Chapter 1

Chapter 1

I sighed, collapsing onto my bed, my eyelids drooping with exhuastion, my limbs sore from lugging all the suitcases and boxes into our... new home.

It still sounds weird to me, but I can't object to what my parents do. They'll never listen, anyway, and I'd just get scolded or possibly grounded.

I heaved another heavy sigh before running a pale hand across my face, feeling my eyes slip close, the darkness swarming ever so closer...

"Ariana! What color should our rooms be?"

My eyes snapped open to fix angrily onto my mother. Did she have to ruin everything?

My glare softened, though, when I saw only care and affection on my mother's face when she peeked in through my door. How could I be mad at her? She only wanted the best for me, so who was I to get angry?

"Hi, Mom. And whatever color you want them to be," I mumbled, pulling my stiff and sore legs up into a suitable sitting position and flashing a smile at my mother, who was watching me with an anxious expression.

"Hi, darling. Everything alright?" she asked warily, emerging slowly into my new room, ignoring my earlier input.

"Yeah, everything is peachy," I said, not trying to make it sound as bitter as it had come out.

My mom's eyes flashed with sympathy and she sat down on my bed, which had been placed in my room a week prior to moving, and gently patted my arm.

"I know moving is hard, dear. I did it once, twice before, and it's not the most pleasurable experience. But think of it like this; you'll still have Suzan and Tyler, and you'll make even more friends at your new school!" my mom comforted me. Well, attempted to. She just made it worse by bringing up Suzan and Tyler, and a new school.

I don't let strangers or outside people know, but I am incredibly shy. I just have a usual bright and happy personality, but only reveal it to those closest to me, like my family and Suzan and Tyler.

But now, two of my closest friends are gone. No, scratch that: my only friends are gone. They still had each other at Ridgeway High School; now, I had no one.

Stop pitying yourself and woman up. This is just a new school, not a war, I told myself firmly before forcing a smile onto my face. Slowly, it became a genuine grin. I don't know why, I just couldn't stop smiling. I think it freaked my mom out a bit, from the bewildered expression on her face, but she always knew I was strange.

"Yeah, I guess your right, Mom," I said, slightly reluctantly, and my heart fell a bit at my own words. No! I snapped at myself and then quickly changed the subject. "So, you said you wanted to paint our walls?"

My mom's face brightened and a large grin spread onto her face. She loved painting, and drawing. She was good, I have to admit, and Dad often insisted on hanging the portraits she would draw or paint around the house so it looked like an art museum exhibit.

"Well, I was thinking purple-lavender for mine and your father's room, but he's putting up a hissy fit about it. Keeps insisting on stone-gray, but that's certainly too boring! Don't you agree?" my mom blabbered, and she occasionally reminded me of Suzan, who loved yapping her mouth off and nearly melting my eardrums out and force me to go deaf.

"I actually quite like both colors, though maybe you should pick a darker shade of purple. Doesn't Dad like dark colors?" I suggested, and my mom nodded, tapping her chin thoughtfully. She looked so in an Albert-Einstein-mode that I couldn't help but giggle lightly, causing her to smile at me.

"Well, dark purple it is!" she announced, clapping her hands together (like a 5 year old), and then muttering quietly under her breath, "And if Jarod attempts to protest, I'll shave off all his hair."

I raised my eyebrows at this threat, the one I was obviously supposed to not hear, but didn't point it out. At least I know where I inherited my craziness from.

"Well, you should hurry. Don't want Dad getting out those countless buckets of paint and coloring the walls before you can," I told my mom, then dropped my voice to an ominous whisper. "And we both know Dad paints and draws like an infant." Since my mom likes to paint so much, my dad bought her tons of buckets of paint, most of which she never got around to using yet. I'm sure he'll find 'stone-gray' in there somewhere.

My mom smiled at me before letting out a series of light giggles. "Yes, he does," she agreed before standing up and dusting off her (quite comfortable-looking) blue jeans. "Just come get me if you need anything, or have any questions," my mom told me before she kissed the top of my head briefly and almost ran out of my bedroom, probably to rummage through the countless boxes of junk for her precious paint.

I rested my head back onto my plain white pillow, snuggling under the Harry Potter blankets my dad had gotten me for Christmas, decorated with the Gryffindor House symbol and representitive (a lion), all over the scarlet-and-gold cover.

I knew full and well it was probably only around 5 or 6, since the time phases changed once we got into Oregon, but a quick nap couldn't hurt, right?

I felt my eyes sliding shut, and the last thing I remembered before zoning out was that my mom was going to kill me when she found out I fell asleep in something other than pajamas.

(A/N: Chapter 1, finished! Mission accomplished! :D

Chapter 2 is soaring on its way soon, Readers, and for the next one (and maybe the one after that), are just going to be fillers. I don't want to rush things, and Ariana has to get settled in still, right?

And who else is going to prevent a Paint War from happening?

So, stay tuned Readers, and remember to: VOTE, COMMENT, ADD THIS IN YOUR LIBRARY, AND FOLLOW ME.

It's easy, JUST DO IT. Do not let your dreams become dreams! JUST DO IT ALREADY!!!

P.S. I have no clue where on Earth that came from I've only heard people say it and it grew on me XD

P.S.S. But still, remember... just do it.

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