S1E1: Never meet your heroes

Within a Vought security guard office we see five Vought security guards enjoying their time being part of the night shift at one of Vought facilities in the world. We see three Vought employees sitting on each of the chairs and looking through the monitors that show them different views to different rooms within the facility while the other two are listening to the radio and drinking some beer as they cheered when the news talks about The Seven, saying how great they are which made the cheer even more.

Vought guard 1: Will you two shut the fuck up. Some of us are trying to work here.

Vought guard 4: (smirk) Oh will you relax. Vought is now the best company in the world! We're famous.

Vought guard 5: (smirk) You said it.

The two tapped their beer cans to each other and take another drink while the other two guards sigh in annoys apart of one who is doing his job and not saying anything.

Vought guard 2: Vought has been famous for years, no need to make a big deal about it.

Vought guard 4: What's your problem?

Vought guard 5: Yeah why so serious?

Vought guard 2: I just.....we don't want "him" to walk in and caught all of us messing around. We're suppose to do our jobs.

Vought guard 5: (smirk) Oh come on what is gonna do? Yell at us for looking at some funking monitors? Relax man we be fine, even if he would walk in and cought us, he'll see we're just enjoying out time Vought and how it's the best.

Vought guard 1: Guess you may have a point.

Vought guard 5: (smirk) Besides this is a small facility in the middle of a city. What dumbass would dare to break in and  steal important information.

The Vought guard laugh while he take a sip of his beer when suddenly they heard something that sounded like something was placed onto a wall.

Vought guard 1: What was that?

Vought guard 5: (smirk) Probably nothing. Let's just sit back and rel-


Suddenly a wall near then exploded, sending the two guards flying and break their necks when they hit the wall, their bodies fell onto the ground as the three Vought guards turn and see five black ops troopers step through the wall and turn to see the three Vought guards as they turn to them.


ne aim his SMG with a suppressor attached to the barrel and head shot the Vought guard, killing him immediately as his body hits his head onto thr controls while the two other guards gets up as the Black Ops troopers aimed at them as a Vought guard pulled out his pistol and aimed at them while his hands shakes in fear.

Vought guard 1: (scared) D-Don't move!

The black ops troopers aimed at him while the he turned to the third Vought Guard and tell him.

Vought guard 1: What are you doing?! Pull out your pistol!

???: Sure thing.

He pulled out his pistol bit rather then aiming at the black ops troopers, he aimed Vought guard 1 and shot him dead in the head as he fell onto the ground while the Black ops troopers lowee his weapon.

Black ops Global trooper: You okay sir?

The guard remove his helmet to reveal his face as Luke Wilson as he is a spy within Vought as he turns to the Black ops Global troopers and tell them.

Luke: Yeah I'm okay. I believe I have the information we needed to locate some high ranking employees.

He pulled out a hard drive and hands it to the leader od the team as he takes it and then said.

Black ops Global trooper: Okay we got what we needed, let's move!

They rush out through the small wall they created with Luke follow behind them. Soon we see them bursting the exit door that leads them underground parking lot as they rush through a underground parking lot and soon they see a Armored truck and two motorbike as Luke and three Black ops Global troopers get inside the Armored truck while two of them each hop onto two motorbike and once on the race out of the underground parking lot and made it outside as they drive through the streets in night.

Luke: This is Luke calling in headquarters, we have it. We're making our way to our pick up point do you copy over.

???: (coms) Copy that Luke. Get here safe.

Luke: We will.

Black ops Global troopers 3: We got some company.

Then they hear sirens as police officers were on their tail along with Helicopters as they start to fire at them but they moved to dodge the incoming shots as the driver turn the Armored truck to the left including the two motorbike and the police.

Black ops Global trooper 1: We need to get rid of them if we ever gonna escape this city alive.

Luke: Drop in a EMP mine.

He dose so as the Armored truck deployed a EMP mine underneath the truck as it dropped onto thr ground and soon the EMP hose off, shutting off police cars as they crash into buildings and lampposts.

However two Helicopters were still on their tail as they continue to open fire at them as they see this hard to get ride a Helicopter.

Black ops Global trooper: (coms) Guys all of us will die if that Helicopter follows us. Some of us have to lower it away.

Luke: No way trooper! We get through this together!

Black ops Global trooper: (coms) Sorry but we have no choice. It's been a honor serving you.

Before any of them would do anything, the Black ops Global trooper turns his Motorbike around, immediately stopping as his bike slides hard onto thr ground and then he pulls out his SMG and fired a round at the two Helicopters which he took down one by killing the pilot as the Helicopter gose down and smashed into another Helicopter and both Helicopters were going down.

Suddenly something came out from the Second Helicopter and kicked the Black ops Global trooper onto the ground. He groan in pain as he slowly gets up and look over to see one of the Seven heroes named Black Noire.

Black ops Global trooper: Nice to see one of the Seven here.

Black Noire:..............

Black ops Global trooper: Still slient? Well not for long.

He fired hid SMG at him but Black Noire dodges his incoming bullets as he rush towards him and kick his SMG out of his hand but he pulls out a knife and try to stan him but he grabs the knife by his arm as the Black Ops Global trooper try to dig his knife into Black Noire but he was too strong and he get headbutted and tripped onto the ground as he slammed onto the ground as Black Noire stop his foot onto his chest so he won't get up as the Black Ops Global trooper just glare at him through his helmet as Vought security force came up with their trucks, came out and aim their weapons at the black ops Global trooper as Black Noire as he stare at him and then punched him in the face, knocking him out as everything turns black.

(Next day)

Somewhere in America we see a large forest with tall trees as a  Global Helicopter flies over the Forest as the Helicopter contain Luke and the other Black ops Global troopers except for one as they were slinet as they waited to arrive back to base.

Soon the Helicopter gose over some mountains and at the other side we see he Global main headquarters as the Helicopter makes a landing at one of the landing pads.

Once landed at the landing pad we see two Global troopers along with a female commander named Hazel Allen as the Helicopter back doors open and once down Luke and the Black ops Global troopers came out as Hazel walks up to Luke while noticing there was four Black ops Global troopers as she ask Luke.

Hazel: Where's the 5th one?

Luke: He sacrifice his life to hold the police off while we get away. We waited for him when we get to the Helicopter but......I think he didn't make it.

Hazel: I'm sorry. His sacrifice will not be forgotten.

Luke: Agree.

Hazel: (smile) Come on, our leader wants to see what you've got.

Luke nodes as the two make their way off the landing pad and minutes later we see Hazel and Luke walking down the hallway and soon arriving at the control room as the doors slide open and they step in and see the Global crew sitting on their own chairs while looking through their computers while we see two men as one turn to see Luke as he tells his leader.

Lucas: Sir, Lukes back and it looks like he has something for us.

Their leader turn to Luke as we see him wearing a high tech armor as he looks at Luke and tells him.

Y/n: Welcome back Luke. Have you made some friends while on your mission.

Luke: (smirk) Well making friends with a pervert, alcoholic and a loud mouth, you can say I've made some great friends before they were killed.

Y/n: (chuckle) So not much as best bros?

Luke: (chuckle) No. But anyways here, this contain all the location of all the higher ranking employees. With this, we can find them, capture them and interrogate them until we have the information to expose Vought and the Seven.

Y/n: That's good. They will make some people to realise how corrupt and evil they are but not enough for the whole world to turn against them.

Lucas: He's right. Some of the employees might not have any important story that they can tell us but they can Spill some to us.

Hazel: So what should we do?

Y/n: I'll contact Liam and his team and tell them they are going on a hunt.

Lucas: (smirk) He'll sure lioe that.

Y/n: (smirk) No kidding. Still good job Luke, get some rest.

Luke: Thank you sir.

He leavethe room and hours after we see both Y/n and Hazel entrr Y/n's room as he took off his armor and oncehe took off his armor he stretch his body while Hazel walks up behind him and wrap her arms around him as she said with a smirk.

Hazel: (smirk) Every time you wear that armor, your body will get even warmer for me.

Y/n: (smirk) Is that a bad thing?

Hazel: (giggle) Not to me.

The two let out a giggle and before they can do anything they heard a beep from Y/n's phone that was sitting on his bed. He walks over and grab his phone and looks through it.

Y/n: You got to be fucking with me.

Hazel: What is it?

He show her the message from someone and when she notices the name, she realised what he ment and says.

Hazel: Oh.....its him.

Y/n: Yeah. He wants me to meet up. I don't get it, we haven't spoken for a long while, why now?

Hazel: Well one way to find out.

Y/n: Your suggestion I go and visit him?

Hazel: Yeah. I mean he's your good friend.

Y/n: "Was" my good friend. I thought I would trust him but his reckless action and his blind vengeance nearly got all od us killed.

Hazel: Yeah I know Operation: Hero break down was a fail I know, but maybe he wants to speak to you, trying to apologise and maybe wants your help.

Y/n: (sigh) I don't know. He's not a type of guy to apologise to anyone and he rather handle something on his own then asking me for help.

Hazel: (smile) Still he did help us getting us information about Vought and their compound-V right?

Y/n:.......(sigh) Guess you may have a point there.

Hazel: (smile) Yeah and remember he saved your life from Jack from Jupiter, or that one time you saved his life from Whack Job?

Y/n: True, we did save each other many times.

Hazel: (smile) Yep!

Y/n: (sigh) Okay fine, I'll go see him and see what he wants.

Hazel smirk as she walk up to him, wrap her arms around him and kisses him in the lips which he kiss her back and seconds later they stop and look at each other as Hazel tells him with a smirk.

Hazel: (smirk) That's a good boy.


We see the captured Black ops Global trooper strapped onto a chair while sitting in the middle of the room as he struggled to get out but all od his gear were stripper from him. Then the doors open and he came into the room as he stare at him as he smiled and said.

Homelander: (smile) So you must be a trooper from the Global terrorist aren't you.

Black ops Global trooper: We're not terrorist! We're fighting for peace, justice and truth from evil people like yourselves!

Homelander: Evil people like us? Why would you think we're evil? We're doing our best to keep the world safe.

Black ops Global trooper: Safe?! Your veiw of "safe" is by killing innocent people who had done nothing wrong but letting the truth out and abusing your powers!

Homelander starts to get frustrated at his attitude as he walks over and stare at him in a serious and scary face as he tells him while he slowly grabs his shoulder and squeezeing it tightly.

Homelander: Listen here you little fucking asshole. What I'm doing is none of your fucking business. How's about you tell me where your terrorist friends are and I might let you go.

The Black ops Global troopers shoulder starts to feel the pain as Homelander squeeze his shoulder even more but he dose not allow him to show him pain nor fear so he spit on him which cost Homelander to be surprised as he tells him.

Black ops Global trooper: Go fuck yourself Homelander! Your nothing more but a selfish, asshole, a jerk and dictator who gets whatever you want. I used to look up to you but after what you did to my mother, I realised how uncaring you have towards any of your people. You treat us like dogs who love you but guess what I. Fucking. Hate you.

Homelander was slient as he slowly forms a fist and hid eyes glow red as Homelander glare at him while the Black ops Global trooper sees this and knows his times was done as he smile a bit and shot his eyes.

Seconds later Homelander came out of the interrogation room within the Seven building as he takes a deep breaths and out whike he looks over to see Black Noire which he walk up to him and gently place his hand onto his shoulder and tells him.

Homelander: Good job Noire and don't worry about the hard drive. Who cares about those fucking employees anyways, they be fine. Now come on, let's get out od here.

The two walk away while we see the doors open and we see the Black ops Global trooper laying on the ground while hid face is burned by Homelanders laser beams as he died immediately from his blast.


It was a cloudy day in the city as we see a man standing at the docks and lighting up a lighter and put it on his cigarette which was on his mouth as he turns off the lighter and slide it into his pocket as he puff some smoke frok his cigarette while footsteps can be heard behind him as Y/n is seem wearing is civilian clothes with his hands dig into his pocket as he smirks and says.

Y/n: (smirk) I thought you promise not to smoke for good Billy?

The man pulls out his cigarette from his mouth as he puff out a smoke and tells him.

Butcher: Two things. One: Don't call me Billy, call me Butcher. And second........

He then turn to Y/n as we see his face as he tells Y/n in a cold and serious tone.

Butcher: I can smoke whatever I fucking want.

To be continued...........................................

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