Arc 0-Chapter 4: Broken Glass

Dr. Xavier Madman. The man looked elderly, with white streaked black hair and short beard, though he was mostly bald on top his head. He was dressed in a typical doctor's outfit with a white lab coat. He seemed kind of scary at first, but was actually nice, especially when Crowley told him what happened.

"You're lucky you weren't burnt, just your clothes. There isn't even a scratch on you." The doctor said as he checks him over.

"Thank you, doctor." Isaac thanks the man as he finishes up. "This feels familiar." He thought, recalling that time he was found and taken to a small clinic. He was unhurt then too.

"Yes, thank you Dr. Madman. Come on, Mr. North. Let's get you something to eat." Crowley, who had been silent through most of the transgression, says. He leads Isaac out of the infirmary to get something for the boy to eat at least.

When the school day ended, Isaac met with Grim in the cafeteria. The cat had spent most of the day cleaning and fixing the Queen of Hearts statue, but their work wasn't done just yet. Well, more like Grim's and Ace's work wasn't done. Speaking of the red boy, he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"That Ace guy sure is taking his sweet time. Who does he think he is, making me wait? I'm pissed!" The feline complained.

"Just don't go starting a fire again. I'm not jumping in that fray ever again. Not after today." Isaac tells him. The two waited for what was probably an hour, yet still, the red boy didn't show.

"Grr! I don't care what happened! This is too late!" Grim exclaims. Actually, he did kind of have a point. Ace should have been here by now. "Wait, he wouldn't just skip out, right?" The cat questioned. Knowing him, most likely.

"Oh, I'd believe it. Let's go find him." Isaac says.

"I'm not gonna let him get away with putting all the punishment on us! Let's go, henchman! We're gonna catch ace and make him do all the window washing!" Grim declared and zooms off.

"I'm not your henchman." The black haired boy says with a sigh, but follows anyway. They rush down the hall then duck into a classroom.

"Hey! Where's Ace!? We're not gonna let you hide away! ...ah! There's nobody here?!" The feline shouts then realizes, as the classroom was empty.

"Not true. I'm here." A voice spoke, coming from a portrait on the wall.

"Gyaa! The picture talked?!" Grim exclaimed in fright. Isaac also jumped.

"What now? It's not uncommon for paintings to talk at this school you know? The Wall Lady over there, the Wall Gentlemen there, everyone can speak. Portraits can speak because they have a mouth. That's normal, you know?" The man in the portrait replies.

"Talking portraits... in a magic school... Oh great, I'm in Hogwarts now." The boy thought with a sigh. "Normally, paintings don't talk at all." He said that part aloud.

"Well, your "normal" and my "normal" differ in regards to our individual quirks. Isn't that true?" The portrait man stated. Okay, he did have a point there. "That aside, who are you looking for again?" He then asked.

"Huh? Oh! We're looking for a guy named, Ace. He has a heart shaped mark on his face and red hair that sort of sticks up like fire." Grim described.

"Hmm... Ah yes, I know him. He's one of the freshmen that started today. He just left to go back to his dorm for the day." The portrait replied.

"Ah-ha! So he did try to get away!" Grim exclaimed.

"He couldn't have gotten far. Which way did he go?" Isaac states then asks.

"The dormitories entrance are behind the East Building." The portrait replied.

"Thank you, sir. Let's go, Grim." He thanks the man in the painting, then says to the feline, and they quickly give chase of the boy. They make their way to the East Building, arriving in the hall of mirrors, which were apparently doorways to each of the individual dormitories. And, low and behold, there was Ace.

"No way am I washing a hundred windows. I'm gonna head back to my room..." The boy said to himself. So he was skipping out. Busted!

"Hey! You!" Grim called, getting the red haired boy's attention.

"Gah! You found me!" The boy exclaimed.

"You jerk! Hold up! I won't let you be the only one to escape!" The cat exclaims.

"I'm not just going to wait around for you!" Ace responds back.

"You should at least own up to this." Isaac says while holding up his burnt sleeve.

"What?! I... uh... It was that raccoon's fire! I'm out of here!" The red boy replies, then makes a dash towards one of the mirrors.

"It's not fair for only you to get out of it! I want to skip out too!" Grim says.

"Both of you are responsible, so both of you should do the punishment." The black haired boy states.

"Outta my way! Outta my way!" Ace exclaims as he runs past another boy next to the mirror he was running towards. Perfect.

"Hey! Stop that guy! He's skipping out on cleaning duty!" Isaac calls.

"Huh? Magic to capture somebody?! O-okay... I should, freeze their legs-no. How about restraining them? Or I could... um..." The boy said, debating on what to do.

"Any way, I don't care how! Just hit hard! Hurry!" Grim demanded.

"Any, way?! Any...way... All right! Anything is fine, so come on! Something heavy!" The mystery boy says, then waves an odd pen with a red gemstone in the air.

"Gaaah!" Ace exclaimed as a large black, cauldron(?), appeared out of nowhere and fell on him. Ouch! That looked like it hurt.

"Gyahaha! Check it out! Ace is as flat as a pancake under that cauldron! So lame!" Grim mocked as he burst into laughter.

"I, didn't think I'd get a cauldron. Did I overdo it?" The mystery boy questions.

"Oh man, this hurts..." The red boy groans as he manages to crawl out from under the cauldron. "C'mon, you should be fine. Those 100 windows should be clean in a flash, no problem." He says. Is he serious?

"It's a direct order from the headmaster. Also, yes problem. Do you really think just me and Grim can do something like that "in a flash"?" Isaac stated.

"Washing 100 windows as punishment... What in the world did you all do?" The dark blue haired boy, who had a spade over his right eye, asked.

"It's more like what they did." The dark eyed boy says back.

"I got into a bit with that furball, and we just might have charred the Queen of Hearts' statue, a bit." Ace admitted. Isaac cleared his throat. "We also, kinda, almost burned him over there." The red boy added nervously.

"I have a name, it's Isaac, Isaac North. Moron." Said boy corrected with annoyed look.

"What?! You damaged one of the Great Seven statues?! That's bad enough, but you also almost injured another student?!" The spade guy exclaimed then looks to Isaac. "Jeez... Are you okay?" He asked in concern.

"The doctor already took care of it. Luckily, I dodged before the fire could hit me." The dark eyed boy replied, then looks to Ace. "Which is partly why you need to wash those windows, and I'm stuck with supervising you two." He adds.

"Good lord... You get into a prestigious school, then do something so reckless and stupid, not to mention dangerous and potentially life-threating, on the first day..." The blue-haired boy says.

"Shut up... Who are you anyway?" Ace said then asked.

"I'm Deuce. Deuce Spade. Would it hurt to remember your classmate's face at least?" The boy, Deuce, introduced then stated.

"You haven't memorized them either." Ace retorts. It was only the first day.

"A-anyway! If you were ordered by the headmaster, then that means you take it seriously. Unless you want to be expelled." Deuce says, changing the subject.

"Yeah, yeah... Alright, let's just get it over with already." Ace sighs and complies.

"Good, now then, Grim... Huh? Grim?" Isaac began then noticed the cat missing.

"Ah! That furball is gone! Dumb cat! He made me take his place!" The heart boy exclaims. "Hey! Umm... Juice!" He called.

"I'm not juice! I'm Deuce! Deu!" Said boy corrected.

"Whatever. You're partly responsible, so help us catch that furball!" The red haired boy demanded.

"Huh? Why me?" The blue-haired boy questioned.

"This deadweight can't use any magic, so he doesn't count! OW!" The red boy said then screamed when Isaac stomps on his foot.

"Let's go." Said boy tells them and runs after the cat. Ace, meanwhile, was trying to nurse his hurt foot, looking on the verge of tears.

"You have only yourself to blame for that." Deuce says to him and follows after the black haired boy.

Ace soon followed both of them, and the three boys gave chase after the raccoon, cat, monster, thing. They chase Grim around the school, eventually ending up in the cafeteria.

"Crap! He's darting around everywhere! We can't catch him!" Ace panted.

"Heheheh! Catch me if you can, you suckers!" Grim taunted then flies up to the chandelier.

"Grr... Getting on the chandelier is an underhanded move! We haven't learned the magic to fly yet..." Deuce growls, frustrated. "We need a way to get up there and get him... Maybe we could... No..." the boy was debating again.

"I don't mean to rush you, but if the Headmaster sees this, and the windows not clean, we're all going to be in trouble." Isaac tells him.

"Ah-ha! I've got it!" The spade boy exclaims then takes out his pen and points it at Ace, who was too busy thinking on what to do to catch Grim to notice.

"I've gotta think of an idea... Whoa, whoa! Wait a sec! Why are you pointing your magical pen at me?!" The heart boy exclaims when he does notice.

"I'll just throw you!" Deuce exclaims. What?!

"Wait a minute..." Isaac tried to intervene, too late.

"You're joking, right? Whoooaaa! Don't make me float! Are you really going to throw me?! Knock it off!" The red haired boy exclaims as he began floating.

"Catch him... You hear. Take aim, and... Fire!" The blue haired boy says as he launches Ace at the chandelier and Grim. Both scream as they crash into each other and fall to the ground. Taking the chandelier with them! "Ah! Crap!" Deuce exclaims and shields Isaac as the chandelier comes crashing down on the floor, shattering and splintering all over the place.

"*Cough**Cough**Cough* I can't believe it! Ow..." Ace groans while coughing from the dust cloud that formed from the impact. While Grim looked dazed.

"Ah! I-I screwed up! I didn't think about the landing!" Deuce says when he sees the mess he accidently made.

"Argh! Are you... AN IDIOT!? We caught Grim but if the headmaster sees this then-!" Ace began.

"If I... find out?" All three boys jump and turn to see Crowley himself, and he didn't look happy. Uh no... "Just... What... Exactly... ARE YOU ALL DOING?!" He shouted. Yeah, he was pissed.

"Ahhh... The room is all spinning..." Grim groans, still out of it. That was a hard hit.

"You weren't satisfied with just damaging one of the Great Seven statues, so you decided to destroy the chandelier?! This is the last straw. All of you, are expelled! Effective immediately!" The masked man declares and both Ace and Deuce panic.

"No! Please! Anything but that! I still have things I need to do at this school!" Deuce pleads.

"You have nothing to blame but your own idiocy." Crowley states.

"I will pay for all the damages if I have to!" Deuce suggested.

"This is no normal chandelier. This is a magical chandelier that uses candles that burn for eternity. It is a masterpiece made by a legendary craftsman and maker of magical tools. It has been entrusted to the school since its very foundation..." The masked man explains. Oh...

"Uh, sir... How much is it worth, exactly?" Isaac asked hesitantly.

"Well... Taking into consideration its historical value, it would cost, no less than a billion madol. Can you pay for those damages?" The man replies then asks.

"A-a billion madol!" The spade boy exclaims. Isaac may not know much about this world's the currency, but by their reactions, that was a lot.

"But teacher, can't you just fix it up with magic..." Ace suggests.

"Magic is not all powerful. More importantly, what we call the heart of any magical tool, the magic crystal, was shattered. No two magic crystals are the same. This chandelier will, never be lit again." The headmaster replied.

"Are you kidding me?" the red boy groaned.

"Crap... What do I do? What am I gonna tell mom..." Deuce muttered nervously.

"That's right! There might be one way to fix the chandelier." Crowley suddenly says, attracting the other's attention. "The magic crystal used for the chandelier was mined from the Dwarf's mine. If we have a magic crystal of the same kind as the original, repairing the chandelier might be possible." He explains.

"Dwarf mine? Does he mean like the one in Snow White?" Isaac thought.

"In that case, I will go find a magic crystal at once, sir!" Deuce declares.

"However, I have no guarantee that there are any magic crystals left in the mine." Crowley admits. He knew it wasn't going to be easy. "The mine itself has been abandoned for some time, it's very possible it has been exhausted of any crystals at all." He explains.

"I'll do anything to get the expulsion rescinded." The spade boy said anyway.

"Fine. I shall give you all one night. Come to me with a magic crystal by tomorrow morning, or face expulsion." The masked man says.

"Yes! Thank you very much, sir!" Deuce agreed.

"Haaa... I suppose. C'mon, let's go get that magic crystal and be done with it." Ace then complies, though clearly reluctant.

"Oh, we are so screwed." Isaac thought as he walks over to the still dazed Grim.

"Use the Gate in the Mirror Chamber to go directly to the Dwarf's Mine." The school headmaster instructs.

"Yes, sir!" Deuce said and he and Ace get going, just as Grim snaps back to reality.

"Huh! What now...? What exactly did I..." Asked the cat confused.

"I'll explain later. For now we need to get to the Gate." Isaac replies and the two follow after the heart and spade boy.

They arrive in the Mirror Chamber with the Gate. It felt strangely like forever since Isaac had been here, but he knew it was just yesterday evening. The coffins, or doors as they were apparently, were still floating in midair. He recalls how he woke up in one, then Grim blew off the lid. Talk about a rude awakening.

"Ahh... Why did it turn into something like this? Today is really not my day..." Ace groaned.

"You were the one who decided to provoke Grim, then skip out on punishment in the first place." Isaac stated.

"Seriously dude, how cold are you?" the red boy complained.

"He's right you know. And is cold the right choice when you nearly burned him?" Deuce agrees and states. Grim snickered.

"Whatever, let's just go!" The red haired boy responded.

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Light our way to Dwarf's Mine!" Deuce says. The mirror suddenly lit up, Isaac suddenly felt both blinded then weightless, then everything suddenly changed.

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