Chapter 3: The Rescue and Raid

One Month later NEW YORK CITY 1999

After Y/n and michiko got there majors and started construction of the Militech headquarters they rented an apartment to wait for the building to finished, Thankful stan edger didn't pressed on about the site but he still kept an eye on him and Vought.

He even brought his secret Project that he worked on from God U to his apartment.

and as they waited They were invited by Stan to watch the debut of Vought's new hero, the home lander.

Michiko: so this Homelander was experimented as a child?

Y/n: Yes they hoping to make him obedience but doing that he become ruthless and dangerous.

Michiko: this could be difficult to take over if we tried to get rid of him.

Y/n: true but his weaknesses is something we can exploit to take him down or make him turn against Vought plus with cybernetics I can take him on, Now come on we going to be late.

so they walk in and sat down as Stan and madelyn is on stage

Stan: Ladies and Gentlemen, Please welcome to the stage... The latest, and might I say, greatest, addition to the Vought Crime-fighting family.

the roof opens and a caped man slowly flies to the stage. then lights were shined on him and the background turns on showing

Stan: The Homelander!

the crowd cheered and took pictures as he shield his eyes from the flashing.

Madelyn: Not since Soldier boy has Vought been excited to work with a superhero of the Homelander's caliber.

then he spoke.

Homelander: Hello, friends.

Reporter: The homelander, what made you decide to join up with Vought?

homelander was stuttering trying to find the answer as the crowd is waiting, then he smiled.

Homelander: Say, you guys ever hear of the Whitehall Tigers? What? No? Ah, that's okay. That was my team back as a kid. Back then, I only wanted to do two things, Play baseball and play baseball. Every night on the farm, playing catch with my dad, I'd dream of the big leagues. Hitting a homer at Yankee stadium. Heck, I would've settled for just warming the bench at Yankee Stadium.

the crowd laughs expect Y/n and michiko.

Homelander: What I'm saying is, my baseball career didn't exactly work out, But Vought is the big leagues for someone like me. A chance to use my gifts to help make the world a better place.

they applause and one reporter asked him a question.

Reporter: New York's a lot rougher than a whitehall baseball diamond. How are you getting ready for everything this city can throw at you?

Homelander: Great question. Vought's teamed me up with someone I've Idolized My entire life. My friend and yours, Black Noir.

he walks to the stage waving getting the spotlight on him.


Y/n and Michiko entered backstage but was stopped by staff.

Guard: I'm sorry but your both are not allow to be here.

Stan: It's okay I invited them.

Guard: My apologise go ahead sir.

he let them through.

Stan: So what do you think of the homelander?

Y/n: he looks a figure that yells truth, justice and the American way of life.

Stan: Thank you, remember when you told me about Homelander's hostage mission gone wrong?

Y/n: Indeed.

Stan: well I send black noir to keep an eye on him, but Just in case I told him your joining him.

Y/n: Sir? are you sure why not let him handle it himself?

Stan: If what you said is true I need your powers to craft something to keep him in line if he goes insane.

Y/n: Okay so when do I meet him.

y/n felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned around and sees Black noir behind him.

y/n: whoa hey black noir nice to meet you.

But then a guard arrived and whisper to Stan.

Stan: Hmm I see thank you.

the guard leaves.

Stan: We got a hostage situation at Cruz Chemical on Staten island, where 8 staff members are being held hostage by the Chemical Liberation front, I want you both heading there now. and y/n hope you got protection you may need it.

Black noir nods and heads out, Y/n and Michiko heads back to the apartment.

they arrived and Y/n goes to his wardrobe

Y/n: Michiko I want you to hack into Cruz chemical company and find something damning that the CEO has to work with me

Michiko: Sure thing are you putting on the prototype suit?

Y/n pulls out a Large crate and opens it reviling a Cybersuit.

Y/n grinned and puts on the helmet and his voice changed.

Y/n: Let's get to Work.

TIMESKIP Staten island

Cruz Chemical Control room

three armed CLFs locked themselves in with three hostages the leader tried to call ted about radio silent.

CLF Leader: Ted? Can you check on Liz? She's not answering. Ted?

the CLF member Liz pumps her shotgun

Liz: Fuck! That means someone's here. We got to get fucking ready!

the the hostages were now scared with one woman panicking.

Woman Hostage: I don't wanna die I don't wanna die I don't wanna die.

Leader: Shit. Okay. Here we go.

he points the gun at the hostage.

Male Hostage: Please we just work here. We don't make any decisions.

they hear the door groaning and begin to heated up then explode.

then homelander walks in with his hands out.

Homelander: My name's the... My name's homelander. And I'm not here to hurt anyone.

Leader: Don't come any closer. We'll kill them.

Homelander: Whoa, ho, ho, ho. Easy, friend. I understand you're angry, but this... this violence is no way to effect change. So put your guns down and let's talk.

leader: Just stay back. I'm warning you.

Liz: Fuck you, you fascist fuck!

they opened fire on him then homelander used his super speed to grab their weapons then breaks and bends them and chucks them on the ground.

Homelander: Violence is never the answer. Now if you come peacefully, I'll make sure your cause is discussed at the highest level.

then the leader grabs the rifle with the bend barrel and the hostage threating him.

Leader: If you don't get the fuck out of here, I'll kill him!

Homelander: No, but...


they heard the voice from the hole and saw something not human, then heard mechanical footsteps and a silhouette emerging from the corner.


It walks in and it's a suit of Armor, homelander tried to see who's inside but it was made out of Zinc.

Homelander: What the Hell are you?!

Y/n: Name's Edgerunner and I'm ending this now.

Leader: No back the fuck off!

Y/n: With what?

the leader raise the rifle only to be holding a handle and sees the cyborg holding the dismantled rifle parts and dropping them on the ground.

Leader: What the fuck?!

Y/n: Now we can do this the peaceful way or the American way your choice.

then the rest of the liberation members ripped their jackets to reveal Bombs straps to their chests

y/n: (What the fuck? they have bomb straps on them?! That never happens)



Y/n: (You know what fuck this) It seems you forgotten one rule of an American.


Y/n: We don't Negotiate with Terrorists.

y/n activates his sandevistan and takes out the terrorists with headshots.

as time resumes they dropped dead, y/n untie the hostages.

Woman Hostage: Thank you thank you so much.

Man Hostage: you saved us.

other man hostage: Are you from Vought?

Y/n: No I'm not.

Homelander: Bullshit!

they turn and saw homelander pissed off with his eyes glowing.

Homelander: this was supposed to be my mission! and you stole it from Me!

Y/n: Mate calm down, You will take the credit of saving these people.

Homelander: I don't care you and black noir are not getting rid off me!

he lost his ability to reason now he is enraged, then he sees black noir peaking his head out nodding.

so y/n used his sandevistan to get the hostages out safely.

time resumes again homelander sees the hostages gone turned to see them with Black noir.


Before he can go after them he was Shot in the back of the head, he turn around to see a small wrist cannon.


The hostages and noir ran as homelander growled In rage with his eyes glowing red..

Homelander: I'm going to fucking kill you!


he charged at y/n ramming him through the wall, he used his heat vison on him but the suit is holding on then y/n hardly smacks his head with his hand causing the eardrums to bleed.

Homelander: GAH YOU FUCKER!


y/n elbowed him knocking him down.


he grabs his neck and lifts him up


he punch him in the gut.


then he dug this thumbs in his eyes causing them to bleed and him screaming in pain.

Homelander: GGAAHHH! STOP IT!

His super sonic screaming didn't stop y/n from headbutting him.


Y/n pulls his arm to use his gorilla to charge a final punch. 


He throws his punch only to be caught by homelander Whose eye are now bloodshot.

Homelander: I SAID STOP IT!!!

he crushed the hand and ripping the arm off, then he throws y/n into a tank and fire an heat ray at him then charges at hit only to hit the tank and sees the heat vison causing the tank to dangerous heat up.


he turns around to see y/n behind him using his ripped off arm to wave at him and disappearing the tank exploded causing the plant to blow up.


Y/n Appeared out of thin holding his ripped out cyber arm, he sees black noir with the hostages.

Y/n: Good you all made it safely.

he nods.

Jenny: Thank you for saving us Edgerunner I'm jenny and this is James and Sebastian

James: Yes thank you for rescuing us.

Sebastian: But I can't believe he tried to kill us.

Y/n: Don't think hard on it, best just to keep quiet follow black noir he'll sort you out.

Jenny: Are you sure?

Y/n: don't worry, very soon everything is going to be okay now, and lack noir?

noir looks at him.

Y/n: sooner or later I'll like to repay you something you lost years ago.

noir was confused but realised what he meant.

Y/n: Now if you excuses me I have to go and get fixed.

he was about to leave but jenny called out.

Jenny: If you are not from Vought then who are you from?


He vanished as black noir led the hostages to the ambulance and find and calm down homelander.


Back at the hotel Michiko pulled the plug from the back of her neck as she steps out of the ice bath and dries herself and got dressed in her kimono that Y/n got for her.

she heard the door open and saw y/n damaged.

Michiko: Oh my god what happened?

Y/n: Saved the hostages, homelander wasn't happy we fought and ripped my arm off.

Michiko: Come on sit down Ill get the deck.

she grabs the ripper deck to fix his arm back on, while wearing her dress.

Y/n: hey you're going to dirty your dress.

Michiko: Don't worry I'll get a better one.

Y/n: Wow that's harsh.

she giggles as she continue to fix the arm.

Michiko: I'm joking I'll wash it later.

Y/n: good I got it because I thought you are feeling homesick.

Michiko: well thank you for it.

the news shows homelander dirty and bruised and standing with black noir.

Homelander: They had a bomb, I covered it with my body but the blast was too great, thankfully noir manged to get the hostages out just in time, then we search the rubble, Sadly the six of us were the survivors, I Failed you, All of you.

Reporter: No, no. What are you... You risked your lives for us. We're grateful to you.

then the audience cheered in the background.

the television turns off.

Y/n: Oh that reminds me have you found any dirt on the company?

Michiko: Oh I do and you wouldn't believe it.

she hand him the tablet which surprised him.

Y/n: well now this seems interesting

TIMESKIP Vought Tower Interrogation room.

It been a week after the plant was destroyed but Y/n manged to contact the CEO of Chaz

Y/n: Thank you for meeting me Mr chaz.

Mr Chaz: This better be quick I have to deal with the losses.

Y/n: Yes the Staten island incident, shame that the terrorists destroyed it, but I'm here to offer you an opportunity.

He hands him slips of papers and chaz reads it, then slams the paper.

Mr Chaz: No way I'm not selling my company to This Arasaka company, I worked hard of this company! so how about you shove those papers right up your asshole.

Y/n: Really? Well my asshole that I wouldn't be worried about.

he turns on the projector showing pictures of him making deals with the CCP including using experimental chemicals and dumping them into the water to test it out.

Mr chaz: What the fuck?! Where did you get this?!

Y/n: I have a net runner looking into your dealings, And I must say the CCP paying you to dump their chemicals into the water causing birth defects and cancer, what would the people of America and the government will think about that?

Chaz: No! this will ruin my reputation!

Y/n: Which is why I'm offering you a deal.

Chaz: I-I can't.

Y/n: and why is that?

Chaz: they send their secret police making sure I don't screw up the deal, If I do they will kill me! they think that the chemical could make a super soldier hoping to defeat the supes here.

Y/n now was intrigued the ccp is trying to make their bootleg compound V well that's not going to happen.

Y/n: Mr Chaz, Think this through, You're out of options, sooner or later they will silence you for good rather then taking any chances But If you can give me the names of those spies I promise you, you will live your retirement early, Now what is it going to be?

Chaz is now in hot water, with no choice he wrote the names of the spies that is keeping an eye on him, and he singed the agreement to sell the company to Arasaka.

Y/n: See was that's so hard?

Chaz: Just make sure you keep them off my back.

Y/n: Of course Mr chaz, Vought will like to thank you for your cooperation.

he stands up and leaves the room. behind the mirror is Stan edger, Michiko and the police chief. Y/n enters the room with the paper that chaz wrote on.

Stan: Good job Y/n, now he is out of the picture we can track down those spies and crack down on their little project.

Chief: and all thanks to you Son.

Y/n: It's no trouble so Michiko ready to find our Humble Visitors?

Michiko: Yes sir.

Y/n: good now for Operation Max Tac.


After the chaz chemical was bought by Arasaka and rebranded to Biotechnica and mr chaz went into Hiding. Michiko found the hideout of the spies. well it's time for the debut of Max-tac.

In the police department the chief addresses the officers of a raid on the location of the hideout of the suspects.

then they geared up with the High tech Armor and weapons that Y/n donated to the NYPD.

then they entered the donated Manticore and take off to the hideout.


the members were loading the barrels of the stuff when they heard the chemical plant was destroyed so they have to move, but unknown to them, a net runner had hacked the cameras including their phones.

the Manticore hovered above the building as Max tacs lands on the roof and get in position, then they breach as they chuck in flashbang blinding them.

Max tac Officer: NYPD Get down on the ground!

some tried to grab their gun but was shot down, the police manged to subdue the remaining members, as well found a lab and arrested the workers.

they collected evidence as well rounded up the arrested subsects as they were loaded up in the back of the truck

as the prisoners were taken to the department for questioning, they taped off the building and the hazmat team walks in to do the search in the building.

one officer calls y/n.

MEANWHILE y/n's apartment

Y/n was drinking scotch when he got the call.

Y/n: Yes?

Officer: The mission's successful sir.

Y/n: good.

he walks to the window and stares out to see the building had finished construction with the help of Cerberus bots.

Y/n: Very good indeed.

Now the world know the power of MILITECH.


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