S1E10: Confronting a god
There were explosions and gun fire as we see the Global Resistance bases is under attack by the Sentinel troopers as the Global Resistance troopers were firing at the Sentinel troopers over the wall while Sentinel troopers get behind cover and return fire at them. Most of the Global Resistance troopers were hit and have to be dragged away to safety when the doors of the entrance blow up and Sentinel troopers started to pour in which the Juggernauts fire their machine guns, killing the Sentinel troopers if they get through the gate.
We then see Laim standing on one of the watch tower and snipping the Sentinel troopers with his good aim. He took them out one by one and even shot a flamethrower Sentinel troopers by shooting the containers at their back which blow them up.
Laim lower his rifle to look on the battle while Lucas rush up the tower which Laim turn to see him.
Laim: You okay old man?
Lucas: Please not the first time a base is under attack. Still the Sentinel troopers is one thing but homelander. He'll kill us.
Laim: Y/n will think of a plan. For now you start ordering the troopers and tell them what to do.
Lucas: Right. Be safe.
Laim nodes as he aim his sniper rifle and pop some heads while Lucas goes back downstairs and join in the battle.
We see Y/n and Hazel at the bridge with Homelander in the radio as Y/n asked him.
Y/n: How did you found us?
Homelander: (radio) Scared? I bet you are. I have been waiting seeing the fear on that pathetic face.
Y/n: Not even close.
Homelander: (radio) Bomber. Whatever I'm still gonna kill you and your terrorist once and for all. This is the end True Hero, check mate.
Then the radio goes to static as Y/n stood there while Hazel ask him.
Hazel: What's the plan? You got a plan right?
Y/n: Yes. I think it's time to teach this asshole who is he dealing with.
Hazel: You mean?
Y/n: That's right.
Hazel: But it's in its prototype state. Even if he's caught by it, it won't take away his-
Y/n: I know that. That's why I've made a room so he won't unless I say so. Right now we must evacuate everyone out of this base and into a new one.
Hazel: You sure you'll be okay?
Y/n came over, take Hazel's hand and tells her.
Y/n: I promise I'll be okay.
Hazel is worried but she trust him as she kiss him and once that she makes her leave while Y/n put on his helmet and then walks over to an elevator that he goes in and then select a floor and thne the elevator closes as he goes down.
Sentinel troopers were pouring as the Global Resistance troopers and the Rogue hero's battle together as they hold off the Sentinel troopers as long as they could when Hazel came out and rushes over to Tucker.
Hazel: Tucker! I need you to open a portal to these coordinates. We are leaving!
Teleport-man: What about Y/n?
Hazel: He's gonna deal with Homelander.
Teleport-Man: (shocked) What?! Is he nuts!
Hazel: Don't worry he has a plan but we need to get out of here in order for us to live.
He agrees and he open portals to every Global Resistance troopers and Rogue hero's and once that they exit through the portals while holding back the Sentinel troopers until they all get to tye other side. Homelander crashes onto then ground and try to laser beam them but the portals closes just as he fired his laser beams and missed.
Homelander curse himself as they git away while a Sentinel trooper walk up to him.
Sentinel trooper: Sir the base is all clear. No sign of the terrorist.
Homelander: Then we have won. Bunch of cowards.
Y/n: (speakers) Homelander! I've been waiting for a long time for this moment and I bet you are as well. If you wish to fight me, then come and get me.
Then a platform is seen raising up to the surface and not wanting to lose this opportunity, Homelander walks over to the elevator platform and the platform goes down. Soon it reached to a large garage as Homelander try to see through the walls but he couldn't.
He then noticed a door open so he dashes over and he flies through the hallway when suddenly he was stopped when Y/n voice is heard through the speakers.
Y/n: (speakers) I used to be a fan of you Homelander. A hero who said to fight for justice, truth and honour. But I was wrong. Your not a hero, your a monster.
Homelander: (smirk) Are you some stupid bitch are you? You are the hero and I am the mother fucking hero. I'm the Homelander!
Y/n: (speakers) Are you? Face it Homelander, your nothing but a child within a man's body who throw a fit when things don't go in your way. The Sevens don't respect you, they are afraid of you but......what happens when they get stronger huh? What if.....they became stronger then you.
Homelander: (angry) Shut the fuck up! I'm the Homelander and I can do anything I fucking want!
There was a moment of silence and then the hallways was filled with laughter from Y/n as echos of his laughter is heard throughout the halls which piss off Homelander so he yells.
Homelander: (angry) WHAT'S SO FUNNY!!!!????
Y/n: (speakers) It's what you said. "I am the Homelander and I can do anything I fucking want." Ha! Do you know how ridiculous you sounded.
Homelander: (angry) HOW IS?!
Y/n: (speakers)....You don't seem to understand do you? Vought does not fear you, respect you or glad of you. They see you as their property. A thing to be use whenever they want. A thing that they can control, the thing that as long he obeys to them, he won't lose any fame. The thing I'm talking about.....is you. That's the Bombshell, you have no power to do anything because you are following the people that made you.
Homelander: (angry) Shut up!
Y/n: (speakers) Your just a toy for the to use but soon they will throw you away and be replaced with someone stronger than you. Face it Homelander......your nothing without Vought.
He then scream at the top of his lungs as he laser beam the hallway around him and flies off, crashing into walls that is strong enough for Homelander to not break through as he goes through the hallways, looking for Y/n until he arrived at a large room where he look around and yell at the stop of his lungs.
Then the door behind him closes and then red gas came pouring in through the vents. Soon the red gas cover the whole room as Homelander was not phased by this at all while he look around but then spotted him at the other side of them room as he walks towards him.
Y/n: Hello Homelander. Finally we meet.
Homelander: (smirk) Oh I can't wait to beam you soo much that the only thing is left is your head!
He then try to shoot his beams at him but suddenly it didn't work. He was confused and try it again but nothing.
Homelander: The fuck?
Suddenly Y/n punched him in the face which he stumble back. He suddenly felt that as he wipe something off and he sees its blood, his own blood as this shocked him as he turn to Y/n.
Homelander: You.....You took Compound V?
Y/n:.....I don't take drugs.
Then he strike another blow at Homelander which hurts as Y/n keep striking punches at Homelander as Homelander try to block it or fly away but he couldn't fly as Y/n grab him by the neck and lifted him off the ground, shocking Homelander as Y/n tossed him across the room and he slammed into the wall.
Homelander hit the floor as Y/n came over and step his foot on the back of the head as Homelander try to get up for some reason he lost his amazing strength.
Y/n: You wanna know how I am stronger then you? It's simple actually. The gas. This red gas is not your normal gas. This gas will bring a end to you and other corrupt hero's and vought once and for all. Prototype Anti-Compound. A experimental compound that can take away a hero's powers and making them nothing more than human. This is a prototype though so if you leave, your powers will return in 24 hours.
Homelander: (shocked) You.....You did what?!
Y/n: Did I scare you? I bet I did.
He then pick up Homelander and then punched him in the face several times, blood start coming out of Homelander as Homelander tries to stop him but he slammed him into the wall and then grab him once more and tossed him away.
He land onto the ground as he slowly get up only to see Y/n walking towards him which he crawl backwards in fear. He never felt this fear in his whole life before and it Scared him to be face with someone who is more dangerous than he thought.
He then pulled out his sword as Homelander panic and try to run away but he pulled out his pistol and shot one of hid leg which he scream in pain as he fell and never felt this extreme amount of pain in his whole life.
Then Y/n walked up to him, look at him and then raise his sword and then stab him in the arm arm Homelander yells in pain as Y/n stared at him coldly.
Homelander: Your a monster! I'm a hero and your a villain!
Y/n:......I may not look like one, but I am to those who wishes for hope and justice.
He then kicked him in the face which broke his teeth as Homelander spits three tooths out as Y/n aimed his pistol at Homelander in the head. Homelander is afraid that he will do it as Y/n stares at him for a bit. He had his finger on the trigger as the two stared at each other and turn Y/n lower his pistol and tells him.
Y/n: I won't kill you. I want the wold to know who you really are and that's more horrifying then death it self.
He then pulled out his sword and open a door for Homelander to leave as he radios in Tucker and soon a portal open in front of Y/n as he turns to Homelander and tells him.
Y/n: We'll meet again Homelander but one day I will show the world who you really are and once they do, the world will decide your fate.
He then goes through and the portal closes as Homelander is left alone as he slowly make his way back to the surface and once back the Sentinel troopers took him to their transport helicopter as they fly back to the city. Homelander sat inside the helicopter as he couldn't believe what just happened.
Thos sudden shock and fear turn to anger and rage as he promised himself that he will end Y/n and his Resistance with or without his powers, he doesn't care. He will kill him along with those who sided with him as he return back to the Seven to get healed up.
To be continued...........................................
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