Hello my name is Harry Styles and I have fallen in love. I have know this since I was six.
It all started on my 6th birthday. My parents and my big brother, Emmett, went to our grandparents' house in Doncaster for a visit. I had always ask for a camera that I could of called my own ,and now that I was what I thought a big kid I hoped with my whole heart that I would off gotten one.
The ride to my grand-maw and granddad wasn't long but to my short attention span it was a torturous ride. The 1-hour long ride came to an end and I rushed out of the still moving car and into of my grandpa's arms.
"Grandpa! I'm 6! I'm 6!" I smiled wide showing my dimples. I moved my dirty-blonde, straight hair off my face. I remember use to wanting to have more wavy hair, who would of thought that would of change big time?
My grandpa was a tall broad man. At the time it seemed like I wouldn't get his tall gene since I was so short. He had green eyes and peppered hair. He always had a pipe on his hand. He smelled of peppermint and of a bonfire. The smell was welcoming, it smelled homely.
"Oh yes you are. I almost didn't recognize you there. You are as tall as a sunflower kid, what have they been feeding ya?"He smiled and kissed my face all over as he tickled me.
"Hey don't kiss him or he'll grow up accustomed to kissing other guys. I don't want a faggot for a son" My stepfather Robin said with disgust filled voice .
My grandpa just shook his head at my mom , he couldn't believe he was letting him treat us like that. Looking back I find it ironically funny. Robin feared something that if I didn't know any better I would of thought that he was psychic.
My grand-maw's timing was perfect.
"Oh if it isn't my boys! At least I think they are. They are so big" Emmett ran to her and I followed suit.
She hugged us tight and Em and I play-pushed each-other for her attention. She just chuckled and patted our back.
"well why are we standing around like a couple of statues, lets go in and eat the cookies I made."
Me and Emmett cheered but stopped when Robin came behind us and put his hands on both Emmett and I's shoulder.
"The boys cant eat a lot of sugar. They will grow obese and they are on a diet. We don't want them to grow up old and well.." He looked at her and pursed his lips mouthing the word fat "You known. Right Anne?"
Mom just nodded smiling up at him. She always was the one to be blind to pricks.
"Yes Love, you are always right." She squealed and kissed his cheek.
"Well Anne, Robin. There;s your snack" She pointed to the grass. "You healthy nut jobs can eat your healthy grass but my grand-kids are gonna eat my goddamn cookies because is my house and I wont have no rude sonofav bitch boss me around and be disrespectful to me and my husband."
Robin grips his hold on our shoulder and I bite my bottom lip and Emmett whimpers a bit. Anne gasps and brings a hand to her chest shock written across her face.
Looking back at all of this I find it amusing and almost comical at how bad-ass our grandma was.
"Mother don't use that tone on us . Were your guest, wheres your hospitality?" Anne rubbed Robins arm an he let go of us.
"Well that's why I'm doing it, he said hes cutting back on sweet stuff. Now lets go inside because is my grandson's birthday and I want to celebrate before I hit the triple digits.
We all went inside and sang me Happy Birthday. Even back then I was awkward when it came to just standing there as people sing to me.
Soon that was over with I got to open gifts. Anne and Robin got me some action figure and video game for my Gameboy. My brother got me comic books which I still have.
Then came the gift that changed my life. It was my grandparents' gift.
" Ok sweetie I know you been wanting one of these for a while, and we think you are ready." Grandma said handing me a neatly wrapped box with a little bow on it and all.
"Thank you grandmaw grandpa," I grabbed the box and ripped open the wrapping paper. Inside was a Polaroid instant camera, it was black and back then it was the newest technology.
"No way you got me a camera! I wanted this so bad can we please please oh please go to the park so I can take pictures please oh please." I jumped around pleading and dancing a bit.
Robin sighed "Fine ill take the boys to the park before Harry gives me a headache. Plus I need to get out of here. Anne you coming right?" She nodded and off we went to the park.
When we got there Mom said that she was gonna get a dress from the boutique across the park and Robin and Emmett went to sit on the picnic tables.
Since I had practice on other peoples camera I felt like a pro at taking pictures. I walked around the park taking pictures and putting them on my backpack.
It was all going great till I saw him. The boy that changed my life.
He had light brown feathery hair, tan skin that glisten in the sun, and the most bluest eyes that were framed by black glasses. Even back then I knew he was perfect.
I sneakily hid behind a tree and watched him. He was sitting under another tree reading a book. He kept his eyebrows scrunched in concentration. I wanted to remember that moment so I took a photo and smiled when it came back perfect .
I took another and caught him staring at the sky. I put my camera in bag and decide to leave before he would caught me but even back then I was like Bambi on ice with my coordination.
I got up and walked 6 steps before collapsing on the floor and hitting my head on a root of a tree. Before I could catch myself I started bawling my eyes out.
"Hey are you...oh snap you're bleeding!. Wheres your mom?" I looked up and it was book boy. I tried to reply but all I did was cry even more.
I felt him hug me and use calming soothing words to try to calm me down "Is going to be ok , is going to be ok please don't cry" he ran his fingers through my hair and I tried but it wasn't working.
Then I felt it. His lips softly on mines and as quick as I felt them they were gone.
It worked my tears were gonzo and I just looked up at him. He had a big smile his making his eyes crinkle.
"Me mum says that kisses fix everything and look she was right. I'm going to get you some water ok? Ill be back."
I nodded and he left , I smiled because back then girls had cooties and every boy would of agreed.
"Harry! C'mon were fucking leaving now" Robin called out for me , he was dragging a weeping Emmett along by the arm "And you shut up , that's what you get for not obeying me when I told you to be quiet."
I got up and looked back hoping that I would get to say goodbye to my first friend here but he didn't come back fast enough. I ran up to Robin afraid to get punish just like Em and walked with him.
We got in the car and he started to drive.
"wheres mommy? Why are we leaving without her?" I asked worried
"shes going to meet us at the hotel because we wont stay with your grandparents because they are rude." he said as he drove
Suddenly Emmett gripped my hand and started crying shaking his head. He was more scared of Robin than I was. I guess since he was older Robin expected more of him.
"What did I say about crying you lil faggot. I swear don't make me pull over and kick your as-" That's when a truck came closer and everything became black.
A/N: so im making another story even though i havent uploaded my other ones in ages. Please tell me if you like this one and if i should upload more. i uploaded this before but i erased it by mistake.
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