking through the hallway. Then they turn a corner only for bullets to fly in front of them, gunning down the Global trooper in front of them as they take cover while Vought guards continue to fire at them.

Global trooper B-1: They got us pinned!

Global trooper B-2: (pulls out flashbang) Not for long.

Seconds later a flashbang was tossed which ricochet off several walls and the rolled towers the Vought guards which they immediately get flashed and banged then Seconds later they were immediately taking out by the Global troopers B. They keep on moving and continue taking down the Vought guards until they reach towards the door.

One of the Global trooper B have a high tech ipod like device that allows him to see through walls and he can see hiw many Vought guards are waiting at the door which they are at.

Global trooper B-3: Sir I've spotted ten Vought guards waiting for us. Time to surprise them.

Y/n: (coms) Roger that trooper. Be ready.

At the otherside of the door we see Vought guards aiming their weapons at the door as they wait for them to come and burst in. They were ready but suddenly there was a huge explosion above which caught them off guard as bullets rain down in the smoke and they were immediately taking down within seconds.

Y/n and Global trooper team A leap down to the ground and aim around and sees that the room is clear. Then Team B burst into the room and sees they have already clear the room.

(Epic theme ends)

Global trooper B-1: Could have save some for us?

Y/n: (smirk) Maybe next time.

Global trooper A-1: Sir I found it!

They walk over to the rest as they are the door as they open the huge metal door and they were shocked to see so much boxes filled with Compound-V.

They enter the room and look around as one of the Global troopers open one of the cargo with a crowbar he found and inside was stacks of tubes containing Compound-V.

Global trooper B-4: Well shit. They have enough for the whole country to be sups.

Y/n: Which gives us the good reason to blow it up. Plenty some explosions and let's get out of here.

They node as they pulled out some explosions and stuck them all across the room while one of the Global trooper who was done noticed a clipboard with the list down of orders as he calls over Y/n and once he walks up to him he shows him the clipboard.

Global trooper A-5: Looks like they are gonna deliver these stuff to different Vought facilities to make new sups. There must be hundreds in America.

Y/n looks through the orders and then tells the Global trooper.

Y/n: We'll take this so we can pay for a little visit.

Global trooper A-5: Yea Sir.

Global trooper: A-4: (rush up to Y/n) Explosions are set. Time to make our leave.

Y/n: Good, get all the prisoners inro the Helicopters while set the explosion for 30 minutes. I wanna see Vought's face once they see all their Compound-V all blow up.

They agree as they made it at the top of the ship, take the prisoners into their transport Helicopters and after they set the timer for 30 minutes they climb onto the transport Helicopters and they take off before anyone would see them.

(29 minutes later)

At the docks we see the Vought Supply ship in the distances as we see Ashley Barrett and Madelyn Stillwell there as they see the supply ship heading towards them as Ashley tells Madelyn in a cheerful tone.

Ashley: (smile) Seems like they have arrived just in time.

Madelyn: Agree. Maybe I might not fired them for not bring late for the fourth time.

Ashley smiles as they watched the ship approaching the docks with Vought workers ready to do their job. Suddenly the ship suddenly blows up in front of their eyes as the ship blows up in a huge explosion that made the workers to step back in shock while Ashley and Madelyn only watched as the supply ship is up in flames and starts to sink.

The two just stare at the ship in disbelief by this as Madelyn doesn't say anything as she walks off while Ashley drops her clipboard and then rip out a bit of her hair in frustration.

The other workers can only watch as the supply ship sinks to the ocean. What anyone didn't know is that Homelander is seen floating above everyone as he watch the ship go down as he slowly forms a fist and knows immediately who is responsible for this.


We see Y/n within a room inside his base that has a camera in front of him while he is wearing his armor and helmet as Hazel and the other Global troopers turns it on as Y/n also known as True Hero to the public gose on to say to the world in live TV.

True hero: People of the world. If you are hear this then you must understand what we are doing. Homelander, the Seven, Vought, they are lying to you all. They all have been for years and we are here to tell you all the truth once more. Vought as kept secrets among all of us as they hide the fact that heroes were not born with powers, they were made by Vought since they were children. Vought has been using Compound-V as a way to make a army of sups so Vought can be powerful. You must understand that Vought is not our greatest company. They are monsters, liars, selfish people and uncaring organisations that will allow sups to kill civilians that they hate and do whatever they want as long they obey to Vought. This message is to the Government as well. Shut down Vought right now or this will be the doom to all of mankind. If you refuse, them we will take it down by force.

Hazel: And that's a rap!

Once that was done Y/n exit out of the room as he take off his helmet which Hazel walks up and kiss him on the cheek.

Hazel: (smile) Your one sexxy man talking like that.

Y/n: (smirk) You know me Hazel. I feel very sexxy while talking serious.

Hazel: Still you think they will believe you?

Y/n: Not really but someone has to tell the world about Vought and the truth they will never reveal in the future.

Hazel: (smirk) True but still, good job.

He smirks and then Lucas came into the room and tells the two.

Lucas: You won't believe what I'm about to tell you.

Y/n: What is it Lucas?

Lucas: We just got a radio call from someone who is asking for help.

Hazel: A radio call?

Y/n: Who is this person?

Lucas: Well here's the surprise that might shit your pants.

Y/n: And that is?

Lucas: The person who is asking us for help.....is a sup. He has defected from Vought and wants our help.

Both Hazel and Y/n were shocked by this and confused by this. A sup betrayed Vought and wants to join the Global Resistance. They couldn't say anything but then Y/n spoke up as he tells Lucas.

Y/n: Show me the radio call, I wanna see that this is true or not.

To be continued....................................

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