Arc 1-Chapter 7: Happy Unbirthday Party

Once again, through the mirror, was a black and white rose garden. Isaac looked ahead to see Alice and the three club card soldiers all bowing before the Queen of Hearts. Who was holding one of the painted rose bush, not looking pleased at all.

"Another dream?" He thought as he watches.

"You went and sullied my roses! Prepare yourself!" The queen said angrily.

"I beg your forgiveness, Your Highness. It's their fault!" The three of clubs blames.

"No! It wasn't me! It was Ace!" The two exclaims, pointing to said card.

"Was it you?" The Queen of Hearts asked the ace.

"No, it was Two!" Ace said right back.

"Two's doing?" The tyrannical monarch questions.

"No! It was Three!" Two blamed next.

"Enough! Off with all their heads!" She ordered and the poor cards were taken away to be beheaded. The woman only huffs as they're dragged to their deaths.

"Of course you lose your head using the wrong color." Taunts a two of diamonds.

"I can't believe anyone would mix up red and white." Said a three of spades next. Oh, come on! You guys were only saying that because it didn't happen to you!

"Seriously, Lady! You don't have to behead people over rose bushes! The reason they were even painting the roses was because they knew you would have their heads if you found out they planted white instead of red! But really, you would've beheaded them either way!" Isaac thought, then felt himself being pulled away.

"Isaac? Isaac! Hey, wake up!" Isaac groans as he opens his eyes to see he was in the Ramshackle Dorm lounge. Above him was Deuce. Oh, right, he and Ace slept here last night.

"Come on, man. Get up already. Today's the Unbirthday Party, remember? If we're late, it'll be off with all our heads!" Deuce says urgently.

"Huh? Oh, oh right. Just a second." Isaac says and sits up, groaning slightly.

"Whoa, you okay? You must be exhausted after last night." The spade boy says.

"No, I'm fine. Just had a weird dream." Isaac admits, they then hear a knock.

"Hm? Sounds like someone's at the door." Deuce comments.

"I'll get it." The black haired boy says, getting up and answering the door.

"Good morning! Oh, hello Isaac!" Cater greeted cheerfully then is led into the building lounge, where Ace and Grim were with Deuce. "So, did you enjoy your sleepover? Was it an evening of pillow fights and card games?" He asks.

"Yawn... Morning, Cater. Yeah, we did play some cards." Ace said a little sleepily, as he appeared to just be waking up. "Grim didn't really know the rules, so we stuck with Old Maid." The red-haired boy says.

"Humph! And I couldn't win one time!" The said feline huffs.

"Well, because you have no poker face when you pull the joker." Deuce says. "Besides the games, all we did was talk." He then adds.

"Ooh... Really? What were you talking about?" Cater asks curiously.

"That's between us, thank you very much." Ace replies with a serious tone.

"Yeah, that's kind of private senpai." Deuce agrees. Isaac feeling thankful.

"Hehe, okay, fair. Anyways, let's go get those tarts you made yesterday and head on over to apologize to Riddle. There was some trouble yesterday as well, so I'm kind of low on man power and I need your help." Cater says then requests.

"Huh? Man power?" Ace asks confused. Yeah, what does he mean by that?

"Ahem! Talking to myself there... hehe... Well then, we should get going to the Unbirthday Party now!" The orange haired male says, dismissive. Something was up, but now really wasn't really the time to dwell on it.

"Pardon me!" Everyone jumps when a ghost, not of the Phantom Trio, appears.

"Uh... Who are you?" Isaac asks, calming down.

"I'm here with a delivery. I was told by Dr. Madman to give this to Isaac North." The strange ghost explains, displaying the box he was holding. That's when Isaac realized what it was. Along with Grim, Ace and Deuce.

"Oh! Thank you!" The black haired boy says and takes the box. The ghost then disappears, wishing him and the others a good day.

"Dr. Madman? Oh no, Isaac are you sick?" Cater asked worriedly.

"Uh, it's nothing serious. Just some special medicine. I better put it away and take some. We'll meet you outside, senpai." Isaac replies, then heads into the kitchen while Cater heads outside. Ace and Deuce both go to change into their uniforms.

In the kitchen, Isaac opens the box and takes out one of the blood bags. He then puts away the rest of the blood in the freezer. He gulps as he takes out a glass and opens the blood bag, pouring the blood into it, then tossing the empty bag away. He takes a look around, before drinking the blood down, licking any remnants off from his lips and mouth. Then quickly rinses out the glass.

He joins the others in getting dressed, then all grabbed their tarts from the fridge. Ace's Mont Blanc and Isaac's chocolate strawberry tart. They then make their way to the east building, then through the mirror to Heartslabyul Dorm.

"I'm going to get the tart to the dorm leader and apologize... Then, I'll finally get this damn collar off!" Ace said with confidence.

"Yo! You're all here. I've been waiting for me!" Everyone then jumped at the appearance of a... another Cater! This one wearing the gym uniform.

"I'm back. Sorry for the wait, me." The Cater originally with them says.

"What the-?! There are two Diamonds?!" Deuce says surprised.

"Oh man, guys, am I seeing double?" Isaac questions.

"Whoa! You have a twin!?" Ace asks just as surprised.

"Nope, I'm the only brother in my family. This is actually my unique magic, "Split Card". Basically, I can use magic to make clones of myself

"Okay... I'm going to pretend this makes sense..." Isaac mutters to himself.

"Welcome back." Said a third Cater, dressed in their potions lab gear.

"Oh, hello Isaac!" Yet another Cater, this one wearing the entrance ceremony robes, greets them. Oddly enough, the diamond on his face was black.

"I've had it rough! You guys sure took your sweet time." The second Cater in the gym uniform says. To Isaac, that sounded a little rehearsed.

"What?! There's more!" Ace exclaims shell-shocked. Oh great...

"By the way, I'm the real Cater." The one in the gym clothes clarifies. "The more copies I make of myself, the harder it gets and I can't keep it up for very long." He explains. "Anyway, it's off with our heads if we're late. I don't have enough hands so lend me yours. I'll take you straight to Riddle once we're done." He says next.

"More painting white roses red?" Grim groans.

"You're really full of yourself!" Ace complains next.

"Guys, let's just get it over with. At the very least it will keep my mind from the Cater quartet here." Isaac says then groans while rubbing his temples. "You know, you're lucky I don't punch you in the face." He mutters and the four Caters flinch.

"You know, I'd pay to see that." The red haired boy says.

"Uh, Ace, I don't think Cater-senpai would survive that." Deuce states.

"Exactly!!" The heart boy shouts back.

"Uh... Let's get started. Hehe..." The real Cater says, clearly nervous and probably a little unnerved from the conversation between his underclassmen.

With that, they all head to the maze garden and once again, start painting all the white roses red. Isaac thought back to his dream while painting. Those poor cards would've lost their heads, no matter what they did. Beheading people was pretty much the Queen's favorite thing to say and do. She was nothing but a tyrant with a bad temper. Just like Riddle now that he really thought about it.

"Well... We did a lot better than yesterday." Deuce pants as they finish.

"You did well!" Cater compliments then takes out his phone. "Oops! It's almost time! Well done me's!" He then says to his counterparts and they disappear.

Cater then proceeds to lead them further into the maze. Where they eventually come upon what appears to be its center, which had set up and decorated for a true tea party. Fit for any royal guest. Suddenly, trumpets were sounded.

"Announcing our great leader! The Crimson Ruler! Dorm Leader Riddle!" Says one of the residences of Heartslabyul. As Riddle himself appears, the other residences began cheering for him. But they didn't sound very genuine to Isaac.

"Hm. The roses are red, the tablecloth is white. A perfect Unbirthday Party." The said boy observes and comments. "You made sure there is a mouse asleep in the teapot, correct?" He then asks Trey.

"Of course. The jam to put on its nose at the right time is also ready." Trey replies.

"Man... This really is an Unbirthday Party... Just as weird and strange... Though I do recall in the original book that it was an endless tea party as the Mad Hatter had a quarrel with Time, so Time made it tea-time all the time." Isaac thought.

"Ooh! Look at their outfits! They all look so cool!" Grim comments.

"Heh, heh! The Heartslabyul dorm attire is very cool! The style is on point and makes for a great Magicam pic! Which means it's time for me to change." Cater says and waves his pen. In a flash his attire changes to match the others.

"Laws of the Queen of Hearts also states we dress formally on party days. As a special service, I'll get you coordinated too." The orange-haired male says, then waves his wand at the group. In a flash, all of their clothes then change as well. Including Grim's ribbon.

"Oho! I'm hot stuff!" Ace compliments himself.

"Nyaha! I look good!" Grim seems to brag. Isaac rolls his eyes at the two.

"I admit, you guys look amazing." He says, while looking over his own clothes.

"Don't forget to give Riddle the Mont Blanc. Let's all party!" Cater reminds then cheers. That reminded Isaac...

"Excuse me." He said as he moves through the crowd to the table Riddle sat at. "Um, hello Riddle." He greets nervously, tray with his tart in hand.

"Huh? Oh, you're the Leader of the new dorm right?" The red haired boy says.

"Yeah, that's me." Isaac replies. "Anyway, I brought this for the Unbirthday Party today." He says and places down the platter.

"Hmm... A chocolate strawberry tart. It does look delicious. Especially the rose made from strawberries." Riddle admits looking pleased.

"Glad you like it. It took a few a tries before I got it down." Isaac says.

"You mean you made this yourself? Impressive. I'm actually looking forward to sampling it." The other dorm leader says. "Before that though, and the croquet match, a toast. Do you all have your teacups?" He says next and everyone raises their said cups with him.

"Today is nobody's birthday, so to this Unbirthday Party! Cheers!" He says and everyone cheers with him and they drink their tea.

"Ace, isn't now your chance?" Cater says to the said boy.

"Right... Excuse me, Dorm Leader!" Ace says and walks up to the other boy.

"You are... Ah, the freshman tart thief." Riddle identifies him. That's a little rude.

"Um, I would like to apologize for eating the tart before. So, like Isaac, I baked a new one." The heart boy apologizes and says.

"Hmm? You as well? I'm curious, what kind of tart is it this time?" Riddle asks.

"Thank you for asking! It's a Mont Blanc stuffed to the brim with fresh chestnuts!" Ace replies, then seems to boast.

"What?! A Mont Blanc?! I can't believe this!" Riddle suddenly exclaims, sounding, outraged? "Laws of the Queen of Hearts, No. 562: "One must never bring a Mont Blanc to an Unbirthday Party". You've violated an imperative rule! How could you do something like this?! The Unbirthday Party is utterly ruined!" He stated and said accusedly.

"N-number 562?!" Deuce said shocked, the others silent.

"Just how many of these rules are there?!" Isaac exclaimed just as shocked.

"There are total of 810, and I have memorized every single one of them. I am the dorm leader after all." Riddle answers.

"Oh no, we are so screwed... Trey, did you know?" Cater says then asks Trey.

"Ugh... I've only committed about 350 to memory. We let our guards down. To think there be rules against what kind of tarts to bring..." Trey mutters.

"As the dorm leader of Heartslabyul, out of respect to the strictness of the Queen of Hearts, I cannot close my eyes on this matter. Dispose of this Mont Blanc at this second! And throw those rule breakers out!" Riddle states then orders. Seriously?

"Wait just a moment! You really have dumbass rules like that?" Ace questions.

"Yeah! I'll just eat it myself if you're gonna throw it away!" Grim says.

"My deepest apologizes, Dorm Leader. I was the one who said we should make a Mont Blanc." Trey tries to sooth the situation.

"Yeah. Didn't think there would be a rule for something like that." Cater adds.

"Honestly, it doesn't surprise me too much." Isaac thought.

"Making it isn't the problem here. The fact that you brought it here today is the problem!" The dorm leader states.

"Okay, Riddle. I don't mean any disrespect, but this is just ridiculous!" Isaac jumps in. "Seriously, anyone who would follow such a rule is an idiot!" He shouts.

"Idiot... You say?" Riddle asks, with a threatening undertone.

"Wait, stop! That word is taboo." Cater warns. "And Riddle, these are freshmen that are still learning the ropes." He then tries to defend.

"No, I'm gonna to say it. Anyone who obeys that rule and tosses a tart is an idiot. Stop screwing with me." Ace states.

"I agree with Ace. I think that rules are meant to be followed, but... This is too arbitrary." Deuce agrees and states.

"Yeah, Riddle you have to realize some of these rules are just plain stupid! Not to mention with how many of them there are! If you want people to follow them, maybe you should make a handbook with all the rules so new students can look over and learn them!" Isaac states.

"Actually, that is an interesting idea." Trey says in agreement.

"Yeah, it defiantly would be a big help!" Cater agrees too.

"Even with that! This is too much Riddle. If you bothers you that much you can take my tart as Ace's apology." The black haired boy says.

"I suggest that you stay out of this. This doesn't concern you, or your dorm. This is strictly between a leader and his dorm. You sure quite the nerve, talking to me in such a way. Listen well, even breaking insignificant rules leads to huge problems." Riddle says back.

"It is since it concerns my friends." The taller boy rebuffs. "I'm a Dorm Leader like you, I know following the rules is important and people should own up to their mistakes... But this is still too much! You're taking punishing your dorm mates too far. How many of your dorm have you collared this week alone?

"If you keep this up you'll lose your position. Heck, I'm surprised you're still the leader. But that's probably because so scared of you, they won't speak up!" Isaac tells him off.

"Excuse you! In the year that I've been dorm leader there hasn't been a single student held back or expelled from Heartslabyul Dorm. Only Heartslabyul can say that. In this dorm, I am the one with the highest marks and the strongest.

"That makes me the most correct! All you have to do is follow the rules without talking back! I'm not cutting off your heads because I want to. You keep breaking the rules and leaving me with no choice. If you won't obey me, then it's off with all your heads!" Riddle states. Yeah, right! That was bullshit!

"No, everyone just say: "Yes, Dorm Leader"." Cater instructs seriously.

"...I can't do that." Deuce refuses.

"This selfish tyrant, I reject him!" Ace agrees.

"What did you just say?" The said dorm leader asks.

"We're saying you're a hot-headed tyrant that wastes food for his own selfish whims!" Grim says.

"W-whoa now, we didn't say all that..." Deuce stutters. Yes, but it was true.

"How dare you!" The said red haired boy growls, raising his magic pen.

"Riddle! Seriously, this has gone far enough!" Isaac shouts.

"I told you to stay of this!" The dorm head screams, his face red, then flicks his pen and Isaac's tart suddenly goes flying. Right onto Isaac himself, staining the white uniform he was wearing. Everyone froze and gasped.

"I-Isaac...?" Deuce whispers out, the boy didn't reply. Riddle himself was shocked. What had he done?

"I-I didn't mean...!" Riddle began saying then reaching toward the taller boy, who promptly smacks the smaller boy's hand away, then looks down at him with a fearsome glare. Riddle froze, his anger turning to fear.

"You, little..." Isaac growls out. "I think, it's you who should be punished!" He shouts and goes straight for Riddle's throat.

"Whoa, Isaac!" Deuce says and rushes over.

"Stop man!" Ace says as they both grab onto the black haired boy and hold him back. "I think it's time we get out of here! And I'm not sure we'll be coming back!" The red boy says and the two drag Isaac away and out of the garden. Grim following them. Everyone let out a breath of relief as soon as they were gone.

"W-what, was that? That intense energy that Isaac was emitting?! I thought he was normal!" Cater exclaims.

"Is he?" Trey questions out loud.

"What do you mean?" The diamond boy says.

"Isaac can't use magic... So why was he brought here?" The vice dorm leader says.

"Yeah, that is rather strange." Cater admits.

"More importantly, during the entrance ceremony, the Dark Mirror had sensed something else in him. Something he called, "unholy"." Trey adds.

"So, Isaac might not entirely be normal?" Cater says. The two then notice their dorm leader, who hasn't moved a muscle at all. They go over to him.

"Riddle...? Are you okay?" Trey asks, a little concerned.

"Yeah, something wrong?" Cater asks next.

"I-I was..." Riddle mutters back.

"Huh? Come again." The diamond boy asks.

"I was going to die." The dorm leader replies and elaborates.

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