Chapter 6: The Phantom Chef

"Nii-Chan! Nii-Chan! Jeez, Onii-Chan! Wake up!" I jumped up and fell onto my sleeping brother, driving my elbow into his stomach.

He let out a shout as he spit up at my attack.

I stood, placing my hands on my hips and smiling triumphantly as Rin coughed his lungs out. "Yuko?! What the hell was that for?!" He demanded of me, shooting me a nasty glare.

I held a finger up. "First of all, check it! We match!" I turned a bit to show the sword strapped over my shoulder.

The casing of it is red, but has flower patterns on it.

Yukio had asked me what kind of Exorcist I want to be. I decided on Knight considering I have a large variety of swords and weapons I had been collecting.

But I also could be a Tamer considering my ability. However I want to keep my secret as long as possible, so I decided on being a Knight.

Yukio then asked me to bring him my favorite sword so he could make it fit for fighting demons.

I moved my second finger up. "Second of all, you're going to be late." I pointed at the clock in the room.

Rin's eyes went wide in surprise and he screamed bloody murder, tossing me out of the room so he could get ready.

"Why didn't you wake me?!" He shouted from the other side.

I frowned. "Eh? Yukio was supposed to wake you. You're lucky I even did wake you! You have fifteen minutes to get dressed and eat. Your welcome by the way! Sheesh, some people." I murmured the last part, walking away.


"Ah! I'm late!" I shouted, dashing into the courtyard.

A crowd surrounded the students store. Damnit! I want a Yakisoba bun! Tch.

I dashed through the crowd, cutting through with some struggle.

As I made my way to the front, the last Yakisoba bun is being held by both Rin and Ryuji.

Huh? Ah man! "When are you gonna let go? Come on, hands off!" Ryuji sneered, determined to have the tasty sandwich.

Rin's temple throbbed in annoyance. "Hey, this yakisoba bun has my name on it!" He fired back at Ryuji.

"Listen, I grabbed it first!" Ryuji shouted back.

Shima moved his hand a bit, trying to calm Ryuji down.

Hm? Chance!

I reached them and snatched the bread from their hands. "Looks like I'll have to take it so you two won't fight." I laughed unravelling the wrapping and taking a bite.

The two boys let out screams.



I raised an eyebrow and pointed at Rin, then me. "Which Okumura? I told you, you need to be more specific."

Ryuji's temple throbbed. "Shut up! Give me my sandwich back!" He shouted at me.

I merely took another bite, tossing the money to the lady at the stand.

"You're acting like a child Bon." Konekomaru told him, sweating slightly.

"Listen up Konekomaru. It's said grudges over food can last seven generations. We need to draw the line here and now to avoid that." Ryuji spoke.

During his speech, Rin flung an arm over Konekomaru's shoulder. "Eh? Your names Konekomaru? Pretty unusual, huh?" He said, a smile on his face and carefree attitude showing.

I walked over next to him. "It's kind of long though. Ah! Can I call you Neko? Or Maru? Hm, the choices." I mulled, finger to cheek as I looked up thoughtfully.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Ryuji shouted.

I frowned and tore the bread in half. "Fine, fine, here." I handed him one half then Rin the other.

"You know, sharing is caring." Before either boy could say anything, a commotion drew our attention away. Huh?

We glanced back to see three girls, each holding a bento for Yukio, fighting with one another.

Eh? I've only seen this in Manga. I wonder if his shoe locker will spill out chocolates like a fountain on Valentines Day?

"What's going on there?" Ryuji mumbled, looking at the scene with a perplexed expression.

"Our young teacher's pretty popular." Shima noted, a bit amused.

"In stark contrast with his brother." Maru added.

My eye twitched. I glanced at the two. Rin still had one arm slung around Maru's shoulder ad a smile, but his eyebrows are scrunched together, displeased.

"What's that supposed to mean, Konekomaru?" I laughed nervously.

Oh boy. "Hey! When did you two become so close?!" Ryuji shouted at them.

I laughed, looping my arm through his. "Oh, don't be jealous. Look, we're close too. An accomplishment." I grinned up at him.

He sighed in defeat. "Okumura's." He grumbled, but didn't pull away.

Ah. Yukio is running our way, full speed.

"Come with me!" He grabbed both me and Rin, dragging us away at full speed. "Ah!" Rin and I shouted, being dragged away.

He had dragged us all the way to the cafeteria. I had a hand on my chest, trying to catch my breath, like them.

"Hey, Yuki. What the hell man?" I panted. That was a mad dash I was not prepared for.

"Thanks to you two I'm saved, Nii-San, Nee-San."

Did he really need to be saved though? "Didn't those girls make lunch especially for you? Why couldn't you just eat them? What a waste!" Rin commented, done catching his breath.

Yukio stood, his breathing regulating as well. "I couldn't eat three meals at once, and if I chose one, I would upset the others."

I pouted a bit at that. "You could've shared! C'mon Yuki, I'm a growing girl!" I rubbed my empty belly.

Rin immediately plastered himself to the menu display of food. "Wow, check out this spread! A cafeteria with lobster on the menu!"

I blinked, rushing over to him. "Eh?! Lobster?!" I shouted in surprise.

I eyed the variety of food with interest. It all looks so yummy. Ah! STEAK!

"This is mind-blowing! French, Chinese, Italian . . . They've got everything!" Rin shouted in joy. I chuckled at his enthusiasm.

It all does look delicious. "But . . . isn't it all a little much for a high school lunch menu?" I asked, glancing back at Yukio.

He crossed his arms over his chest, a small smile on his face. "Well, True Cross Academy is a school for the privileged."

I frowned in distaste at the word, while Rin looked very pleased with himself.

"So I guess this means I'm high class now."

I glanced at the menu. It looks good, but . . . "Kids should not be able to eat these daily." I stated, placing a hand on my hip.

What's wrong with simple, cheap, curry? This type of stuff is special occasion food. Not everyday.

Wait. What do the high class people eat on special occasions? Do they have special occasions?

"You buy your meal ticket at the vending machine over here first." Yukio called.

We walked over and my eyes went wide and my jaw went slack.

Holy shit!

Rin's reaction was similar to mine, if not more extreme as we looked at the prices. "No freaking way." My eye twitched in annoyance. Damn rich kids.

"What the hell?! Tell me these prices have an extra zero!" Rin shouted, outraged.

"I just told you. This is a rich kids' school."

I turned my back to the menu, eye twitching some more. "I see. So that's what happens to the scholarship students here? They die of starvation, malnutrition. That's how we'll go. Ah, what a short lived life." I looked up at the ceiling, ready for death.

"Nee-San! You're not going to die, I promi-Ah! Nii-San!" Rin is full on Hangry. Hungry and angry. No Hungry rage.

He was trying to draw his sword to beat up all the rich kids and

Yukio was trying to restrain him. Meanwhile I was looking up, awaiting death.

Starvation! "Nee-San! Help!" Yukio shouted.

I snapped out of it. Help. That's right!

Looking around I spotted a megaphone and snatched it up. Then I hopped onto a table.

"We will not be pushed by your prices! Feed the scholarships! We will not be oppressed! We will not be oppressed!" I chanted into the megaphone.

"Nee-San!!" Yukio shouted, still trying to hold Rin down.

But I ignored him and threw my fist into the air.



"Lower the prices in the student cafeteria? I'm afraid that won't be possible." Mephisto told us.

Rin, Yukio, and I had gone to his office to discuss the unfairness of the situation.

"To provide first rate cuisine, we purchase first rate ingredients and hire first rate chefs you see."

My eyebrow twitched and I hitched my leg up, slamming it onto the corner of his desk and bringing up the megaphone I took. "WE WILL NOT BE OPPRESSED!" I screamed into it.

It was so loud he fell back and tipped over with his chair.

Yukio quickly snatched the device away from me quickly and pulled me back. "Nee-San! That's unladylike." He hissed quietly.

"Well, the student cafeteria doesn't need to be first rate, does it?" Rin demanded, not at all bothered by my actions.

Mephisto got back up, settling his chair like before. "Dining is culture. One's life is enriched by experiencing first rate cuisine."

A little chime of a timer went out and he removed a weight from an instant cup of ramen, pulling the paper back, revealing the cooked noodles.

He grabbed his chopsticks and began to chow down.

Cheap noodles.

Even you can't afford the food here and you're the headmaster.

"Then at least give us an allowance!" Rin demanded, not giving this up.

"Oh my. Rather unlike me to completely forget such a detail. After all, even the son of Satan needs something to live on, no?" He brought out his wallet and pulled out a bill. "Amazing!" I admired the piece of paper, stars in my eyes.

"Whoa! A 2,000 yen bill!" Rin admired.

Even Yukio is amazed. "A phantom bull whose existence is said to be an urban legend!"

Rin took the money from him and we admired the paper, not ever handling it before. "Great, I can buy ten yakisoba buns with this!"

Yakisoba buns! "Oh, before I forget. You will be paid every month on the 10th, alright?"

I blinked a bit. "Eh? EH?!" The three of us shouted in disbelief.

"Every month? This is for the whole month?!" Yukio exclaimed, disbelief on his face. "Correct." Mephisto had no problem with it.

My temple throbbed in annoyance. "We can't live on this dumbass!" Rin shouted at the idiot demon.

"What's this displeasure? Very well, how about an obsolete 100 yen bill? Itagaki Taisuke's image on it is my current favorite."

Rin went into angry mode, wanting to draw his sword. "Like I care who your frekin' personal faves are!" Before he could draw, Yukio began to hold him back as Rin growled about.

Taking advantage of his distraction, I swiped my hand across his desk and knocking his noodles onto the floor.

"Noo!" He shouted in English.

I grabbed the megaphone back and slammed down on the intercom button linking to all the ones in the school. "We will not be oppressed by such tyranny! We deserve to eat too! We will not be oppressed!"


"Viva la Resistance!"


The three of us trudged the empty halls, completely defeated. "We're going to die. Or worse, growth stunt. I can't stunt myself!" I complained loudly.

"Remember what Father used to say. 'Man shall not live by bread alone'." Yukio reminded.

I raised an eyebrow.

Yeah, we're talking about the man who skipped one meal and ate all of our dinner portions.

For a skinny guy he sure was a fatass.

"Well lectures don't exactly fill you up, you know? Listen, are you cool with this? Are you satisfied with a lame allowance of 2,000 yen?" Rin asked our little brother.

"Well I have my job as an instructor, and I get paid pretty well as an Exorcist too."

Rin's malice returned as he grabbed the hilt of his sword and glared murderously at Yukio. "You traitor."

I turned on him as well, pointing at him. "I don't care if you are my little brother, I will continue to fight 'the man'! Prepare yourself!" I shouted.

He held his hand up to stop us. "Wait. There's one way for you two not to starve to death."

Huh? Rin and I exchanged glances.

Yukio led us out and we took a taxi into town and at a cheap grocery store.

I sat in the cart as Rin pushed and Yukio led us through the store.

"Do my own cooking?" Rin repeated. Yukio modded, still leading us. "I'll give you the money for groceries. You'll make lunch for the three of us. That way I can save money and you two won't have to worry about lunch."

Yukio placed some things on my lap in the cart, smiling. "Besides, cooking is the one thing you do well."

I threw my hands in the air. "Yay! Nii-Chan's home cooking!" I cheered happily.

"More importantly, they say girls like guys who can cook."

Huh? Yukio wouldn't say that? "For real?! That means it's my time to shine!" Rin is getting fired up.

I tilted my head back to look up at Yukio. "You just don't want to continue running from girls." I whispered.

He merely smiled and placed his finger to his mouth, asking me to remain quiet.

Well, as long as I get free food I don't care how underhanded it is.

It really is the best for all of us. But I should look for a job. I don't want to have to rely on my little brother providing for us. Or my older brother for feeding me.

"But where can I cook? There's no kitchen in our dorm room." Rin questioned Yukio.

He turned, holding a leek. "You can use the main kitchen. It's always been just the three of us in that dorm anyway."

Eh? But there's a cute little demon who lives in the kitchen. Yukio can't sense him?

"Alright! Let's go!" Rin rushed through the store. I giggled, throwing my hands in the air at the fun little ride I was on.

After buying some groceries, we headed back to the dorm.

While the boys were busy with their thing, I headed into my room, locking the door behind me.

I closed my eyes and concentrated. Ever so swiftly I placed my hand on the ground, lines leaving and drawing on the floor at my will. "Aira." I whispered.

Wind erupted before dissipating and settling into a woman's figure.

I grinned, launched myself at her, hugging her tightly. "Aira! I missed you so much!"

She sighed, but smiled nonetheless, returning the hug.

"Fuyuko-Sama, you saw me a few days ago." I pulled away, pouting childishly. "Don't call me that." I pouted.

She chuckled, patting my head. "Sorry, sorry. Force of habit, Yuko."

I grinned up at her.

Aira has always been special to me. She taught me everything I know. I guess she's kind of like a big sister. I've never had a mother, so I can't compare her to that, but Yukio is kind of like a big sister at times, the way he acts.

But Aira is different then him and Rin. She's my best friend.

And she can't enter the school grounds unless she's summoned.

It took me a bit, but I finally managed to manifest my aura, my spiritual energy, into creating a magic circle. Not just any, hers.

I hopped onto my bed, crossing my legs and staring at her. "Hey, hey, listen to this."

I then began to explain the course of events that have happened today. And like always, Aira listened patiently at my terrible way of storytelling.

Immediately, all the negative emotions I've been repressing evaporated as I laid out everything that's happened so far.

Aira has always been my peace.

Sure, I'll shove the bad things in the back of my mind, and they'll stay there. But when I talk to Aira all that weight lightens up.

Although there is one that's still clinging deep into the darkest corners of my heart.


"And then Rin saved Ryuji from the giant frog. Now they yell and argue a lot like good friends." I beamed.

She sweat dropped, sitting across from me. "How do you see that as friendship?"

I blinked and grinned. "Because friends argue like that. You should see them. They're going to be best friends. And maybe he'll be my best friend too. Ah. But not as best as you." She chuckled, shaking her head.

I continued to talk more about the Exorcist Cram School and how I am already flunking out of it.

"Yukio was so mad, he made me eat plums for dinner. They were so sour!" I pucker my lips at the memory of it.

It seemed I've only talked for a bit, but hours passed without me noticing.

I yawned a bit and Aira walked over, pushing me down on the bed and pulling the sheets over me.

"You need rest. You let out way to much energy today, trying to start a revolution and all." She teased, making me smile.

"Hey, Aira." I spoke, gripping the blanket tightly in my hand. "Do you think the King's will come back for Rin? For . . . me?" I asked.

She pursed her lips, sitting on the side of my bed.

"I don't know. But if you don't want to, you know it's all of demons nature to protect you. Their Princess."

That's right. It is in their nature. But to go against the kings? I don't think they can.

And I don't . . . I'm not the only one who needs protecting. Rin. He is the one with the most of Satan's powers.

He is the one they'll all want. And he is the one the humans will want dead.

Why do the kings even want him? Although he is Satan's son, he is still half human.

And demons don't view humans so highly. "Aira, why is it that they all want Nii-Chan?" I asked.

Aira looked to the side, thinking. Her pinkish maroon eyes swirling as she pieced things together in her head. "Well, there is . . ."

I immediately perked at her words. "I do know something. That the only offspring of Satan who can use the blue flames, that's known, is Rin." I blinked.

Eh? "What do you mean?" I asked her. She glanced back over at me.

"Well, although you can use the Blue Flames, yours is limited and takes too much of your aura. Your own spiritual energy. Whereas Rin has an unlimited amount. The flames are so intense, his spiritual energy is so high, it has to be concealed. They're so strong, so intense, so powerful. They are exactly like Satan's own. And he is the only offspring who inherited it."

Really? Wow, I never really thought of it like that.

I don't typically use my flames because it does take a lot out of me. My main go to is the commanding of demons and my enhanced speed and strength.

But Rin, he can actually use those flames to the best of his abilities. And who knows.

He might even have greater control over demons than me, we don't know.

We don't know what he's capable of yet.

Aira flicked my forehead. "Ow! What was that for?" I frowned, rubbing my forehead.

"You're thinking too much. Go to bed, you have classes tomorrow."

She stood from her spot. "I'll see you later."

Wind moved around her in a vortex before disappearing, her along with it.

I sighed and settled more into the bed.

Despite my fear of the Kings returning for us, I managed to get some sleep.

But my dreams weren't of any comfort.

They never are.


The next day, Yukio and I were washing our faces. Because of how the dorm is set up, there's a large sink in the hallway.

But the sound of bare feet running across the floor drew my attention to the side.

Rin is running at us full speed. Looking very pissed. "Ghek!"

I quickly jumped back as he jumped slammed his feet into Yukio's side. "You four eyed mole face!" He roared as Yukio shouted and flew away.

I winced at his harsh landing.

That's got to hurt. "Who're you calling 'four eyed mole face'?!" Yukio shouted, angry at being attacked, but more so insulted.

"Shut up! I don't care how hungry you were, there are some things that you shouldn't ever do!"

Rin turned to me, his anger up, demon tail revealed.

"And you! I know you had something to do with this too you midget!"

"Huh? What did I do? Also, who are you calling a midget you damn yankee! I'm pretty average!" I retaliated.

"Don't play dumb! The food that I cooked for lunch, You two ate it all, didn't you?!" He showed us the empty bento boxes.

Huh? Our foods been eaten?! "I'd never do such a thing and you know it! It was probably, Nee-San! She's the more likely suspect!" Yukio accused.

I shot him a look. "What?! I am not you four eyed twit! I haven't even been in the damn kitchen!"

The three of us glared at one another. "Then tell me who did? It's just the three of us in this dorm, remember?!" Ah!

The three of us paused simultaneously. Realization dawning on us.

"The three of us." Rin murmured.

"No, it's not." Yukio added.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Everyday, when it's time to eat,there was always food for the three of us." I said.

Who's making them? "We always ate without a second thought." Rin said, piecing it together. "So who was it that cooked those meals?" Yukio finished.

The distinct sound of the knife chopping cut through the air, making us all tense.

Someone's there.

The three of us glanced at one another before taking off to the kitchen.

We crept into the cafeteria and huddled against the window.

However, I sensed his aura before I saw him. "Mephisto?" I asked. He turned, that smug smile on his face. "Good morning Okumura's."

"Eh?!" rin shouted, eyes bulging out of his head. "Was it you then? The one who's been cooking our meals for us?"

I eyed him suspiciously. "No, it can't be. This guy survives off of instant ramen and attention."

Mephisto sweat dropped a bit. "I'm just a temporary replacement." He informed us.

Huh? Temporary replacement?" The three of us asked in unison. "The one in charge of your meals is Ukobach."


"I've heard that name before. I think he's a stove spirit. A spirit who slips into the kitchen while humans sleep and improves the flavor of the food."

I blinked a couple times. "EH?! The little demon that lives in the kitchen is our cook?!" I shouted in disbelief.

My brothers looked at me incredulously. "You knew there was a demon in the kitchen?" Yukio asked me.

I snorted. "Of course I did, I sensed him the moment I stepped in-ah!"

I slapped my hand to my mouth, eyes going wide. But it was too late.

"Sense? Yuko, you can sense demons?" Rin asked, me, shock on his face. Even Yukio is surprise and he began to examine me carefully.

Ah shit. Dropped the ball on that one.

"I see you're not an instructor for nothing! Yes, he has been loyally carrying out his duties as my familiar. However yesterday, because you two trespassed on Ukobach's territory, namely, the kitchen, he is now in a nit and has boycotted his job."

He's boycotting?

The three of us sat at a table, Mephisto in front of us. "I think I sort of understand what you've just told us. But what's this?"

I eyed the reddish soup dish he cooked for us. "A Mephisto Special- Little Demon-Style Oatmeal. Please partake of it."

"It's bubbling." I stated, eyeing the weird food. "It's the special ingredient."

This stuff looks deadly. If we eat it, I'm positive we'll die. "Go on, don't be shy." He encouraged when we made no move to eat it.

Yeah, no way in hell. "Thanks for the breakfast!" Rin grabbed the bowl and poured it down his throat.

His eyes widened, rolling back a bit as he dropped the bowl down, face going red and letting off steam before stark white.

He almost feel, but Yukio caught him, holding him upright in his chair.

"Nii-Chan!" I shouted, standing quickly.

"Nii-San, hang in there!" Yukio called out worriedly.

"Grandma's calling me." He spoke out hoarsely. "Who?! We've never met our grandma! Nevermind that! Whoever she is, don't go with her!" Yukio shouted.

I began to bawl. "Nooo! Onii-Chan is dying!" I cried out.

Onii-chan! Don't die! "Regardless of the cause, a familiar's misconduct is its master's fault. Until Ukobach's mood improves, I shall take charge of preparing all of your meals."

Eh? I sat down, looking at him in fear.

We won't survive his cooking.

"And what if he doesn't get over it?" Yukio asked wearily, still supporting Rin. "Naturally, in that case I will become your permanent cook."

I grabbed Rin's shirt and Yukio and I shook him. "You know what, this Ukobach or whatever his name is, I'm going to destroy him."

His eyes are swirling from the effects of the food.

I sweat dropped, "Nii-Chan, that's not the answer to everything."


Y'know, I was going to talk to the Ukobach if Rin couldn't persuade him, but this is far more entertaining to watch.

Ukobach is a small demon with a pitchfork like tal, large ears, and and adorable face. He's so cute!

When he first showed himself, I thought him and Rin would duke it out, and they did, just not how I thought they would.

A cook off.

The two are currently panting in exhaustion. Before falling.

The door opened and Yukio quickly ran in. "Nii-San!" I glanced at him.

I am currently sitting on top of the shelving with Mephisto. "Nee-San! Sir Pheles! What's going on?" He asked reverently.

"They battled to within an inch of their lives. Holding back nothing as they let loose their skills and powers!" Mephisto began.

I dabbed a handkerchief against my eyes, drying my tears. "It was the most beautiful and heartfelt battle I have ever seen, changed my life." I cried.

It really was an intense battle. Cooking wise at least. "A cooking battle?" Yukio repeated, making sure he heard right.

"By flexing their culinary muscles, they discovered each other's talents. And so a new friendship was born!"

I giggled, looking at the two. To think this all started with a little fight.

Rin cleaned and returned the kitchen to apologize, but Ukobach threw things at him, still angry. So Rin told him to beat it, he's not the only one who can cook. Thus the cooking battle and the outcome.

The two complimented one another before grasping hands. "Let's do it! Make the ultimate lunch! I know we can do it for sure!"

Ukobach nodded in agreement. The two seemed to sparkle a bit.

"That's my big brother . . . defying logic in more ways than one." Yukio sweat dropped.

I laughed, hopping down to stand next to him. "I know right?" I grinned.


"Hey, hey, Ukobach. Do you think you can make something sweet for dessert tonight?"

He nodded, smiling. "Sure thing. What would you like." Because of my ability, I could hear his voice clearly.

It's so cute~! "Well, Shiemi is coming over to eat, we invited her after your newly found friendship with Nii-Chan. She seems like a strawberry kind of girl."

He nodded, smile still on his face. "Shouldn't you have gone to school today?" He asked me curiously, making dough.

"Probably, but I didn't feel like it." He sweat dropped.

I just laughed some more, patting his head. "Hey, Ukobach. Let's all be good friends." He looked at me curiously before smiling widely.

Things sure have gotten interesting.

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