Chapter 6 (Grammer Fixed)
2 Days Later:
Team Fairy Tail entered the office of the Hokage. They all stood in front of him, Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi were nervous as Naruto was calm as calm could be, "Mission is a success, Hokage-sama," Naruto said as he handed Minato the scroll
"Well done Team Fairy Tail, you're dismissed... except for your sensei," and Udon, Moegi, and Konohamaru left the office with Naruto and Minato looking at each other. They continued this for a few seconds when Naruto asked: "Well, what do you want?"
"I would like you to join us for dinner tonight," Minato asked
"I must decline, I have some things to take care of," Naruto said calmly
"I see... Then does tomorrow sound good?" and Naruto thought about it for some time and said
"*Sigh* Fine, Hokage-sama, I accept," said Naruto as Minato mentally celebrated, "but... I want to bring some people over,"
"Alright, see you tomorrow night," Minato muttered, but Naruto was already out the door. Naruto walked to his apartment and noticed that his door was unlocked, he didn't really seem too bothered by it and said: "I'm back" as he walked through the door to his apartment and, two of the three children he rescued that day, ran to him, but what surprised him was an old man trailing behind the two with Wendy in his right arm. He was a frail-looking old man with short black shaggy hair and bandages over his right eye, an x-shaped scar on his chin. He also wore a white shirt and a dark grey robe covering his feet and just over his right shoulder with a purple sash on his waist.
He walked behind Natsu and Gajeel with a cane in the other hand and looked at Naruto, "Welcome back, Naruto-kun," he said, making Naruto smile
"Jiji, what are you doing here?" Naruto asked him
"Well, I was out on a trip when I heard that you have returned. I wanted to see if it was true for myself," Danzo explained as he walked to the couch and set Wendy on his lap, "and just to my surprise I find these three here instead of you,"
"Well I couldn't leave them where I found them," Naruto replied as Danzo sighed
"And where is this you couldn't leave them?" the old shinobi asked
"It was a town that was attacked by the sound," he said as Natsu and Gajeel looked down with sorrow
"Oh Naruto," Danzo said as he took a few minutes to think, "what are you going to do with them?"
"Well, I suppose I'll take care of them. It was their father's last wish," and the children looked at him with surprise
"R-really?" Natsu asked
"Of course brat." Naruto stated as he walked to Natsu and Gajeel and messed up their hair saying, "Welcome to the family," and the boys hugged him and Naruto picked them up and sat them down next to his spot on the couch
"Well so far I have to say you're doing a good job, they aren't dead yet," Danzo said as Naruto chuckled and Wendy giggled
"Well, enough about me, how have things been? You know, your ROOT operations? Torturing people and getting rid of their emotions?" Naruto questioned with a smirk
"What is this an interrogation? We both know I teach people how to hide their emotions, not get rid of them, even though I use very inhuman methods. It's for the best," Danzo answered
"I know, I know, It's just I can't get over the amount of time I've been saved by those guys while the ANBU just sat there and laughed all those times," Naruto said as he grabbed his prosthetic arm
"Naruto, I'm sorry I couldn't have prevented that day from happening. I just want you to know that," he said in a very sincere voice
"I know Jiji, I know. But if it hadn't happened I wouldn't have met Kaa-chan, Tou-chan, and Oji-san" he replied with a small smile and the old man just chuckled
"You know," he started "I would like to meet these people. I would like to thank them for taking care of you,"
"I can make it happen,"
"Really, how?" asked the old man as Naruto started making hand signs and slammed the ground causing a big cloud of smoke to appear. After the smoke cleared, there stood Bluenote, Gildarts, and Kurami in her human form. Gildarts was the first to speak saying: "Hello there! Names Gildarts Clive. I'm Naruto's uncle," as he stooks out his hand with a smile and the old man set Wendy on the couch,
"My name's Danzo Shimura, I'm Naruto's grandfather, in a figurative sense anyways," Danzo said, shaking Gildarts' hand, then looked at Bluenote, "and you must be Naruto's father?"
"Bluenote Stinger" Bluenote simply replied
"Kurami Kyuubi, nice to meet you," Kurami stated, shaking Danzo's hand
"You have a unique name there Kurami," Danzo said and looked at them all, "but may you please tell me how you all met Naruto?"
"Well, I guess you can say I've been there since I was sealed into him," said Kurami as she rubbed the back of her head nervously
"W-WHAT?" yelled a shocked Danzo "ARE YOU SAYING THAT YOU'RE THE 'KYUUBI'?!"
"Yes, I am the Kyuubi. But let me explain," she said as she explained what happened that night along with Bluenote and Gildarts
"I should have known," said an upset Danzo "My men should have looked more into what happened that night,"
"Well it's not your fault, you couldn't have prevented it," Gildarts assured
"I know... it just makes my blood boil knowing that someone got through Konoha's defenses" he replied as there was a knock on the door. Natsu got down from the couch saying, "I got it!" and rushed to the door. When Natsu opened it though he saw a tall man with long black slick hair going a little past his shoulders, a black polo shirt and pants, shinobi sandals going up to his calves, and tomoe earrings.
Natsu looked up at the man who had pale skin and golden slitted eyes that looked back at him and said: "You smell like snake mister,"
"Well it helps when you're the Snake Sage," he replied, "now can you tell me if you have heard of the person Naruto, little one?"
"HEY! IT'S FOR YOU" yelled Natsu as Naruto walked to the door to see Orochimaru standing there
"Orochi-Oji?" Naruto asked
"Hello Naruto, It's been a while hasn't it?" Orochimaru said, smirking
"More like years, would you like to come in?"
"I would love to," he replied as he walked into the apartment. Orochimaru looked around and looked at Danzo, "Ah Danzo, It's good to see that you're back,"
"And I to see you, Orochimaru," he said and Orochimaru looked at Gildarts, Bluenote, and Kurami
"And who might you three be?"
"I'm Gildarts,"
"Well nice to meet you three, but if I may inquire, what is your connection to Naruto?" Orochimaru asked
"I'm his badass uncle" stated Gildarts proudly
"I'm his father," Bluenote stated
"I'm his mother," Kurami waved
"Well at least I know that Naruto was protected during his time away from this hell hole of idiots," Orochimaru seethed, looking out the window
"Well now that everybody has met each other, I think the kids are getting hungry," Naruto said. as he heard Natsu's stomach growl
"I think that would be best Naruto," said Gildarts as he picked up Wendy who was reaching out for him to pick her up
"But where do we want to go?" asked Kurami
"Well, there is a BBQ place called Yakiniku Q. There are some good reviews about the place and I heard the food's good too" said Danzo
"Well let's go, but first I need to make a quick stop at the store for Wendy. You all can go on without me" said Naruto
"Are you sure Naruto?" asked Orochimaru
"I'm sure, now get going. Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy are getting hungry," said Naruto as they all walked out of the apartment, Naruto going to the store while everybody else going to dinner.
With the Namikaze Family:
"Well, at least he's coming to dinner tomorrow," sighed Minato as he sat down with his family as Yakiniku Q looking at the menu
"You couldn't have tried better to convince him Minato," said a slightly angry Kushina as she too looked at the menu
"You try to talk to him then!" he retorted
"Well I try, but he disappears whenever I get near him," she said back. In the background, Mito and Natsuki had their menus up and said to each other
"We can't go anywhere without Kaa-chan and Tou-chan arguing, can we?" Mito whispered to her sister
"I'm afraid so," Natsuki replied, "but they have a good reason for it,"
"Yeah I guess you're right," Mito said to her twin, "so what are you going to get?"
"I don't know," said Natsuki as a large group of people entered the establishment.
"A table for 9 please," said Danzo as the waiter sat them next to the Hokage and his family. Minato, taking a quick glance from his menu, looked at the nine and saw three kids, Orochimaru, Danzo, a woman with red hair, a man with red hair, and a man with a very familiar ponytail. When he saw the ponytail he walked over to the man and looked at him, "May I help you?" Bluenote questioned
"Yes, you may. Where's my son?" Minato asked
"'Your son'? Please, you gave up that right years ago,"
"He's still my son, now where is he?" Minato demanded as he got angrier by the second
"I refuse," Bluenote stated as he got up from his seat and stared directly into Minato's eyes
"I want to know where he is," Minato said, grinding his teeth
"Tou-chan, what does this man have to do with Onee-chan?" asked Mito
"Look at his hair and tell me that it doesn't look familiar. It's in the same exact style as Naruto's. Don't tell me he doesn't look exactly like him. Just look at the clothes, too!" Minato explained as Mito's eyes widened at the sight of the ponytail on his head
"You're right, where it Onee-san?" asked Natsuki
"Why would I tell you where my son is when you already have two children you need to baby," Bluenote said as he started to raise his magical energy causing the establishment to shake
"Alright, alright! I'll back off. But once we're out of here I want to know where he is" and just as Minato said this, Naruto came rushing into the restaurant saying
"What's going on? I felt Tou-sans energy flare, are you all okay?" he asked as he looked at Bluenote and Minato looking at each other, "oh, it's just you". Minato looked at Naruto and said
"Is this what you had planned for tonight?"
"Well I was just going to celebrate for Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy joining my Family. But then Jiji came over along with Orochi-Oji and we talked for a little bit, so since I didn't want to cook for 9 people, we decided to go out," Naruto explained
"And who are Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy?" asked Kushina
"They are the ones with pink, black, and blue hair," he said, "and they are under my protection."
"When did you adopt?" asked Natsuki and Gildarts, Orochimaru, Kurami, and Danzo giggled
"Four days ago," said Naruto plainly as Natsu and Gajeel looked at Naruto with a questionable look
"Does these mean you're our dad now?" asked Gajeel
"I guess so," said Naruto, "but... there is a problem with that?"
"And what would that be Sochi?" Kurami asked her son as Kushina looked at her with malice
"I'm too young to be a dad. What would people say if they saw a three-year-old call a 14-year-old 'daddy'? They may see me as a pedophile or I lost my virginity at 11." Naruto explained
"Well at least I have grandkids to spoil," said Kurami as she already gave Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy some candy
"MOM YOU CAN'T DO THAT! They haven't even eaten dinner yet!" Naruto shouted, watching Kurami give them full-sized candy bars
"I know, why do you think I'm doing it?" as she just smiled at him
"Hey what about us?" asked Minato and Kushina who just got glares from the group, except for Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy as they had no idea what was going on between their newly appointed father and the guy that looked like an older version of there father
"You are questionable. If I asked you to take care of the three, one of them would be left behind" Naruto said, "now let's eat I'm starving,"
"But we're not done here Sochi!" said Kushina as Kurami raised her power and started to have some of her features look more fox-like. The family of four and Orochimaru looked at here with fear as they saw tails appear behind Kurami along with fox ears on the top of her head. It was at this moment Minato muttered: "K-K-Kyuubi" as his eyes widened
"Yes, that is me Namikaze. Now leave my Sochi alone go be with 'your' family" as she emphasizes on 'your' with a spike of killing intent
"Y-yes mam'" he said as he slowly walked away from her and sat back down in his seat
"But how is this possible? You were sealed into Mito and Natsuki" said Kushina
"That's where you're wrong. The old monkey sealed my chakra into the two brats while he sealed my soul into Naruto-Kun. But I can regain my chakra just like anybody else and now Naruto is the true Jinchuriki of myself" she said as Naruto was shocked about what he learned
"Yes Sochi, you're the real Jinchuriki. Not those two, they're just related to you by blood, now where's the waiter? They still haven't shown up, yet!"Kurami said as she tried to calm everything down. After that everything else was normal. They chat, ate, laughed, and left. Danzo had to attend a meeting in the morning, Orochimaru had to go collect herbs for his elixirs and poisons, and Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy were fast asleep.
"Well, see you tomorrow night Onii-chan," said Mito with a hopeful tone
"Sure," Naruto replied as he carried Wendy in his arms while Gildarts carried Natsu and Bluenote held Gajeel. When they got back, they set the kids down in Naruto's bed and Naruto fell asleep on the couch.
"Man what a night, I thought I would never have that much fun again in years," said Gildarts as he popped his neck
"Let's just get some sleep, they're already out cold," said Kurami as she walked over to Naruto and kissed him on the forehead, "goodnight Sochi," she whispered and they all poofed into smoke and back into the seal.
[Hope you enjoyed it!]
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