Chapter 7
Naruto woke up groggily as he felt someone shaking him. He turned over and saw Natsu shaking him awake, "Tou-san, wake up, we're hungry," Natsu said
"Hm... what?" Naruto asked with a groggy voice
"Get up, we're hungry,"
"Alright... just let me get up and get yourselves to the table," Naruto said as he sat up
"Yay!" Natsu shouted as Naruto got off the couch and walked into the kitchen. Naruto grabbed some fish, rice, and miso, then felt someone tugging on his pants and looked down to see Wendy with a blanket looking at him "Yes, Wendy?" Naruto asked
"I'm hungry," Wendy stated
"I know, I know. I'm making breakfast now," Naruto replied, bending his legs and picking her up. He then sat her in the new booster seat he just bought saying: "Now wait here," and kissed her on the forehead making her giggle. Naruto proceeded to make fish with rice and miso soup for breakfast. As Naruto got everyone to the table, he placed the food in front of them as Natsu and Gajeel looked at him questionably, "Eat, it's good for you," Naruto said
"We will just not used to it," Gajeel stated, "We usually eat more meat than this,"
"Yeah, I've never seen so little meat on a plate before," Natsu exclaimed as he started to dig in while Wendy was just eating without question. After they stopped eating, Naruto washed the dishes, "Okay, kids. Since I don't have a baby-sitter, you're coming with me to train my students,"
"Really?" Natsu questioned
"Yeah, now go get dressed. We'll be leaving in a bit,"
"AWESOME! COME ON GAJEEL, WE DON'T WANT TO BE LATE!" Natsu cheered as Gajeel smiled
"I'm coming bro, just wait for a moment," Gajeel shouted, chasing his brother. As the boys got dressed, Naruto got Wendy dressed in a cute blue dress and blue ballet flats. He then tied her hair into two ponytails. As Naruto was finishing dressing her up, Natsu came out wearing a plain red shirt and brown shorts with brown hiking boots while Gajeel wore a black shirt with brown shorts and black boots, "Are we ready?" Naruto asked them, holding Wendy's hand
"Ok, now let's go. We're going to the Forest of Death for training and be careful. I don't want to lose you," Naruto ordered as they walked out the door, making sure they were following him. They walked through the village to training ground 44. Granted, they had a few bumps along the way, like some of the adults throwing rocks. But Naruto just sent them skybound and continued walking. They reached the Forest of Death and saw Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi waiting there, Konohamaru was the first to speak saying: "Hey sensei, aren't those the kids we rescued last week?"
"Yes they are and they are now my responsibility" Naruto answered
"I'm their father now,"
"DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT!" Naruto shouted back, making Konohamaru flinch, "I couldn't leave them at the orphanage because I know what goes on there and I know what it's like to be alone. So I spared them the pain and took some responsibility. Now get to training! Udon, start working on your Suiton jutsus, here are some scrolls," he orders, handing Udon the scrolls to the Water Clone Technique and Water Release: Gunshot. Turning to Moegi, Naruto pulled out Donton scrolls, "Moegi, train your Donton and Suiton, here are the scrolls to the Water Prison Technique and Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall,"
"Hai!" Moegi replied with a salute, taking the scrolls
"Now Konohamaru," Naruto started his sentence, turning to look at him
"Yes?" Konohamaru asked
"Since you already know a B-rank jutsu-"
"What are you talking about?! I don't know any B-Rank!"
"Ash Pile Burning, you used it against that sound-nin,"
"Yes, now since you know it I'm going to give you two more B-rank jutsu called Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet and Wind Blade,"
"B-b-but these are too advanced for me," Konohamaru mumbled, making Naruto scoff and roll his eyes
"If you're able to use Ash Pile Burning you're able to use these unless you think you're too weak to do it, then I'll just-"
"I'LL DO IT SENSEI!" Konohamaru shouted at the top of his lungs. Naruto mentally smiled, knowing how to get Konohamaru to work harder, I'LL PROVE TO YOU THAT I'M NOT WEAK!" Konohamaru continued to scream
"Then prove me wrong," Naruto replied as Konohamaru dashed away. Naruto shook his head as he turned to look at Gajeel and Natsu, "Alright now let's start your training, I want you two to meditate until I say stop,"
"But why?" asked Natsu
"I want you to unlock your chakra,"
"But tou-san," said Gajeel, "we don't have chakra"
"Yeah, mom said we couldn't be ninja," said Natsu as some tears fell from his eyes at remembering his mother
"Well then, hold still," Naruto said as he slammed his hands into their stomachs, and then started spazzing on the ground. After a few minutes, Natsu got up and yelled: "WHAT WAS THAT OLD MAN?!"
"YEAH, YOU TRYING TO KILL US?!" Gajeel shouted
"CALM DOWN BRATS!" Naruto shouted back at the two, "now I want you to start meditating again"
"NO! SO I CAN SEE IF MY THEORY WAS CORRECT, NOW GET TO IT!" and they started meditating again, except this time they felt something, something wild and natural. Once Naruto told them to stop they looked at him because he had a smile on his face
"What are you smiling about old man?" Natsu asked
"My theory is correct, you three really are my kids," Naruto said, rubbing his chin
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I can't use chakra either, I use something else called magic,"
"COOL!" shouted Natsu
"That's what I first said when I learned I could use magic,"
'Hey Naruto, can you all come in here for a moment?' Gildarts asked from Naruto's mind
'Sure, I don't see why not,' Naruto replied, looking at the three children in front of him, "okay, I want you all to hold hands,"
"Why?" asked Gajeel
"Because I said so, now do it," Naruto ordered as they all held hands and appeared in Naruto's mindscape. The mindscape had changed over the years, now it was a huge forest with a two-story house with some normal furniture. Gildarts was laying on the couch, Bluenote was sitting in a recliner reading a book, and Kurami was knitting something for what looked like it could be for Wendy, "You called Oji?" Naruto asked
"Ah Naruto, good you're here, I need to talk with the brats," he said as he got up from the couch
"Why?" he asked
"Because I believe that these-" and took some scrolls out, "-could be of use,"
"What are these?" asked Natsu as he grabbed the one with a flame symbol on the side
"That gaki, is something for you. If my theory is proved correct," Gildarts replied, ruffling Natsu's hair with his good arm, "now go outside you two.". Gajeel and Natsu went out of the building with Gildarts behind them and closed the door, but not before giving Naruto a scroll for Wendy that had a wind symbol on it. They waited for hours in the mindscape, but in the real world, it was just a few minutes. Wendy was trying on a hat that Kurami made along with some cute clothes when Gildarts came in with an exhausted Natsu and exhausted Gajeel in his hands
"Well how did it go?" asked Naruto
"I was correct, they are their reincarnations,"
"What?" asked Bluenote
"Yeah, I'm surprised myself but it explains why they can't use chakra and they take to their respected dragon slaying magic like that 'Toad Sage' does to bathhouses," Gildarts commented
"And you know this how?" asked Kurami making Gildarts shiver
"W-well I sorta, sometimes, g-go peeping-" and before Gildarts could finish his sentence, Kurami clocked him into next week making a huge hole in the wall while at the same time making Wendy laugh at what she witnessed and clapped
"Again! Again! Again!" she chanted making Naruto smile
"Maybe next time sweetie, but now we have to leave,"
"But I don't wanna!" she pouted crossing her arms making a cute face that Naruto just couldn't help but chuckle at
"You can always come back here, but they can come visit you anytime. But we have to leave, I need to make sure that your brothers have the proper training and check on my students, alright?"
"Ok..." Wendy said and they started to disappear. Bluenote and Kurami waved goodbye and they were back in the forest of death again. Natsu was cracking his neck along with Gajeel, and when they realized what happened they jumped for joy at the fact that they can perform magic
"OH YEAH! I'M A FIRE-DRAGON SLAYER! BEAT THAT GAJEEL!" shouted Natsu to his brother
"SHUT IT BOTH OF YOU!" yelled Naruto to the two "NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR FIGHTING, I need to train both of you in the basics of dragon-slaying,"
"And how can you teach us?" asked Natsu
"I can teach you by using the basic principles of the sky-dragon slaying magic, such as increasing your power, while I can also teach you how to counter your elements weaknesses by using the types of magic I learned when I was training,"
"Really?" said Gajeel
"Of course, I wouldn't be where I am today just by using Crush and Gravity Magic would I?" while Bluenote and Kurami just sweatdropped in the seal
"ALRIGHT!" screamed Natsu
"Now I want to know what you two learned from Gildarts in the seal," Naruto ordered. Natsu and Gajeel both demonstrated the dragon-slaying roars and fist attacks, "Alright, Natsu I want you to take these and do 100 push-ups," Naruto said as he handed Natsu some books
"Ahhh! Do I have to read tou-chan?" Natsu questioned
"Yes, now start," Naruto ordered, making Natsu do push-ups and read while doing so, "Gajeel, I want you to take these five-pound weights and put them around your ankles and wrists, in total that's 20lbs so it shouldn't be too difficult and do 400 laps in this space,"
"Ok tou-san," Gajeel replied, not talking back to Naruto
'Man, my son doesn't talk much. Maybe I should enroll them in the academy, have Gajeel make some friends, and Natsu can learn some things,' Naruto thought. It took some time, but Natsu completed his push-ups in an hour and 30 minutes, and Gajeel finished his laps an hour later. They were tired, Natsu more psychologically tired, but tired. Naruto read Wendy some children's books on history, which she asked Naruto to read again and again, and had Wendy run a little bit with Gajeel (About 10 laps). When they were done, Naruto had told them to follow him closely and not to stray far from him. They were walking for a time when they found Udon and Moegi at a small lake practicing there Justus, "Well, have you two mastered the scrolls I gave you?" Naruto asked
"Yes, sensei," Udon said as Moegi threw a kunai at him, shocking the kids. But Udon turned into water and appeared behind him making a tiger seal yelling: "WATER STYLE: GUNSHOT!" and fired a ball of water, aimed at Naruto, who just stuck out his hand and was reduced to cubes
"Nice work, now you Moegi," Naruto said as he threw several shurikens at here and she just said slammed her hand on the ground causing it to rise and block the shuriken. She then appeared next to Udon and used the Water Prison Technique to incase him in a sphere of water. She then canceled the Jutsu, "Well done, now follow me. We have to see if your teammate has finished the jutsus' I've given him" Naruto said, as they nodded. Following behind him, Moegi walked up to her sensei and asked: "Um, sensei?"
"Yes?" Naruto said as he turned to his student
"Where's Wendy?" she asked, making his eyes wide when he heard a scream and a loud roar
"IRON DRAGON'S CLUB!". These things caused Naruto and his two genins to race to where the voices were heard and found Wendy on the ground. Naruto raced over there and asked: "Wendy! What happened?! Are you alright?!" and she hugged him crying with blood on her cheek
"I-I-I was s-scared. A-a-a b-b-ig k-k-kitty almost g-got m-m-m-me!" Wendy cried as Naruto looked over to see Natsu and Gajeel in front of them and further ahead was a large tiger with a broken jaw and singed fur. Naruto would probably assume what's happened, but he wanted to know what they thought, "Natsu, Gajeel!"
"Yeah pops?" Gajeel asked
"What happened?"
"Well, Wendy wanted to play tag and so we started playing after the one with a droopy nose attacked you with water. We played for a little bit when Wendy saw something and walked over to it. When she got closer, a large paw came out and hit Wendy, and out came a big orange cat with black stripes. It roared and jump and Wendy when we hit it back!" Natsu explained as best he could
"*Sigh* at least you weren't killed. Moegi, do you know any healing Jutsu?" Naruto asked
"Just the basics, but I can fix it," Moegi said as she walked over to Wendy and started to heal her cheek. When she was done healing Wendy, Naruto gave Wendy a kiss on the cheek making her cry less, "There... all better," he said to Wendy, "now I'm very disappointed in you young lady, I told you to stay close,"
"B-but I w-wanted to play," she said, still crying
"You could have played closer to me, sweetheart. Now let's go see if Konohamaru is finished. Then after that, we can go get lunch, alright?"
"Ok, tou-chan," Wendy stated as Naruto picked her up to set her on his shoulders. They walked to where Konohamaru was training, with Udon and Moegi behind them, they then approached a large clearing with lost of burning wood and cut trees, "What's Konohamaru been practicing with?" Moegi questioned
"The jutsus I gave him," Naruto said
"Which are?"
"Flame Dragon Flame Bullet and Wind Blade," Naruto deadpanned
"WHAT! BUT THOSE ARE B-RANK!" Udon and Moegi screamed
"If he was able to use Ash Pile Burning, he's able to use the Jutsu I gave him," he said as they heard a large 'BOOM' and looked in the direction of the sound to see a large tree fall over and a tried Konohamaru smiling
"I... told you... I would... prove... you wrong," Konohamaru managed to say before he collapsed
"Udon, Moegi, grab him and let's go get something to eat"
"Hai," they said in unison and they all left the Forest of Death.
[Hope you all liked the chapter]
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