Episode 10 a decisive battle
Date Friday, September 12th, 2014
time 2:30 pm
It had been two days since skyway patrol has been found guilty. They were still suffering much damage by the aftermath. Even the public apology might not be enough for the masses or even the people who were victims of their irresponsibility. They might even consider listening to dr Wakeman,
location the Wakeman residence
meanwhile, dr Wakeman called Tyler and jenny down to the basement for a meeting, discussing the recent events, including giving Tyler a way he can fight against the cluster empire more efficiently with firebird out of commission, with a new weapon
"so, mom," said Jenny, "what did you want us down here for?"
"to discuss what's to come, XJ9," said dr Wakeman turning to Tyler "as for you, young man, I think I may have devised a way for you be able to fight the cluster drones more often,"
"what might that be, dr Wakeman?" asked Tyler
"I have spent all day yesterday crafting you a weapon," explained dr Wakeman, then grabbing a specially crafted gun from her desk, showing it to Tyler
"a gun?" asked Tyler, "you're giving me a gun?"
"not just a gun, young man," said dr Wakeman "this gun fires plasma energy rounds"
"a plasma gun, mom?" asked jenny
"one of the skyway patrol's primary weapons, I even had one of my own," explained dr Wakeman "this one, however, is custom-crafted. The normal skyway weapons use lasers for their guns, this pistol uses plasma energy rounds, the same energy used to power armagedroid,"
"plasma energy powered armagedroid?" asked Tyler, Jenny answered Tyler's question by nodding to him
"yes, young man," said dr Wakeman, "back then, you see, ever since retiring from skyway patrol, I have been studying and experimenting on how to harness plasma energy for my many future projects, the energy that powers XJ9, however, is different,"
"in what way, dr Wakeman?" asked Tyler, curious
"I'll certainly answer your question if XJ9 doesn't mind," replied dr Wakeman
"not at all, mom," said jenny
"The energy that powers xj9, you see, is a hydronium-electric hybrid type of energy," explained dr Wakeman
"a hydronium-electric hybrid type power source!?" yelped Tyler
"Indeed, young man," said dr Wakeman, "I've been studying that for years and was finally able to harness that exceptional type of energy while working on the XJ series of robots,"
"and what about firebird's energy?" asked Tyler
"I never gave up on that," dr Wakeman, "but in any other case, with this gun, you should be able to blast vexus' minions with these plasma energy rounds," she then handed the plasma pistol to Tyler
"thank you, dr Wakeman," said Tyler, "but any upgrades on jenny?"
"umm..." thought Jenny, "that's hard to say, I mean, I can bring up all sorts of weapons, gadgets and everything,"
"yeah, you're already a freaking walking arsenal, jenny!" said Tyler "what more could one ask for?"
"I know, right?!" said jenny
"Indeed, but there's always room for improvement, young man," Said dr Wakeman
"speaking of improvement," said Tyler, "how is firebird?"
"Not much has changed," sighed dr Wakeman. "I'm doing the best I can, but there's only so much I can do with limited resources,"
"well, at any rate, we gotta work fast," warned jenny
"jenny's right, dr." said Tyler "we need firebird back on his feet right away,"
"but to do that, we would need many resources," explained dr Wakeman, "resources from skyway patrol, but will we ever get their cooperation?"
then, suddenly they all heard a knock on the door from upstairs
"now I wonder who that could be?" asked dr Wakeman as she went upstairs
"you think it's skyway patrol again?' asked jenny
"I'm not sure, jenny," replied Tyler, "but we'd better be on our guard just in case," he went upstairs to follow dr Wakeman, jenny following suite
when they reached the front door, dr Wakeman opened the door to find James Hawkins again, with skyway patrol waiting outside
"oh great, it's you guys," groaned jenny, crossing her arms, having not forgotten about the trouble skyway patrol had given them last time, "what do you guys want this time?"
"we're not here for trouble this time," replied James Hawkins, his uniform looked the same as before
"then why are you here?" asked dr Wakeman with a frown on her face,
"consider this public service dr Wakeman," said James Hawkins as he moved aside to see skyway patrol officers, carrying large chunks of metal and electric equipment and even the resources necessary to restore firebird
"what's all this doing here?" asked Tyler, taking a step outside
"the resources necessary to restore firebird, young man," said Hawkins
"But I thought you guys didn't want anything to do with him," said jenny
"We didn't," said Hawkins, "but as part of this sentence, with have to do community service, and if we go against it, it would be just administration of our guilt, and it's also by order of the US government" he held out a legal document, stating the government itself notarized it,
"So now, you'll cooperate?" asked dr Wakeman
"it's not like we have any other choice, dr Wakeman," replied James Hawkins, "we'll restore firebird for you, alright men, move-in."
With a wave of his hand, the skyway patrol officers marched into the house. They moved into the basement hangar for firebird, carrying all of their supplies necessary to do the job. James Hawkins followed suit. Simultaneously, the threesome was baffled, skyway patrol cooperating, because of their sentence and because the government demanded it? It appeared that winning the trial did more than they thought
time 6:30 pm
Many hours had passed, skyway patrol was working diligently on firebird's overhaul, they were making much progress, but there was still much to do, while dr Wakeman was going over her overhaul plan for firebird's restoration she had been making during the time skyway patrol held them for trial, she and James Hawkins presented the plan via video screen, the slideshow revealed firebird's inner mechanics for the whole boy as well as the cockpit itself, but the central part of the slideshow itself was the list of upgrade alongside restoring all of firebird's functions, the upgrade list included many new features for the blue gladiator's design, (see author's note for more details) the various engineers and scientist of skyway patrol went over the list dozens of times and agreed to these terms, even though it would take a while, dr Wakeman also took the precaution of creating a hard drive for this plan and had it encrypted to where only dr Wakeman and Tyler would be able to access it, eventually, firebird's restoration was underway...
Meanwhile, Tyler was in the training room, practicing his marksmanship with his new plasma gun, shooting a single target, while having large ear muffs, jenny, brad, and tuck watching from the sidelines. Tyler was struggling a bit to get a direct shot at the center target circle. It was difficult, considering this is the first time he's ever held a gun, one that even fired plasma energy of all things besides bullets
eventually, the training session was over, and everyone took off their earmuffs as dr Wakeman entered the room,
"hi mom!" called jenny
"Hello again, XJ9!" called dr Wakeman. "I see you've been doing well, young man?"
"I've been doing my best, dr Wakeman," said Tyler as he put his plasma gun back in its holster. "I can barely make a bullseye..."
"you'll get better over time, young man," assured dr Wakeman "you still managed to make a few good shots at the least,"
"piloting firebird almost made this easy though," said Tyler, still missing piloting firebird
"well, you'll be happy to know firebird won't be helpless much longer..." said dr Wakeman
"yeah, with skyway patrol's help," said jenny
"I still can't believe those guys!" said tuck, "and they said they fought for us while just doing paperwork."
"I know, right?" said brad
"well, you'll be happy to know that since they are sentenced," said Tyler, "they're going to be held accountable for a long time. Hopefully, they'll be more responsible".
"yeah, I seriously hope they've learned their lesson," said jenny "we need firebird back right away, for goodness sakes!"
"Indeed, XJ9," said dr Wakeman, "that's why I've set up this overhaul plan for firebird."
"an overhaul?" asked tuck, "you mean firebird will be better than before?"
"better than that, young man," said dr Wakeman, "firebird will be better suited for modern-day situations."
"like what kind of new equipment?" asked brad
"I've also set up a security system for this plan," said dr Wakeman. "I've created an encrypted hard drive containing the information necessary. Only Tyler and I will be able to access it,"
"since you made firebird, and Tyler pilots him, right?" spectated jenny
"that is correct, XJ9," said dr Wakeman. "I've already presented the plan to the other engineers. They are right now hard at work getting firebird back on his feet".
"Great to hear," said Tyler "in the meantime, I guess we should get going,"
"yes, I believe so, young man," said dr Wakeman "we'll have much work to do tomorrow as well,"
"so, I may need to put this back, right?" said Tyler, patting the plasma gun in it's holster
"not unless firearms are prohibited," nodded dr Wakeman, "but just know, young man, you are now carrying an even greater responsibility, holding a gun."
"I know, dr Wakeman," said Tyler. "I'll do my best to be careful,"
"well, we might as well be getting home," said brad sitting up to leave, "see ya!"
"bye guys!" waved jenny as the others left the Wakeman residence and headed home,
date September 13th, 2014
time 10:30 am
location Tremonton, Wakeman residence
the next day, skyway patrol was still hard at work with restoring firebird they have completed the new features and add ons to his systems and weapons, the progress as of now was 55% completed, there was still more features to add, and there was still parts that needed to be restored, Tyler in the meantime was training in the updated virtual simulator in the basement jenny, and dr Wakeman were both supervising while brad and tuck came over for a visit to see how everything was proceeding,
meanwhile, in a deserted area of the woods outside of Tremonton, vexus and her minions were discussing their next attack against the blue gladiator, jenny and their friends,
a cluster drone then walked up to vexus as she stood in front of her squadron, "my queen, everything is ready," he kneeled "what is your plan?"
"Excellent," nodded vexus, then she began to explain her scheme "this is the plan, I shall lure out Tyler, he is the human flesh bag that controls firebird, once he is away, and I deal with him, send in the armada, alongside a cluster super robot, capture XJ9 is your secondary objective in your attack, the main target is firebird, destroy him, and XJ9 will only have herself to rely on,"
"an excellent plan, my queen," said one of the cluster drones
"thank you, darling," said vexus as she then turned around, "and our spy should be returning any moment now,"
as soon as she said that, a scout cluster drone was rushing back to her queen, "my queen!" said the spy drone. "I have news,"
"report," vexus ordered
"I have seen earth vehicles at XJ9's home", reported the spy "they appeared to have been moving in materials into the headquarters, suppose they are there to help repair firebird. my queen?"
"then we have no choice but to accelerate our timetable," said vexus. "I was going to disguise myself, but I might as well use a more, quicker means of luring that mammal to us. Meanwhile, the rest of you prepare to assault their headquarters!" she then went to set her plan into motion,
over at the Wakeman residence, Tyler had just finished his latest simulation as dr Wakeman disconnected the simulation and Tyler carefully took off the VR headset,
"man, those new features," sighed Tyler, "new weapons, even think I learned a new kick, I think."
"It appears so, young man," agreed dr Wakeman, "but hopefully, when firebird is repaired, we will be able to try out the real thing,"
"that is if skyway patrol doesn't screw up first," retorted brad. "I still can't believe them,"
"I know, brad," said Tyler, "but right now isn't the time, how is firebird anyway?"
"his repairs are almost complete," said dr Wakeman "we just need a little more time, and he should be back in action for real this time."
"let's hope so, mom," prayed jenny. "I'm really starting to miss having firebird in action, even though I still want to be normal and all,"
"hey, I understand, jenny," said Tyler, "we're still normal and all, but we still need firebird back as soon as possible."
"there still some parts of firebird that needs to be restored in the meantime," said dr Wakeman "skyway patrol, and we must work fast before vexus strikes again,"
"very true, dr Wakeman," said Tyler getting up from the chair, "she may be working something out right now..."
Tyler and the others then went back up to the living room. Simultaneously, the skyway patrol was still stationed downstairs in the underground hangar working to repair firebird, knowing that if they go against dr Wakeman, they would only be committing administration of their guilt
suddenly, they heard glass shatter as a device flew across the window, it appeared to be a message, the messenger drone outside ran out as fast as he could,
"what the?!" cried jenny as she, Tyler, and Dr. Wakeman rushed to the scene, seeing the fleeing drone
"there's a cluster crony!" cried Jenny, "should I go after him, mom?"
"no, XJ9, this done's only a messenger it seems, let him go," said dr Wakeman, then taking the device and it opens up a message screen
the message read, "if you value your precious robot firebird's life and XJ9's send Tyler alone, to meet queen vexus on the other side of the woods for a duel,"
"vexus is challenging you to a duel Tyler!" cried dr Wakeman
"vexus herself?" spoke Tyler, "but it's almost like she's figured me and firebird out already,"
"if she has, then it just got even more complicated," worried dr Wakeman
"yeah," said Jenny, "and just when we were getting firebird back on his feet,"
"Obviously, this may be a diversion," thought dr Wakeman, sensing a trap, "a cleaver device to lure you away while vexus attacks the house."
"but it's not like we can refuse, right?" said Tyler
"true, but by the same token," said dr Wakeman, "we must figure out a plan to defend the house and buy skyway patrol and firebird time,"
"you think vexus will send in her friends?" asked jenny
"there's no doubt about that XJ9," said dr Wakeman
"but, will I be able to hold my own against vexus?" asked Tyler "she almost seems to hold her own against jenny, I can hardly even take on a cluster drone on my own,"
"that may be true," said dr Wakeman, knowing that Tyler is still human, "but don't forget, you now have a new weapon," she pointed a finger towards Tyler's holster
"my plasma gun?" said Tyler looking at his new gun, "but will it be powerful enough to phase vexus."
"you never know if you don't try, young man," advised dr Wakeman "now, we must go over our plan if vexus won't play fair,"
"Right!" said Tyler and jenny as they all sat down to discuss their plan...
an hour later, they discussed their plan, afterwards, Tyler went out to meet vexus challenge, leaving the Wakeman residence, armed with his new plasma gun, but behind him, jenny is secretly following him, she was doing her best not to be so reckless, for she knew that a false move would mean Tyler's life would be at stake,
as they continued their way to their destination, brad and tuck went upstairs to the roof to look out through the large roof window, trying to see if vexus would send in her troops, a few skyway patrol officers were stationed with them...
After a few minutes, Tyler and jenny arrived at their destination. Jenny quickly hid so she could assist Tyler if vexus decided not to play fair. At a large clearing in the forest, there stood the queen of cluster prime herself,
"welcome, Tyler Watkins..." chucked vexus, "I must say, I didn't think a flesh bag like you would have the courage to take up my challenge, aside from a certain someone..."
"a certain someone?" asked Tyler as he stood, "you mean dr Wakeman?"
"ah, you know her," said vexus, "all the more reason you are the one who controls firebird,"
"so you've figured me out after all," said Tyler, "and if I'm to protect both firebird and jenny, I'm to beat you, am I right?"
"that is correct, human," nodded vexus, "and I do not think you will ever live to see your friend's faces ever again, especially firebird and XJ9".
"I wouldn't wanna bet on that," said Tyler, "and even if I'm not enough to take you on, I've got to try nonetheless,"
"you will die trying flesh bag," smirked vexus "normally, I would hate to get my hands dirty, especially on vertebrae like you, but this time I will make an exception," as she kept the conversation going, she secretly sent a technopathic message to her forces' drones! the operation to lure Tyler away is a success! take a cluster super robot and destroy firebird and XJ9's headquarters!'
"maybe, but if it means protecting everyone, I won't fall here!" said Tyler, getting ready to fight
"heroic words organic," said vexus as she too got ready to fight "so fitting they will be your last,"
there was a tense silence between the two combatants as Tyler narrowed his eyes and he got in his stance, ready for vexus to make the first move, jenny was secretly watching, hoping Tyler would succeed
"come, vexus!" called Tyler
"as you wish," smirked vexus as her eyes flashed and a beam shot out from them
Tyler quickly jumped out of the way, as he then rushed towards vexus, throwing a punch towards her as vexus then blocked it with her arm, and she attempted to throw a punch of her at Tyler's gut
This sent Tyler reeling back a bit, as he then countered with a kick in which vexus took the hit, only sending her back a few feet, but not dealt much damage to her, her bee wings then spread out and she hovered above her appointed as she tried to do a flying kick towards him in which Tyler barely dodged it
Tyler then tried to throw a punch, but before he could, vexus suddenly sunk down to a portal below her, and Tyler missed again,
"what the!?" cried Tyler as suddenly vexus reappeared behind him as she threw a punch to his back in which Tyler fell, and he tried to get up,
"heh, is that all you have, darling?" smirked vexus as Tyler then got up and went for another move at vexus, throwing a punch
vexus dodged it and sent another kick to Tyler, and he countered with a punch to vexus' gut, only dealing minimal damage, the two combatants then spaced from each other, getting ready for the next move as jenny watched,
meanwhile, at the Wakeman residence, work on firebird was still going on, his repairs were at 69% completed, brad and tuck looked out through the top roof window towards the large backyard,
"do you think Tyler will be okay?" worried tuck "he's going alone against vexus after all..."
"that's true, tuck," nodded brad, "but don't forget, jenny is tailing him so that if that witch plays dirty, she could jump in!"
"This young man has a point," called one of the officers, "the cluster was even among those who tried to destroy the planet back at the first intergalactic war."
"you know, sometimes I wonder how the war started," said brad, "maybe we should talk to ms Wakeman about it when this is over."
"that would be best, young man," said the officer "in the meantime, we must buy dr Wakeman and the others time to repair firebird,"
"Yeah, we need him!" nodded brad
but just then, something caught tuck's eye he saw a large portal open in the distance outside of the backyard of the Wakeman residence
"brad! Guys! look over there!" called tuck, pointing a finger towards the portal outside
brad and the skyway patrol officer went towards tuck and saw the portal, coming out was a large battalion of cluster drones, mega cluster drones, and a cluster super robot, the super robot appeared to have a mantis head with pincher jaws, black tube-like joint limbs, red legs, insect-like feet, its hands had three claw-like fingers each, orange arms and had a green metal chest and red and green shoulders, vexus had launched her attack just as she planned it
"it's the cluster!" cried tuck
"Just as dr Wakeman feared!" a skyway patrol officer cried out. "I'll go for the others immediately!"
"Hurry!" said brad, still watching the window
down at the basement, firebird's repairs were still underway, they just finished installing a new feature, there were a few more parts that needed to be restored before firebird could be sent into battle once again, dr Wakeman and James Hawkins were overlooking the progress made, when an officer entered the room they were in,
"commander! Dr. Wakeman!" Cried the officers, "bad news!"
"What's happening?" Asked James Hawkins turning around, "report!"
"The cluster!" The officer cried, "the cluster is outside attacking!"
"What!?" Exclaimed James, "it's just as you feared dr Wakeman,"
"yes, I was afraid of this," stated dr Wakeman grimly. "Vexus is deceptive and cunning, now all we can do is hold the line."
"yeah," nodded James. "I'll send for a squad immediately!" He rushed towards his desk for his radio and took hold of it and made a direct communication line,
"Troops!" Called James over the portable radio, "we have an emergency! Enemy Cluster troops have breached the security of the Wakeman residence! Take them down at all costs!" He then put the radio down
"I'll stay down here and protect firebird!" Said, dr Wakeman
"I'll have a couple of the boys stand guard with you!" Said Hawkins as he rushed upstairs
dr Wakeman then turns towards firebird, which he is still undergoing repairs her thoughts raced through her head as she watched the construction "Tyler, XJ-9, hang in there!"
Meanwhile, Tyler was still fighting for his life against Vexus, he was still throwing punches at her, she was blocking each one and threw a hit of her own at Tyler's check, after Tyler reeled a bit, he threw another punch, but Vexus flew upwards sprouting her mechanical bee wings,
"hey!" Cried Tyler, "get down here, you coward!!"
"I think not, flesh bag!" Screeched Vexus as she smirked and blasted a laser out of her palm,
"Wah!" Cried Tyler as he got out of the way, and Vexus continued to blast him,
"Tyler!" Cried Jenny silently as she saw Tyler dodge blast after blast, Jenny was anxious to jump in, to even the odds with Vexus
Tyler kept dodging Vexus, she wasn't playing fair at all, he has to think of something, he's got to hit her in the air, but then it hit him! 'Wait! My new weapon! The plasma gun dr Wakeman gave me!' He quickly reached for the holster and pulled out the plasma gun, and fired at vexus, hitting her left-wing, causing her to lose control of flight and hit the ground below
"Rrr!!! Why you!!" Growled Vexus, "but how!?"
"I am Tyler Watkins/firebird," he said, holding out his new plasma gun, "and THIS is my new weapon."
"So I see..." snapped Vexus, standing up, "but you are alone and just another human!"
"He's not alone!" Called out jenny as she rushed in and whacked Vexus with a hammer arm. Even though Vexus held out an arm to block the hit, the blow was still made as she slid back a few feet,
"Jenny!" Cried Tyler, "you made it just in time!!"
"Thanks, Tyler!" Smiled jenny, "now let's take her down!"
"XJ9," said Vexus smirking a bit, "what an unexpected surprise, it matters not. I can now destroy you both at the same time!"
"not a chance Vexus!" Cried Tyler as he and Jenny rushed towards Vexus
Meanwhile, over at the Wakeman residence, even as the cluster armada stomps towards the house, a fleet of skyway patrol cruisers flew overhead, with their weapons trained on the robot army,
"cluster drones!" Called an officer over a megaphone, "you have one chance! Surrender yourselves immediately, or we'll open fire!"
"Pitiful humans!" Cried a cluster drone below holding a blaster "kill them! Kill them all! For our queen Vexus!!" As he gave the order, the other cluster robots fired their weapons, and skyway patrol returned fire with their laser guns and missiles from their cruisers. In moments the Wakeman residence became a warzone for man and machine alike
Brad and tuck watched the carnage as the battle waged. They were hoping skyway patrol would hold out long enough for firebird to be repaired,
"geez, Louise! It's all-out war right now!" Cried brad. "I hope firebird's doing well downstairs!"
"you can say that again!" Cried tuck, looking out the window for anything new,
As the battle raged, more cluster drones kept on coming, a few of them managed to breach the Wakeman residence's back door. An explosion rocked the house as the drones marched in with their weapons, the few skyway patrol officers stationed fought back with their rifles and were able to hit a couple of the drones,
"hold the line!" shouted one of the officers as they fired their laser weaponry. They had failed humanity 20 years after the intergalactic war, they will not fail them again!
Some of the cluster drones managed to reach the basement with two of the skyway patrol officers in hot pursuit, trying to stop them from getting to firebird's hangar and destroying the blue gladiator before his repairs could be completed,
One of the officers quickly pulled out a radio and called for dr Wakeman "dr Wakeman! Dr Wakeman!" he said over the radio, "some of the enemy forces have breached the back door of the house and are headed towards firebird's hangar! We'll try to go after them, but be ready for them if we fail!"
"understood!" nodded dr Wakeman "thank you for the warning!" she then put the radio down as she then went to get into her skyway patrol uniform while also hoping jenny and Tyler would be alright as they were still fighting vexus right now
"dr Wakeman!" said one of the guards "they're coming!!"
"we'll stop them!!" she called after dr Wakeman came out with her uniform once again and then turned towards the window to see how firebird's repairs were. It appeared they were almost done. At 84%, they had just finished the adjustments on the cockpit as well as rewired the new weapons for firebird, so they would work whenever Tyler needed them, including a feature to interface with jenny,
"Hurry!" she called over the megaphone "we must complete firebird's repairs and hold off the cluster! Otherwise, we're finished!"
As she talked over the phone in the hangar, she heard shots from a nearby door. It was the cluster alright, and some of the officers James Hawkins assigned to protect her were holding them off. Dr. Wakeman then grabbed her weapon and joined the fight after sealing the metal door inside,
"kill the humans!" called a cluster drone "kill them all for our queen vexus! And we'll finish off firebird while we are at it!"
"I will NOT allow it!" called dr Wakeman as she blasted one of the cluster drones in the shoulder, nearly destroying their arm, the other officers kept on firing, hoping the cluster would give up, but they wouldn't until...
"GET DOWN!" called a voice. "GRENADE!" dr Wakeman and the other officers quickly ducked as they recognized the voice as a grenade flew overhead and blew the cluster drones to smithereens. Others were sent flying in all directions
"commander Hawkins!?" said one of the officers
"in the flesh," said Hawkins, he was carrying a belt of grenades, and he held what looked like a rapid-fire laser rifle, and had the traditional skyway patrol helmet, "but don't let up just yet, they're still coming! Troops! Get upstairs and protect the kids! The rest of you remain here with dr Wakeman and defend the hangar! Firebird must be repaired if we are to turn this around!!"
"YES SIR!" the troops shouted in unison, they went up the stairs to deal with any remaining cluster drones who broke in, as well as protect brad and tuck, James Hawkins then followed his troops that were standing guard at the hangar dr Wakeman even cracked a smile, this was just the old days back in the first intergalactic war when they fought all kinds of aliens before Armageddroid ended the war...
At the attic of the house, the cluster drones were trying to break through the door as skyway patrol officers barred it, trying to stop them from being let in, tuck continued to look out for anything new, but brad grew worried, the drones would break through any second,
"I'm not sure how long we can hold them!" said one of the officers,
"Well, somehow we've got to hold them off!" cried brad "Tyler and jenny would do the same!"
"brad's right! And if firebird can get fixed soon, we'll be able to drive them off!" called tuck as he watched the ongoing battle outside, "hopefully, help is on the way!!"
Help was indeed on the way, for at that moment, the skyway patrol offers sent to protect brad and tuck under orders from Hawkins were coming upstairs to the attic door. The drones turned around and saw them and immediately went for their blasters,
"Return fire!" said an officer as the troops shot back towards the cluster drones, as the drones were distracted, brad heard the gunfire from the attic door
"that sounds like backup has arrived!" cried brad
"yeah! It does, brad!" said tuck, joining his big brother "quick! Now's your chance to take them by surprise!"
"Great Idea, kid!" said of the officers, as they carefully opened the door and blasted the cluster drones from behind when they weren't looking, annihilating the drones,
"Thanks!" called one of the officers downstairs "we were just coming up to warn you guys about what's going on downstairs and protect you from the cluster, but it seems someone already has!"
"don't mention it, guys!" called brad and tuck, "we're just glad we were able to help!"
The two brothers went back to the roof window to watch the battle outside, it seems skyway patrol and the cluster were at a stalemate with each other, as a few mega cluster drones went down after a blast from one of the skyway patrol cruisers hit them at a weak point with their lasers, a few cruisers were shot down, however, but they were still neck to neck with each other, just like in years past, skyway patrol knew they had to defend the Wakeman residence long enough for firebird to be repaired so he and jenny can finish this battle once and for all...
"Tyler, jenny," worried tuck, "come back soon, you guys!"
Meanwhile, back at the forest area, Tyler and Jenny were still fighting vexus. She fired an eye beam towards Tyler, in which he quickly dodged it, vexus tired to fire a blast from her palm, but jenny intercepted it with a spiked fist swatting her arm. Tyler charged in to throw a punch of his own, at vexus's gut, after taking damage, vexus summoned a portal and used it get behind the duo,
"jenny!" cried Tyler hearing the sound of the portal "watch out!"
"oh no, you don't!" jenny called out, transforming her arm into a giant flail, swinging it towards vexus just as she was coming out from the other side, sending her back a few feet, but to Tyler and jenny's surprise, vexus didn't seem to have taken any significant damage, despite the direct hit on vexus' right-wing,
"Just how strong is she!?" cried Tyler
"pretty dang strong, I'd say!" replied jenny
"hehehehe..." snickered vexus, after recovering her footing "it doesn't matter, either way, your both finished, and so is firebird!"
"what do you mean!?" cried Tyler, raising an eyebrow
"you fools!" laughed vexus, arrogantly deciding to give away her plan "this was all to divert you away! Now your living quarters will be destroyed along with firebird, and YOU will be utterly helpless to stop me!"
"I wouldn't count on that vexus!" said jenny "everyone is doing their best to protect the house! Tyler won't be useless at all! With or without firebird!!"
"Let them try!" cried vexus, not caring about whether or not her enemies had anticipated her scheme "they obviously can't stop us now!" she then fired from both hands as Tyler and jenny quickly dodged both lasers
"well, we can certainly try!" said Tyler as he pulled out his gun again and fired at vexus,
Vexus intercepted the blast with an eye beam, "it matters not!" she cried. "I'll kill you all, and then I'll take XJ-9!"
"it won't be so easy!" cried jenny throwing a punch towards vexus in which she quickly blocked, but this gave Tyler a chance to get behind her and throw a punch of his own,
Vexus took the hit and tried to get back at Tyler by swinging her mechanical claws towards Tyler, but he quickly intercepted the arm with his own, jenny then threw a kick behind vexus and sent her sprawling across the grass, the mechanical queen then stood up to face her twin prey, and charged towards them, throwing an uppercut towards Tyler, in which he barely had time to react, jenny quickly responded by raising an arm just as vexus was throwing a kick towards her, Tyler then slowly recovered, and attacked vexus by throwing a punch to her cheek to pay her back for her earlier uppercut,
"why you vermin!!" growled vexus, preparing to throw a punch towards Tyler, but jenny quickly intercepted by a kick to her stomach. And Tyler then charged in with jenny, and they both threw their own uppercut. The blow was hard enough to send vexus flying a few feet away from her two enemies,
"take that, you witch!!" cried Tyler as vexus hit the ground, spawling across the hard ground of the forest,
As vexus tried to stand up, she found she had taken real damage as some sparks flew, she could hardly believe it, she, the queen of cluster prime, being defeated by jenny and a human!? It seemed unbelievable, but true Tyler and jenny were standing their ground against her!
"you know," said Tyler, "I can't understand why vexus wants you so bad!"
"Yeah, me neither!" agreed jenny "if it's earth she wants, then she's clearly wasting her time!"
"Grrr!!" growled vexus "how could this have happened! Even without firebird, you still hold your ground against me!?"
"with or without firebird!" cried Tyler, "we will all put an end to your plans right here and now!!"
"Yeah!" cried jenny "he's our friend no matter what happens!!"
Vexus continued to stagger, trying to get up, she then fired yet another eyebeam to get back at Tyler and jenny, but jenny quickly transformed her arm into a handheld blaster and intercepted the blast, canceling it, and jenny then extended her right arm to sucker punch vexus and sent her a few more feet back,
"grrr...it appears I have no choice," growled vexus after taking too much damage, realizing that if she were to be destroyed by Tyler and jenny here, the cluster empire would fall with vexus. She had no choice but to retreat, "XJ-9! Tyler! You may have won this time, but firebird and your friends are finished! My darling minions will make sure of that! Just you wait and see!" she then opened a portal and retreated into it
"we'll see about that vexus!" said Tyler "we'll fight them all if we have to!"
"Yeah!" cried jenny. Then, she felt her stomach open to reveal her built-in communication monitor as a mechanical arm extended, "hey! It's from mom!"
The screen then flashed to reveal dr Wakeman's face alongside her fellow skyway patrol officers, "Tyler! XJ-9!" she called out, "are you there?"
"dr Wakeman!" said Tyler, "we're here! Is everyone okay!?"
"we're doing the best we can to protect the house!" said one of the officers, "but the cluster has us on the ropes!"
"we're on our way back!" cried Jenny, "anything else?"
"oh boy, have we got good news for you two!" said another of the officers,
"firebird is ready!" said dr Wakeman, breaking the good news,
"is..is he really ready to go!?" said Tyler wide-eyed, alongside jenny, who shared his shock
"The repairs have been completed," said dr Wakeman "we must launch immediately! Hurry back!"
"right!" called Tyler and jenny, turning off the message
"Tyler! Hang on!" cried jenny as she carried Tyler and fired up her thrusters and flew back to the Wakeman residence
"Now they're gonna get it!" cried Tyler "we'll show them! We'll show them all!!"
"We sure will!" cried jenny as she continued flying as fast as she could,
Eventually, they came in range of the Wakeman residence. Tyler and Jenny saw the crossfire between skyway patrol and the cluster. Jenny immediately went to the ground to drop off Tyler at the front door,
"Tyler, I'll go over there and help them out!" cried Jenny, "you get downstairs and get firebird back on his feet! Hurry!"
"right, jenny!" nodded Tyler. "I'll meet you there!"
Jenny then blasted off to join skyway patrol as Tyler rushed downstairs and headed towards the basement, the officers not even bothering to stop him, Tyler eventually made it to the basement hangar, and there stood firebird, refurbished, renovated and ready for launch,
"dr Wakeman! James!" cried Tyler. "I'm here!"
"Tyler! Thank goodness!" called dr Wakeman, "hurry! The platform to the cockpit is over there!"
"right!" called Tyler as he took a few steps before Hawkins stopped him
"son," said James Hawkins, "I know you haven't had the most positive opinion of us, neither does dr Wakeman, and you all have every right to be, but listen, we're all counting on you out there, make us proud..."
"James.." said Tyler as he looked towards Hawkins and dr Wakeman, who both nodded, and Tyler returned the curtsey. He then stepped towards the platform as he pressed the button on his wrist device
The blue gladiator's eyes glowed as the chest plated opened up, revealing the cockpit, how Tyler had missed it, the platform holding him raised upwards until it was high enough for Tyler to jump on and enter the cockpit, he bucked the seat belt, and gripped his hands on the control levers, the cockpit seat slowly slid backward, and the doors closed, he was ready,
"GO! FIREBIRD!!" called all of the skyway patrol officers. James Hawkins and dr Wakeman even shared a smile with each other, as the huge metal platform firebird stood on began to rise towards the surface...
"come and get some, you cluster cronies!!" cried jenny firing a missile barrage from her back missile launchers, massacring a couple of the incoming drones
"why you XJ-9!" growled one of the mega cluster drones firing a blast from one of his arms, nearly hitting jenny, but she sidetracked, dodging the blast and the other ones coming from the cluster drones. Jenny pulls out more weapons as the other skyway patrol officers provided covering fire for her
"come on, guys!" cried Jenny, firing her twin laser blasters "we can take 'em!"
"we'll see about that! XJ9" called out the cluster super robot. "You're just one robot among the other pathetic humans! Fighting for a lost cause! You're all alone!"
The cluster robots kept on marching and firing their weapons as jenny and skyway patrol fended them off, until...
The cluster robots turned towards the source of that voice as the ground in front of the backyard of the Wakeman residence began to slide open, as a blue shower of light shot out from the large square hole, skyway patrol. The cluster alike could not believe their eyes as a familiar tall metal figure rose up from the ground...
"no way..." murmured one of the drones
"that's..." panicked one of the mega cluster drones
The platform finished rising from the ground as the enormous blue pillar of light dissipated completely to reveal the blue, silver, and yellow-colored metal figure of the blue gladiator, firebird himself, revived and better then he was before, after 20 years of rust and decay as Tyler glared towards the cluster robots in his cockpit
"firebird!" cried jenny with a smile on her face, "you made it! You're well again!!"
"thank you, Jenny!" smiled Tyler, "and thank you as well, skyway patrol! Now we'll fight them all together!"
"Awesome!!" cried tuck hugging brad by the leg "firebird's back!!"
"he really is tuck!! He really is!!" cried brad, hugging his brother back
"fight to your heart's content, Tyler," smiled dr Wakeman as she watched the battle through the monitor in the basement
"why you... you're still alive!? Firebird!?" growled the cluster super robot,
"I am," said Tyler firmly, "and because of skyway patrol's earlier irresponsibly for 20 years, you all tried to take advantage and exploit that irresponsibly by having eve more people killed! THAT IS UNFORGIVABLE!" firebird raised both of his arms and began to spin and fired like missiles "TAKE THIS!! ROCKET PUNCH!!!"
Both arms hit a mega cluster drone in the gut and another across the face as they were sent flying across the field. As skyway patrol then continued the fight by returning fire to the other cluster robots
"Take this!" cried jenny as she transformed her arm into a giant flail once again and swung it towards the other cluster drones, destroying them and sending them flying. Some of the cluster drones then decided to attack from the sky as they took flight,
"GATTLING MISSILE!!" cried Tyler as firebird's twin missile pods opened and fired a multi-directional barrage towards the airborne drones, obliterating them,
"Here's some for you too!" cried jenny as she transformed her left arm into a tesla cannon, and it shot out a jagged bolt of electricity, hitting a cluster drone, then causing a chain reaction as the bolt hit the other drones as well, causing their circuitry to overload and explode, she then flew towards a mega cluster drone with buzzsaw-like arms and sliced it in half,
"rocket incoming!" called an officer as he pulled out a bazooka. Two other officers grabbed theirs as well and fired three bazooka rounds, hitting a mega cluster drone in the head as well as the gut as firebird then delivered the finishing blow
"RAIJIN BEAM!!" shouted Tyler as firebird's chest laser fired a large blast of blue energy towards the mega cluster drone, causing it to explode completely
Jenny then transformed both arms into fire and ice blasters and fired both temperature themed beams towards the mega cluster drones, melting and freezing them as they then exploded as firebird then join in by firing his wrist lasers, which Tyler learned about when he looked over the new controls, destroying two more mega cluster drones,
"Yeah!" cried Jenny, "that'll show you!!"
"that's the power of our teamwork together! Remember it!!" cried Tyler as he then saw that all but the cluster super robot remained on the battlefield, "and now you're the last one!"
"impossible..." said the cluster super robot in disbelief "we, vexus's most loyal servants in her army...being defeated by a group of pathetic humans and only two robots...well, they may have fallen, but I will not!" he then pulled out twin axes from his back, preparing to fight the group of brave men and women to the death
"don't be so sure! Cluster super robot!" cried Tyler, "your queen vexus' ambitions will be brought down by firebird, jenny, and skyway patrol!!"
"yeah! Bring it!!" cried jenny, bringing out both spiked fists
"very well then!" growled the cluster super robot rushing towards Tyler and jenny, "let's do this!!"
"Alright! Let's go!!" cried Tyler charging in as well,
The cluster super robot swung both of his axes towards the blue gladiator. Firebird quickly brought his shield and blocked both of the blades, they both struggled to overtake the other, jenny then took this chance to swing a giant flail again, knocking the cluster super robot back, this gave firebird enough time to summon his sword,
"RAIJIN KEN!!" shouted Tyler as the sword shot out from his left leg and he grabbed it, and when the cluster super robot got back up and tried to use his axes again, firebird blocked them both with his sword,
The two metal giants clashed their blades repeatedly, and then the super robot threw one of his axes like a boomerang. Firebird quickly swung his sword and swatted away the boomerang. The cluster super robot then raised his left claw to fire a laser beam, dealing only medium damage to firebird,
"heh! Not bad!" said Tyler, preparing for his opponent's next move, which he did by charging headfirst into firebird. He quickly reacted by dropping his sword and grabbed the metal monster's arms to prevent him from getting any closer with his metal pincher jaws. He was trying to chew up firebird's metal armor!
"Tyler!" cried jenny as firebird struggled to hold the metal monster back, she quickly acted by transforming her right arm into a giant wind turbine, and powerful gale-force winds shot out, trying to blow away the cluster super robot away,
"look! XJ9 is trying to blow away that mechanical monster from firebird!" shouted a skyway patrol officer "let's provide cover fire!" the officers fired their rifles towards the cluster super robot's leg. After a barrage, an officer brought out the bazooka once again and fired around towards the gut, pushing away the cluster super robot into the powerful winds
"that'll teach you!" cried Tyler. Then he got a communication from dr Wakeman from a monitor in the cockpit
"Great work Tyler! XJ9!" called dr Wakeman
"dr Wakeman!" said Tyler, suddenly remembering the new feature firebird was installed with an open communication channel "we've got them on the ropes!"
"indeed!" complimented dr Wakeman "now, use the new flying kick technique on him! Then all of you finish him off!"
"understood!" cried Tyler, the cluster super robot then took flight in the skies, firebird following suit "you won't get away!"
The cluster super robot then fired a barrage of lasers, in which firebird countered by raising the back cannons of the scout jet vehicle and fired twin lasers towards the cluster super robot, dealing medium damage to him, the giant mechanical bug retaliated by throwing his remaining axe, Tyler watched the axe carefully and barely caught it, and returned the axe to its thrower hitting the robot in the shoulder, seeing his chance, firebird increased altitude, and took a flying kick stance as the energy was directed to the outstretched right leg, increasing the power of the kick as firebird shot down towards the cluster super robot like a blue streak of light and hit him in the chest, dealing significant damage along with a massive dent in the chest, and shot down to the ground hard, firebird landing down on the ground after jumping off,
"yeah! Go get em!!" cheered jenny
"thank you, Jenny!" cried Tyler "now, time to finish this!!"
Firebird then picked up his sword and powered up the blade as it was once again coated in blue light, reaching full power. The cluster super robot struggled to get up despite his damaged wings and armor and slowly raised both arms to fire another blast
"not so fast!" cried jenny as she transformed both arms into ice blasters and froze both of the cluster super robot's arms, stopping the blast, "now! Finish him off!"
"LIGHTNING BOLT SLASH!!" shouted Tyler as firebird took flight and dropped down to his opponent, swinging his bright blue sword and cleaved his opponent in half, and he exploded in a massive ball of fire, as firebird then returned his sword and stood triumphantly,
"We did it!!" cried a skyway patrol officer "we beat them!!"
The others cheered as victory was theirs yet again. Dr. Wakeman and James Hawkins looked at each other from inside the house. With a smile, Jenny looked towards firebird, grateful that the blue gladiator has been revived and is ready to fight in the new modern world...
"blast it!!" growled vexus in anger as she watched from her throne on cluster prime "just when we had them in our grasp!! But this isn't the last you've seen of me or the cluster! Someday soon, I will find new ways to destroy you firebird, and you XJ9 will soon join the cluster family! Just you wait, both of you!!"
Time 5:30 pm
A few hours later, after the attack, skyway patrol had helped repair the damage and did minor repairs to firebird after the battle. Brad and tuck also went home afterward, saying their goodbyes. Skyway patrol after that cleared out as James Hawkins stood before dr Wakeman, jenny, and Tyler as skyway patrol got ready to leave, the task they were sent to do completed,
"well, I guess this wraps things up here," said jenny
"definitely XJ-9," nodded Hawkins "now firebird can fight once again,"
"and what happens between us and skyway patrol?" asked Tyler "also, thank you again for restoring firebird for us,"
"your welcome," nodded James "make no mistake, I doubt this will lift our sentence, I don't expect you all to forgive us anyway, for all the trouble and the number of people we probably had killed and hurt behind the scenes and all..."
"but should the time ever come," said dr Wakeman, "will you help us once again?"
"by either our own decision or if this plan to reduce our paperwork by half works out," answered James Hawkins "either way, we're still going to be held accountable,"
"well, either way," said Tyler, "I hope that time comes on more pleasant terms for you all to help us all out once again, and with more honesty too,"
"I suppose, young man," said Hawkins, "but listen, I don't usually say this, but I'm proud of both you and XJ9,"
"her names jenny," replied Tyler
"...jenny, and yes, that includes the kids, and especially how you both worked together with dr Wakeman and us," said James, "and how you handled firebird, how determined you were, and how you even handled us when we tried to bust you all in court...I can see why dr Wakeman trusted firebird to you, and now, so do I,"
"do you mean it?" asked Tyler
"I certainly do, Tyler," nodded James Hawkins "on behalf of the skyway patrol and the government, I hope you use firebird the right way, better than we ever would,"
"thank you guys so much!" smiled jenny, putting an arm over Tyler's shoulder "we all will fight them to the end!"
"that's what I like to hear, jenny," nodded Hawkins
"commander Hawkins!" said an officer, saluting to his commander, "we're ready to return to base!"
"thank you, officer," nodded Hawkins "well, we must be going now,"
"yeah," nodded Tyler, "we have our own work cut out for us,"
"certainly, young man," agreed Hawkins, "until we meet again, blue gladiator, jenny, dr Wakeman..."
James then turned around and boarded his cruiser and flew back to base, the other skyway patrol officers following suite,
"Tyler!" cheered jenny "this is great! We won't have to worry about firebird rusting into nothingness now!"
"definitely jenny!" said Tyler "we now have a fighting chance against vexus once again!"
"that's correct young man," said dr Wakeman, "but we must always be on our guard, vexus will return with another scheme,"
"and we'll beat her again!" said Jenny, "won't we, Tyler?"
"definitely jenny!" said Tyler, "but for right now, let's rest and celebrate!"
"Yeah!" cheered jenny, "Mezmer's?"
"you betcha!" cheered Tyler
After dr Wakeman granted permission to celebrate at mezmer's, Tyler and the others parted their separate ways, as he returned to brad and tuck's house to rest for a while. An hour later, brad, tuck, and Tyler went with jenny to mezmer's to have pizza to celebrate firebird's revival, at last having been refreshed to fight the forces of darkness once more after 20 years of confinement, the blue gladiator is now ever ready to fight against vexus and the cluster empire once more alongside jenny and their many friends....
author's note for firebird's overhaul plan, the details include,
Sensor scanners for optics Updated audio receivers An Improved GPS Hydraulic fluids for inner mechanicsThermal scanners for opticsA Communication system A New wiring system for summoning the sword and shieldAn extra layer of titanium shieldingRestoration paint jobMotion capture systemUpgrade missile to lock on to multiple targetsUpdated command center A Data scanner for opticsOxygen tanks for breathing in the aira Spray of rust acidBlue LED lightsRestored gears and cogs Jump jets at the button of the legs with hydraulic fluid,Automated AC system,Restored all weapons, Wrist laser blastsModified the rocket punch with capture claw functions with mini jets to help direct,An Upgraded wiring electric system,A small computer system for data scannersUpgraded processor data capacity a feature to interface with Jenny, with a communication channel with her, allowing Jenny to attach to fight for armaments, including gear,
Whew...this is quite the upgrade list. Anyway, I'm sorry this took so long. I hope you all enjoyed this latest episode! Finally, firebird has been restored! See you all in the next episode
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