Louis woke up the next morning, ready to start his day. He followed the same routine as every day: wake up, have breakfast and change into more school presentable clothes, wake up Elijah and Aiden, drop them off at day care and then get to school.
He picked up his kids from day care a little early as he just wanted to go home and spend some quality time with his kids.
"Ok boys! Let's take a bath and then we can play and watch movies?" Louis asked hia two three year olds.
They nodded at him with smiles that always warmed his heart. He grinned at them and then took them to the bathroom.
He proceeded to take off their clothes and then set them in the bath tub with a bath bomb. He sat near them on the toilet seat because they were too young to bath on their own.
Before he could register what was actually happening, a splash of water hit him in the face and hr gasped. As soon as his vision cleared a little he saw Elijah and Aiden trying to hold their laughs in.
"Oh no you didn't! Now the tickle monster's gonna get you!" Louis spoke in a monster-like voice....... Or at least he tried to.
He knew it was Aiden who did it, because Elijah hardly ever started their pillow or water fights.
Louis grabbed Aiden by his arm lightly, but still firmly enough so he wouldn't get out of his grip and began to tickle him. This resulted in him splashing water everywhere. Every now and then he would stop to let Elijah mix in on their game so he wouldn't feel left out.
"Daddy! Daddy STOOOOOOOP!" Aiden yelled in between his laughs.
"Hahahaha!! NEVEEEER!" Louis yelled equally as loud.
It was just a second later that Aiden suddenly closed his eyes and went limp in Louis' grip. Louis just started at him with his mouth wide open.
"Aiden? Bub? Open your eyes baby what's wrong?" He tried shaking him awake only to get no response.
"AIDEN!!" He now screamed in fear.
Moments later Aiden opened his eyes and started giggling.
Louis just stated at him in shock, too scared to say anything.
"Daddy! You're scared! Hehe." He said in between giggles.
Louis looked at Elijah for some kind of explanation, still too in shock to form a proper sentence.
"What's this Jah?" Louis asked him, finally able to find his voice.
"Tom 'nd Jelly Daddy!" Louis stared at him in confusion. Tom and Jerry? What's that supposed to mean?
"We shaw in Tom and Jelly Daddy. Jelly play dead and Tom shtop!" Elijah explained, still smiling a bit.
Louis looked at Aiden who was wearing the same expression as his brother........ So this is what its all about?
'He played dead just so I would atop tickling him!' Louis thought.
And this angered him to no extent! He knows he's just a kid and doesn't think things through but this was just too much.
"Who taught you to do that Aiden?" Louis asked as calmly as I could.
"Tom and Jelly Daddy." Elijah giggled again.
"IT'S NOT OKAY TO PLAY DEAD ELIJAH CHARLES!" Louis yelled at him. He has no idea why or how he did that.
He's never really shouted at them. Yes he has snubbed them with a strict tone but never actually shouted.
"It's something extremely dangerous Aiden. Do you have any idea how scared I was!? Do you even know what being dead even means!" I said with my voice still slightly raised.
"I'm sholly D-Daddy..." Elijah sniffled. Louis looked at him to see his lower lip trembling before he full on bursted out crying.
This snapped the feathery haired lad out of his panicked trance and he realised what he had actually done. He had yelled at Elijah when it wasn't even his fault!
"Oh God! Oh I'm so sorry peanut!" He tried soothing his son and picked him up in his arms.
He's always been the sensitive kid. Of course he got it from his father.
Louis looked at Aiden to find him staring at him with wide eyes. He was probably shocked from his father's little out burst.
Louis continued to sooth Elijah, a few of my his own tears spilling.
After he had calmed down, Louis looked at his red rimmed eyes, which literally shattered his
"Peanut I'm so sorry. Being dead is very serious baby. If someone dies....... They never come back. I don't want to loose you baby. Do you forgive Daddy?" Louis asked him with a soft voice. He nodded and rubbed his eyes.
Louis smiled lightly and kissed his forehead. He then hugged him tighter and motioned Aiden to join their hug.
They stayed there for a little while. The three of them hugging each other. Aiden and Elijah still dripping wet but Louis couldn't bring himself to care.
"Alright let's get out of the bath and take a nap, Yeah?" He asked and they nodded.
"Sorry Daddy..." Aiden said in a small voice.
"I'm sorry too bub." Louis
smiled lightly.
After they were dried and changed into their pajamas. Louis put them to bed and they were asleep almost instantly.
He walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water and just then his phone rang. The caller i.d making him smile.
"You know if someone gives you their number, it's always polite to call or text 'em..."
Was the first thing Harry said.
"Oh umm...... I'm sorry. Was just a little busy." Louis murmured, now embarrassed on the fact that he didn't text Harry and he was the one actually dying to talk to him.
"'s alright babe. So tell me you free on Sunday?"
"I am, Yeah. Why? Everything alright?"
"Yep! Everything's perfect....... I uh- I wanted to take you on a date this Sunday. You think you could make it?" Harry asked him, now suddenly a little nervous.
"Like a proper date? I mean just the two of us?" Louis asked him wide eyed, glad that Harry couldn't see his face.
"Uh- yeah, thought we should do something together....."
"Um.... Yeah sure why not. I'm sure it'll be fun." Louis exclaimed, nervously twiddling with the hem of his shirt.
"Oh great! That's great! So I'll see you on Sunday? At my place?" Harry asked now relieved that Louis didn't say no.
"Sure I'll see you then!" Louis said excitedly, not really believing that this was actually happening.
"Alright then, bye babe."
And with that they hung up.
That night both the men went to sleep with smiles on their faces and eagerness flowing through their bodies.
The picture in the media makes me wanna cry..... :'(
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