Chapter 5

3 Months Later:

 Naruto was walking around the village without a care in the world. After beating the strongest Shinobi in the village, the villagers all feared him and stayed away from him. But there was one person that bugged him to no end, "HEY YOU!" yelled a voice, Naruto turned around and saw Sasuke march toward him, "I demand that you teach me everything that you know!"

"Alright," said Naruto, "first lesson standstill," and Sasuke did as instructed saying

"Good, you know your place. You should be honored to teach me," Sasuke said with pride in his voice

"Now turn around," Sasuke continued to do as Naruto said. Naruto then cocked his leg back saying, "First lesson, Skydiving,"

"Wa?" was all the emo said before Naruto launched him across the village. He then continued walking to the Hokage Tower as nothing happened

'HAHA! That was great! You have to do it again!' said Gildarts as he enjoyed it whenever Naruto injured the arrogant asshole

'We both know it will happen again and it will end the same way every time. Now let's go get a job, I'm bored and I want to fight' he thought back to Gildarts as he was entering the tower. It's been a week since Minato was out of the hospital and he was still surprised to find Naruto in the village after he beat them. Naruto walked into the office and saw Minato doing paperwork.

"I want a job," he said as he stood there with his arms crossed, Minato looked at him with some fear and said:

"I have another idea,"

"What is it?"

"How about you become a teacher, you already qualify for the job," Minato suggested

"I've been here for 3 months and you want me to teach some kids? You and I both know that my teaching methods would kill them. Have you seen that thing you call an 'Uchiha'? I'm glad I meet Itachi before him, at least I know that not all of them are arrogant," Naruto said as he leaned back in his chair

"Y-you've met Itachi?" Minato asked

"Yes, gave me a run for my money, but Itachi called off the fight saying it was a 'tie'," Naruto replied, making Minato gulp

"I-I see... b-but back to the original topic! Listen, I know it's n-not really much, but at least it won't leave you bored. Teaching is technically the last step before becoming a master," Minato replied, sweating bullets. Naruto thought about it for a moment as he took a deep breath and said: "Alright I'll give it a shot... when do I begin?"

"You can start tomorrow!" Minato shouted, handing Naruto the papers, "your students are Konohamaru Sarutobi, Udon Ise, and Moegi Kazamatsuri!" Minato then showed Naruto pictures of the trio. Naruto shook his head as he left, looking over the students' profiles. You see after Naruto beat Minato into the ground, Minato instantly gave Naruto the rank on Jonin and gave him his own house to live in. It was a nice size house and whenever people broke into his house, their corpse would be found outside the village whenever they heard a giant bang. It was then that people stopped trying to rob him, yet there were a select few who still tried.

The Next Day:

Naruto went to the academy and asked to be directed to the classroom that was being taught by someone named Iruka. When he entered the class, there was also some Jonin there as well. He looked around and saw the three that he was supposed to teach, "Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi. You three are to meet me at the Forest of Death. Now get going!" he ordered as he walked out of the room and using pure speed to get to the entrance of the Forest of Death. It was about 10 minutes after he got there when the trio got there.

"So, these are the brats I'll be teaching. What have I signed up for?" Naruto said, making them frown in response

"HEY! I'm the grandson of the Third Hokage, you should respect me!" Konohamaru shouted

"And I have a Sarutobi version of the emo, great," Naruto whispered as he got a giggle from the other two

"Well, my name is Naruto Kyuubi Stinger or 'BlueAce' as stated in the Bingo Book. My hobbies are my own and I already achieved my dream. I have many dislikes such as arrogance and few likes, Next,"

"My name is Konohamaru Sarutobi. My dream is to be stronger than my grandfather, beat the Hokage, and take his place!" Konohamaru stated

"My name is Udon Ise. My dream is to be a strong Jonin. I like hanging out with Konohamaru and Moegi. And I don't like much," Udon said

"And my name is Moegi Kazamatsuri. I want to become a strong kunoichi, like Tsunade-sama! I like hanging out with my friends, and I dislike very few things,"

"Alright, for you all to become actual ninja-"

"But I thought we were?" Moegi interrupted

"Technically yes, but not until you pass my test," Naruto explained

"Which is?" asked Udon

"Surviving for 24 hours in this forest," Naruto deadpanned

"WHAT!" they all yelled out

"Yes, now your 24 hours begins. Have fun." Naruto said, waving good-bye and disappearing into the brush to watch them from a distance.

24 Hours Later:

It's been 24 hours since those three were left in the forest under Naruto's watch. They actually surprised him because Konohamaru showed leadership skills, Udon was very knowledgeable and Moegi wasn't a fangirl. He showed up after the deadline and got chewed out by the three of them. He said that they passed and said that they will be starting missions tomorrow, not the chores the actual missions making them jump for joy. Now here was telling Minato what happened

"So let me get this straight. You left three genins that just got out of the academy in the Forest of Death, just as a test?"


"What were you thinking?!?!" Minato shouted at the top of his lungs

"To make sure that they relied on each other. It was a test to see that if they could work together or die alone."

"You could have at least used the bell test!"

"So they could learn more flower pressing in that so-called 'academy' this village has fallen so low since the Third was in office. I also expect to see a C-Rank mission waiting for me when I come with my genin in tomorrow" Naruto said as he left Minato to his own thoughts.

2 Weeks Later:

"Team Fairy Tail," said Minato as he handed Naruto the mission. Udon, Moegi, and Konohamaru were looking at each other when Naruto said: "Yes, our team name is Fairy Tail. Now let's get going, I want to complete this mission in less than 2 weeks," as he turned to the trio, "Meet me at the gate in 2 hours after you have said your goodbyes and packed your things." he then finished as they left the office. He then turned to Minato as he said: "Are you sure they can handle it?"

"Are you questioning my methods of teaching, Hokage?" Naruto asked

"N-no, of course not," Minato replied as he held up his one good hand in a defensive position "I'm just worried that they'll get hurt,"

"They won't, I'll make sure of it," said Naruto as he left the office, leaving Minato alone

"Kami," Minato said, sitting down in his chair, "where did I mess up, and how will I make Naruto come back to us?"

2 Hours Later:

Naruto was reading one of his books when he looked up from his book to see that his students had everything they needed, "Are we ready?" he asked and he got the reply of three 'yeps' from them "Ok then, let's get going." as he put away his book and started walking with them following closely behind. After an hour Moegi asked: "Sensei?"

"Yes" Naruto replied

"What's our mission?"

"Our mission is to exterminate some bandits and the sound-nin that's running the group,"

"WHAT?! But we're only genin, we can't take on a full-fledged shinobi?!" Moegi shouted

"If I didn't think you couldn't handle this, we'd still be training in the Forest of Death. Now tell me, what are you? A coward or a shinobi?"

"S-Shinobi," she said

"Exactly, you three will deal with the bandits while I deal with the ninja. Now let's speed up and get there faster, I'm getting bored" he said as he increased speed and started putting a strain on them.

2 Days Later:

few days to get to where the bandits were last seen, but they got there. Once they reached the village they saw what the bandits were capable of, "Kami," Udon whispered as he looked at what was left of the small town, everything was burned to the ground and all was ashes, some of the ashes were still emitting some heat

"What happened here?" Konohamaru asked, looking at the destruction around him

"What do you think? Look around and search for survivors," Naruto ordered as they split-up around the town. As Naruto was rummaging through some rubble, he heard some moaning and some rubble moving. He quickly moved to where the sound was coming from and lifted up the crumbled house to find a woman and a man, and under them where three small children. There were two boys and one girl, the boys looked to be around 6, but the little girl looked about three years of age. 

(Best Picture I Could Find)

They all looked up and saw Naruto standing there atop of them, he then called his team to help them when the man said with a raspy voice, "please... take... care... of them," he said as he fell to the ground dead,

"Natsu, Gajeel," said the woman with a raspy voice as well "please... take care... of your sister... and always... remember..." she said with tears in her eyes, "we love you." and she fell to the ground next to the man

"Dad?" asked the pink-haired boy as he shook him "Dad, please wake up" and tears started to fall from his eyes "Dad, Dad, DAD WAKE UP! DAD, PLEASE WAKE UP!" and the one with black hair was doing the same thing to the woman

"Mom this isn't funny. Wake up, please wake up. MOM! MOM! MOM WAKE UP!" the boy cried. They wept and wept as Naruto let them cry. After a few moments of mourning, Naruto looked at them with soft eyes and spoke in a low voice, "Come with us," and held out his hand

"W-w-why s-should we?" asked the one with pink hair

"Because we can take you away from this," said Naruto reverencing the burned-down town, "now come on, your father said for me to take care of you three"

"How do we know you're not lying" asked the one with black hair

"Because those were his last words. How about we introduce ourselves? My name is Naruto Kyubi Stinger, the one with goggles is Konohamaru Sarutobi, the girl is Moegi Kazamatsuri, and the final one is Udon Ise." said Naruto as he pointed to everyone

"My name is Natsu Dragneel, this is my brother Gajeel Redfox, and she is our little sister Wendy Marvell," said Natsu as he pointed to the girl with blue hair

"Why different last names?" asked Udon

"I don't know," said Natsu "Maybe because our father's last name was Dragneel Redfox, and mom's last name was Marvell?"

"Well you three, let's get going." Naruto said as he picked the three up with Wendy in his left arm, Natsu on his shoulders, and Gajeel in his right arm "We have to go back to the village. You understand?" as he looked at the trio of genin

"Sensei, with all due respect I must ask if we complete this mission on our own," said Konohamaru as he bowed to Naruto

"And why would I let three genins complete this mission on their own?" he asked

"Because," he said, "while you are making sure that they are safe, we can eliminate the bandits and try to stall so you can get back here fast enough to finish off the sound-nin" he explained as Naruto looked at the three children he was holding. It was about 5 minutes when he sighed and said: "Alright, but only kill the bandits and try not to engage the nin while I'm gone. Now get going and hang on you three," and he disappeared leaving a huge dust cloud where he was standing. It was a few minutes when Moegi hit Konohamaru over the head with a uncousesouly chakra infused punch over the head yelling: "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" and he got off the ground with a huge bump on his head


"WELL YOU WEREN'T THINKING AT ALL!" she yelled back as she pinched the bridge of her nose, "Now let's get this over with," as she walked in the direction of where the group was last seen.

Two Days Later:

Konohamaru was dodging some poorly thrown kunai from some bandits and threw some of his back hitting them in the head. This had been going on for a while now, they just found the group this morning and set-up some traps for them and ended up taking about half there forces. They then took about 5 each and they were doing good for themselves. It was when Konohamaru just finished up his group when he was kicked in the side of the head and found himself in a tree. "'Tch', stupid brats. And from Konoha no less," said a man's voice, he looked up to see a man with long brown hair going past his shoulders and was wearing a normal Jonin outfit. The only difference was that he was a forehead protector with a sound symbol on it. He walked over to Konohamaru and put a kunai to his throat, "Now hold still," and he stabbed him in the throat. He smirked until Konohamaru was replaced with a log, "Ah, so the little brat does have some skill after all, do you mind telling me your name before I kill you?" he said as he turned around

"Konohamaru Sarutobi,"

"Kensai Mogiami, monkey boy," he replied as he charged at him with kunai in hand. Making a quick dash to his left, Konohamaru sent kunai at Kensai who blocked them easily and made hand signs shouting "Katon: Shuriken No Jutsu!" throwing fire covered shuriken at the genin. Konohamaru was surprised at this and just barely moved out of the way, but got scorched on the side of his chest after getting cut. Holding his side, Konohamaru shouted: "Katon: Haisekishō!" and spewed ash from his mouth over a large area. He then ran to the others as they were still fighting, Moegi was still fighting some bandits and a female sound-nin in the same suit as Sensai along with Udon. 

"GUYS RUN, WE CAN'T TAKE THEM!" Konohamaru shouted as they all dropped smoke bombs and ran. They ran for a time until they were cornered by the remaining bandits and three sound-nin. Kensai had some burning hair on top of his head and when he noticed this, licked his thumb and index finger and pinched the burning piece of hair ,"Not bad brats, you managed to get away from us. But I'm afraid that it's all been for nothing." he said as he signed his teammates and they started making hand-signs. The two female sound-nin shouted "Fuuton: Daitoppa" while Kensai shouted: "Katon: Housenka no Jutsu!". They all stood there with fear in their eyes when the giant mass of fire was split into multiple cubes and someone was standing there in front of team Fairy Tail. "Tell me, are you the ones who burned down a village three or four days ago?" he asked as they trio recognized and shouted


"So, your these brats sensei, eh? Well it won't matter, now DIE!" one of the female sound-nin said as Naruto just put up his hand and said:

"Fall!" and she went into the ground, never to be seen again, "Answer the question!" Naruto demanded

"Y-yes w-we did-d," said Kensai and Naruto walked up to him

"Then you will fall," he said as Naruto punched him into the atmosphere and turned to the last sound-nin there, "what's your name?"

"Y-Yushi," she said

"What is the name of the Kage of Oto?"

"L-Lord Juki Habriama!"

"Take this message to your 'lord'. Tell him that should he continues this path of carnage, the BlueAce will make sure that his village will fall. Now go!" he said as he flashed his magical energy causing her to jump and run in the direction of her village. He turned to his genin and said: "Are you all ok?"

"Of course sensei, why wouldn't we be?" said Konohamaru and Naruto raised an eyebrow

"Alright then let's go home,"

"But sensei, what about those kids we rescued a few days ago?" asked Moegi, turning around, Naruto said

"They'll be fine. They are staying at my house for the time being. Now let's get home, I don't want to keep them waiting" and they all followed behind him.

[Hope you enjoyed the Rebooted Chapter!]

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