Chapter 27

I think you're gonna like this  chapter. Louis and Harry are on their way to getting back together.

Most of you haven't read chapter 26 so I suggest you do that.

~2 months later~

Louis ran around the kitchen helping Niall get everything ready before the guests arrived.

Expertly cutting chicken into fine cubes while Niall was busy frying vegetables.

“Niall could you chop up some garlic for me?"  Louis asked as he stepped around Niall to grab something.


As soon as Niall started chopping the garlic, the smell hit Louis and he suddenly felt nauseous.

He gagged once, confirming his thoughts and ran to the bathroom, a hand over his mouth.

He leaned over the toilet and emptied his stomach contents.

Niall was by his side in a few moments and rubbing his back soothingly, removing his fringe from his eyes.

Once Louis was done throwing his guts out he leaned against the cold tiled wall, sucking in a sharp breath.

He looked up at Niall, tears brimming in his eyes, not because of the reason of his sickness but because his throat felt as if it was on fire.

Niall looked down at his brunette friend with an unreadable expression.

Louis sighed as he got up to the sink and proceeded to brush his teeth.

“You Okay Lou?" Niall said with a taunting voice.

“Yeah I'm fine." Louis answered flatly.

“For how many days have you been throwing up Louis?" Niall asked.

“What do you mean, how many days? This is the first time." Louis mumbled around his toothbrush.

“Is this what I think it is Louis?"

“And what do you think ‘it' is Niall?" Louis challenged.

Niall sighed loudly and then looked Louis dead in the eye;
“Are you pregnant Louis?"

“I said I'm fine Niall." Louis answered through gritted teeth, effectively dismissing the conversation and walked out.

The decorations were set, the food was ready, the table laid out and the customised cake in the fridge.

He was all set for the twins fourth birthday.

Of course Louis had no intentions of inviting Harry but Elijah had flat out refused to even have a birthday party if Harry wasn't there.

The kid was seriously worrying Louis. Sometimes even didn't want to go to bed without talking to Harry on the phone because Harry was always there to give him a goodnight kiss before all of it went downhill.

“Daddy!" Aiden came screaming down while Elijah walked silently and slowly behind him.

Despite a few changes in his behavior, Elijah was still a relatively calm and collected child.

“He buddy! You ready for your birthday." Louis asked back as enthusiastically.

“Yeah Daddy! I'm a big boy!" Aiden almost screamed.

His kid really needed to tone it down on the screaming.

“Yes you are baby. So big now." Louis smiled softly as he softly stroked Aiden's cheek.

He turned his attention to Elijah who was looking around. Probably at the decorations.

“You excited too buddy?" Louis asked as he hugged Elijah.

“Yesh Daddy!" Elijah smiled.

Louis smiled encouragingly, and was about to reply when Niall's voice interrupted him.

“Lou I think the chicken is ready."

“Okay, why don't you two go sit in the living room. You're friends from daycare will be here soon." Louis said as he got up.

He was planning on enrolling them in a school soon since they were four now, most probably in his own school.

Of course Elijah was waiting for Harry.

“Daddy? Where is Daddy?"

“I'm right here bub." Louis petted his son's hair.

“No. Hally." Elijah said as he looked into Louis' eyes.

He hadn't stopped calling Harry Daddy. And frankly, Louis didn't have the heart to stop him from doing so.

His heart was feeling a tug every time Jah called Harry his dad.

“I'm sure he'll be here soon baby."

“Call Daddy?" Elijah asked.

Louis sighed but pulled out his phone nonetheless.

The phone ringed but immediately went to voice mail.

“I think he's a bit busy right now baby. Why don't you go play with your friends for now?"

Elijah nodded and got off the couch and skipped towards his friends.

The party went well after that.

Elijah only asked once more for Harry and Louis called again but still got no response.

It was about 11 at night and Louis and Niall were almost done cleaning the house when the doorbell rang.

Louis looked over at Niall and frowned, not expecting any company at this time but walked to the door nonetheless.

The door bell rang again.

“I'm coming!" Louis said as he walked to the door.

And to his surprise, found Harry and Liam at the door.

“Hey. Sorry I couldn't make it to the party, got a little stuck. Are Jah and Aiden still awake?" Harry asked.

And Louis could now see Harry holding on to two big wrapped boxes.

“Yeah. They're in their room." Louis opened the door wider to allow both men inside.

“You know it's their birthday and you know damn well how much Elijah wanted you here. The least you could have done was to be here on time." Louis said somewhat annoyed.

“Soory. We got caught up." Harry answered as he made his way to the twin's room.

Liam came over to Niall and softly pecked his lips.

Niall hadn't made much of a deal with their jobs.

He was pissed off for the first month but then slowly opened up to the idea.

“Why do you smell like gun powder? Niall frowned as he pulled away from his boyfriend's lips.

Yes boyfriend, Liam had officially asked him out the previously week.

Harry halted in his steps as soon as he heard those words, looked back over his shoulder but then continued on his way.

“Why is he limping?" Louis asked Liam as he noticed an obvious limp in the man's step.

“Uh...... Why don't we wait till Harry's back?" Liam offered.

Louis sighed but still nodded. Niall moved to the kitchen to make then all some tea, somehow feeling it was gonna be a long night.

Harry came downstairs after quite some time and walked towards Liam.

“Let's go Liam. It's getting la-"
He couldn't even get to finish his sentence as his legs suddenly gave out and he fell forward.

He would have landed face first but Liam luckily caught a hold of him.

Harry grunted in pain when he mad a hard contact with Liam.

“Well now that the adrenaline is gone, it's really catching up to you, isn't it?" Liam mocked his friend as he walked him to the kitchen, more like dragged.

“Liam." Harry warned but Liam paid no mind to him as he lightly pushed him down on the bar stool.

Liam pressed on the side of Harry's thigh and Harry's breath audibly hitched.

“Fucking Hell." Liam gritted as he unbuttoned Harry's jeans and began to push them down.

“Liam. Leave it. I'm alright." Harry spoke calmly as he tried to convince Liam that he was fine.

“Shut up Harry. Lift up." Liam said once more as he continued to pull his friend's pants down.

Harry sighed but lifted his bum up from the stool a little as Liam effectively pulled his pants down to his knees.

Harry, thankfully wearing black boxers underneath.

Louis and Niall looked at each other giving the ‘what the fuck is going on' look.

Liam stepped a little back, and Louis could now see what it was all about.

Harry had a gauze wrapped around his thing with blood stains on it.

“I think the wound is opening again.... Louis do you have have the proper stuff so I could stitch it?" Liam added after a little thought.

Louis looked at the brown eyed lad confused for a few moments but then nodded and went to fetch his first aid kit.

Louis returned shortly after and placed the kit on the counter.

“Liam please tell me what's going on?" Louis asked, now worries for his lover.

Yes him and Harry were fighting but Louis still had an undying love for the man.

“A drug deal went wrong. The bastards opened out fire in the midst of it." Liam answers as he helped Harry lay in the couch and pulled his pants down completely.

“Opened fire!? Like shot at you guys." Louis exclaimed loudly.

“Yes Lou. They shot at us. This man here was however persistent on making them pay so he himself got shot." Liam exclaimed as he laid out the stuff needed.

“He got shot by a bullet!?" Louis three his hands in the air.

“What else do you get shot by Louis?" Liam gave him a ‘duh' look.

“Now if you don't want blood stains on your sofa, I suggest you get me a sheet to lay beneath him." Liam said dismissively.

Louis soon got him a sheet still looking a little shook. But still stood beside him of he could be of any help.

“Okay man, I don't have anything to give you as an anesthesia so you gotta deal with the pain." Liam looked apologetically at Harry but continued when Harry gave him a nod.

Louis and Niall almost gagged when Liam unwrapped the gauze, seeing the sickening bullet wound.

Harry's grunts, curses and hisses were heard for a lot longer until Liam was done with him.

“This should hold up until we go to a hospital in the morning." Liam said as he wiped his bloodied hands on the sheets.

“‘Until you go to a hospital?' You haven't taken him to a hospital yet? What is wrong with you guys?" Louis asked with a disbelieving tone.

“Hey I was literally begging him to go to a hospital, but he wanted to come see the boys before their birthday was over." Liam raised his hands defensively.

“Stop listening to him Liam. He's an idiot." Louis said as he handed Harry a glass of water along with some pain killers.

“I just wanted to see them before their birthday was over. I promised them I would be here." Harry said as he accepted the meds.

Louis looked at him for a moment, his heart painfully tugging.

His heart filling with warmth and discomfort at the same time.

“We should get going. It's getting late." Harry said as he was helped by Liam to stand up.

“Absolutely not. You aren't going home at this hour. Who's gonna even drive? Liam looks like he's read to fall face first of tiredness and you can barely move your leg. You both are staying here for the night." Louis said, leaving no room for an argument.

So Liam retired to the guest room with Niall while Louis helped Harry to his bedroom.

Once In the bedroom, Harry moved towards the couch but Louis stopped him before he made it to it.

“What are you doing?"

“I'm sleeping....... On the couch?" Harry answered but it came out as a question.

“With that leg? Jesus help me!" Louis exclaimed.

“Get your ass on the bed Harry." Louis said as he lightly pushed him towards it.

Harry was about to protest, thinking Louis would take the couch but shut his mouth once Louis started slipping under the sheets.

“Good night Harry." Louis yawned and shut his eyes.

“Good night love." Harry spoke softly and made himself comfortable to go to sleep.

Meanwhile Niall was laying in the bed when Liam came out of the washroom after washing his hands.

“You okay?" Niall cupped Liam's cheek as the taller lad laid beside him.

“Yeah I'm okay. Don't worry about it." Liam smiled softly.

“How did you even learn all that doctor stuff?" Niall asked chuckling.

“A basic medical course. I thought it would be helpful for a job like this."

“Well it was hot! I think I'm gonna call you Dr.Payne in bed next time." Niall grinned.

“You're unbelievable!" Liam threw his head back in laughter.

“But you definitely should. It'd be sexy." Liam pecked Niall once more before the too settled to sleep.


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