Arc 0-Chapter 1: Stranger's Awakening
AN: This picture is of our protagonist up here. *points up*
He hears a strange rattling sound, snapping him awake, his senses coming back. It was dark around him, he didn't know what was going on. He then heard the weird rattling noise again and it made him alert.
"What's that noise?" He asked himself, then realized his situation. "Where am I? Why is it dark?! And cramped...?" He reached up and touched the surface, finding it both hard and cushion. What the hell?
"Crap! People are coming. Gotta get a uniform while..." He hears a strange voice.
"Hello? Is someone out there? Let me out, please!" He called out, but the voice didn't seem to hear him.
"Grrr! Dammit! The lid is too heavy. Time for my... Secret Move! Ffnnahh! There!" Suddenly the lid of whatever he was in, flew off and blue fire surrounded him.
"What the-? F-Fire?!" He exclaimed.
"Okay, okay. Now for the... Whaaaaa! Why are you awake?!" When he looks up at the source of the voice, he was stunned. Floating in mid-air was what looked like a cat with gray fur and blue eyes, blue fire literally burning from in his ears and a black striped white bow tied around his neck.
"What the-?! A talking cat?!" He exclaims then notices the room. "Are those, floating coffins?" He thought then looks down to see he was a coffin like them.
"Hey!" He looks back to the strange creature. "Just who are you calling a raccoon, and cat!? I am the Great Lord Grim!" The creature, Grim, fitting name, says. "Well, whatever. Hey, human! Hurry up and give me those clothes!" He demanded.
"Huh? My clothes?" He thought confused then looks down at his clothes, only... "What the hell?! These aren't my clothes! When did I change into this?!" He found he was now dressed in some sort of strange uniform.
"Hurry up and give me that uniform!" Grim demands again, directing his attention back to him. "Otherwise... I'll roast ya!" He threatens as the blue fire sparks again.
"Okay, this has got to be a dream because no way a flame-breathing, talking cat, is real!" He exclaims in shock.
"I already said I'm not a freaking cat!" The creature said angrily with his blue fire flaring again. He quickly jumps out of the way, and runs out of the room.
He searches for an exit, but finds himself all twisted around in the strange place he found himself in. He runs down a hallway, through a courtyard, opens a door to a strange room, that looked like a classroom, then ends up in what looked like a library, with floating books. He decides to take a rest and try to figure out his odd situation.
"Oh man... Just where is this place? And what was up with that creature, and that weird room with all the floating coffins?" He thought trying to theorize an answer. "Wait, coffins...? And I was in one. No way, am I dead?! Is this the afterlife? Wait a minute, if that's the case, how did I die then? The last thing I remember is..." The boy was so lost in thought, he didn't notice something approaching him.
"Hah! Did you really think you'd get away from my nose? You dumb human!" He jumps and turns to see Grim appear. "If you don't want to get fried, you better hand over--" The feline began to demand again, but is interrupted as a long whip suddenly comes out and ties him up. "Gyah! Ow! What's with this cord?" That's what he would like to know.
"This is no mere cord. It is my lash of love!" A new voice spoke and out from the shadows appeared a man dressed in a strange outfit with a top hat and a crow shaped mask on his face. In fact, his whole esthetic seemed to be crow like. He then turned to him.
"Ah, found you at last. You must be one of the new students?" The mysterious man said. Huh? New student? Does that mean this place was a school, then? Actually, it was kind of set up like one now that he thought about it.
"You know, you shouldn't do things like that. Leaving the Gate on your own." He said in a sudden scolding tone. "Not only that, you have yet to tame your familiar. Which has broken a number of school rules." He states. So this is a school? Wait, familiar? Does he mean Grim?
"Argh! Let me go! I'm not this guy's freaking familiar!" Said feline exclaimed.
"Sure, sure... The rebellious ones always say the same things. Just quiet down for a moment." The man says, clearly annoyed, and the whip curls around the feline's mouth, muffling him.
"My goodness. It's unprecedented for a student to leave the Gate on their own. Ugh... How impatient can you be? The entrance ceremony is already well under way. Let's go to the Mirror Chamber." He sighs then states.
"Wait, what "gate" are you talking about?" The boy asked confused.
"It's the room you awoke in with all of the doors. All students who wish to attend this academy must pass through one of those doors to arrive here. Normally, the students only awake after their door is opened with a special key, but..." The man replied then trails off. That did shed some light on things.
"So, those floating coffins earlier were actually doors then?" He deduced, then noticed the man's expression. Demanding an answer about why he was out and about. "Oh! That thing's fire blew off the lid." He explained, recalling what had happened when he woke up.
"So in the end, the culprit appears to be this familiar." The masked man said. "Look, if you're going to bring it with you, you have to take responsibility and properly take care of it." Wait a sec, he wasn't insinuating that, that, thing, belonged to him, was he?
"Wait, sir, there seems to be a misunderstanding here. That's not mi--"
"Oh my!" The man cut him off, not even listening. "I am afraid now isn't the time to be long winded. The entrance ceremony will be coming to a close soon. Let's get a move on." He instructs.
"Hey! Wait a sec. Who are you? And where am I?" He interrupts and asks.
"What's this? Are you still dazed? It appears the teleportation magic has left you disoriented. Well, it is fine. It happens often enough. I shall explain as we make our way to the hall of mirrors. For I am gracious." The masked man replied, then began leading the boy out the library and down the hall, with Grim still tied up in his whip. As they reach the courtyard, he began explaining.
"This is Night Raven Collage. Those magicians blessed with an unique aptitude for magic gather from all over the world, here at the most prestigious magic school in Twisted Wonderland. And I am the principal, Dire Crowley, the appointed dean to take care of this academy by the board chairman." He, Principal Crowley, explains.
"Wonderland? Like "Alice in Wonderland"? Does that mean I fell down a "rabbit hole"?" He guessed, when he recalls something. "Wait, I remember coming through a mirror to get here, so... looking glass then? Nevermind.
"What's this about it being twisted. Wonderland, from what I remember was always a world of madness, so how crazier can it get?" He wondered, and got a bad feeling that he just jinxed himself. There was another question on his mind. "Magician? Night Collage?" He asked, because, this guy couldn't be serious.
"Only those magicians seen as worthy by the Dark Mirror can attend this school." Crowley proceeds. "The chosen ones use the Gate and are summoned here from around the world. An Ebony Carriage should have gone to meet you as well." He explains further. That did trigger a memory in him.
"I do remember, going through a dark forest, and then a terrifying horse's face." He recounted.
"The Ebony Carriage goes to welcome new students chosen by the Dark Mirror. They are special carriage that also carry the doors to the academy. The market decreed long ago that carriages are to be used to welcome people on special occasions." The school dean adds.
"Market?" He thought. What does that have to do with school? And... "Are you saying the carriage brought me here on its own?" He questioned. Now that he thought about, he didn't actually see anyone driving the coach. Grim, who was still bound and muzzled, mutters.
"Come now. Let's go to the entrance ceremony." The man says and leads the boy towards the chamber he came from.
In said Mirror Chamber, a bunch of people were gathered there, all dressed in similar robe outfits. These were the students of Night Raven Collage.
"Is that all for the new student dorm assignments?" A young looking boy with bright red hair says. "Listen up, students. Here in Heartslabyul, I am the rules. Break them and it's off with your head." He said intently. Talk about attitude.
"...Ugh. The stuffy ceremony is finally over. We're going back to the dorm. All Savanaclaws, follow me." Another boy, with lion like ears, says with a tired sigh.
"To the new students, congratulations on entering this esteemed academy. I hope you all enjoy your new life here to the fullest." A silver haired boy with glasses says next. "As dorm leader of Octavinelle, I will support you all to the best of my ability." He promises.
"By the way, where did the Dean go? He suddenly flew out right in the middle of the ceremony..." A particularly beautiful boy inquired.
"Abandoning his post..." A voice from a floating tablet said in a melancholic tone.
"Did he get a stomach ache or something?" A white haired boy with red eyes asks.
"Not at all!" Said dean exclaimed as he burst into the room, Grim still tied up and the boy right behind him.
"He's here." The red haired boy said.
"I cannot believe you all. We were missing one new student, so I went to go find them." The masked man explains then turns back to him. "You are the only one yet to be assigned a dormitory. I shall watch the raccoon. Now, go step in front of the Dark Mirror." He instructs.
He looks toward Grim, then walks over the mirror at the center of the room. Instead of his reflection, a face, sort of like a white theater mask, appears in the mirror glass, staring at him with empty eye sockets, making him feel nervous.
"State thy name." The mirror told him and the boy gulped.
"My name is Isaac North." He answers, he then heard the others all whispering.
"Hmm... Isaac, the shape of thy soul is..." The mask said then hums in thought.
"What it is, Dark Mirror?" Crowley asked.
"I am, unsure." The mirror replies.
"Come again?" The Headmaster inquires.
"I sense no spark of magic, but, I do sense, something else. Something strong, powerful, but also dangerous, almost unholy. Therefore, he is not suited for any dormitory." The mirror replies and the face fades. The other students all began whispering and murmuring again, about him. He suddenly felt put on the spot.
"What's going on? What's all this talk about magic? Magic isn't real. Despite what the world has become. And what's this talk about a power? Wait... can it, can it tell...?" He thought, beginning to feel overwhelmed. He never did like being the center of attention.
"My lord, the Ebony Carriage picked up a non-magician?! In 100 years, this has never happened. Now what do to do with you is the question." Crowley ponders.
"Then I'll take his place!" He exclaims, gaining everyone's attention.
"Stay right there! Raccoon!" Crowley explained.
"Unlike that dumb human, I can actually use magic! Let me in the school instead! If you need proof, I'll show you right now!" The raccoon-cat exclaimed. Wait, does he mean...? Oh shit!
"Everyone, get down!" Isaac exclaimed in warning, then ducked as the feline unleashed his blue fire once again.
"Waaah! Hot! Hot! My butt's on fire!" The red-eyed boy exclaimed.
"Stop this at once! At this rate, the school will be a sea of fire! Somebody do something and catch that raccoon! Especially you! He is your familiar!" The dean exclaims then tells Isaac.
"No! I was trying to tell you, he's not--"
"How many times must I say it!? I am not a raccoon, or anyone's familiar! I am the Great Grim! Who will become the greatest magician ever!" The feline exclaims, interrupting the boy.
"Well, he certainly has quite the moxie. Shall we take care of the raccoon then, Riddle?" The glasses boy said to the red-head.
"I can't overlook those who break the rules. Let's hurry and get this over with." Said red-head, Riddle, agreed. "Off With Your Head!" He exclaimed. Suddenly, a red and black heart shaped collar appeared around Grim's neck.
"Nyah! What the heck is this?!" The raccoon-cat exclaimed.
"Laws of the Queen of Hearts, number 23; "One shall never bring a cat to a festival". You being a cat means you have broken the rule. I shall have you leave at once." The red haired boy says.
"I'm not a cat! I'll burn this collar right up and... e-eh? Why can't I use my fire?!" The feline exclaimed.
"Hmph! You won't be able to use any magic at all until I remove the collar. Just like an ordinary cat." Riddle said, quite smugly.
"Wh-what?! I'm not some pet!" Grim exclaims.
"Don't worry. I'd never keep a pet like you." The red haired boy said. Yeah, that probably didn't help. "I'll take it off when you get thrown out of here." He adds.
"Wow, as wonderful as ever. Any and all magic gets sealed by your Unique Magic, Riddle." The megane boy compliments. "I want it. No... I wouldn't want that ever cast on me." He says. Yeah, that did look kind of painful.
"You must do something about this! It is your familiar!" Crowley tells Isaac.
"He is not my familiar!" He exclaimed, frustrated.
"Eh? It's not yours...?" The headmaster inquired.
"That's what I've been trying to tell you! I just met him today, when he blew the lid of the door off, then demanded I give him my uniform, most likely so he could pose as a student to get in! I've never even seen a creature like him before!" The boy explains.
"Oh... My apologies. Then in that case, let's get it out of the school. We won't be turning you into a stew. For I am gracious." The masked man says.
"Gyaaah! Let me go you-! Ahh!" the feline exclaimed as he was dragged away.
"Well, you reap what you sew. Shouldn't have been so reckless." Isaac says.
"Indeed." The Headmaster agreed. "Well, we had a bit of trouble along the way but this officially brings the entrance ceremony to a close. Prefects, please take your new students to your respective dorms. I'll handle Mr. North for the time being." He instructs. "Hmm? Odd, now that I think about it, I don't see the leader for the Diasomnia dorm, Mr. Draconia, around at all..." He comments.
"Well, that's no different from usual, is it?" The lion-eared man said.
"What? Did nobody tell him about the ceremony?" The red-eyed boy, having put out his butt fire, questions.
"If you're going to complain, you should have done it yourself." Pretty boy says.
"Hmm. But I don't really know anything about the guy." The other boy says, and the students all began whispering again.
"By Draconia... do they mean that Malleus Draconia?" One student asks.
"Is he seriously attending this school?" Another said.
"Scary..." One comments. Whoever this Draconia is, he seems to be a big deal.
"I was correct." Spoke a young looking boy with magenta streaked black hair. "I thought he might come but Malleus really didn't show up. It seems the invitation "never arrived" again." That sounded oddly suspicious, and familiar.
"My deepest apologies. I promise we didn't intend to exclude you." The megane boy says.
"His aura makes it hard to approach him." Riddle adds.
"It's fine. New members of the Diasomnia dormitory may come with me... I do hope this doesn't upset him though..." The magenta streaked haired boy says. With that, the students all walk out of the chamber, leaving Isaac and Crowley.
"Then, Isaac, I'm terribly sorry about this, but... We must have you leave the school." He tells him. "Those without any magical talent cannot be allowed to attend class here." He informs and Isaac was silent.
"There is no need to worry though, the Dark Mirror will send you back to where you came from." The dean explains and Isaac sighs in relief. "Go on, and enter the Gate, make sure to picture your home clearly in your mind..." He instructs. Isaac took a deep breath and walks toward the mirror.
"Oh Dark Mirror! Guide this one back to the place they belong!" Crowley speaks as he touched the mirror, but nothing happened. "A-ahem! Once more perhaps. Oh Dark Mirror! Guide this one..." but he was interrupted.
"It is nowhere." The mirror speaks. He belongs, nowhere? "The place they belong is nowhere in this world... it does not exist." It emphasizes.
"What did you say? This is simply, unbelievable! Hmm, well, this unbelievable has been on a bit of a parade today." The masked man says. Yeah, no kidding. "Still, this is the first time this has ever happened since I became dean. What do to do... Hmm... Where exactly did you come from?" He asks, surprisingly harsh.
"Uh... Queens, of New York City, sir." Isaac answered.
"New, York, you say? Strange, I've never heard of such a place." The man replies. What? "I have a general grasp of where all of the students here are from, but I've never heard of those names before. Let's do some research in the library. Maybe we'll be able to find something." He suggests then leads the young boy out of the room and down the hall to said library.
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