Chapter: 21

Chapter dedicated to LiSa05300

Also to Larry_4_life_1021 for the comments.

I love you all!!

Once Harry was out of sight, Louis turned to Liam and raised an eyebrow.

"What was all that about?"

"What?" Liam tried to play dumb.

"All three of you have a 'panicked' look on your face. Is something wrong?" Louis tried again.

"No. There's nothing wrong. Don't worry about it." Liam gave him a fake smile.

"Okay then...... I never really got the chance to ask, but, what do you do Liam?"

"I also work with Harry's uncle." Liam blurted out quickly but then mentally face palmed himself.

"And what exactly does Harry's uncle do?" Louis pressed.

Before Liam could answer, Louis' phone rang.

"Hold that thought." Louis said as he picked up his phone and looked at the unknown number.

"Hello?" He asked.

Liam nervously twiddled with his fingers, thinking they almost got caught.

"Yes, this is him." Louis continued, as Liam listened to only a once sided conversation.

"Um.... Yeah he is my friend. Who are you? What's going on?"

Louis suddenly gasped and Liam looked at him with a raised eyebrow?

"Oh God! Is he okay?"

"Louis what's wrong?" Liam interrupted his conversation.

Louis held out a hand to stop him from talking further.

"Yes okay I'll be there."

Louis hung up and immediately stood up as he called for Harry.

"Louis is everything alright?" Liam asked in hopes of getting an answer from the panicked boy.

"It's Niall, Liam."

"What about Niall?" Liam asked, his own heartbeat quickening.

"He's in the Hospital Liam! Oh God!............. HARRY!" Louis shouted.

It was like Liam's heart stopped beating for a minute.

Niall was in the hospital, while he was pregnant with his kid. And now judging by the way Louis was panicking, he was sure it was something bad.

"Louis why is he in the hospital? Is he okay?" Liam's voice now held clear panic.

Just then Harry entered the room and walked over to Louis.

"Babe, what's wrong?" the Cheshire lad asked as he cupped his boyfriend's face.

"Niall's in the hospital Harry....... He got in an accident."

Harry and Liam froze at hearing the news.

"The hospital just called. He was brought in by an ambulance. I need to be there Harry. Things are not looking good." Louis rambled.

"Hey, calm down love, what hospital is he in?" Harry soothed him.

"St.Joseph's. I need to go. Will you please look after the kids?" Louis asked moving out of Harry's embrace and walking towards the door.

"Yeah I will. But are you okay to drive?" Harry asked, now concerned about Louis' safety.

"Yeah don't worry about me." Louis called over his shoulder as he walked out the door heading towards his car.

Meanwhile, Liam stood stuck in his spot, processing everything.

Niall was in an accident.

An accident while he was pregnant.

He had no idea how severe the accident was. But the fact that Niall was brought in by ambulance meant something was really wrong.

He was now more nervous than ever.

Yes he had told Niall to abort, but now that he thought about it, it was kind of like a heat in the moment kind of thing.

But now, he was worried for both Niall and the baby.

His baby.

How unlucky was Liam.

He had just found out about a boy that he liked was having his child, but now that boy got into an accident.

Things didn't look pretty.

He wasn't even sure if Niall was even alive right now.

Liam quickly shook his head trying to get rid if the horrible thoughts.

A few moments passed with Liam just staring at the ground until Harry spoke up;

"You alright mate?"

"Huh?" Liam asked again since he wasn't paying any attention to his surroundings.

"I asked if you were okay Liam?" Harry repeats.

"I..... I don't know." Liam still looked a bit fazed.

"Here, sit down...." Harry lightly pushed his towards one of the chairs.

"Do you need some water?" Harry asked.

"My life is so fucked up Harry." Liam looked at his best friend.

"Don't think that Liam. I'm sure everything will be alright."

"But I just found out a week a ago that he was pregnant with my kid! First I open my big mouth and tell him to get an abortion. How stupid am I? Then he tells me to stay out of his and his baby's life, and now he gets in an accident. Which I still don't know how severe it was. I mean what the fuck is going in with my life. Why did this all happen to me?"
Liam finally took a breath, panting a little.

Harry had no idea what to say so he just rubbed a comforting had on the stressed out lads back and whispered;

"Let's just hope Niall and the baby are okay."


Meanwhile Louis was driving like a mad man towards the hospital.

He climbed out of his car before it could even come to a full stop, while hurriedly looking the car over his shoulder.

He reached the reception desk panting;

"Niall Horan? He was brought in from an accident."

The receptionist looked down at her computer typing silently and then pointing to a hallway;

"He's in room number 67, ground floor. It's just down the hall."

Louis muttered a quick thank you as he rushed towards the room.

When he opened the door, he saw something that made his heart stop for a moment;

There was Niall, lying on the hospital bed, seeming lifeless, a bandage wrapped around his head and a tube up his nose.

The doctor looked at Louis once he heard the door open and furrowed his eyebrows;

"May I help you?"

Louis stared at him for a few seconds before he finally found his words;

"I..... I'm Louis Tomlinson. I was called for my friend." he said pointing at Niall.

"Oh Mr.Tomlinson. Will you please step out in the hallway with me?" the doctor asked as he gestured towards the door.

Louis slowly nodded as he backed away.

The doctor turned to him once the door was closed;

"So your friend, Mr.Horan was brought in by an ambulance from a hit and run scene. He was reportedly hit by a truck while in his car."

Louis shook his head wanting to know something else;

"Is he alright doctor? Him and his baby?"

"Yes he is alive and yes he was pregnant when brought in."

"I need to know how hurt he is!" Louis exclaimed.

"This was a hit and run case by a vehicle that was supposedly caring illegal matter. So for now I can't relay any other information other than that your friend is alive. If you will please go to the scene and talk to the police."

Louis wanted to bash his face in the wall.

His friend was in a bed all bandaged up and they wanted him to talk to the police.

Louis reluctantly nodded and walked to his car after receiving the location of the scene, silently cursing at everyone.

Once he reached his destination, he saw a police car and a few officers quietly chatting.

Once he stepped closer, what he saw made him halt in his steps;

That was what was left of Niall's car.

With slow agonizing steps he walked towards the police officers;

"H-hey.... I'm Louis Tomlinson. I was called here?"

After a few minutes of the police officers asking him questions about Niall and asking him what Niall was doing in this area, they finally allowed him to go, providing some information about the accident.

Louis reached the hospital and once again met the doctor.

"Doctor, I need to know how bad is he?"

"Well Mr.Tomlinson, your friend has a broken arm, a minor head injury and a few cuts and bruises on his chest and back. It looks like the seatbelt wasn't able to hold him back and he hit his head in the steering wheel."

"And the baby?" Louis asked.

And Louis wasn't sure if he wanted the answer or not.

Dun Dun Dun!!!!!!!

Cliff hanger?

*evil laugh*

Bet you didn't see that coming, or did you?

Anyway I'm sorry for the late update. These exams are sucking the life out of me.

I'll update more frequently once they're over.

So 100+votes on story and 40+ comments on this chapter?

P.S: I'm actually contemplating what to do with the baby.....


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