The Hoe Story
I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to put this. I've had this idea and I needed to do something with it!
Okay, so if you weren't aware, Wicked_Annabella and Chicken_Hoe are married. Grace is my daughter, apparently. That makes Elisa my daughter in law. I guess Alex Turner is probably my son and law too, then, idk. Im probably connected to the Gallagher boys somehow, too. Anyways, this is at least the story of where Grace came from. Ignore the fact I refer to myself in the third person.
Lily was very bored one winter afternoon, as she just sat in her bedroom, sipping at her glass of cranberry juice, which interestingly enough is her favorite drink. She just stared at her wall full of posters of old and dead guys, and then finally she decided to stand up and move her her lazy ass.
Hmm, maybe if I go for a walk or something, my boredom will be alleviated. She thought.
However, she was side tracked by a sight on her old bookshelf. It was her favorite album, Here Come the Warm Jets by Brian Eno. Man, what I would do to go back in time and meet him. I wonder if I would be his type, if you know what I mean.
Finally, she remembered that time machine she and her friend, twiggs3075 had been working on. By virtue of some magic she had received from her other friend, PilotOfTheStorm , she teleported herself right to her residence. Lily knocked on the door, and naturally twiggs3075 opened up for her.
"Yes, Lily, I know what you're here for," she said.
"Oh, good! I'm glad I didn't have to explain my plan," Lily laughed.
twiggs3075 directed Lily to the Machine, and she saw the Great Floating Eno Head attached to the time machine.
"Let's do this, GFEH!" Lily said. Yeah, she had an annoying tendency to overuse acronyms.
"What year are we going off to?" he asked.
"Um, let's head off to 1973, shall we?" Lily responded. Naturally, he complied. twiggs3075 waved off Lily as she left. Along the way though, The Great Floating Eno Head low key realized that Lily was going after his younger self, so he decided to mess things up a bit by just leaving her in some random attic.
"Good luck, sassy pants!" he said in a quite petty sort of way, but not quite Holly (JohnsGirl11 ) petty, though.
Fortunately for Lily though, the attic just so happened to be Brian Eno's attic, so, same difference. She eyed around to try to find some indication of what year it was, and fortunately there was a new calendar left up there denoting it as 1966.
"Let's see, he would be 17 right now and attending art school! Perfect!" Lily clapped her hands at her extreme fortune.
However, she was still stuck up in the attic.
However, she heard the attic door swing open, and steps coming up the ladder, "Hello?"
It was Brian, of course.
Three Weeks Later
Lily and Brian had the opportunity to get extremely close, considering that to Brian, Lily was the mysterious girl he found in his attic. So, by some weird logic, he decided that Lily was his girlfriend now. She was totally okay with that, though. One day, though, when Brian came home from school, he found Lily just laying down on the couch, crying and drowning her sadness in chocolate ice cream.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"I'm scared I'll never get to go home," she cried.
Brian came up and hugged her, "I was afraid you'd eventually feel like that. Well, I'll have you know that I know of a special ceremony that will send you back to your own time."
"Oh, that's perfect!" she declared.
He led her to the backyard, and he lit two candles, and then said, "Um, we need a goat for the ceremony. You know, come to think of it, the goat is optional, never mind."
So, Brian and Lily danced around the candles, and then Lily said, "Wait, the ceremony is over, so why am I not home?"
"Hmm, I guess we did need the goat," Brian said, "Well, I guess I'll just eat ice cream with you, then."
However, they had performed something totally different.
The Next Morning
The next day, Lily woke up in Brian's arms (yeah, his parents weren't okay with this at all), by the sound of a baby and a guy playing saxophone.
"What the hell?!" she screamed. She ran down the stairs right away, and saw in the backyard a guy dressed in a bright green costume playing saxophone with an oboe at his side, and a tiny baby swaddled with a triangle.
"Hi! I'm Andy Mackay, Lily. I'm your son, apparently," he said proudly. "This baby here is your daughter, you can name her whatever you want."
"Uhhh," Lily moaned. Brian ran right behind her into the backyard and saw the pair. "Brian, apparently we just had two children last night."
"Um, Lily, you can't have sex one night and then immediately have a full grown man be your son and a little baby be your daughter, that's impossible."
"I think our little candle dance in possible combination with the sex brought about Andy and his little sister."
Andy declared, "So, ma and pa, what's her name?"
"Um, how about Grace, that sounds nice!" Lily said.
Andy picked up his instruments and said, "Well, good bye now. Considering the stock that brought us got confused and accidentally decided to bring me, a grown man, you have a child that sadly must leave you."
"Oh, that sucks," Lily said.
So, Andy left Lily, Brian, and Grace to pursue his own adventures, temporarily at least. Somewhere along the line, Lily got transported back to her own time, and Grace got transported to Australia. She went on to start her own family with Elisa adopting their own kids, which naturally they can tell you more about.
Hey, I'm totally open to adopting more children into this family as my own, either that or you could be somehow related to us.
I hope you liked this little tale of the beginning of the Hoe family, well, kind off....
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