Arc 1-Chapter 9: The Heartslabyul Duel
Isaac opened his eyes to see he was yet again having a dream. He looks ahead to see Alice, standing at looked like to be a witness stand, and the Queen of Hearts seated above her in what looked like a cross between a judge's seat and a throne. Isaac quickly remembered seeing this scene before.
"I remember, this is the trial that Alice was put in for supposedly humiliating the Queen... When in reality it was the Cheshire Cat." He thought then hears Alice.
"Your Majesty indeed. Why, you are no Queen! You're nothing but a pompous, bad-tempered tyrant!" The young girl went and gave the so-called monarch a piece of her mind.
"You tell her." Isaac thought, feeling a little proud.
"Hahaha... What did you just say?" The queen asked, cutting off her laughter.
"She said that you're a pompous bad-tempered tyrant." The Cheshire cat himself repeated, appearing on the Queen's head, only to disappear the next moment.
"What?! Off with her head!" The queen lashed out in anger and all at once the card soldiers went for her.
"Alice!" Before Isaac could think it through, he ran forward grabbing Alice's arm and began pulling her away. "We got to get out of here!" He cried and the two began running for their lives.
"Capture her! And the boy too! Off with both their heads!" The queen screamed from behind them and soon all of wonderland was chasing after them as they ran. They soon come upon the door with the talking doorknob. Isaac reaches for the knob and began trying to open the door, but his efforts were in vain.
"Come on! Open up! We got to get of here!" He says still trying to open the door.
"Oh! No good, I'm currently locked." The knob said, not budging at all.
"Rats!" Isaac cursed then turned to see the Queen and her court catching up. He then remembered something. "Alice!" He cried, turning to the girl and grabbing her arms. "Alice, you're asleep, you need to wake up!" He tells her urgently.
"Oh, but my dear boy, she is not the one asleep. You are." The doorknob says.
"Wait, what?" The boy says, letting go of the girl and turning to the knob.
"See for yourself." The doorknob says, opening his keyhole mouth. Like Alice in the movie, he looks through it to see himself, asleep on his bed back in his dorm room.
"Wait, I'm the one asleep? But that doesn't..." He trailed off then hears the queen and her court, turning to see them catching up. "Isaac!" He shouts his own name and looks back through the keyhole. "Isaac, wake up! You have to wake up! Isaac-!" He shouts desperately, just as the Queen herself appears, only as Riddle.
~*Blue-Blood of Night Raven*~
"Wake up! Ah!" Isaac exclaims as he wakes up. He looks around to see he was back safely in his room. "Oh man... Why didn't anyone stop her before she went too far?" He questioned in his mind with a groan.
"Woah! Isaac, are you okay? You suddenly woke up yelling!" Grim asks, startled.
"Huh? Oh, sorry Grim. I was having a crazy dream." Isaac replies while rubbing his head. "Officially the most nuts out of all my dreams so far." He added in thought.
"Well, anyway, let's get going. Ace and Deuce are waiting downstairs." His feline companion says, reminding Isaac what was happening today.
"Right, today's the day. Better get to Heartslabyul." He says in agreement while getting up and ready for the day.
~*Blue-Blood of Night Raven*~
They arrived at the dorm rose maze, the Heartslabyul duo ready to fight the dorm leader. A large crowd of other Heartslabyul students were already gathered, most likely for the duel. Hell, they were even gossiping about it.
"Hey, did you hear? Apparently, some guy is challenging Dorm Leader Rosehearts in a decisive match." One with a heart on his face says.
"That dorm leader? I'll believe when I see it. They'll lose their heads in 5 seconds." His companion, who had a diamond mark, says.
"Hey, hey, this is the first challenge since Riddle became dorm leader. Let's watch how it goes!" The last one, with a spade mark, says, a little excitedly.
"Ace and Deuce are fighting for the seat of dorm leader and challenged Riddle to a decisive match?! Are you for real?" Cater exclaims after Trey explains to him.
"I tried to stop them..." The vice leader sighs.
"They sure are reckless. I just hope it doesn't end up causing more trouble." The diamond boy says.
"Yeah..." The glasses boy agrees. It was that moment, Riddle and Crowley arrived, meaning the duel was about to start.
"The decisive match for the title of Heartslabyul Dorm Leader will begin shortly." The crow masked man announced. "The challengers are, Ace Trappola and Deuce Spade. And, defending his title is the current dorm leader, Riddle Rosehearts." He introduces the three of them.
"I have no idea how you got my collar off, but I'm more surprised you challenged me, of all people, to a decisive match. Are you absolutely sure you want to go through with this?" Riddle comments then asks.
"Definitely." Ace answers with determination on his face.
"I would never challenge you as a joke." Deuce states, just as serious.
"Hm... Whatever. Let us begin." The prefect said, with little care.
"Uh, Riddle, what do you want to do about afternoon tea?" Cater suddenly asks.
"That's a silly question. The rules state that my teatime must always be at 4pm on the nose. Do you think I'd ever be late? This ordeal will be over momentarily." The dorm leader replies, then turns to the duo.
"As you can see, I am short on time and dealing with you one at a time will just be troublesome. So, the both of you, come at me at once." He says to them.
"Go! Dorm Leader Rosehearts! Put them in their place!" The other Heartslabyul residents all cheer, while Trey remains silent, looking at the scene pensively.
"They sure know how to run their mouths." Deuce says annoyed.
"Gah! Now I'm mad!" Grim exclaims while growling.
"Easy there, Grim." Isaac says, trying to keep his hold on the creature in his arms.
"We made sure to put a plan together!" Ace states next.
"Yes, but whether that plan works or not is the real question." Isaac thought.
"Headmaster, if you will." Riddle says. With that, Isaac and Grim move to the side, out of the fighting area.
"The match will begin as soon as the hand mirror I throw hits the ground and shatters. Get ready... set, fight!" The crow masked man says as he throws down the mirror. As it hits the ground, it splinters into at least a million pieces.
"OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!!!" Riddle shouts immediately, collaring Ace and Deuce before either can make their move.
"Ugh... Shit! We didn't even have time to use our magic!" Ace cursed.
"To come this far and not be able to do a thing..." Deuce groans.
"S-so fast!" Isaac said in shock. The fight was over before it could even begin.
"Strong magic comes from a strong imagination. The stronger your ability to accurately imagine magic, the stronger and more effective it will be. And Mr. Rosehearts her, has polished his magic to a beautiful shine." Crowley explains.
"Ffgnaa... The level gap is too wide." Grim cries, still in Isaac's arms.
"Huh. It didn't even take 5 seconds." Riddle says with glee. "And you thought to challenge me with those skills. Are you embarrassed?" He continued, smug. "This merely proves that rule violators are always wrong. Just as mother said." He adds.
"Guh... You're right, rules should be followed... but, enforcing such absurd rules on others just make you a tyrant!" Deuce states.
"Hmph! Rule breaking has consequences. And, in this dorm, I am the rules. Those who refuse to obey, don't get to complain when I take off their heads!" Riddle states.
"That's completely wrong!" Isaac shouts and enters the fray. "You don't get to do whatever you want just because, "it's the rules"!" He added, Grim released from his grasp and now on the ground next to him.
"What is and isn't wrong is all for me to decide!!" Riddle rebuffs. "Hehehe... If you can't even follow a simple rule, just what was your education like? You were most likely born from poor parents that can barely use magic... And didn't receive much schooling before coming here. You're all utterly, inadequate." He says, boastfully.
Everyone froze as Isaac straight up slaps Riddle across the face. The shorter boy's face turns red as he looks at the black-haired boy, but he soon grows pale when he sees the taller male's expression.
"How... dare you... How, fucking, dare you! Saying things like that!" Isaac screams in fury. "Yeah! You're right, I didn't get the best education out there... But at least I wasn't my own mother's fucking puppet!" He admits but then retaliates.
"My parents...? Well, I don't know who they were, or even if they're alive! I have no memory of them. But I was taken in and raised by a good man! Despite having no blood relation, he treated me like a son, unlike your mother, who clearly only cared about her status and used you to boost it.
"If anything, she probably didn't care about you or see you as her own child at all! To her, you were nothing but a trophy, one she polished endlessly until you ended up like this. Exactly like her, a tyrant who takes out their unwarranted anger on everyone around them!
"You know, it's clear to me how and why you became Dorm Leader now, Trey and Cater told us how lax your predecessor was. Seeing that, after all your mother did you, then being put in Heartslabyul and learning about its absurd strict rules, must have royally annoyed you.
"So you went and challenged the guy, then used your collar on him, making it freaking impossible for the guy to even fight back! Like with Ace and Deuce!" He rants, then points to the said duo. Riddle's expression then morphs into anger.
"How dare I? How dare you! You will answer for this disgrace! So, Off With Your Head!" Riddle screams and points his magic pen right at Isaac.
"Mr. Rosehearts!" Crowley cries, but the collar is already sent at Isaac. However, instead of it locking onto the boy's neck, it bounces right off him and falls on the ground, breaking into thousands of pieces.
"What the hell?!" Cater exclaims, while Trey is shocked into silence.
"What? My collar didn't work? How is this possible!?" Riddle screams.
"Uh oh! Isaac's really mad now!" Grim whimpers, quickly ducking behind Deuce.
"Oh shit, this is even more intense than last time." Said boy says nervously.
"Ugh... Off with your head, this... Off with your head, that... Seriously? Is that the only spell you know how to do?!" Isaac speaks up again, his energy spilling out all over the place. Causing the audience to flinch back.
"You're supposed to be amazing at magic, but the only magic I've seen you do is that spell, sealing others' magic! I'm starting to think you're even weaker than I thought! You're just being a freaking jerk, punishing people for just the simplest and stupidest of mistakes! Like she did to you!" He screams at the shorter boy.
"Riddle, Isaac, come on, cool it down." Deuce tries to intervene.
"No! Isaac's right!" Ace, who had been silent the whole time, speaks, then runs to Isaac's side. "You know what? I don't care... About being dorm leader, about the duel, any of it. Kids aren't their parents' trophies, and kids' achievements don't determine parents' worth.
"The reason you're such a bastard isn't your parents' fault, I finally get it. You didn't make a single friend to tell you off for being a tyrant in the past year, or even before that. This is your own damn fault!" The heart boy states.
"What... are you saying?" Riddle questions.
"Growing up under your obsessive mother was probably some kind of hell. Isaac's right, she pretty much treated you like a puppet. But is all you have to say "mama this" and "mama that"? Try thinking for yourself! You're no "Crimson Ruler"! You, you're just a baby that's good at magic!" Ace says.
"A... a baby? Me?" The smaller red head repeats, before he could say anything, Isaac spoke up once again.
"Ace is right! Don't you ever think for yourself?! Or do you blindly follow any and all rules without any second thought?! Seriously Riddle, you have to admit half of these rules are plain ridiculous! The only reason they exist anyway is because the Queen of Hearts herself was a total maniac!
"She may have been a queen, but she had the temper of a toddler and would just punish anyone who wouldn't agree with her! And you're becoming just like her! A pompous, bad-tempered- tyrant!" The boy repeats Alice's words, describing the Queen of Hearts.
"What was that? You-You don't know anything... You don't know anything about me!" The so-called crimson-ruler yells back.
"No. I've got no idea. There's no way I would! Do you think I'd know, with your attitude? I'm not letting you off the hook." Ace replies.
"Exactly. You don't know about me, or anyone else for that matter. Yet you went and judged them, all because they broke insignificant rules that merely take away any freedom, what's so ever!" Isaac says in agreement.
"Enough! Enough! Enough! Shut up!" Riddle screams. "My mother was correct! That means I am correct!" Riddle says.
"That's not true! She was wrong for what she did to you! In fact, she should be arrested for it! And you're no better!" The black-haired boy says back.
"I said shut up! Off with your head! Off With Your Head! OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" The dorm leader screams and tries casting his collar on Isaac, but each time, the collar breaks and falls to the ground. "Dammit! Why is none of it working!?" He yells in frustration.
"Isaac's energy is a full-blown shield. It won't let the dorm leader's magic touch him." Deuce concludes.
"Wait, what?" Cater asks, confused.
"Knock it off! All of you! The duel is already over!" Trey intervenes.
"It is as Mr. Clover says. The challengers' have already lost. Furthermore, Mr. North's interference is an immediate disqualification. Continuing to escalate goes against school regulations!" Crowley says next.
"Stay out of this!" Isaac yells, turning to them with a fearsome glare, causing them both to flinch back. "This isn't about duels or school, this is about telling someone they're wrong! Look around Riddle, none of the other students respect you, they fear you! They only listen because they're scared of losing their heads." He says.
"Gyah! He's right! I can't take this anymore!" One student shouts in agreement, the others joining him. Suddenly, an egg was thrown at Riddle, hitting him.
"Who did it?! Who threw this egg!?" Riddle cries in outrage. Nobody replies.
"Wow... Throwing an egg, they should lose their heads... Seriously, this is beyond petty. Enough is enough, Riddle. You need to stop." Isaac says.
"Hmm... hahaha, AHAHA!! You can't handle it? I'm the one who can't handle it anymore!! No matter how many times I take off your heads, no matter how strict I become, you all keep breaking the rules!" Riddle exclaims, clearly losing it.
"This guy, that guy, you're all such selfish idiots! Fine, have it your way... If you're not going to come forward, then I'll punish all of you!" The redhead says while raising his pen, pointing to the surrounding Heartslabyul students.
"Then it's off with all of your heads... OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" He screams, casting his collar on the other residents. "Ahahaha! How's that? Now, none of you can touch me! Hahaha... strictly enforcing the rules, does make the most correct." The dorm leader laughs.
"You forgot me!" Isaac yells and jumps on Riddle.
"Gyah! Get him off me! Get off!" The smaller boy screams as he struggles to keep the taller boy's hands away from his neck.
"Stop this at once, both of you! Mr. Rosehearts! Mr. North!" Crowley says but is promptly ignored by the two rustling boys. For Riddle, it was a losing battle.
"Oh crap! Deuce! Hurry! Help me stop Isaac before he rips Riddle's throat out!" Ace calls to Deuce.
"Right with ya!" The said boy replies and they grab a hold of the black-haired and pull him off Riddle, while also holding him back.
"Trey, this is bad... If Riddle keeps casting magic like this... And with Isaac... Just, what the what?!" Cater stutters.
"Grrr! Riddle! This is enough!" Trey yells
"I-Isaac, calm down!" Grim shouts, focusing on his partner.
"Hey, you! Not everything is going to go the way you want! Throwing a tantrum when things don't is what makes you a baby!" Ace says, still holding back Isaac.
"Take that back this instant! Do you want to be run through!?" Riddle shouts, now red in the face.
"No. Absolutely not!" Ace replies. Riddle then yells in outrage, causing the air to grow cold and sinister, the rose trees are then ripped out of the ground and start floating in the air.
"What the hell? Why are the trees all floating?!" Grim exclaims.
"This is a huge amount of magic! Is he really going to come after us with that?" Deuce says nervously, his grip loosening on Isaac, who was frozen at spectacle.
"You said you wanted to see me do more magic, well here it is! Rose trees, heed my call! To pieces with them all!!!" The Heartslabyul prefect shouts and the trees fly towards them.
"This is bad! Move away!" Crowley warns as the trees approach.
"Get down!" Isaac shouts as he moves out of Ace and Deuce's hold, then tackles them to the ground, covering them from the impact. Grim ducking himself.
"Riddle! Stop it!" Trey calls. Just as the trees almost him the group, with them preparing for the worst, nothing happened. Isaac gets off of his friends and look up to see the trees were replaced by card suits.
"What!? This is..." Riddle says in disbelief.
"H-huh? We're alive? Wait, what are these?" Ace asks.
"The rose trees, all turned into card suits. How?" Deuce says then asks.
"Riddle, stop now!" Trey says, with an almost scolding tone.
"Trey's "Doodle Suit"?! Huh... What's going on?" Cater asks.
"Your collars are gone too." Isaac says, Ace and Deuce seeing he was right.
"I told you. My "Doodle Suit" can overwrite anything for a short period of time. So... I overwrote "Riddle's magic" into "my magic"." Trey explains.
"You're kidding... That's possible?! It's a cheat!" Cater exclaims.
"Off with your heads! I'll have all your heads! Why won't anything but card suits appear!?" Riddles exclaims, attempting to cast magic but nothing was working.
"Riddle! Stop this! If you go any further, you'll lost everything! Look at everyone's faces!" Trey says, trying to talk sense into the rampaging prefect.
"W-was he seriously going through with it...?" A Heartslabyul resident asks.
"He went way too far..." Another says, Isaac agreeing with him.
"M-monster..." Another whimpered in fright, but Riddle didn't seem to take note.
"Huh...? Trey overwrote my magic? Does that mean your magic surpasses mine?" The red-haired boy questions. That's what he was focused on?
"No, that's not the case. But Riddle, you need to calm down, and we can talk this out." The clover boy responds.
"What? So, you want to tell me that I'm wrong, too? Even though we have been upholding these strict rules together this whole time? I have been enduring and enduring and enduring and enduring, this whole time! I... I... don't believe you!" Riddle cries out in disbelief.
"Don't you get it?" Isaac spoke again. "Trey followed because he was scared, like the others. He knew if he disobeyed you, you would've taken his head too! Even though you two are childhood friends!" He says.
"Mr. Rosehearts, you must stop. If you cast anymore magic your magic crystal will be completely covered in blot." Crowley says in a warning tone.
"I am... I am... Absolutely, always... CORRECT!" Riddle shouts.
"Shut up, and accept you're in the wrong!" Isaac yells, getting tired of this.
"And you! Off, with your, bloody head!" Riddle screams, casting his collar at Isaac once again, only, something was different, and wrong.
"RIDDLE!!!" Trey yells, but it was too late.
AN: Sorry I haven't updated in so long, I've been busy these past few months.
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