Chapter 1: The Beginning of the partnership


After of the incident in the clinic y/n was now 24 hour watch to see if he decides to do something strange again, and the next month and past his 15th birthday he acquired some vellum blue paper then he drawn out a blueprint for a pistol which he handed over.

Vought America tower Stan's office.

Now in the tower Stan was reviewing the blueprint with the head staff named Jeff and Jonah Vogelbaum and he was impressed with the design.

Stan: hmm, So Let me get this Straight, he drawn this despite not having knowledge?

Jeff: Yes sir he even told me to hand it to you knowing it would please you.

Jonah Vogelbaum: I may say the weapon details is extraordinary, even the logo is unique.

Stan: Yes so what can you tell about this Y/n

Jeff: Ah yes well he was born in 1980 but was born with a missing arm, after Compound V was injected his parents left him saying it' s our problem so we send him to the red river Institute, years has past and no signs of power emerging until the cyber arm incident. and as for his dreams he wished to be get this a arms dealer.

the people in the room Lightly laughed at this.

Stan: but does anyone know what is his powers is.

Jeff: we don't know yet sir, there's no sign of power emerging unlike the other kids.

Jonah Vogelbaum: Until now, the name International is a give away, It couldn't be possible if he can see the future, but it's could be just a theory

Stan: hmm you may be on into something, we don't know what compound V can do, Jeff can you bring him here Tomorrow? I want to see first-hand his crafting abilities.

Jeff: I'll see what I can do.

Stan: Good.

Jeff left while Stan turned to Jonah.

Stan: Jonah after you done testing on the subject I want your team arranged a lab for a Interview.

Jonah: I'll get right on it.

as he left Madelyn Stillwell who as been promoted to hero management walked in.

Madelyn: Yes sir Edger you called for me? 

Stan: Ah Yes, Tomorrow we are having a guest that we will interview, make sure he have a comfortable time here I'll replace someone to keep a eye on the subject.

Madelyn: Of course sir.

Stan: Oh and one more thing call in gunpowder for tomorrow, he might want to test them out.

she left but then she licked her lips and smiled.


Jeff has return to the institute to see y/n has upgraded his arm.

Jeff: (Okay how the fuck did get the stuff for that?) Hey Y/n can you come here a sec I want to talk to y/n.

Y/n: sure what is it?

Jeff: Well I handed the blueprints to Stan as you wanted, he had a look and he was impressed and told me if you wanted to meet him tomorrow.

Y/n: Whoa really?!

Jeff: Yep and he wanted to see your talent and your work.

Y/n: Hell yeah I'll be happy to show them

Jeff: Okay get some rest kid. tomorrow's a Big day.

Jeff left and Y/n used his cheat to spawn more resources and a laptop.


as they drove to the tower Jeff noticed y/n has a Laptop on his knees

Jeff: So did you also built that?

Y/n: Yep last night.

Jeff was shocked to see him built that but decides to ask him further.

Y/n and Jeff entered the lobby room and met with madelyn.

Madelyn: Hello you must be Y/n, It's a pleasure to meet you my name is Madelyn Stillwell, Vice President of Hero Management I been sent here yo collect you as the rest is getting ready for you.

Y/n: Thank you ma'am (No doubt you want to touch me, well once I'm 18 I'm going to make you begging for me)

Madelyn: Jeff, Stan wants you to meet with him and the others.

jeff: Of course See yah letter Y/n.

he entered the elevator to the labs

Madelyn: Y/n please follow me to my office.

y/n followed her into the elevator.

as they ride the lift to her office she noticed him holding something.

Madelyn: Say what's that you holding?

Y/n: Oh this well this is called a laptop a mobile computer that you can carry around, This thing also helps me with my projects.

Madelyn: Impressive...

then she stopped the elevator and unbutton her shirt


Madelyn: Very Impressive

she leans over showing her cleavage then she rubs her finger on his chest.

Madelyn: so tell me what else you been hiding?

Y/n: Well that would ruin the surprise Miss.

then she slide her fingers down to the crotch and rubs it.

Madelyn: Aww are you sure? pretty please.

Y/n's dick almost got erected but he button up her shirt up.

Y/n: How about this wait, for 3 years then I'll show you my package.

Madelyn gives up as the elevator opens and and Y/n continues to follow her to the office.


after waiting the Interview was now ready.

she led him to a room for the interview.

Madyln: Just head inside and show us what you can do.

Y/n: Don't worry.

Y/n entered the room and sees the High VIPS Behind the glass and madyln entered the room and joined them.

he sits down and the man turns on the camera.

Vought Employee: Tell us about yourself.

Y/n: Full or short version?

The employee looked at Stan for permission, he nods allowing it.

Employee: full version.

Y/n: Okay, My name is Y/n Smasher, I was born in the (Day of birth) of (Month of Birth) 1980, location Lenox Hill Hospital, My parents Eric and Linda abandoned me due to my disability, I lived in the red river Institute for 15 years, My power awakened when I watched Blade runner, After I turn 14 I made myself a cyber arm with the Components I made appear.

Employee: May we see it?

y/n nods and takes a deep breath, then suddenly Large stack of all tier components appeared on the table

The employee and the VIPS were shocked to see them appeared out of nowhere.

Stan: Now this is Interesting.

Madlyn: He made them out of thin air!

Johna: This is very unexpected, he can make these components out of air, But what else can he do?

Stan: Let's find out.

he calls out to the Interviewer.

Stan: Ask him what else can he do.

the employee calms down and continues the Interview.

Employee: Well that's a surprise, so what else can you do?

Y/n: Watch and learn.

y/n Puts his laptop on the table, he opens it and starts using as a workshop to make weapons.

but first he starts playing music that they never heard.

the Vought VIPS watched as he constructing the weapons

Y/n's hand assembled the parts into the pistol and after finishing the Final touch he was done.

He had finished the Lexington.

But he wasn't done he kept on building.

on the other side Stan's interest was peaked as well Madlyn seeing this could put Vought on top of the food chain.

hours went by and weapons were made

The M2038 Tactician

and the M251s Ajax.

Y/n used all of the components to build the weapons and the interviewer was really surprised but Stan beat him to it.

Stan: That was Impressive, You really do have a gift we hoping you can answer a few questions while we test out the weapons with the help of a certain Supe.

Y/n: You mean Gunpowder? Sure thing Hope he likes them.

the guards collect the guns and leaves.

Stan: Now Y/n what do you hope to gain here?

Y/n: Well an Internship of engineering and maybe start a company, I had dreams of becoming a hero but due to my disability it would be Impossible for me, So it would be better for me is to start as a armament manufacturer or a CEO of a Mega corporation.

Stan: Really? well then I'll talk with the Godolkin University if he can help you get a major

Y/n: Thank you but I bet most of you have question about me having knowledge of the future including the past, But what I'm about to tell you is very dangerous that the recording must stop and edited.

The interviewer pauses the camera. 

Stan: Alright what can you tell us?

Y/n: Well I know about your secret project That will name himself Homelander, In 1999 his first mission to rescue the hostages he will lose control and have a anxiety attack killing every hostages.

Jonah mentally face palmed hoping it doesn't happen.

Y/n: Plus Someone will leak the information for your secret alchemical super serum.

The staff was Now shocked to hear that someone will leak the information of compound V, some didn't believe it but after seeing his powers they have no choice but to comply.

Stan: Very well, We shall talk to you later hope you get in God-U

Y/n: Thank you so much sir, Keep the guns as my way saying thanks.

Stan: Of course Have a good day Please wait in the lobby while I have a talk with Jeff.

y/n nods grabbed his laptop and left the room.

Jeff: So what do you think of him.

Stan then suddenly smiled

Stan: I believe he could be a great benefactor of the company.

But then his smile drops

Stan: But I will not Tolerance any Failures Understand Jefferson?

Jeff: (Gulp) Yes sir.

Stan: Good you may go.

Jeff left the room and saw Y/n waiting for him.

Jeff: Hey kid great job in there.

Y/n: Thanks Hey can we get something to eat I'm Buying.

Jeff: Sure kid.

they left and head out to get Lunch.


At a firing range, The ex member of Payback Gunpowder was testing the weapons that Vought brought to him.

Stan and Madlyn walked in.

Stan: Gunpowder how are the weapons we brought to you?

Gunpowder: Actually Pretty well sir, The handle is good, recoil is low and the rate of fire on this pistol is amazing look there's a auto mode and single fire mode, who ever made these weapons is a bloody genius.

Stan: Good and Don't worry, Our new Future weapons manufacturer will make better toys for you and our army.

Gunpowder nods and keeps firing the weapons as they left the range Knowing that in the couple of Years The edge runner will rise.


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