Chapter 33: Zaeef.
"I love you,
I love her,
I love him,
I love them.
Did you ever say;
I love me?"
Iftari was dragging and Aanabia felt restless. She knew she should not be since Yahyah had called Nahal and told her that Yazdan was fine. But she still felt restless. I need to see him.
"Let's go, let's go!" Nahal rushed her out as soon as they were done with Magrib Salaat. The two of them got into their car and Nahal drove off. An hour and a lot of traffic later, they stood in front of a large building that read Kingston Hospitals. Nahal walked up the steps and Aanabia followed. She was dressed in a navy blue dress and jeans, paired with sneakers and navy blue chiffon Hijab. She happened to like those Hijabs a lot. They were comfortable.
"Nahal?" Nahal looked over her shoulder to her sister who was fidgeting as she climbed up.
"I am scared" the phrase sounded so foreign to say for Aanabia. She was scared of things like spiders and heights. But being scared to face Yazdan, a person was something she was unfamiliar with. Nahal smiled at her and held out her hand.
"Let's hold hands" she said and Aanabia gladly took it, before the two walked into the hospital buildings. Nahal knew the room he was in so they walked towards the elevators. Aanabia clenched her free hand as they entered the elevators. Oh Allah, please let him be fine. Pretty please!
"We are here" she didn't even realize they were moving up! The two walked out of the elevators and Nahal pulled her towards the end of the hall. The walls were painted mint green and the doors were white, giving it the whole Hospital look. Finally Nahal stopped in front of a hall (yes another hall in a legit hall) that read 214. She threw a smile over her shoulder to Aanabia.
"Come on in"
Aanabia clenched both her hands and took slow steps towards the hall. The door was open and she heard people talking and few chuckles here and there. She peered into the room to see it packed with people. Not exactly jam packed but there were a few unfamiliar faces. Maybe they came to visit the other people here?
"Aanabia!" she turned to see Zaiha smiling at her. She walked over to her and said her salaams. Zaiha asked her about school and what not, until Aanabia caught sight of Saher. She smiled at her. Thank You Saher.
"Thank you, darling. Had it not been for you, lord knows what my son would have suffered" a woman dressed in a white kurti and peach Hijab told her. Saher smiled at her, before placing her hands over the woman's, which were on Saher's cheeks.
"It is okay, Aunty. Anything for Yazdan" she smiled and Aanabia stared at them. Who is she and why is she addressing Yazdan as her son?
"Aanabia?" she snapped out of her trance and turned to see her mother smiling at her. Hifzah hugged her daughter and smiled slightly.
"Did you eat?" she asked and Aanabia nodded. Barely but I did eat.
"You should go see Yazdan. Yahyah is inside with him and Nahal just went" she informed her and Aanabia nodded, giving a forced smile. How do I see him? Why is it so awkward suddenly?
"Is this your daughter, Hifzah?" Aanabia turned to see the same woman from before smiling brightly at her.
"Yes. My oldest one. You have met Nahal I assume?" the woman nodded. She smiled at Aanabia before pulling her into a hug.
"As salaam alaikum" Aanabia managed to say as she was being pulled. The woman let out a small laugh and replied to her salutations. She let go and turned to Hifzah.
"Your daughters are beautiful, Hifzah" she complimented and Hifzah let out a small laugh.
"Your children are amazing. Yazdan is such an amazing child" Yazdan? Hifzah then turned to Aanabia. "Ah yes. This is Yazdan's mother, Qaidah Zaeef" Zaeef. I know that na- You've got to be kidding me!
Aanabia looked up to her with a tight smile.
"Nice to meet you, Ma'am"
"Call me Aunty or something, dearest" Aanabia nodded before turning to her mother.
"I will go see uh.... Yazdan." She told her mother before quickly adding. "And Yahyah" Her mother nodded and pointed towards the room. Aanabia thanked her and smiled at Qaidah before leaving.
Qaidah watched her leave with fascination. She then concluded that this girl was something else. Either it is the way she was talking or the way she was dressed or her mannerisms. She was different and it was clear that she was nervous around Qaidah. Qaidah smiled at her mother.
Aanabia took careful steps towards the room. She noticed there were only 3 doors in this huge hall. 214a, 214b and 214c. Yazdan's was 214b. She stared at the door, long and hard before pulling out her phone and tapping into google. 'Yazdan Zaeef' she typed and immediately, thousands of results followed.
'Mohammed Yazdan Zaeef. (2nd child of the Zaeef Dynasty)
Age: 27.
Height: 185cm.
Nationality: Australian.
Career: Architect. (CEO of Zaeef Architecture Ltd.)
Marital Status: Single.
Aanabia stared at her phone. This person is so famous that he has an entire page dedicated to him? What even? She sighed and switched the screen of her phone off. Should I go in and talk? Or no? How do I even talk to him? He is so freaking RICH! She read through some other articles about him and his siblings. She finally clicked on the picture of all of them together and realized that the twins she met were his brothers. She mentally face palmed and whined.
Why did I fall for someone wayyyy out of my league? She heaved a sigh and leaned onto the wall opposite the door. Go in and face the music or go home and regret?
Finally she mustered the courage and knocked on the door. Yahyah opened the door and grinned when he saw her. Why is he so happy?
"We were awaiting you" Aanabia raised an eyebrow and let out a small smile.
"Then may I come in?" she asked and Yahyah nodded, stepping away. He looked around the door and saw no one before closing it behind him. Aanabia walked into the room that was dimly lit. She looked over to the bed to see Yazdan seated with IV's in his arms and Nahal beside him. When Nahal saw her, she stood up. Her heart clenched familiarly upon seeing him.
"As salaam alaikum" Aanabia said, a little bit too awkwardly. Yahyah got the hint and grinned at Nahal.
"Nahal, there is something we need to discuss." He said and Nahal raised her eyebrows.
"Discuss? Pretty su-" she started when she caught the annoyed gaze of Yahyah. She then realized the two needed to talk. She let out an awkward laugh. "Uh. Pretty sure it is about the Ibrahim deal. Right?" Yahyah managed to nod. The two then walked towards the end of the room, before walking out to the balcony attached to the room. The large glass doors were slightly open so that they could keep an eye on the two inside and vice versa.
All this while, Yazdan and Aanabia stared at them with amused looks. They cannot even act. Good lord. They suck. Yazdan cleared his throat and Aanabia turned to him with slight wide eyes.
"How are you?" she asked him and he smiled at her, his smile doing weird things to her heart. She unconsciously placed a hand over her chest. Yazdan saw this but chose not to comment.
"Thank you"
"Not letting my head hit the pavement. I would have suffered a whole lot more if that happened" he said and she smiled at him.
"It's nothing. Why were you running after me anyway?" she asked and Yazdan rubbed his neck before wincing in pain when the cannula of the IV hurt his hand tissues. Aanabia winced with him at the pain. Am I supposed to feel pain at his pain? Or am I just plain abnormal?
"Uh.... I wanted to ask you something?" he made it sound like a question and Aanabia raised an eyebrow. Ask me something?
"Sure. I guess"
"How sure are you about me?" Aanabia's eyes widened in slow motion before she looked away, hiding the blush that coated her cheeks.
"Tell me Aanabia" She kept silent. I was a 2000% sure a while ago. But that was before I found out what family you belong to!
Yazdan mistook her silence as an answer, ALOT.
"You don't know the first thing about me" she heard him say.
Yeah I know. No need to rub it in. Jeez.
"I know"
"Which is why, you can ask whatever you want to know" Her eyes snapped up from her fidgeting hands to meet his gray ones. He smiled slightly at her.
"Why didn't you tell me your surname?" she asked in a low voice and Yazdan instantly knew what this was about. He let out a small smile.
"I thought you knew"
"You always said Yazdan only" she replied and he let out a small laugh.
"I did not think my surname was important. You said you liked me for me. What happened to that? Are you backing out because of my surname?" he challenged her and her eyes snapped back at him. She glared at him. Oh so this is what he thought? Well, you got it wrong!
"You think?" she smirked and he grinned at her.
"Good. Now tell me, how much do you like me?" She looked at him as if he were crazy. Maybe he is? Who knows?
"Why do you ask that?" she asked him, looking up to meet his gray eyes (again because somehow she manages to divert them after a few seconds. His gaze is too intense for her to hold onto anyway). They were silver and glinted against the ceiling lights.
"Because I am about to tell you things you need to know about me before deciding whether you like me or not" I don't like you, Yazdan Rashad- I mean Zaeef, I love you. There is a MAJOR difference.
"Which is?"
"I have diabetes Type 1 which is why I am here. I am on regular insulin shots" She turned to Yazdan while rolling her eyes.
"This is what happens when you don't take care of yourself. You end up here" she said the last word gesturing to the room and the machines he was plugged in. He let out a small laugh.
"You not bothered that I have diabetes?"
"Its type 1. You had nothing to do with it. What's the next thing on your agenda?" she grinned at him and just like that, she was back to her usual self with Yazdan Rash- Zaeef. Zaeef, Aanabia. He is a Zaeef. And just because he is, I am not giving up. I have come a long way, jeez.
"I am adopted"
I am OBSESSED with Heartbeat by BTS for BTS WORLD. If you did not hear it, hear it ASAP because Jimin Vocals are killing me there. haha.
Update. Do not kill me just yet. (You want to know what happens next, darlings. hahaha)
I love you guys.
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