Chapter 1
11 years later.
I get off the plane and walk to the baggage claim. Big bold red read WELCOME TO DONCASTER. I take a deep breath and run my fingers through the tangled mess of long curly mop I now call my hair.
"Well Harry you're back, lets hope it all goes swell".I say in a sarcastic hush tone. The ride here was hell, there was a kid who kept crying, the girl next to me wouldn't stop trying to touch me and the guy in the lane across wouldn't stop talking to the sock in his hand.
I see my bags coming and grab them. When I turn around I see him. The man that I obviously get my good looks and fashion sense from. My grandpa is standing there with a fedora hat and a Hawaiian silk shirt. He smiles when he sees me and I feel like a 6 year old again.
I run towards him and huggled him "Gramps!!!"i wrap my arms around his neck and smile. His scent making me feel of home. This was the first time I seen him since my 6th birthday.
"Whoa there son take it easy, I'm not as young as you remember" He hugs me tightly and pulls back but keeps his hands on my arms "Wow look at you all grown and tattooed up. Your grandma is gonna have a fit but you can take her head on" he then laughed a heartily laugh. Oh how I missed him. He smiles and I have to ask
"Hows Em? Why isn't he here?" I ask looking around for my big brother
"He's at school. His classes were early today. Which speaking of you start right away tomorrow." He says smugly as I groan internally.
"Fiiiine if it makes you and grandma happy. Does she know I'm here ? Wait does he know? Em?"
he laughs and shakes his head. "neither know and it was hard to keep it a secret I think your grandma thinks I'm a cheater"
I shake my head and walk back to my luggage and grab it . We then walk over to grandpas car.
"So how was living with Robin's sister for 10 years?" he asks looking to my side quickly before turning his head back to the road.
"Like living with a girl version of Robin" I say in a dreadful voice. Grandpa makes a sizzling sound and shakes his head.
"Well that's gonna be a lot of therapy" he laughs a heartily laugh and look at me. I join in the laughter and shake my head. "Yeah gramps I barely made it out alive."
We laugh and I see it. The street . The street that changed my life in many ways than one. 6th street .
"Stop the car please grandpa. Is it okay if I can walk around in the park? Maybe you can bring grandma to the park and we can surprise her there?"
I look at him pleadingly and he sighs and I smiled wide "Fine but behave Harold" I nod and hug him and grab my camera bag and wear it like a purse.
Grandpa leaves and I walk around the park and take shots with my new digital advance camera. I smile at the screen nodding my head in approval. I hear laughing and shouting from a distance and walk only to see a bunch of punk rockers / skater boys hanging out by the skate ramps.
"Hey Zack bring me the black paint spray can will you ?" I turn and look at the guy who was tannish and had long hair wavy like mines. He laughed and I recognized those dimples anywhere, those were the same dimples that I see when I smiled into the mirror.
I run towards him slipping a bit and when I reach him I tackle him. We both fall down with an oomph!. He gets up and glares at me. Is like he doesn't recognize me
"I'm gonna kill you tinker bell. I'm going to give you a beating that it will make you ancestors dizzy" I smirk and look up at him.
"Wow Em is that all you can come up on the spot? A quote from Mulan? I thought you would be better than that." I get up and brush the dust off my jeans. He huffs out even angrier but then he stops and looks at me. Really looks at me.
"Harry?" He asks confused and I smiled widely at him. "Took you long enough birdbrain"He engulfs in a hug and I just bury my face on his chest and sighs . Is been way too long . A sound of someone clearing their throat makes us move apart.
I turn around and saw a guy shorter than me. He had red dyed hair, an eyebrow pierced , snake bites, his septum pierced and his body was covered in tattoos. He looked like how Peter Pan would of look had he gone through his emo phase .
Emmet smiled and put an arm around my shoulders and punk Peter Pan. "Harry meet me best mate Louis . Louis meet me younger brother Harry." Peter p...Louis looks at my extended hand and hands Emmet a black paint spray can ."Don't waste it all or Zack will kill you" he then gets on his skateboard and goes down the pool looking ramp.
"He is much more fun once you get to know him." I roll my eyes and scoffs
"Im not interest in meeting some punk version of Peter Pan anyways. I have standards even for friends and your best mate doesn't meet them." I smile and snap a picture of Em. I then eye his hand.
"Um what are you doing with that can? You aren't going to tag a building ? You could get in serious problem...and the money I have is for food I ain't bailing your ass out of jail."
"No sweat lil bro just watch." He laughs and walks to the ramp and starts spraying it. I take pictures of him in different angles. Starting to walk backwards as I do so. Bad choice in my part. I stumble into something and im falling. Dammit my gazelle legs. I brace myself for getting hit in the head with the concrete. But it never comes.
I open my eyes and look up into the grayest eyes ever, those same eyes were surrounded by black eyeliner. He held me close as if were waltzing , one arm around my waist and the other supporting my head.
"LOUEEEEEE" A loud girly voice rang ,he stiffened and cleared his throat "Be more careful next time Bambi." he helped me stand on my two feet.
"Thanks for-ugh!" I am pushed by a manicured hand away and I turn around to see a browned hair girl suffocating erm I mean hugging Louis. She had brown flowing hair and was wearing a tight v-tank top that ties in the back and a short leather skirt. And goddamn how can she walk on those heels?
Behind her two girls stood checking the guys out.
"Danielle hun why are you here? Are you lost, the mall is on the other side of the city." Louis smiles at the girl and kept an arm around her.
"Hey I am Taylor and this is Briana . You must be new" The tallest of the two smiled her lips the reddest I ever seen . She had her hair in a high cheerleader ponytail.
" 'M Harry nice too meet you ladies" I smile and turn back to my camera and start snapping pictures.
A girl with frizzy hair that looked like Anne Hathaway' hair in the princess diaries came up to Peter Pan and his needy Wendy. She looked like Danielle except quieter and more shy.
"Oh my god Eleanor what do you want? I told you to wait on the car! You are embarrassing me" She shrieked so loud that birds in space could hear it. The girl flinches and put her hair in front of her face.
Everyone laughed but Louis, I detest bullying so I stepped up.
"How do you expect her to climb your car to get on your car? Is she a great climber. I think you mean in,you should like totally spell check your speech" I roll my eyes and walks towards the entrance of the park and look for grandpa and grandma.
As I wait I see it. The spot where I had my first kissed. It still looked the same. The tree was a vibrant green. It was uncanny at how child-like I felt like. I took a picture of the spot and smiled at it.
I came back and this time I will find him and wont let him walk away. My boy with the glasses and blue eyes and feathery brown hair. My tall prince in shinning armor.
"Oh John why in tarnation are we doing in a park you know I don't like interacting with the outside. My TV better tvo Doctor Who."
I turned around and saw my grandma and grandpa walking my way. She had a big garden hat and sunglasses on.
"You could always watch it on Netflix" I smile and she looks up at me and ripped her sunglasses off her face.
"My baby . Oh is it really you?"She covers her mouth and her eyes tears up a bit. I run to her and hug her tightly. I haven't had a real loving hug since i was 6 and it was from my grandma since mom didn't baby me because her boyfriend saying she was babying me. My aunt hated me and never showed me love either. But it was good to be home
Sorry guys for not updating in a while. I just got internet back and i can now update. I hope you enjoy it. Please comment because that might motivate me to get more ideas because i will feel like people actually enjoy my book.
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